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Account blocked

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Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After a crash of my computer i've tried to login again with my account. But it's not possible. In the grey windows it says to me "support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=232" .
I've tried to go in this link but there are not a solution or an explanation. I've tried to see at my account managment but my account it's not suspended. And i have no mail.
What have i to do???
I live in Italy then i can call America :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wooohooo! Ja wohl! Sehr Gut!

Try checking your e-mail. You've also might've ran out of game time.


Did you go to account management on the website and try and log into your account?

If you get in and can view the status of your account it will tell you what might be going on

Thats is
out of time
expired credit card



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have checked your account management pages and there is no indication of block/out of time etc then it might be your client that got corrupt after the crash.

If you are playing 2D but have SA installed try that client, or the other way around.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you go to account management on the website and try and log into your account?

If you get in and can view the status of your account it will tell you what might be going on

Thats is
out of time
expired credit card

There's write nothing. Only the "upgrade account" and the "change subscription"

For Serafi, suddenly the char was in a little room with some moongates. But pc crashed and after the crash I can't login. I think that GM has considered an unattended macro. But i was on line, not unattended. Only that pc crashed and I I try to login i can't. And the message in the grey window is that i wrote in the first post.
I don't have mail, the house is perfect, the information of the account are right. But i can't login.
I've write to the customer service but noone have mailed me :(
Now i try the KR client.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Little room with moon gates sound like jail. What were you doing at the time when you were brought there.
Crashing could of corrupted some files as Serafi said & you would have to reinstall UO. First off I would try logging into account management on UO.com & see your account status. If you were suspended, it will be there (with the length of time) also if I am not mistaken.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Snakeman.
I was macroing beggar in the mapmaker shop of Moonglow.
My account management is right ( and also my house).
Than i don't understand if i can't login. If the GM has given me some jail ( I don't care if it's a mistake or not) how can know it? The reason, the days and so on?
In the meanwhile i'm patching the KR client.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also KR client doesn't work. Same block and same words :(
I'm a little frustated because i don't know what's happened and what have i do.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Go here:

Click on "edit account", that is under modify account.

Enter your account name and password, same as you use to log in to UO.

Click on "subscription info" The top two lines should read this normally:

Ultima Online Upgrade Account
Status: ACTIVE Change Billing Method

It should say suspended if your account is suspended due to billing failure, not sure what it will say for an account suspension due to a ToS violation. But it should say why you can't get in, if it's on their end.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh if you don't want to follow that (fishy looking) link, you can go to:


Then go to the left side, click on the + next to account mgmt, then click on new/edit acct and that should get you to that page in my previous post.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You were macroing begging unattended and got suspended. This is where you deny being afk and conclude the mean ol' GMs have it out for you.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You were macroing begging unattended and got suspended. This is where you deny being afk and conclude the mean ol' GMs have it out for you.
Also if it was a unattended macro, what have I do?
Looking at my account management it seems all right. Then I don't know why i can't login.
If it was for unattended macro, how can i know it? And have i a jail? Surely not a suspension ( my account management it allright).
Who give to me all informations?

Old Man of UO

You were macroing begging unattended and got suspended. This is where you deny being afk and conclude the mean ol' GMs have it out for you.
Not necessarily true. I was thrown in jail one time while training pets in town. I got absolutely no messages from the GM and I was there with my pets while the two were fighting each other. I got transported to jail and immediately disconnected. I logged back in, asked what was going on (apparently to no one there) and got no information and never got an email or suspension.

I just went back to what I was doing beforehand.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah!! I've received a mail.
Suspension for 48 hour for unattended macro.
I don't care that it's not true (i was at the computer, macroing in a shop and looking at the forum, and instead of using a moongate in the little room my computer has crashed. So probably it takes too long time before login again). But now i write to the account administration

I'm happy because i know the reason :)

Thank to all for the support and help.
And a special thanks to Snakeman ;)


The GM's sometimes do not talk to you before they wisk you away and disconnect you. It has happened to me. You only know this if your actually there!! Furthermore the move could have crashed her client.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The GM's sometimes do not talk to you before they wisk you away and disconnect you. It has happened to me. You only know this if your actually there!! Furthermore the move could have crashed her client.
Also for me it's not the first time that i go in the little room with the moongate. One time there was a GM near to me, i've spoken with him and he has given to me 24 hours of jali!!! Also if i have answered to him! ( then there was not a unattended macro).
Now i've written to the account admiinistration because it's is a wrong jail.
But for me the most important thing is to know what was happened! Sure i did'n think that was for macro afw, But ok, i don't care.
I hope that they make me login in a while and revoke the jail :)
If not ok, UO is also injustice..... :thumbdown:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Going to jail for afk macroing begging...Loooool, that is simply too funny :)
Maby the gm's are testing you, to see if you have real begging skills *GGGG*

Vincia Eaglehorn

I thnik that you have not read all that i wrote, isn't it???
no he did

it was unattended, becasue you said you was reading a forum!!!! sitting in front of your pc but not looking into UO doesnt mean attended.

attended is when you always see whats going on on UO screen ... this was not the case, you was in a forum doing something else


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Back in the Bad Old Days, I macro mined from a boat ... a Lot. I would be doing something on the other computer and keep and eye on the Macro to make sure a) A Pirate didn't show up b) A GM didn't show up.

