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Imbuing Gains

Mark Trail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most players on Retribution set 120 imbuing before they try it out and post their comments. But this is a hard skill that you can't power-game because every recipe needs a special ingredient. You can unravel loot up to about 29 skill then you have to imbue things to gain. Everything needs either a rare gem or a peerless ingredient.

Here are the cheapest recipes I found:

Area Cold: Magical Residue, Diamond, Dark Sapphire

Dispel: Magical Residue, Amber , Blight

The most expensive recipes are skill bonuses costing a relic fragment, Star Sapphire, and Eye of Travesty.

Imagine working poisoning or lockpicking but it costs you 50K for every attempt. Or use GGS and take 3 years to reach 120 imbuing.


I agree. Unfortunately the nerf-whiners are winning on the beta board, and Imbuing is heading towards uselessness.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah. It's eventually going to be what the poor people use for mid-end stuff, and the rich people will just keep on getting runic-crafted stuff :/

Amber Moon

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sad to hear such a major content system will be out of reach of casual players.

Gotta say though, I kinda suspected as much when they mentioned 'special' ingredients.

:( :( :(

On the bright side, perhaps its 100 skill points I don't have to tie up on my crafter.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...Or use GGS and take 3 years to reach 120 imbuing.
If you start a new character with 50 Imbuing, then GGS it the rest of the way (keeping your total skill points below 350):

50.0 – 54.9: GGS every 27 minutes, so 22 hours and 3 minutes
55.0 – 59.9: every 33 minutes, so 27.5 hours
60.0 – 64.9: every 55 minutes, so 45 hours and 50 minutes
65.0 – 69.9: every 1.3 hours, so 65 hours
70.0 – 74.9: every 1.9 hours, so 95 hours
75.0 – 79.9: every 2.4 hours, so 120 hours
80.0 – 84.9: each 3.0 hours, 150 hours
85.0 – 89.9: each 3.8 hours, 190 hours
90.0 – 94.9: each 4.6 hours, 230 hours
95.0 – 99.9: each 5.6 hours, 280 hours
100.0 – 104.9: each 6.6 hours, 330 hours
105.0 – 109.9: each 7.8 hours, 390 hours
110.0 – 114.9: each 9.0 hours, 450 hours
115.0 – 120.0: each 10.3 hours, 515 hours

By my count that would take 2,910 hours and 23 minutes (121 days 12 hours and 23 minutes) to go from 0 to 120 Imbuing! You could be a legendary imbuer by the middle of January! :D

Mark Trail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks very much Setnaffa for the timing. That took a lot of work. With taking breaks for RL it still looks to me like 3 years to 120 using GGS.

And also AIlish, thanks for the link, I didn't know about that one. Looks like maybe this can be powergamed after all.


well, maybe its better that it isnt so easy to reach 120.

at the end the whole shard would run around with uber stuff very fast.

i am not sure if imbuing is good for the game when it is easy to make uber stuff when a lot player reached 100 or 120.

at least it will encourage scripters to mine/lumber/fish gems ... they will be in high demand

i really dont know what to think about imbuing yet


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
imbuing's going to be good to finish off avg suits, all of my suits are much better than you can get with imbuing stuff, so val hammers will still be in demand, but what i do like about imbuing is the jewelry no more looking for that ring/brac with the skill you want and hci/dci/ep, etc.


We're still working on imbuing, and have gotten some good feedback that we're taking into consideration now.

What helps us the most is constructive criticism, so if you've got an opinion, even a negative one, please post it with the reasons behind it.

Don't assume what you're playing with today is the final version. We're looking at improvement in several areas.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
imbuing's going to be good to finish off avg suits, all of my suits are much better than you can get with imbuing stuff, so val hammers will still be in demand, but what i do like about imbuing is the jewelry no more looking for that ring/brac with the skill you want and hci/dci/ep, etc.
Not having a shot a you :) but the thing I find funny about that statement is before the cheating, duping and scripting of val hammers 99% of players would NEVER have even seen one and even if they did they couldn't afford one.

