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New Pets = More STable Slots?

Should we get a few more stable slots to accomodate the new crittters?

  • Total voters


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just curious I have no room for more pets and really dont want to have to work up a whole new tamer just to be able to enjoy some of the new critter?

How do the rest of you fell?



Isn't this argument kind of the same as having a higher skill cap? Everyone needs to specialize somewhat, you can't have it all.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont think it has anything similar to a higher skill in any way shap or form.

Just because i can have a different pet in a stable doesnt affect actual game play.

True the different pats might be better at one thing or another just like the pets we ahve now are but not much I am betting.

I am not asking for more Control slots just more ability to put more in storage.

Like a Housing storage increase, but for stables.

And since taming is a true pain to gain to 120 (not using jewels) and i do not wish to burn a char just to make Him / Her able to hold the new pets. ATM there are 6 (?) new tamable and I am sure some will work together like Frenzies or Fire Steads and having a pair or more will be beneficial.

Soooo I want to add a few more pets to the tamer I already have I would have to clear 1/2 my stable just to add a few of the new ones.

Please explain how this is releated to skill caps?


I do not see how having more stable slots compares to skills. My crafters
love having the rabbits squirrels etc.
My tamers all have 120 real in all skills and with the new tames comes
the need for more stable slots. Even if we have to buy them with gold
it would be fine with me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone needs to specialize somewhat, you can't have it all.
Does a warrior only get to keep 5 swords in his house, bankbox,and backpack combined? Does a mage only get to know 5 spells at one time?

The pets are the tamer's weapon, why does he/she have to be limited in his/her weapon choices, unlike any other combat type?

Stable slots just allow the tamer a chance to work at getting together the best weapons possible, as anyone else would do...or perhaps keep that sentimental item too (my warrior keeps an old piece of armor made by a friend long gone - my tamer? she had to give a ferret given to her at xmas off to a side account to hold, kept but never seen).

Is it truely that bad of an issue not to consider?

Stupid Miner

How many does a tamer have currently?

@ kittykat: That's really not a good comparison as most tamers have weapons they use, and most are spell casters too.
A better comparison would be to say: do warriors only get 5 meat shield tanks to use to further compliment their slightly sub-par offensive capabilities?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How many does a tamer have currently?

@ kittykat: That's really not a good comparison as most tamers have weapons they use, and most are spell casters too.
A better comparison would be to say: do warriors only get 5 meat shield tanks to use to further compliment their slightly sub-par offensive capabilities?
not the best comparison I know, lol - just saying that it'd be nice to be able to have what you want (as many others do with their respective skills)

max is 14 that's with all skills maxed out
... and why do they need more? How do you fill all that anyway? Unless they're just collecting them like Beanie Babies.
didn't realize it was that many either - I just haven't gotten there as I'm casually taming as I play, but yeah, collecting like beanie babies *laughs* (hmmm maybe my OCD is just showing LOL)


How many does a tamer have currently?

@ kittykat: That's really not a good comparison as most tamers have weapons they use, and most are spell casters too.
A better comparison would be to say: do warriors only get 5 meat shield tanks to use to further compliment their slightly sub-par offensive capabilities?
Nah no good. Only if they can use 5 meat shields at a time. Stables are the same as secure containers. Should be 125 maximum like a container. Or bring back making the pets into a statue and store them at home.


Isn't this argument kind of the same as having a higher skill cap? Everyone needs to specialize somewhat, you can't have it all.
The Skill Cap would be better compaired to follower count. The Stable would be better compaired to your bank box or house storage.

A Tamers weapon is it's pet. I could have a hundred pets in my stables just as you could have a hundred swords, kryss's etc in yours but I can't use them all regardless of how many I can have in my stables.

As far as how many we can currently have at 120 Lore, Vet and taming you can have

14 or 15 I believe.

