Yup I have a 7 seven year old kid who plays UO. I allow him if he's been a good boy in school and home.
He mostly plays on weekends. One day I spied on what he was doing and saw him working his Tamer character on one of the Orc forts at Brit.
I asked what are you doing and goal in playing there?
He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC popeelation OK!"
That being said I left him to his misery.
He mostly plays on weekends. One day I spied on what he was doing and saw him working his Tamer character on one of the Orc forts at Brit.
I asked what are you doing and goal in playing there?
He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC popeelation OK!"
That being said I left him to his misery.