It shows how low we have sunk with 'acceptance' of the rampant cheating in UO when the thought of crafting anything with a val hammer becomes the 'norm' don't you think? Found this funny when in beta and people were saying 'but with a val hammer I can get xyz mods' etc as if Val hammers were now the 'norm'.

I guess they are given how many 'dupes' are floating around and the willingness of players to buy them.


Making Imbuing extremely hard or prohibitively expensive to gain doesn't balance it vs the uber stuff it can produce, it just delays the inevitable. Whether it be one month from now or one year before everyone has skilled up, you have to look at that as an eventuality and not a rarity. Trying to squeeze some extra mileage out of the gains system isn't a substitute making a sustainable craft system.

Making Imbuing reasonable to fund/gain will make it a more acceptable, accessible addition. It will allow the casual player, or less-connected person, to participate on some level. As it stands it seems you have to be sponsored by a major guild, or have unlimited funds or hours to devote to it. The independent or small-guild crafter will be sorely disadvantaged.


Make this skill super hard to gain!

Make it cost ALOT to learn it!!

Make the reagents VERY expensive!!

or this skill will be out of control!!;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or just keep it the way it is now, so average players can actually have a chance against the rich players item-wise.



Or just keep it the way it is now, so average players can actually have a chance against the rich players item-wise.

You have a chance against rich players, its called "GO OUT AND DO WHAT THEY DID TO GET RICH"

Youre welcome.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have a chance against rich players, its called "GO OUT AND DO WHAT THEY DID TO GET RICH"

Youre welcome.
Script/dupe/buy from script/dupers? No thanks. And yes, I know there are legit rich people. There are also a lot that aren't.


We're still working on imbuing, and have gotten some good feedback that we're taking into consideration now.

What helps us the most is constructive criticism, so if you've got an opinion, even a negative one, please post it with the reasons behind it.

Don't assume what you're playing with today is the final version. We're looking at improvement in several areas.
Please do not give in to the NERF IMBUING whiners.

They are testing it on a Test Shard where they have unlimited resources and can just type in "1200" to set their skill to Legendary.

On a regular shard, with regular constraints, imbuing will be very difficult to make many of these powerful weapons/armor/jewels that people are showing as examples. Resources are limited, 120 imbue scrolls will be few and far between, and it will not be like on the test shard.

If anything, make the ingredients a little more rare, but please do not nerf it so that it is useless just to please people that were against imbuing from the start. Most of them are PvPers who hold their precious "balanced" characters over adding anything fun and new to the game.
They will adapt. We always have.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sad to hear such a major content system will be out of reach of casual players.

Gotta say though, I kinda suspected as much when they mentioned 'special' ingredients.

:( :( :(

On the bright side, perhaps its 100 skill points I don't have to tie up on my crafter.

That's the problem with a game too heavily based on items........

Besides, since large wealth only is in the hands of few, this will only be a tool for some to gain extra power versus a vaster majority of players.

Not good, not right, not correct, IMHO.

At the very least they should have made Peerless ingredients available in treasure chests besides on Peerless bosses.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On a regular shard, with regular constraints, imbuing will be very difficult to make many of these powerful weapons/armor/jewels that people are showing as examples. Resources are limited, 120 imbue scrolls will be few and far between, and it will not be like on the test shard.

LOL !!!

As if Powerscrolls on a regular shard where not a monopoly of few, limited guilds......

It has been impossible for ordinary players to get a 120 Magery or a 120 Eval Int for a long time imagine what is going to happen for 120 Imbuing.

This is going to only make very few players uberpowerfull and a whole lot very frustrated and upset.

To my opinion, this is poor design.

Issuing new content without dealing FIRST with the problems attaining the game, for example 120 powerscrolls kept hostage by a few guilds, only creates problems to the game and damages it.

They should have made Peerless ingredients also spawn in treasure chests AND done changes to Powerscrolls so that NOONE can keep them hostage of a few guilds.