Pack of Frenzied take of 5 slots already, most have a beetle and a mare as a GDragon, Cu and Hyriu. Thats 10 already, then you have players like me that have pets there to fond of to get rid of. My WW may not be as good as it once was but it was my first power pet. My Fire Steed I am attached to and like to use it when I need spellweaving. Imps + Fire Steed isn't half bad. I have a reppy because I am hoping one day they get a buff to be more in line with the CU's as far as being worth the 4 slots. And thats kind of the situation most tamers are in I believe. A Tamer not only has to train there skills but they have to train there pets skills as well and that can take awhile and it's hard to just say ....... "Oh well time to release you so I can try out a skree!".

Stupid Miner

Pack of Frenzied take of 5 slots already, most have a beetle and a mare as a GDragon, Cu and Hyriu. Thats 10 already, then you have players like me that have pets there to fond of to get rid of. My WW may not be as good as it once was but it was my first power pet. My Fire Steed I am attached to and like to use it when I need spellweaving. Imps + Fire Steed isn't half bad. I have a reppy because I am hoping one day they get a buff to be more in line with the CU's as far as being worth the 4 slots. And thats kind of the situation most tamers are in I believe. A Tamer not only has to train there skills but they have to train there pets skills as well and that can take awhile and it's hard to just say ....... "Oh well time to release you so I can try out a skree!".
I've had a lot of friend over the years who are pack rats in UO. Just cannot get rid of their items, so their houses get full quickly. But just because their house is full of stuff, doesn't mean houses need more storage space. It just means they either need to learn house to cull what they don't really want, or they need to get a second account.

... and getting a second account is comparable to getting a second tamer, not necessarily an actual second account. Attached to that specific character? That's ok too, give the second one the same name and skills.


I've had a lot of friend over the years who are pack rats in UO. Just cannot get rid of their items, so their houses get full quickly. But just because their house is full of stuff, doesn't mean houses need more storage space. It just means they either need to learn house to cull what they don't really want, or they need to get a second account.

... and getting a second account is comparable to getting a second tamer, not necessarily an actual second account. Attached to that specific character? That's ok too, give the second one the same name and skills.
lol when I can put as much in my stables as I can in my house then I will accept the anology. Until then.......... not really.

As for the second char thing, no one really likes getting rid of a char they have invested a lot of time in. Hence why EA is giving out tokens to change existing chars into Gargs, also there was the human to elf quest so that players could make an elven char without deleting any current chars. Also something to note, bank and house storage has been increased a few times. So ........................... apparently someone felt enough people saw the need to increase those already.

So considering you don't have to delete any chars to make a garg or an elf, there has been 2 rounds of increased storage for houses and banks....... what were you basing the above on?

Edited to Add: Also note that we aren't talking about deco items or bank checks for 0. These are in essence weapons that a tamer must skillup individually. Skill up your char then find your weapons, wait a week, then skill up your weapons for different sitautions individually. Also no one really knows whats going to be the better pets for the SA area's yet. Lets say I decide to get rid of my Beetle and Mare to make room and it turns out they are better at dealing with some of the content in SA and I just released fully trained ones that I must now spend a good bit of time to re-aquire, bond, and train.

When trying to compare tamers to others it's not exactly easy considering. This is keeping in mind I do not exclusivly play a tamer. I also have a few mages and dexers, I have 1 archer as well. I don't see the need for any extra storage in my house or bank box (Already got both awhile ago), don't need extra char slots (Already got them awhile ago), don't need extra room for my bows, swords, spellbooks etc. Can't really see a need for those but I do agree with the need for more stable slots considering. Just my two cents. You don't have to agree just explaining my position.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A extra stable slot for everyone would be most appropriate.

I am talking STABLE SPACE, not room to tote around more beasties.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Mare
2. Beetle
3. White Wyrm
4. Fire Stead
5. Fire Stead
6. Hiryu
7. Bake
8. Bake
9. Greater Dragon
10. Cu
11. Repatalon
12. A Rabbit
13. Greater Chicken
14. Empty for the occasional critter I come across that is either AWSOME or a freind wants?