Well I see a GM show up and ask if I was there and I typed in yes and boom back to the desk top I go........

I did get back in, in time, to exit through the moongate though. :thumbsup:

attended is when you always see whats going on on UO screen ... this was not the case, you was in a forum doing something else
Are you quoting from the ToS?

I am going to assume that your asserting your opinion as though it were fact, from the God(s) of UO themselves, so to speak.

This issue has ALWAYS been a hotly contested line in the sand, ALWAYS.

I can say that using your "LITERAL" definition, then if some family member asks me to look at something etc. Then in fact I am UNATTENDED, because hey I am NOT FOCUSED 100% on the screen in front of me that is requiring me to perform some tortuous, mind numbing, depressing action repetitively that is best suited to be performed by a MINDLESS SCRIPT of some sort, that can NOT be tortured, that has NO mind to numb etc.

I understand the concept of you need to do the work to earn the reward. Seriously, I get that.

But the concept is far to subjective to be useful. Why does one need to spend 8 continuous hours, for 8 days to try and achieve some goal?

Group A that loves Repetitive, Mind Numbing Tasks will say that is fair and equitable.

Group B that HATES Repetitive, Mind Numbing Tasks will say that is ... well BAD.

One might believe that any given Repetitive, Mind Numbing Task will NOT be seen as such by Group A and will be seen as such by Group B.

This tends to put me more on the fence than not, I understand those that enjoy the action need to have the ability to perform that action to enjoy their play style.

I also understand that, those that do NOT enjoy the action will do everything in their power to reduce their requirement to perform the action.

The GM made a call, I can not go against what they decided as I don't have the information they had.

I would hope though, that mostly, UO GM's would turn a Blind Eye to such things, given no .... complicating factors.


hearing all your loony babbling it sounds to me , that it is the second time even you got jailed for unattended macroing , i hear you talking about i wasnt , i was there but checking boards or what ever, its still unattended then , hunderd reasons , loo, watching a movie , cooking diner, shopping still its a ungoing macro , and you werent there so yep you get a 24hour ban


Of all the people in Luna afk training on golems or working skills, they find you working up begging, a pretty much useless skill... I mean what are you going to do, beg to abuse the system and make 5k gold an hour! Lol.

I run IDOCs too... Very often you see MANY people AFK in their house. It really wouldn't take much to catch these people, but oh well.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The GM's sometimes do not talk to you before they wisk you away and disconnect you. It has happened to me. You only know this if your actually there!! Furthermore the move could have crashed her client.
The GM's sometimes don't know enough either. I got taken to jail once while watching (attended) the fighting at yew gate as a ghost. The reason? I had a bad guild title. The problem with that? I wasn't in a guild.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no he did

it was unattended, becasue you said you was reading a forum!!!! sitting in front of your pc but not looking into UO doesnt mean attended.

attended is when you always see whats going on on UO screen ... this was not the case, you was in a forum doing something else
I myself have dual screens, I can browse/read forums, part stores, work, etc from one & still play UO Attended on the other, run a UO Macro (Alt O set one up with hot keys, Or one in UOA same way) I push the key the chara switchs to a different NPC & begs, rinse & repeat) So I can Read, Work & play UO attended. So don't assume right off fron the start it can't be done & is unattended, because you can.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ive gotten suspended a few times for running a macro, each time i was at my computer but had uo minimized doing something else so it kind of sucks when u click back and see yourself in jail but yea u need to watch the screen to make it not considered unattended macroing

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah!! I've received a mail.
Suspension for 48 hour for unattended macro.
I don't care that it's not true (i was at the computer, macroing in a shop and looking at the forum, and instead of using a moongate in the little room my computer has crashed. So probably it takes too long time before login again). But now i write to the account administration

I'm happy because i know the reason :)

Thank to all for the support and help.
And a special thanks to Snakeman ;)
You did not answer the GM when he or she spoke to you. getting no reply from you they threw you in jail and suspended your account. So it doesnt really matter if you were sitting there or not. main point is you didnt answer the GM.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone blaming her for unattended macroing must not know how to read very well. She was there, saw she was sent to a jail cell and before she could have a chance to respond to gm the client crashed. how can you prove your not afk when the client crashes and the gm blocks you.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone blaming her for unattended macroing must not know how to read very well. She was there, saw she was sent to a jail cell and before she could have a chance to respond to gm the client crashed. how can you prove your not afk when the client crashes and the gm blocks you.
that proves nothing some one could be gone for hours come back just in time to see they are being sent to jail and see the client crash. The GM talked to her she didn't reply back.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You were macroing begging unattended and got suspended. This is where you deny being afk and conclude the mean ol' GMs have it out for you.
Not necessarily true. I was thrown in jail one time while training pets in town. I got absolutely no messages from the GM and I was there with my pets while the two were fighting each other. I got transported to jail and immediately disconnected. I logged back in, asked what was going on (apparently to no one there) and got no information and never got an email or suspension.