All paying customers should be able to hunt for their powerscrolls if they wished so but it has NOT BEEN SUCH for YEARS now.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everything needs either a rare gem or a peerless ingredient.
This is incorrect. Check the table Ailisha created: http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=31013

only if you're trying to imbue at 90% intensity or over do you need rare ingredients, and peerless aren't needed at all.

You will be able to train most of the way with normal bought from jewellers or mugged from monsters gems, if you choose the right recipes in terms of residue, essence or relic fragment.

As a very small experiment yesterday I unravelled some of the least popular minor artifacts.
Arctic death dealer yielded 1 relic fragment
Cavorting Club yielded 2 essence
Knight's kiss yielded 1 essence.
nox rangers xbow yielded 1 relic fragment
wrath of the dryad yielded 1 essence
luna lance yielded 1 relic fragment
bone smasher yielded 2 enchanted essence
righteous anger yielded 2 enchanted essence
blade dancer yielded 1 relic fragment.

I somehow see a lot more level 6 maps being dug shortly


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We're still working on imbuing, and have gotten some good feedback that we're taking into consideration now.

What helps us the most is constructive criticism, so if you've got an opinion, even a negative one, please post it with the reasons behind it.

Don't assume what you're playing with today is the final version. We're looking at improvement in several areas.

Alright, thank you for the positive attitude.

I will bite.

In order to make Inbuing accessable to ALL players, who are all paying subscribers, and not just those who have more wealth and more time at hand to play the game, I think at least 2 changes are VERY important.

Number One.

We all know that Powerscroll Champ spawns are hunts limited to most players. It has been like this for YEARS and anyone can say anything they may want but the bottom line is, that average players simply do NOT have access to powerscrolls unless they buy them.
This, because they are precluded from hunting them since a few Guilds hold them hostage in a Monopoly.
It has been like this forvever, for example, for skills like 120 Magery and 120 Evaluate Intelligence.

I can only imagine what is going to happen with 120 Imbuing.

If you want ALL your paying subscribers to play with this skill then you MUST make chances to how Powerscrolls spawn and make it so that finally, ALL players can hunt for them.

And no, it is not like that now. In reality, a WHOLE LOT of players don't have a chance to hunt for Legendary scrolls and they have not been able for YEARS.

Number Two

Peerless Ingredients need to also spawn in Treasure chests, not only on Peerless.
A whole lot of players were left out from making scrappers just because of peerless ingredients being limited to peerless hunts.

Allow them to spawn at least also in level 6 treasure chests if you really want all players to experience imbuing.

That's how I see it.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you read any of the posts on imbuing recently? you do not need peerless ingredients to imbue.

The table of ingredients has been posted twice in this thread, you might like to take the trouble to actually read it before complaining further.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you read any of the posts on imbuing recently? you do not need peerless ingredients to imbue.

The table of ingredients has been posted twice in this thread, you might like to take the trouble to actually read it before complaining further.

Well, I read for example that Eye of the Travesty is required in some cases.

Even if it is not considered a Peerless ingredient it still has to do with Peerless....
Are there other Peerless "parts" required for the higher level imbuing ?

What I meant is have whatever ingredient is needed also spawn in level 6 treasure chests.....

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Eye of travesty is not listed on that table. What is it used for? Are you sure the information you have is current?

Some people who thought they were very clever released information that was covered by NDA, that information is totally in error and completely out of date.

The OP quotes it as being needed for skill bonuses. I imbued an item with +15 magery yesterday, it cost me relic fragments, star sapphires and turquoise.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You need to actually KNOW what you are talking about and make sure you have even it partly right before you complain.

I can only imagine what is going to happen with 120 Imbuing.
The 120 imbuing powerscroll is available by doing a quest, as are the 115 and 110 scrolls. ANY player can do the quest, it does not involve any fighting or pvp just the provision of 50 residue (110), 50 essence (110) or 50 frags (120)

Peerless ingredients are NOT used in imbuing, read the table already supplied.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*sigh* ... Ppl prefer to complain instead of informing themselves or even worse instead of listening to those who know better.