I canot have 5 Frenzies on this char and they are nice to take out every once in a while. All hae a use excpet for the Repatalon, not much use in a fight. Chicken for the Chicken Fights and the rabbit to beat up other peoples rabbits, just like chicken fights.

Now lets look at the new one identified so far

Boura - 3 types
Stone Slith
Iron Beetle?

and possibly more

8 more types of critters thats why we need more stable slots.


Stupid Miner

Boura - 3 types
Stone Slith
Iron Beetle?

and possibly more

8 more types of critters thats why we need more stable slots.

Here's what I've tested on closed beta: Boura: Highlands boura takes 3 slots, the Lowlands is the best of the 2 slots, and ruddy is the worst. Lowlands and ruddy both take 2 slots and just have a couple resists switched around. Bouras are capable of the ability of 2 bake-kitsunes, maybe.

Raptor has no pack instinct which makes its usefulness limited.
Slith, might make a half decent pack, unsure.
Stone slith: 2 slot slith
Skrees from what i hear are terrible for the fact that they're 4 slots. Cast spellweaving
Iron Beetles... think they have something to do with crafting, unsure.

Either way None of these animals are replacements for a GD in any way shape or form.

... and if you want help managing your pets, and i know you don't...

Greater chickens and rabbits can be controlled by JoaT cant they? just transfer them to another char. Having both a Fire Steed and bake-kitsune pair seems redundant. Hiryu? GDs are stronger in every way except reducting phys resistance which you could do with a Beetle + mare/firesteed/bake pair (higher damage output too!). I keep hearing Reptalons are worthless, do you use yours? Mare... is that a dread or regular?


Seeing as we're likening it to extra storage..

Stable Expansion Token! $9.99!!


If it were a decent bump in slots (say 3 more per char), I'd buy one or two.

Stupid Miner

Seeing as we're likening it to extra storage..

Stable Expansion Token! $9.99!!


If it were a decent bump in slots (say 3 more per char), I'd buy one or two.
I see no problem with that. :)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I've said before and I will state again with the fire beetles, horses, blue beetles, squirrels, ferrets and golems...... now with new golems in SA coming regular characters NEED 5 slots.... this way your crafter can have a packy, a blue beetle a fire beetle and have space for a GOLEM.... or even 2!

Plus other regular characters could have a dog, cat, squirrel pair, pair of ferrets or a horse, beetle and paroxy dragon.... with that kitty... As it is now if you have a packy, or beelte and a horse that's it.... no room for something fun like a squirrel.

I'd like to see every character start with 5 stable slots. Then I'd like to see Tamers get about 20 slots at max 120's.

I always wanted a set of frenzied ostards but that'll never happen.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Isn't this argument kind of the same as having a higher skill cap? Everyone needs to specialize somewhat, you can't have it all.
If your going to take that attitude then the key word is SOULSTONES.

You can have every skill in the game but can only use 7 of them at any one time. How is that different from being able to own every pet in the game and only use 1 or 2 at a time?

I rest my case. More stable slots please.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I almost agree with MalaGaste,

He suggests all folks who now may have 2, be increased to 5. Maxed out Tamers are currently allowed 7 times the two of all non-Tamers.

So I propose all non-Tamers go from 2 stable slots to 5 ... and Maxed out Tamers go from their current 14 stable slots to 35.

There ... a nice, reasonable Compromise.

My cousin Dar is gonna love me when he reads this ... hehe.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, you don't need to buy a token to carry 20+ weapons in your bag which can be equipped straight away. So I don't see why a tamer, who can only take out 5 slots worth of pets at a time, should be so restricted in what they can stable. We can't use them all at once. I'll happily convert some house storage into stabling, but I'm not paying for my pet count unless the swordsman beside me has to pay for his weapons once he hits 14. And that's presuming he has 3 skills at 120 ;)

It would be a really good selling point for SA if they gave us a stack of extra stable space, but I guess it's too logical to give a class new pets and also the stable space to accommodate them lol. Bit of a missed marketing opportunity though.


