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Goal in playing UO



Yup I have a 7 seven year old kid who plays UO. I allow him if he's been a good boy in school and home.

He mostly plays on weekends. One day I spied on what he was doing and saw him working his Tamer character on one of the Orc forts at Brit.

I asked what are you doing and goal in playing there?

He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC popeelation OK!"

That being said I left him to his misery. :D



Up until like, a year and a half ago it was to hang out and have a good time. Then I met Cear and the C****l, and I then wanted to blow up the world.

Wouldn't mind having a Dragon's Prod either.


Lore Master
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Yup I have a 7 seven year old kid who plays UO. I allow him if he's been a good boy in school and home.

He mostly plays on weekends. One day I spied on what he was doing and saw him working his Tamer character on one of the Orc forts at Brit.

I asked what are you doing and goal in playing there?

He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC population OK!"

That being said I left him to his misery. :D


Kids say the darnedest things, don't they? =]
I let my girlfriend play from time to time. She's often running around taming chickens. Th first time I allowed her to do this, my auto target didn't turn on and she was too worried about the chicken to run to target the giant snake which ender up killing my elder warrior/paladin character.
Yep. I wasn't very happy when she lost my body too.


Seasoned Veteran
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Yup I have a 7 seven year old kid who plays UO. I allow him if he's been a good boy in school and home.

He mostly plays on weekends. One day I spied on what he was doing and saw him working his Tamer character on one of the Orc forts at Brit.

I asked what are you doing and goal in playing there?

He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC population OK!"

That being said I left him to his misery. :D


Good to see someone with an imagination that matches the original concepts of MMOs.

Specifically I remember Richard Garriott and Starr Long tlaking about dynamic areas within the game. Had these been properly introduced, your son may very well have wiped out the orcs (at least at that fort) and been able to conquer it for an amount of time until the orcs decided to invade it again.

We wouldn't see this until these two developers worked on Tabula Rasa nearly a decade later.

But the fact that we can express ourselves (even though it may seem futile) is the reason I keep coming back to this game.


My goals changed over time as I played the game. I started playing back when the game was released. I played pre-alpha but never played beta. I skipped beta and played the release version the day it hit store shelves.

At first my entire goal was to own a house and fill it with stuff. This was back when owning a house sucked. You had to manually refresh it and carry a key with no keyring and nothing could be locked down because there was no such thing as item decay.

After a while I wanted to be able to actually play the game so I had a new goal which was to make a character that could actually leave town safely to some degree.

It was a long time before I had either of those things but once I did I also had new goals.

I ended up exploring every aspect of the game and watched new things come and old things go.

I owned successful vendors, crafted outrageous armor and weapon, mastered pvp, killed everything I possibly could solo. I owned a tower in fel for my red and to hold all my resources and I had a museum in trammel filled with all the goodies I collected over the 11 years I played. I also had a lot of friends in the game that I really enjoyed just hanging out in game with.

In the end I had nothing left to do and nothing new was a surprise or fun for long after it was released.

Rares collecting and pvp took a dive and pvm was boring and tedious.

So I gave up and closed my accounts because I finally accomplished all my UO goals and I had a lot of fun in the process.


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My goals are to have fun, explore both old and new places, and to try and make things enjoyable for whoever I encounter while playing.

Things that I want in game change from time to time, basically whatever catches my eye. I especially enjoy personalizing my characters and playing to achieve the things I want.


Always Present
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He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC popeelation OK!"

Actually, I always had a gripe with some of the spawns in UO.

The way re-spawn is designed, I think, works as an incentive to farming and, to my opinion, this is bad.

I would MUCH rather prefer that instead of having spawn work in favour of farming, that spawn allowed players, if they wished so, to "clean out a spawn".

I think it is not correct to have critters pop up, endlessly. It may give to players a feeling of their efforts to fight the spawn as being useless.

Nope, spawn should be such that if players wanted to halt a spawn, at least temporarily for sometime, they should be able to.

At least so I think.


Babbling Loonie
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" Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC popeelation OK!"
This kid's remark contains a lot of wisdom and information!

Actually, the kid thinks that killing Orcs has an impact on the gaming world. Unfortunately, it doesn't. UO is designed that creatures just respawn endlessly, no matter how many of them you kill.

It is one of my biggest wishes for future Ultime Online that spawn will become less static and more intelligent. Monsters calling for reinforcements. Threatened species moving elsewhere. Large tribes traveling through Britannia to escape the human threat or take revenge and attack the nearest town.

Wishful thinking...


Lore Keeper
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My goal, as it has been since day one, is to build my wealth, get the best items, win at PvP and PvM and have a laugh!!

I :heart: UO



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This kid's remark contains a lot of wisdom and information!

Actually, the kid thinks that killing Orcs has an impact on the gaming world. Unfortunately, it doesn't. UO is designed that creatures just respawn endlessly, no matter how many of them you kill.

If I remember correctly, though, the original vision for the game was different.

