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I justed finished a spawn, I've noticed everytime i logged out to retrieve a pet it shoots me to a shrine! every single time! you guys know how annoying this is? i didnt even die! i justed loged out then in! please fix it please! thanks.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it's a feature not a bug ... it was added in pub 59 to combat ghostcams/stealthcams


"Players that log out in a champ spawn region will get teleported to a shrine"

oops ...

"This will only affect players who log out beyond the 10 minute grace period; accidental disconnections will not be punished"

more sleep less boarding

Heart Breaker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not suppose to happen like that. You're suppose to get like a 10 minute timer before you're booted to a shrine. If you're dead, I think your corpse has to be gone, and if you log out there for good, you'll be teleported to a shrine when you log back in. It's not suppose to teleport you if you have a con loss, or log out for a minute. :(


It's not suppose to happen like that. You're suppose to get like a 10 minute timer before you're booted to a shrine. If you're dead, I think your corpse has to be gone, and if you log out there for good, you'll be teleported to a shrine when you log back in. It's not suppose to teleport you if you have a con loss, or log out for a minute. :(
That's what i thought, i knew it would boot me if i died and loged out for more than 10 mins, but not just to retrieve my pet for that one second? MY poor pet will have to be retrained like everytime after i do a champ?:cursing:


you could always not send your pet into a zerg to die.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Maybe you'll just have to have your pet follow you into the spawn instead.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
From my understanding, it is only meant to kick you to the shrine after you have been logged out for 10mins? Losing con or logging out then back in straight away should not kick you out.

However, I don't think players should be able to use the 'auto stable' feature to instantly retrieve their pets via logging out/in. Pet balls should be the only way to do this. When a player logs out with a pet, it should go to the stable like it does currently, but only after 5-10mins (to prevent unintentional log outs effecting this and to stop players logging out to save their pets from death). When the player logs back in, they should be required to retrieve their pet from the stables or use a pet ball.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well if its kicking you to a shrine if you try to log out/in again thats bad news.
Not done any champs for a while but I remember doing them and sometimes not getting looting rights for some reason (bug?). What you did then was just that, log out/in quickly and magically your looting rights were restored.

If that still applies bang go your looting rights.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is what they said:

  • Players can no longer log out without repercussions in Champ Spawn regions
  • Players that log out in a champ spawn region will get teleported to a shrine
So, you can't log out at a champ spawn to retrieve your pet anymore. Best advice I can give you is to get a pet ball.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My issue with the change is I died at the Tokuno champ spawn was searching for a friend to heal me and maybe 5-10 secs as i was walking to her and POOF sent to compassion shrine in the Brit desert.

Not cool.


This is what they said:

  • Players can no longer log out without repercussions in Champ Spawn regions
  • Players that log out in a champ spawn region will get teleported to a shrine
So, you can't log out at a champ spawn to retrieve your pet anymore. Best advice I can give you is to get a pet ball.
I can and do all the time, There is a Grace period if you read on. If you LOG in the spawn, as in time out...all cursed non equiped items will fall to the ground and you will be teleported to a shrine.

Losing connection is the grace period they allow. 5-10mins.

Please dont just quote what suits your "point" its misleading:

Champ Spawns and Ghost Cam Fixes

Altar will no longer remain stuck when boss despawns or disappears instead of being killed
Players can no longer log out without repercussions in Champ Spawn regions
Players that log out in a champ spawn region will get teleported to a shrine
If a player logs out in a champ spawn area all the non equipped “cursed” items on them will drop to the ground
This will only affect players who log out beyond the 10 minute grace period; accidental disconnections will not be punished
Ghosts without corpses cannot enter Champ Spawn regions or log in to them
Ghosts without corpses will be automatically exorcised periodically


My issue with the change is I died at the Tokuno champ spawn was searching for a friend to heal me and maybe 5-10 secs as i was walking to her and POOF sent to compassion shrine in the Brit desert.

Not cool.
They seem to have fixed the fel side, unless you hit one of those random exorcism timers. Which would really suck.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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The grace period isn't working for me or my ppl, either. Sucks to lose connection and have to run all the way from Ilsh Valor/Humility moongate to the alter.


The grace period isn't working for me or my ppl, either. Sucks to lose connection and have to run all the way from Ilsh Valor/Humility moongate to the alter.
Hmmm, im not certain but this may be a trammel side issue.