Salya Sin

I can agree with the token idea, bought to expand the stable capacity. BUT... ONLY after they have naturally expanded it, same as they did for houses/banks.

They expanded housing and banks to accommodate new items in the game but apparently did not see the need for this increase in the stables. I sent to FoF asking why and if possible... they didn't use the question that week.

I seriously doubt they will increase the stable slots... but gosh, I sure wish they would. And to everyone complaining... why do you care how many pets I can keep in my stable? How does it affect you if I can now have 2 GD's, an extra Cu, and a couple of hiryu instead of none (as I have no room left, I gave my last slot to a Dread Warhorse). I'm not seeing how this would affect gameplay in ANY WAY. Except maybe less pets released outside Luna because the owner had to cull his/her herd.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If your going to take that attitude then the key word is SOULSTONES.

You can have every skill in the game but can only use 7 of them at any one time. How is that different from being able to own every pet in the game and only use 1 or 2 at a time?

I rest my case. More stable slots please.

Increased stable slots across ALL skillsets of characters PLEASE!


The devs have already said and fairly recently that we can't have more stable slots because there is not enough server storage or something.

Now if we want to get rid of things that take up too much server storage first, like bazillions of junk bods in bod books, then maybe we could have more stable slots.

Also I once caught a scripter scripting up 4000 bods a week. I think that storing her scripted up bod collection would probably take up lots of server storage, so ridding UO of scripters like her would also free up some server storage.

I know I'd gladly toss 20,000 junk bods that I am currently storing and converting to useful bods to get even one more stable slot for ALL of my chars.

Stupid Miner

Well, you don't need to buy a token to carry 20+ weapons in your bag which can be equipped straight away. So I don't see why a tamer, who can only take out 5 slots worth of pets at a time, should be so restricted in what they can stable. We can't use them all at once. I'll happily convert some house storage into stabling, but I'm not paying for my pet count unless the swordsman beside me has to pay for his weapons once he hits 14. And that's presuming he has 3 skills at 120 ;)

It would be a really good selling point for SA if they gave us a stack of extra stable space, but I guess it's too logical to give a class new pets and also the stable space to accommodate them lol. Bit of a missed marketing opportunity though.

People keep comparing Tamer's pets to Warriors weapons. It's a bad comparison. Sure, their pets are their main damage output, but they're a *lot* more than that, they're their own 1000 hp meat shield that casts spells too.

A Tamer's weapon is his weapon, (Swords of prosperity, Staff of Pyros, Bows for archer tamers), a Tamer's spells are his spells, a tamer's pet is his own personal meat-shield, spell-casting, Heavily-armored TANK: it really doesn't compare very well.

If you're going to compare tamers to fighters, the best comparison would be Pets are Fighters weapons, enhancement skills (such as bushido and chiv), and full suit of armor.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People keep comparing Tamer's pets to Warriors weapons. It's a bad comparison. Sure, their pets are their main damage output, but they're a *lot* more than that, they're their own 1000 hp meat shield that casts spells too.

A Tamer's weapon is his weapon, (Swords of prosperity, Staff of Pyros, Bows for archer tamers), a Tamer's spells are his spells, a tamer's pet is his own personal meat-shield, spell-casting, Heavily-armored TANK: it really doesn't compare very well.
Regardles .. it doesnt really matter if a tamer has 100 GD's in his stable ... he can only use one at a time.

Der Rock

Just curious I have no room for more pets and really dont want to have to work up a whole new tamer just to be able to enjoy some of the new critter?

How do the rest of you fell?

Just add a few more slots would be ok

Stupid Miner

Regardles .. it doesnt really matter if a tamer has 100 GD's in his stable ... he can only use one at a time.
It does if the addition of too many stable slots increases the overall strain on the server, and events such as the shadowlord spawns and the luna invasions lag more than they currently have.
Lag that has nothing to do with someone's personal modem speed is bad. :)

Though personally I'd prefer if people had to pay for this. People who want it enough to pay for it will, people who don't wont. Less lag, more profit: win-win!


