Seems to me that something's going to have to give, considering the top two Luna vendor search sites haven't been updating recently.
That being said, it would be nice to go to one spot ( bank perhaps?) and spam that I need 150 recalls at 450 per 10, or 10 tailor repair deeds instead of being told "just go to luna and get some".
Which brings up another problem...when you went to wbb to buy items back in the day (back in the day meaning somewhere around 2000), you knew who you were buying from because you had a chance to speak with them on a regular basis. Most of the time, the crafters made what you needed on the spot (or repaired your armor for you on the spot), and you didn't have to worry about whether items were duped or farmed or not. Most items were cheap, because you had the advantage of haggling the price down for what you needed or trading several items for the one, instead of being forced to buy something for 10mil from vendor. If you were being suckered into buying something for waaayyyy too much (think 500k for Raed's Glory), the person who was selling would be told by (usually) a vet to lower their price. You had that safety buffer that is not available in Luna. Honest People and their customers were able to control the prices, instead of farmers and dupers.
The only good thing you might be able to say about Luna is that honest people may actually be able to make slightly more money than they would otherwise...but that is only slightly when you reason in that other people are duping or farming and selling 20 of the same things for higher than what they would normally go at. And higher it would think that someone who had 20 items in backstock would sell things for lower; unfortunately that is not the case.
The honest person is then forced to lower the prices on their one item to be able to even try to compete...which they can't, because they are only trying to sell the one item that a duper or farmer would have 20 or 30 of.
Trust me, I would go to Brit Bank regularly if there were ever any crafters or player-merchants to buy things from there, and if they were there on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, if there are no guildmates or alliance members on then I am forced to try to find items at either out-of-luna vendors (which isn't a bad thing, but I would prefer to buy items from a someone who is actually sitting on the other side of my screen), or attempt to find items in Luna.