Imbuing is a crafting skill. Do crafting related powerscrolls drop at champion spawns yet? No ----> Dont worry about not beeing able to get a 120 imbuing scroll due to some of your shards issues with champion spawns.

There are already training methods that dont require any of the more expensive ingredients. 'Only' 1 residue ,1 normal gem and 1 imbuable magical item is needed for a chance for a gain. (Or it least it was the last time, I had time to look for.) With the high difficulty for high end imbuing you're going to imbue for skilling around sweet gaining difficultys all the way up to 120.

You might want to read about the open beta clarifications again, too.l It is stated that especially imbuing is not finished and that the devs are awaiting more feedback about. So its somewhat senseless to discuss about the possible costs or time needed for training up imbuing to 120.
Btw does anyone remember how hard/expensive/time consuming it was, to train up blacksmith to legendary? It took me really long to finally get that powerscroll. Not to mention all the time needed for mining the needed ingots (for the bods for the ps and the training.) I dont think, that 120 imbuing will anyhow come close to that.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Peerless ingredients are NOT used in imbuing, read the table already supplied.

Do you happen to have a link to such Table ?

I checked UOHerald and Stratics but I must have not been good at searching because I found none.


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You didn't look very far. It's been linked to twice in this thread, once by Ailish, who provided it, and once by me.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You didn't look very far. It's been linked to twice in this thread, once by Ailish, who provided it, and once by me.

Sorry, overlooked those messages.

The scripters will have a field trip with imbuing......

High Intensity Ingredients come from either chopping wood or mining and who mines or chops the most ??

I really, but REALLY hope that Stygian Abyss has some way to detect scripters because I see the upcoming changes as imbuing as a scripter's paradise.....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sad to hear such a major content system will be out of reach of casual players.

Gotta say though, I kinda suspected as much when they mentioned 'special' ingredients.

:( :( :(

On the bright side, perhaps its 100 skill points I don't have to tie up on my crafter.
why oh why should everything be so easy?
Why shouldent people that invest alot of time and effort into a game, be able to have 1 or 2 skills that us casuals dont get that easy?
Why isnt there a skill left, that when done,would actually feel likehes an achievment, rather than, oh, there it is 120! on to the next!

Is it a race?
I do understand you get more power and riches from 120, but shouldent the hardworkers be rewarded?

Whats the use of it anyways if everyone and their mother gets 120 in a blast? do that inforce trading anymore than the broken state it is at today?

I seriously think that envy of the "real life no carers" that can play as much they wanna, is making UO go into easy mode, and the challenge withing the game slowly gets taken away from us, becasue everyone ennvy other that worked hard to get a skill done, and wanna be able to do the same in less amount of work or time or dedication....

2 cents up.


Hm interesting, are there any plans to allow Mysticism and Imbuing Scrolls of Transedence drop at champion spawns? x

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sad to hear such a major content system will be out of reach of casual players.

Gotta say though, I kinda suspected as much when they mentioned 'special' ingredients.

:( :( :(

On the bright side, perhaps its 100 skill points I don't have to tie up on my crafter.

Before you dismiss the skill as un-doable, weed out the inaccurate negative comments and look at what is really needed to train the skill. A lot of what is being posted today is totally wrong.


:thumbsup:I must say I downloaded the SA client last night and had a blast in Ter Mur! The new land, graphcial content, hotbar, GUI layout thoroughly impressed me(gargolyes to of course" :)), I love the new creature additions, in scope that big looking four legged bull? like creature with horns on it's back with fur, few different names (I've completley forgotton it's name, at work at the moment!) would love it be a mountable :p Unsure if it has any specials, it took up two control slots )) x


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whats the use of it anyways if everyone and their mother gets 120 in a blast? do that inforce trading anymore than the broken state it is at today?

Perhaps make it for an environment with more players all geared up and skilled to the same evened out field which would make it for a more challenging PvP environment ?

If only a few have the wealth and the time to hoarde the best items, they simply dominate the PvP arena over all others.