I just went back to what I was doing beforehand.
Old man is right, GM's are not flawless. I was once jailed back in the day because someone reported another character with the same name as mine for something. Thankfully the GM either believed my story, or found the right guy because he released me with no action against my account and even apologized for the mix up.


Everyone blaming her for unattended macroing must not know how to read very well. She was there, saw she was sent to a jail cell and before she could have a chance to respond to gm the client crashed. how can you prove your not afk when the client crashes and the gm blocks you.

She said she was reading a forum when it happened.

The UO gods consider doing ANYTHING else leaving your character unnatended..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone blaming her for unattended macroing must not know how to read very well. She was there, saw she was sent to a jail cell and before she could have a chance to respond to gm the client crashed. how can you prove your not afk when the client crashes and the gm blocks you.
I recently had this happen for training on a golem while i was looking at another screen.

Once your sent to jail you get 5 mins to reply, if no reply in this time your suspended or banned (depending on the offence)
Just bad timing on her part to click back on the page as shes being booted.

I say this to you though, Take the punishment and be very quiet as i've seen others get banned for less than what you were doing.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
as i said michelle, the act of dragging her to jail crashed client, you cant respond to a gm when clients crashed.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone blaming her for unattended macroing must not know how to read very well. She was there, saw she was sent to a jail cell and before she could have a chance to respond to gm the client crashed. how can you prove your not afk when the client crashes and the gm blocks you.
she said she was reading a forum

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
as i said michelle, the act of dragging her to jail crashed client, you cant respond to a gm when clients crashed.
point is she did not speak to the GM when she should of, because if she did the GM would of never sent her to jail. The GM sent her tp jail and logged her off the client didnt crash.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Old man is right, GM's are not flawless. I was once jailed back in the day because someone reported another character with the same name as mine for something. Thankfully the GM either believed my story, or found the right guy because he released me with no action against my account and even apologized for the mix up.
It isn't just the GM's ... :)

Back in the Bad Old Days, UO's lack of unique names was .... well a problem for people.

Some one gets PK'd by MyMiner and sees a character named MyMiner, pk's him and his pack horses.

The two were not the same player/account, had no idea there was another character with their name.

While I know it is way to late, but it sure would be nice if the UO name could be unique.

On the other hand, I finally meet the Sphinx with my Name that is blocking me from having a character named Enigma Maitreya in game. Bah he was not interested in a Name Change :(


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once your sent to jail you get 5 mins to reply, if no reply in this time your suspended or banned (depending on the offence)...
Is this the way it is now? The last time I was in Jail it was the 5 minutes to exit via the MoonGate. If you didn't do that, then you were suspended.

I would always talk to the GM's ... honestly, such as, Yeah you got me the last time OR Nope, I am here this time.

What is the point of insulting their intelligence? They have heard every scam/con/story in the book, not once, but more times than one has fingers and toes to count them on. Far better to just be honest and do what you can to deescalate the issue with them, than to take actions that can escalate the issue with them.

On the other hand, being really (constructive) entertaining can go a .... long ways with them.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone blaming her for unattended macroing must not know how to read very well. She was there, saw she was sent to a jail cell and before she could have a chance to respond to gm the client crashed. how can you prove your not afk when the client crashes and the gm blocks you.
Finally someone who has well read all my posts. Thanks :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is this the way it is now? The last time I was in Jail it was the 5 minutes to exit via the MoonGate. If you didn't do that, then you were suspended.
Yeah, probably was that way. I never got chance to leave the jail :thumbsup:

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stop please, with this post.
You put in my mouth words that i've never sayed.
I've made this post only because i did'nt know what was happened, i was in panic because i didn't think having made nothing wrong. Reading a forum doesn't means that i don't look at char. Infact i've sayed that i've seen myself going in the little room with moongates. Without GM. And then the crash...
My post was made not for polemic. Olnly to know what was happened.
Stop, please :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, probably was that way. I never got chance to leave the jail :thumbsup:
Well there was the .... Nice Jail were you had the chance to leave.

Then there was the DUNGON CELL and you had NO chance to leave that sucker, that place was for really BAD PEOPLE. I would kid around with them on that and suggest they actually let the inmates interact with each other ... to get it out of their blood ... so to speak.

I am not playing that style of UO this time, so I have no idea how it is now.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stop please, with this post.
You put in my mouth words that i've never sayed.
I've made this post only because i did'nt know what was happened, i was in panic because i didn't think having made nothing wrong. Reading a forum doesn't means that i don't look at char. Infact i've sayed that i've seen myself going in the little room with moongates. Without GM. And then the crash...
My post was made not for polemic. Olnly to know what was happened.
Stop, please :)
Ok if you were looking at forms and also watching your character, and you never seen the GM and the GM never spoke to you. just put you in jail and logged you off. They will look into it. anyways good luck hope things turn out for you


Question asked and answered.

I think it has gone far enough.
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