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Had A Idea

Should We Have A Event To Blow Up Luna

  • Yes!!! Back To Brit

    Votes: 66 80.5%
  • No!!! I Secretly Love Luna

    Votes: 16 19.5%

  • Total voters

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
It seems (at least on Atl) everyone wants brit to be the main hangout. I can only assume most people really like luna cause no matter how hard people try to get brit to be #1 everyone ends up back at luna. Anyways, my idea is lets have another huge event like in Maginicia only this time we destroy luna. I'm sure the dev's would never do it but i figured I would make a poll just to see what everyone thinks.


Seasoned Veteran
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I vote yes, but for different reasons. Luna is nice for convenience, but waaaayy overpriced. So much so that I dont shop there.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I vote yes, but for different reasons. Luna is nice for convenience, but waaaayy overpriced. So much so that I dont shop there.
But if luna's blown up, wont zento just become the new luna?


Blow it up! I wish everyone with a house there had a webcam too, to record their reaction when discovering the rampage of some creature from Draconi's mad mind. :p


It seems (at least on Atl) everyone wants brit to be the main hangout. I can only assume most people really like luna cause no matter how hard people try to get brit to be #1 everyone ends up back at luna. Anyways, my idea is lets have another huge event like in Maginicia only this time we destroy luna. I'm sure the dev's would never do it but i figured I would make a poll just to see what everyone thinks.
I miss Britain as well. It seemed like more of the "classic UO" hangout rather than the "new age UO" hangout that Luna has become.

It seems every time people start to move back to Britain there is another one of those-- might I say absolutely lame-- invasions that draws everyone out again and back to Luna. Not being able to go AFK in Britain for more than 3 minutes without dying killed the city. Now, the city is barren and bland.

I say we all move back to Britain, stop the invasions, and just bring back the classic feel.

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When i said blow up luna i didn't mean the houses, but it seems lots of you hate them as much if not more than the bank.


Lore Master
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That is all :p
I'm not saying i Love luna, i want brit back as much as all of you, but why did luna become popular? moon gate to a town surrounded by player towns... What's zento? a town with a moongate surrounded by... wait a minute... don't they sound similar? Oh my god, the bank is open and in the center of the town too!

Stupid Miner

Long before the Despise invasion, a lot of people hated WBB like they hate Luna now. If they invade Luna, they'll hate WBB, then when they invade WBB again, then they'll hate Luna. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then they'll invade Luna again and people will hate WBB once again. Then they'll invade WBB again and people will hate Luna again. Then everyone will murder the Dev team and bank in Vesper.

I believe there's a pattern there somewhere, but I'm not quite sure what it is. :confused:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about "Leave Luna Alone. It's better than WBB" There's no love or hate involved. It's just a better, more convenient bank.


I like Luna. There's lots of shops around. It doesn't divide the people into 2 groups either at Luna and Britain. Luna is much more convenient imo.


Stupid Miner: that is awesome.

When those guys were doing that event where you could get money and prizes for banksitting at WBB, it was cool to see everyone back and really brought back memories.

But for actual useful banking, you know where I go? Vesper. there's never anyone there, no high-graphics pets, no player houses loaded with items and bandwidth hogs. There's nothing to make my poor beleagured computer groan.


Lore Keeper
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I hate to be negative, but that absolutely crap invasion\event (that people bothered with for only a few days, but continued for weeks and months) destroyed WBB for Europa.

Before the event WBB was the no1 hang out location, as had always been the case. Then, you couldn't recall in for ages and when you finally could there was always the chance there was going to be an invasion.

So everyone was lured to Luna and now WBB is dead. Its sad to see. And for what? Some silly event that could of quite easily been concluded after a week, but instead was allowed to drag on relentlessly.


It seems (at least on Atl) everyone wants brit to be the main hangout.
If everyone wants it, all they need do is start using Brit. If they're not prepared to bank their money where their mouth is, then it won't happen.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Love the signature Fink (Gorillas). Thats where I'm getting to after 11 some what years.
All this paying for items that have been in the game for years.

Anyways back to the original post. Our EMs got it right for this thread.

To bad the bank in Brit is only 1/8th done.


Luna is one-stop shopping, not including the player vendors. bank, moongate, stables, most the craftsmen all withing a few steps of one another. The vendor houses are just a blessing/curse on top of that (depending on your perspective).


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Luna is one-stop shopping, not including the player vendors. bank, moongate, stables, most the craftsmen all withing a few steps of one another. The vendor houses are just a blessing/curse on top of that (depending on your perspective).
Exactly! For me it's the convenience of the bank so close to the moongate. I personally always thought there should be a moongate to every bank.