If instead more and more players are able to make it to high end gear/items this means that PvP will be more challenging for all since matches to one's own high end template will be much more common.

End result would be a much more challenging PvP environment.

I seriously think that envy of the "real life no carers" that can play as much they wanna, is making UO go into easy mode, and the challenge withing the game slowly gets taken away from us, becasue everyone ennvy other that worked hard to get a skill done, and wanna be able to do the same in less amount of work or time or dedication....

2 cents up.

Envy ?

This has got nothing to do with envy, at least for me. Only a desire to see this game be a way more challenging PvP environment and not simply yet another game where a few who either have the wealth or the time can dominate over many more players.......

Amber Moon

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Before you dismiss the skill as un-doable, weed out the inaccurate negative comments and look at what is really needed to train the skill. A lot of what is being posted today is totally wrong.
I wish I could Petra.. but honestly I don't have enough information since there is no real guide yet. What makes a residue, or relic, or essence? How high can I train on residues without the additional mining/fishing/lumberjacking components? If I add those in how high can I train? How many attempts are required for a skill gain?

If I only attempt a couple high end items in the next year or so, that would be fine with me. Playing 6 to 10 hours a week and not having a huge pot of gold in the bank, will I ever see the high end of this skill?

If the system ends up used mostly by high end high time players like the top runics now, thats fine with me too. Lots of things to entertain me in the game. I do have to say though, I never felt like any of the other crafting skills was so unapproachable. I hope I am wrong.


not simply yet another game where a few who ...have the ...time can dominate over many more players.......
This has got to be the most ignorant statement I've ever seen here on Stratics. A person that plays 5 hours a day will ALWAYS be on a higher level than someone that only plays 5 hours a week. If the game is changed so that they're equal then you may as well go look for a new game because this one won't be worth playing anymore.

Before you continue with all of your pancakes and moaning, why don't you actually go and test some of this stuff? You know nothing about what you're talking about, and are arguing about stuff that's not even in SA anymore.

/start sarcasm

Oh man, that pro football player shouldn't have his millions or his houses and cars. I play football at the park on the weekends so I should have exactly what he has. I demand that it be made so. Gold coins should fall from heaven, and everyone should have a Lamborghini parked in their garage.

/end sarcasm

Life ain't fair. Get over it. Those that put in the time get the rewards for it.


I do have to say though, I never felt like any of the other crafting skills was so unapproachable. I hope I am wrong.
This skill isn't going to be one you can just powergame up to 120, which is a good thing. It's going to be one that a crafter that's earned that 120 skill will be well paid for their time, expense, and effort.

Amber Moon

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This skill isn't going to be one you can just powergame up to 120, which is a good thing. It's going to be one that a crafter that's earned that 120 skill will be well paid for their time, expense, and effort.
heh, no problem. Powergame? I am still working to finish 100 lumberjack after 10 years of subscription. Is that anti-powergame enough for ya? :p


Heh, it took me 3 yrs to bring myself to finish off the last 5.0 points of LJ'ing myself. :thumbsup:


Make this skill super hard to gain!

Make it cost ALOT to learn it!!

Make the reagents VERY expensive!!

or this skill will be out of control!!;)
well i think the skill will be out of control sooner or later, its to powerful, it doesnt matter if it happens this year or in 2 years, but one time player will have the skill.

i would like to see imbuing just for jewels or stuff you cant make with a runic, at least make an item destroyable while imbuing, like enchantment


This skill isn't going to be one you can just powergame up to 120, which is a good thing. It's going to be one that a crafter that's earned that 120 skill will be well paid for their time, expense, and effort.
why cant it be powergamed?

the wealthy player can just buy the amount of ingredients he needs... the miner lumberjack fisherman scripters will deliver tons of gems etc.


why cant it be powergamed?

the wealthy player can just buy the amount of ingredients he needs... the miner lumberjack fisherman scripters will deliver tons of gems etc.
Even a wealthy player will find it difficult to find everything they would need to powergame it, and would find that the cost of doing so will put a huge dent in even the biggest bank account. To make it simple, it's cost prohibitive, even for a rich player.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This has got to be the most ignorant statement I've ever seen here on Stratics. A person that plays 5 hours a day will ALWAYS be on a higher level than someone that only plays 5 hours a week. If the game is changed so that they're equal then you may as well go look for a new game because this one won't be worth playing anymore.

