Its still broken in some cases. It happens at random in Fel on Origin and I'm guessing on other shards as well? Sometimes you die and it teleports you right away, sometimes you die and it doesnt teleport you at all. We've had ghosts sit and watch us do the last part of a spawn and not ever get teleported out. I made a bug report about this as soon as the publish hit Origin and before it went live everywhere else, but its taking forever to get fixed. My guess is they are waiting till after SA comes out to fix it.
Stop grieving the tamers. Sometimes theres a need to log out your pet. I dont mean to save it from spawn or from raiders. Greaters have a habit of getting stuck on things and the only way to retrieve them is to log out and back in.
I was doing a baracoon and told my dragon to guard me, stupid thing teleported across the water around the island and got stuck in the water. No matter how many times I told it to follow it wouldnt come, so I had to log it out and back in to get it unstuck. Log back in and I'm instantly teleported to a shrine.
Unfortunately, the game cant distinguish between a player logging their pet out to save it or retrieve it so they cant make it to where it only kicks the players who are saving their pets, but they need to fix it as a whole and kick anyone who logs out no matter how brief a time it might be or fix the 10 minute timer.
*edit* I remember when I first posted about this bug on UHall. There was a big debate because people read the 10min rule differently then others, but I do believe they clarified it and the only time you are suppose to be penalized is if you are logged out in the champ spawn region for more than 10mins.