This would spread the population out to more towns.


on my shard, luna is meeting place of all those people i don't want to see. thus i am glad they keep haning out in the ugliest city of britannia, instead of infesting beautiful cities like britain with their doodish blathering and their spellcasting macros.

keep luna!

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Luna's an overpriced joke in every aspect. From vendor rentals, plot costs, and junk being sold for pathetic millions.

I've seen garbage bows for over 30 million......It seems, just because someone used a runic to make a piece of junk, it's worth millions.

I don't shop there............just like I don't shop at walmart.


Regardless, the poll speaks for itself, Ive plenty of blackrock left.

Malas IMO the whole thing, is an eye-sore.


Luna is not over-priced. Its not even for sale.

Now some vendors in luna are way over-priced.
And some vendors in luna are under-priced.
And some vendors in luna are on target.
And some vendors in luna are a tad bit higher but okay.

Can you stop making generalizations please. ARGH.

Here is a tip. Don't buy from over-priced vendors.

Please spare me the prove it posts. Go walk around luna and youll find all 4 types.


Stupid Miner

Luna should be invaded... not for the purpose of driving people out, but because it should! It's a giant walled Paladin city, it's just screaming "Invade Me!"

I vote it should be the Umbra necromancers that do it.

Also, the city architecture is an eyesore. Too much sandstone.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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IMHO, Zento is a better option for a shard hang out spot. Reason being: beautiful scenes and sounds.

As for WBB Trammel: Catskills has a moongate, a stable, and a Arcane Circle for lvl 6's, so there has been an increase on traffic b/c of these additions. If there was a blacksmith AND tailor NPC there, i'd think it'd be perfect. They DID add a forge... no BOD guys though....


You mean that horrible gold giveaway for bank sitting in Britain didn't bring people back? Who could have foreseen that?


Seems to me that something's going to have to give, considering the top two Luna vendor search sites haven't been updating recently.

That being said, it would be nice to go to one spot (like...um...brit bank perhaps?) and spam that I need 150 recalls at 450 per 10, or 10 tailor repair deeds instead of being told "just go to luna and get some".

Which brings up another problem...when you went to wbb to buy items back in the day (back in the day meaning somewhere around 2000), you knew who you were buying from because you had a chance to speak with them on a regular basis. Most of the time, the crafters made what you needed on the spot (or repaired your armor for you on the spot), and you didn't have to worry about whether items were duped or farmed or not. Most items were cheap, because you had the advantage of haggling the price down for what you needed or trading several items for the one, instead of being forced to buy something for 10mil from vendor. If you were being suckered into buying something for waaayyyy too much (think 500k for Raed's Glory), the person who was selling would be told by (usually) a vet to lower their price. You had that safety buffer that is not available in Luna. Honest People and their customers were able to control the prices, instead of farmers and dupers.

The only good thing you might be able to say about Luna is that honest people may actually be able to make slightly more money than they would otherwise...but that is only slightly when you reason in that other people are duping or farming and selling 20 of the same things for higher than what they would normally go at. And higher it is...you would think that someone who had 20 items in backstock would sell things for lower; unfortunately that is not the case.
The honest person is then forced to lower the prices on their one item to be able to even try to compete...which they can't, because they are only trying to sell the one item that a duper or farmer would have 20 or 30 of.

Trust me, I would go to Brit Bank regularly if there were ever any crafters or player-merchants to buy things from there, and if they were there on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, if there are no guildmates or alliance members on then I am forced to try to find items at either out-of-luna vendors (which isn't a bad thing, but I would prefer to buy items from a someone who is actually sitting on the other side of my screen), or attempt to find items in Luna.


Before the event WBB was the no1 hang out location, as had always been the case. Then, you couldn't recall in for ages and when you finally could there was always the chance there was going to be an invasion..
Well, for me n°1 was Haven :(

Stupid Miner

It seems (at least on Atl) everyone wants brit to be the main hangout. I can only assume most people really like luna cause no matter how hard people try to get brit to be #1 everyone ends up back at luna. Anyways, my idea is lets have another huge event like in Maginicia only this time we destroy luna. I'm sure the dev's would never do it but i figured I would make a poll just to see what everyone thinks.

As evidenced by Luna's Mini Invasion on GL last night. A full-scale Invasion would probably crash the server.


Can't really respond.

On Siege they took brit and all the other faction towns away from us by removing the Guard Zones. New players can't do escorts unless they can gate. We are left with only 4 towns with stables.