Seeing as we're likening it to extra storage..

Stable Expansion Token! $9.99!!


If it were a decent bump in slots (say 3 more per char), I'd buy one or two.

I hate paying extra but it does seem like a reasonable pet equivalent to buying soul stones. You can buy enough soul stones to store every skill in the game, if you want to spend the bucks. The least we should be able to do is pay to keep some vanity pets as well as our functional pets.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why not make stables no matter what character your on you will be able to access any of your characters stables.
I go to the stables click on the stable guy brings up a menu of my characters on that account. I click on the characters name shows me a list on what is in their stable. I need a beetle I go in toms stable get the beetle. I get done taming a CU and I need a stable spot I go and stable in Joes stable drop it in there. but Joe will not be able to take the CU out unless he has enough skill to. all Joe will be able to see is that he has a CU in his stable.
This way all characters will be able to use all the pets on that account except the tamer high ended pets. Pets are bonded to any character on that account.
add on one more stable slot for each character also please


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does a warrior only get to keep 5 swords in his house, bankbox,and backpack combined? Does a mage only get to know 5 spells at one time?

The pets are the tamer's weapon, why does he/she have to be limited in his/her weapon choices, unlike any other combat type?

Stable slots just allow the tamer a chance to work at getting together the best weapons possible, as anyone else would do...or perhaps keep that sentimental item too (my warrior keeps an old piece of armor made by a friend long gone - my tamer? she had to give a ferret given to her at xmas off to a side account to hold, kept but never seen).

Is it truely that bad of an issue not to consider?
Took the words right out of my mouth!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People keep comparing Tamer's pets to Warriors weapons. It's a bad comparison. Sure, their pets are their main damage output, but they're a *lot* more than that, they're their own 1000 hp meat shield that casts spells too.

A Tamer's weapon is his weapon, (Swords of prosperity, Staff of Pyros, Bows for archer tamers), a Tamer's spells are his spells, a tamer's pet is his own personal meat-shield, spell-casting, Heavily-armored TANK: it really doesn't compare very well.

If you're going to compare tamers to fighters, the best comparison would be Pets are Fighters weapons, enhancement skills (such as bushido and chiv), and full suit of armor.
Let me put it in a more basic way then. I fail to see why tamers should justify storage space requirements when other classes don't.

This isn't about just tamers either. All templates should be able to have funny pets or keep a spare giant bug for a friend etc etc. Currently they have 2 slots. The existing limits aren't enough for anyone who wants to do something a bit different with pets.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Crafter should have more slots having a fire and blue bug leaves no room for chickens, squirrels, and packies. Crafters should have more slots based on there crafting mining and lumber jacking silks


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People keep comparing Tamer's pets to Warriors weapons. It's a bad comparison. Sure, their pets are their main damage output, but they're a *lot* more than that, they're their own 1000 hp meat shield that casts spells too.

A Tamer's weapon is his weapon, (Swords of prosperity, Staff of Pyros, Bows for archer tamers), a Tamer's spells are his spells, a tamer's pet is his own personal meat-shield, spell-casting, Heavily-armored TANK: it really doesn't compare very well.

If you're going to compare tamers to fighters, the best comparison would be Pets are Fighters weapons, enhancement skills (such as bushido and chiv), and full suit of armor.
Actually the more that I think about it, the more that I feel that it *is* a fair comparison. What you are doing is comparing a tamer to a warrior, skillset to skillset, but that's not what this thread is about. What we're comparing is a tamer's storage to a warrior's storage. It irrelevant what their skillset is in this regard because a tamer is still bound by the control slots (which no one here has asked to be increased). A warrior can keep any number of weapons and armor, bound only by his bankbox and house storage capacity (which is at minimum, over 100 spaces, and more likely into the 1000s). The tamer simply can not keep many of his (main) weapons and must make tough choices because of that.