Im 100% certain i lose connection maybe 20-30time a day in fel spawns, havent been booted once since the last "fix":

This next publish will happen at your local shard's next maintenance cycle. The changes are:

Fixed an issue with Ghosts being teleported out of the Champ Spawn area while a corpse was visible.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Ah, could be.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Logging to retrieve pets is not a design

"I've noticed everytime i logged out to retrieve a pet it shoots me to a shrine!"

This is not a feature, this is an exploitation of game mechanics, learn to keep your pet close and alive.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can and do all the time, There is a Grace period if you read on. If you LOG in the spawn, as in time out...all cursed non equiped items will fall to the ground and you will be teleported to a shrine.

Losing connection is the grace period they allow. 5-10mins.

Please dont just quote what suits your "point" its misleading:


Don't accuse me of that. I believe you are misinterpreting the information. The part about logging out at the spawn is the part we are talking about, and that will kick you to a shrine.

The OP was not talking about the cursed items or their ghost being sent to a shrine and was not talking about cursed items. Those things are supposed to be on a timer, but from my experience, it's not working correctly all the time.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
pooor tamers heheheeee

ah well when they fix it, getting pet should still boot tamers imo :p



Don't accuse me of that. I believe you are misinterpreting the information. The part about logging out at the spawn is the part we are talking about, and that will kick you to a shrine.

The OP was not talking about the cursed items or their ghost being sent to a shrine and was not talking about cursed items. Those things are supposed to be on a timer, but from my experience, it's not working correctly all the time.
There is no misinterpretation and im starting to believe you just cant read!

The bolded part is important, read that again...in fact ill put it in this post as well for you

This will only affect players who log out beyond the 10 minute grace period; accidental disconnections will not be punished
Now, explain to me how the server would distinguish between an accidental disconnection and an intentional re-log???

It cant, this was stated as a bug LONG ago, it was meant to be fixed and in fel it is.


I justed finished a spawn, I've noticed everytime i logged out to retrieve a pet it shoots me to a shrine! every single time! you guys know how annoying this is? i didnt even die! i justed loged out then in! please fix it please! thanks.
Honestly did you expect it all to be a bed of roses at this point of time?

The worse is yet to come :D




Don't accuse me of that. I believe you are misinterpreting the information. The part about logging out at the spawn is the part we are talking about, and that will kick you to a shrine.

The OP was not talking about the cursed items or their ghost being sent to a shrine and was not talking about cursed items. Those things are supposed to be on a timer, but from my experience, it's not working correctly all the time.
It's supposed to only kick you to the shrine after the 10 min grace period as well. There was a bug a bit ago that they fixed shortly after instating the new "Kick to shrine" rule where it would send you to a shrine when you d/c'd, logged out etc and then came back in imediatly back in anyways. So yes, being sent to the shrine prior to the 10 min mark is a bug.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I think the only way to have this settled Rich is to have DEV clarify the point.

I can read quite well actually. I would appreciate it if you weren't making personal attacks. I'm just trying to help the OP.

There is a misinterpretation here of the feature on one of our parts. If it's my part fine, if it's your part, then that's fine too, but someone is incorrect, and we need a clarification.

I read that entire thing to mean that if you log out at a champ spawn, there will be repercussions, and that the timer only applied to dead.


I apologise for attacking personally.

I will find the post by the devs the last time this issue was highlighted. This is how i know its a bug and the 10minute grace period is meant to be on all of it.

Eyes of Origin

Its still broken in some cases. It happens at random in Fel on Origin and I'm guessing on other shards as well? Sometimes you die and it teleports you right away, sometimes you die and it doesnt teleport you at all. We've had ghosts sit and watch us do the last part of a spawn and not ever get teleported out. I made a bug report about this as soon as the publish hit Origin and before it went live everywhere else, but its taking forever to get fixed. My guess is they are waiting till after SA comes out to fix it.

Stop grieving the tamers. Sometimes theres a need to log out your pet. I dont mean to save it from spawn or from raiders. Greaters have a habit of getting stuck on things and the only way to retrieve them is to log out and back in.
I was doing a baracoon and told my dragon to guard me, stupid thing teleported across the water around the island and got stuck in the water. No matter how many times I told it to follow it wouldnt come, so I had to log it out and back in to get it unstuck. Log back in and I'm instantly teleported to a shrine.
Unfortunately, the game cant distinguish between a player logging their pet out to save it or retrieve it so they cant make it to where it only kicks the players who are saving their pets, but they need to fix it as a whole and kick anyone who logs out no matter how brief a time it might be or fix the 10 minute timer.