"Worth playing" ??

And what is that supposed to mean if I may ask ?

The way I see it, this is a game, only a game which is a tool to spend time unused in real life and relax.

I think this tool would be a better tool if players would more often meet their challenge in the game.

For this to happen, I think, it is necessary to bring all players to the same level and not have a gap between them widen be it because some have more wealth or more time to spend playing the game.

A more challenging PvP environment needs PvPers on equal footing, IMHO, and the more the better.

Oh man, that pro football player shouldn't have his millions or his houses and cars. I play football at the park on the weekends so I should have exactly what he has. I demand that it be made so. Gold coins should fall from heaven, and everyone should have a Lamborghini parked in their garage.

Again, this is only a game.
I do not see how professional sport players can be mixed up with average game players.

It is like oil and water, they do not mix.

So, professional sport uses an arena and average sport players use an entire other.

Ultima Online, last I knew, is only and just a game........


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why cant it be powergamed?

the wealthy player can just buy the amount of ingredients he needs... the miner lumberjack fisherman scripters will deliver tons of gems etc.

From what I read the top ingredients for the very high end imbuing will come from chopping wood and mining ore.

And aren't maybe scripters those who mine and chop the most ?

As I see it, these changes will be a blessing for scripters.........

It is so sad, but really sad.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even a wealthy player will find it difficult to find everything they would need to powergame it, and would find that the cost of doing so will put a huge dent in even the biggest bank account. To make it simple, it's cost prohibitive, even for a rich player.
And what about scripters ?

Will they also have such a hard time to come by all of the ingredients they need ?


Does anyone (up to date with the latest on Imbuing) know..

Can you still take a mid/top-end item and imbue (and re-imbue) a minimal mod to it for gains? From what I heard it was a far cheaper method than taking a low-end piece and Imbuing a top-end mod to it. I heard there was some debate over this as to whether it should be allowed or not, or that it was something they were looking to change. What's the status now?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
well again u will have some sort of crafting that will support scripters. and unlike those ML-recepies where only some were really interesting (still laughing about "inventions" like a blight gripped longbow etc) eg the mined gems will get real power, when u look at how imbuing is designed atm.


First: Make things break during imbuing. Just like enhancing does. Break chance scales with the intensity of the item, like enhancing.

Second: Generate a deed: For one month of subscription, each account gets one "assured imbuing deed", which means that u can imbue an item for certain, without the chance of breaking it.

What it does: Powergamers/scripters and casual players are treated the same; casual players can focus on the rare items that will become extraordinary powerful with imbuing while the "power fraction" will have to take higher risk for their mass-imbuing. By this you get, depending on the break chance, a fair trade-off where casuals don't have to stay away pi++ed because they just can't compete with the shere time power of powergamers/scripters.


Even a wealthy player will find it difficult to find everything they would need to powergame it, and would find that the cost of doing so will put a huge dent in even the biggest bank account. To make it simple, it's cost prohibitive, even for a rich player.
when i see what players pay for low mod jewels (millions) in luna while outside luna nobody would pay 5k for it .... then i think some players just have to much gold and they buy everything no matter what it costs

buying gems and other ingredients will be peanuts.

everybody will start to unravel items becasue you can do that with low skills .... i bet the market will be flooded with gems relics etc. and i bet the prices for them drop ...


First: Make things break during imbuing. Just like enhancing does. Break chance scales with the intensity of the item, like enhancing.
yea, i second this

why can you break items while enhancing which dont give uber attributes but not with imbuing?

make items break while imbuing and make items not break or nerf the chance to break for enhancing or make both have a chance to break items