In a hard and rigid world, everyone would just have greater dragons and play the same day after day after day, but that's not the case in UO (and I'm glad of it). There is such diversity and such fun in playing with different pets to different situations, and yes, there is some happiness in keeping the oddball pets too. Many tamers don't just play the straight and narrow of GD, they play the game with the joy that taming can bring in the wide variety of pets.

This game was originally much more limited on the pets you could have, with packies for the crafter and dragons, drakes, nightmares, and wyrms for the tamer. That was it really (I'm probably forgeting one or two pets), but as we've gone through the years so much has changed with taming. There are now so many more pets to have, pack instincts to use, and fun vanity pets to enjoy. Why are we still living with the storage restrictions in place from years ago when taming has moved so much further beyond that?


Seeing as we're likening it to extra storage..

Stable Expansion Token! $9.99!!


If it were a decent bump in slots (say 3 more per char), I'd buy one or two.
Agreed! Fink FTW.

And Miner as far as the Skree though, I am actually considering it might be a useful PvP pet but that depends. It seems to cast sleep A LOT lol. Was using one most of the day and while it's dmg isn't the greatest, it kept on sleeping through the fights.

Tommorow I will try out other pets. But the Skree deffinetly has potential I believe.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This game is supposed to be for FUN

Why should anything that limit's fun be in the game? ALL CHARACTERS tamers or not should have a stable that is treated like any other container or bank box with 125 'slots'. All it is is a form of 'storage'. It makes no difference to server load if I store 125 pets or 125 pieces of armor, they all have mods/etc that need to be 'recorded' etc.

Why should a fencer be able to store 500 fencing weapons, or an archer store 500 bows yet a tamer be limited to 14 pets.

There is NO good argument for this other than sheer pettiness on the part of those who stomp and shout 'NO increase', it is totally pathetic.

And please none of the 'you have to make decisions' 'can't have everything' etc yadda yadda .........why should they not...... given that no other class is forced to toss out their stuff once they have 14 of them?

As I said, stable slots should be for all characters, not just tamers. And before any tamer starts up with 'I trained taming therefore I should have more slots' that is total rubbish too. A tamer trains to have the ability to USE pets which is the benefit of being a tamer.

A non tamer has just as much right to store a fire beetle, blue beetle, fav horse, their swampy and other novelty pets such as ferrets and squirrels.

The stable should be treated the same as ANY OTHER CONTAINER. It makes no one overpowered and creates absolutely ZERO imbalance. All more slots does is open up the enjoyment factor for tamers and non tamers alike. I really wonder sometimes why UO players seem to have such stupid mentalities when it comes to stuff that cannot 'hurt' them in any way, shape or form because it has no bearing on game balance.

All I know if is MY tamer had the slots spare there would be a hell of a lot more things I would be able to do in game, such as train up 20 chickens for 'fight night' to hand out to 'contestants' who wanted to participate, or tame a bunch of critters to sell other tamers who maybe don't have as much time to play, or actually be able to USE my tamer to always be taming and training and improving my stock while maintaining stuff to actually 'play' with while training up others etc

And I know my crafter is definitely sick to death of 'getting out packy' 'putting in blue beetle' 'getting out fire beetle' 'putting back packy' each time she wants to switch from the blue to the fire beetle. It was also pretty upsetting when I had to 'dump' a bluebird a friend gave me yrs ago as there was no room for it,. Sometimes she has a need to for more pack animals but no chance with this ridiculous stable set up.

