Back in the Bad Old Days, I macro mined from a boat ... a Lot. I would be doing something on the other computer and keep and eye on the Macro to make sure a) A Pirate didn't show up b) A GM didn't show up.
Well I see a GM show up and ask if I was there and I typed in yes and boom back to the desk top I go........
I did get back in, in time, to exit through the moongate though.
attended is when you always see whats going on on UO screen ... this was not the case, you was in a forum doing something else
Are you quoting from the ToS?
I am going to assume that your asserting your opinion as though it were fact, from the God(s) of UO themselves, so to speak.
This issue has ALWAYS been a hotly contested line in the sand, ALWAYS.
I can say that using your "LITERAL" definition, then if some family member asks me to look at something etc. Then in fact I am UNATTENDED, because hey I am NOT FOCUSED 100% on the screen in front of me that is requiring me to perform some tortuous, mind numbing, depressing action repetitively that is best suited to be performed by a MINDLESS SCRIPT of some sort, that can NOT be tortured, that has NO mind to numb etc.
I understand the concept of you need to do the work to earn the reward. Seriously, I get that.
But the concept is far to subjective to be useful. Why does one need to spend 8 continuous hours, for 8 days to try and achieve some goal?
Group A that loves Repetitive, Mind Numbing Tasks will say that is fair and equitable.
Group B that HATES Repetitive, Mind Numbing Tasks will say that is ... well BAD.
One might believe that any given Repetitive, Mind Numbing Task will NOT be seen as such by Group A and will be seen as such by Group B.
This tends to put me more on the fence than not, I understand those that enjoy the action need to have the ability to perform that action to enjoy their play style.
I also understand that, those that do NOT enjoy the action will do everything in their power to reduce their requirement to perform the action.
The GM made a call, I can not go against what they decided as I don't have the information they had.
I would hope though, that mostly, UO GM's would turn a Blind Eye to such things, given no .... complicating factors.