*edit* I remember when I first posted about this bug on UHall. There was a big debate because people read the 10min rule differently then others, but I do believe they clarified it and the only time you are suppose to be penalized is if you are logged out in the champ spawn region for more than 10mins.

Kensai Tsunami

Eyes of Origin makes a very valid point about pets getting stuck. It could easily be solved with a 'fix' for pets not teleporting like they are SUPPOSED to. This is something which has been broken since they 'fixed' the vanguards and other spawn from teleporting under the ground in the past event. Since they did that, no monsters or pets EVER teleport now. Isnt it about time this little issue is resolved DEVS? If nothing else, at least fix our pet's ability to teleport when they get stuck in stupid places?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was doing a baracoon and told my dragon to guard me, stupid thing teleported across the water around the island and got stuck in the water. No matter how many times I told it to follow it wouldnt come, so I had to log it out and back in to get it unstuck.
Little ot but ....
all/name come
should solve that problem. (At least/esspecially with magic using pets that can use teleport to reach you.)


Little ot but ....
all/name come
should solve that problem. (At least/esspecially with magic using pets that can use teleport to reach you.)
This is something which has been broken since they 'fixed' the vanguards and other spawn from teleporting under the ground in the past event
Please read the whole thread.

Eyes of Origin

Unfortunately, nothing I did to call my pet to me worked.. I tried "All follow" and clicked myself, tried "all follow me" and "All come". I think its more of a problem with the dragons themselves. A few of my guildmates have custom houses at Yew in Fel and the dragons for some unknown reason gets stuck in those also. You can tell it to follow you in every way you can think of the the thing just sits there flapping its wings trying to follow you. You either have to log it out and in or use a pet ball to get it unstuck.

For pets getting stuck in champ spawns, they could just fix the pet balls to where you can use them in a champ spawn region. This would give us another option to logging them out and back in.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Petballs also work, tho I am pretty sure in a champ area they only work in the later (last 2) levels.

Eyes of Origin

Yes, but seriously, who wants to run to the 2nd or 3rd level of a dungeon or all the way out of T2A to get a pet whos stuck? Or do you mean the last 2 levels of the spawn? Kind of unclear as to what you mean. (Actually, I dont know how far you would have to go in T2A to get it unstuck, but I'm guessing it would be a lil ways out of the way.)

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Eyes, you might try messing around with some of the T2A spawns on Retribution. I started working one the other day while I was looking around and of course my pet got stuck in a huge mob and because pets can no longer teleport, I had to run off to the side and log out to get it unstuck from the ledge it was on. I didn't get booted off to a shrine. However, it could have been that I was outside the champ area. I'm not sure.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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pooor tamers heheheeee

ah well when they fix it, getting pet should still boot tamers imo :p
Last night, I was running Ilsh Valor champ with my necro/mage. Lost connection the instant the para succubi spawned (yay). When I reloged, I was at a shrine. Had to run all the way back from the Ilsh Valor gate to the center of the spawn. Most inconvenient.

Not just a tamer problem, is my point.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Last night, I was running Ilsh Valor champ with my necro/mage. Lost connection the instant the para succubi spawned (yay). When I reloged, I was at a shrine. Had to run all the way back from the Ilsh Valor gate to the center of the spawn. Most inconvenient.

Not just a tamer problem, is my point.
Did your character die when you lost connection?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Ya think? Lol. Long as I've played, I still have trouble standing peacefully by (logged off) while being attack by para succubi. Maybe that's just me. :p


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, but seriously, who wants to run to the 2nd or 3rd level of a dungeon or all the way out of T2A to get a pet whos stuck? Or do you mean the last 2 levels of the spawn? Kind of unclear as to what you mean. (Actually, I dont know how far you would have to go in T2A to get it unstuck, but I'm guessing it would be a lil ways out of the way.)
No, sorry for not being clear enough, I did mean the last 2 levels of the spawn (3rd and 4th). I have a guildie who does it all the time - does the first 2 levels as just a mage w/EV's and EQ, then petballs her dragon out of the stables for the last 2 spawn levels.