Can anyone give general directions where to find him? Thanks!
no map?Assuming you're talking about SA and not the current live event ...
Sutek and his cluttered lab is deep within the abyss (gargoyle side, near the bottom of the map along the chasm between human/garoygle side).
(he's my favorite part of the expansion by the way)
I don't want to provide a complete walkthrough ... some things are more fun to discover on your map?
Atlas? over head map in 2d, can it be seen by that?It is a bit complicated to reach some back corners of the abyss for the first time ... heed Beastmaster's advice and keep an eye on your atlas to see what areas you have/haven't reached yet.
Hooray for ratmen robbers!Well... not the pushme-pullyu, but that would explain the chicken lizards running all over Ter Mur..
He's definitely mad though.. and mumbling about the ratmen stealing his stuff sometimes.