For goodness sake why do people have to carry on so much about what 'other' people should or shouldn't have. This is a 'game'. The decision you have to 'make' is 'which pet should I use'. THAT should be the choice, not what you store.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Isn't this argument kind of the same as having a higher skill cap? Everyone needs to specialize somewhat, you can't have it all.
So you are saying, in comparison, that a warrior should also be limited on the amount of Weps he or she has :lol:? Come on, each & every pet has a different use in game just like Weps are specialized for different moves & etc. Thing is pets are not like "slayer weps" that do double damage like weps do by casting a quick spell (EOE for example). If they are going to add once again more Tamables they need to add more Stable Slots for tamers like I have been asking for for over 2 yrs now & they said back in late 07 or early 08' at a Town Hall that they would look into doing something (Jeremy was at it so it was that long ago). At least 15 months have gone by & as of yet, nothing has been done.


This game is supposed to be for FUN

Why should anything that limit's fun be in the game? ALL CHARACTERS tamers or not should have a stable that is treated like any other container or bank box with 125 'slots'. All it is is a form of 'storage'. It makes no difference to server load if I store 125 pets or 125 pieces of armor, they all have mods/etc that need to be 'recorded' etc.

Why should a fencer be able to store 500 fencing weapons, or an archer store 500 bows yet a tamer be limited to 14 pets.

There is NO good argument for this other than sheer pettiness on the part of those who stomp and shout 'NO increase', it is totally pathetic.

And please none of the 'you have to make decisions' 'can't have everything' etc yadda yadda .........why should they not...... given that no other class is forced to toss out their stuff once they have 14 of them?

As I said, stable slots should be for all characters, not just tamers. And before any tamer starts up with 'I trained taming therefore I should have more slots' that is total rubbish too. A tamer trains to have the ability to USE pets which is the benefit of being a tamer.

A non tamer has just as much right to store a fire beetle, blue beetle, fav horse, their swampy and other novelty pets such as ferrets and squirrels.

The stable should be treated the same as ANY OTHER CONTAINER. It makes no one overpowered and creates absolutely ZERO imbalance. All more slots does is open up the enjoyment factor for tamers and non tamers alike. I really wonder sometimes why UO players seem to have such stupid mentalities when it comes to stuff that cannot 'hurt' them in any way, shape or form because it has no bearing on game balance.

All I know if is MY tamer had the slots spare there would be a hell of a lot more things I would be able to do in game, such as train up 20 chickens for 'fight night' to hand out to 'contestants' who wanted to participate, or tame a bunch of critters to sell other tamers who maybe don't have as much time to play, or actually be able to USE my tamer to always be taming and training and improving my stock while maintaining stuff to actually 'play' with while training up others etc

And I know my crafter is definitely sick to death of 'getting out packy' 'putting in blue beetle' 'getting out fire beetle' 'putting back packy' each time she wants to switch from the blue to the fire beetle. It was also pretty upsetting when I had to 'dump' a bluebird a friend gave me yrs ago as there was no room for it,. Sometimes she has a need to for more pack animals but no chance with this ridiculous stable set up.

For goodness sake why do people have to carry on so much about what 'other' people should or shouldn't have. This is a 'game'. The decision you have to 'make' is 'which pet should I use'. THAT should be the choice, not what you store.
What she said.:thumbsup:

Frey Wavestrider

I agree with Miss Echo well said. My wife was around with the armies of WW that could be called out by a single tamer. The 5 slot limit for pets out of stables takes care of that. The limits on what we have in stables needs to be increased. Tamers spend a great deal of time and effort finding their pets and training them, making it hard to get rid of them. I know that I would be hard pressed to get rid of some of my pets as they hold sentimental value.

My wife thought since there are new tameables with each expansion that the stable slots should be increased too. Even if given as veteran rewards, I would give up a reward for extra slots based on time in game.

The Fallout

I say double but if server storage is actually an issue, I would be happy with at least 3-5 more slots.


Actually the token suggestion was tongue-in-cheek, but realistically I would pay that if it meant actually implementing more stable slots. Going by previous dev comments, it doesn't seem anything less than the almighty dollar would sway their current stance.

Playing Devil's Advocate once again, and assuming server storage is the limiting factor, what would people be willing to trade for more stable slots?

Take away..
..free bod storage on vendors?
..unlimited deeded items in houses?