Scroll binders will allow players to convert 105s to 110s, 110s to 115s and 115s to 120s.
In theory it sounds like a great way to make 110s and 105s useful.
In practice it is a means of making 120 scrolls drastically drop in price. This change, in conjunction with the fact that replicas have upped the number of spawners actively doing champs on shards and the new champ spawn rule changes will make 120 pscrolls worth almost as little as 110s and 115s are now.
hundreds of lesser scrolls are tossed each day as players vie to get 120s. These lesser scrolls diluting the number of 120s given out actually keep 120 scrolls worth more than a few hundred k. Only the most desirable 120s are worth more than a couple mill these days and after scroll binders come to play only the most desired of 120s will be worth more than 2-3mill.
PLEASE do not release this. You will kill the entire reason to fight over champ spawns in fel. We'll be stuck with spawns that nobody wants to do after 6 months because everyone has bags and bags full of 120s for all their chars.
Yes, I suspect that there will definitely be a drop in prices of 120s.
Which I think is a good thing. Besides, the prices of PS have been steadily dropping as more people finally get the scrolls they want. Less demand = prices needs to be reduced to sell. But it may not be as drastic as people think. More on that later.
First, I think it'll gravitate towards a situation where only 120s will be sold. Alot of vendors will keep the 110s and 115s to combine into a 120. Meaning if you want a scroll, it's likely a 120 or bust scenario.
Increased supply + reduced demand = reduced sales if the 120s remain at the same prices.
However, if the prices are reduced sufficiently, people may start buying that PS for their non-main chars, eg magery scrolls for their PvM'r, tamers, crafter scribe. And esp for their skill holding chars (it's a pain if your skill holder can't hold that 120 skill). I'm dying to get several.
The increased demand will partially offset the increased supply. So instead of selling a 120 magery PS for 20 mil, you now need to sell 4 to get 20 mil. Yes, you need to sell more, but you must also consider that will be easier for you to get more as well since you can now combine the lesser PS you are getting.
Happens to every industry. To maintain competiveness and profits, you just sell more, at lower prices.
Now, I'm using magery for the above, so the example is a little biased since that's one of the most coveted PS. If we look at less desirable scrolls like 120 chiv/focus/stealth, those will go down further. Well, they are already the cheapest ones now, not like that's gonna hurt much...Even now we already go "damn...I got a 120, but it's chiv, bloody RNG".
I am more concerned with the 120 or bust situation. Most 110s are very affordable and good value for money. Gives a very huge boost for around 1% of the costs of a 120. (edit: actually more like 0.1%)