The Designers wanted to actually make an artificial intelligence where players "could" impact spawns.......

I remember reading that the idea was to have NPCs populations grown unless players kept them under control and critters would even expand to attack towns unless players acted accordingly. A more reactive environment, that is.

Unfortunately, whatever the reasons, spawns turned out be handled differently.

I wonder, since we are 11 years later, if today's technology and knowledge would allow to make spawns more dynamic rather than static with a better AI........

Of course, it also depends on how much the company that owns the game will want to invest in it.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup I have a 7 seven year old kid who plays UO. I allow him if he's been a good boy in school and home.

He mostly plays on weekends. One day I spied on what he was doing and saw him working his Tamer character on one of the Orc forts at Brit.

I asked what are you doing and goal in playing there?

He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC popeelation OK!"

That being said I left him to his misery. :D

I have a helpful tip for you. Some friday evening, sit down with him and say: "Son, I need to teach you the realities of life." Then tell him to go to Yew & run outside of the guardzone.

That should teach him a very important lesson you'll need if you want to manage in life: kill or be killed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

Happily, I have seemingly limitless goals for my characters of Sosaria. Over the 141 months played many goals have been achieved. However, new characters on new accounts brought new goals. Also, even my first, eldest characters developed new goals. And one goal for all my characters is both an achievable and sustainable goal...to roleplay each character with differing and unique personalities.

Lastly, I continue to create in game fictional stories (character histories, character profiles, item histories, logs on the ground histories, event records, etc.).

I simply cannot imagine ever growing tired of Sosaria even if no new content were added. Then with all the new content the enjoyment and opportunities for fun are nearly endless.

Only those who set "end game" goals ever deceive themselves into thinking they have "done it all" and reached games end.

Expand your imagination and creativity and you expand the world that is Sosaria.

Elladan of Baja


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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As I recall my original "goal" when playing was to own my own slice of the pie... course this was back when there was no open spots at all to place and the smallest 7x7 cost upwards of 5 million gold... I soon realized my dream was not going to occur anytime soon... but I had fun working at it.

Having fun and being part of the community soon became my more attainable goals. Hence I turned my attentions to the RP aspect of UO and have never once looked back.

Now my goals range from stopping the vile userper Casca and putting an end to his rule and bringing the true meaning of the virtues back to Britannia to sharpening and honing my skills in PvP.

However there is always my "ultimate" UO goal that I keep way in the back... which is to build up all 48+ characters on GL to "complete" 7x GM or 6X120 or whatever the combo may be to all 255 stats... and have them each have a complete adventuring suit.... weapons and all... which ought to take me another 9 years at least of play then I may branch out and create one account with a full 6 character base on all the shards save seige and Mugen... which I may or may not eventually get a full compliment of characters on by getting skills on each and every single character I can on all of my accounts but that would be my "final" UO goal likely... dunno...

Will UO still be around by then? Will I still be around by then... dunno.... can't say... hope so, as I'm not nearly done having fun..... as all the while I'll be RPing on GL's.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I have a helpful tip for you. Some friday evening, sit down with him and say: "Son, I need to teach you the realities of life." Then tell him to go to Yew & run outside of the guardzone.

That should teach him a very important lesson you'll need if you want to manage in life: kill or be killed.

ok, that's pretty warped thinking.


He stood up looked me in the eye and said.." Daddy can't you see I need to wipe out the entire ORC popeelation OK!"
Sooner or later, the spawner will run out of orc, it's mathematical! :D
There's a big bag of orcs under the ground. Keep killing them, the bag will empty itself! :)


I have a helpful tip for you. Some friday evening, sit down with him and say: "Son, I need to teach you the realities of life." Then tell him to go to Yew & run outside of the guardzone.

That should teach him a very important lesson you'll need if you want to manage in life: kill or be killed.
Roflmao. Let the thieves have a go first, please?


My goal is to periodically get lost in a world where I don't have a mortgage=)

Dr Poth

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Annoy Heimlich/Risso as much as possible in CUK guildchat.

And also bully Escaflowne. Whilst IDOC'ing the other day I happened upon him naked in his house. The pervert.


Hail Folks,

Happily, I have seemingly limitless goals for my characters of Sosaria. Over the 141 months played many goals have been achieved. However, new characters on new accounts brought new goals. Also, even my first, eldest characters developed new goals. And one goal for all my characters is both an achievable and sustainable goal...to roleplay each character with differing and unique personalities.

Lastly, I continue to create in game fictional stories (character histories, character profiles, item histories, logs on the ground histories, event records, etc.).

I simply cannot imagine ever growing tired of Sosaria even if no new content were added. Then with all the new content the enjoyment and opportunities for fun are nearly endless.

Only those who set "end game" goals ever deceive themselves into thinking they have "done it all" and reached games end.

Expand your imagination and creativity and you expand the world that is Sosaria.

Elladan of Baja
Well spoken, perhaps goals are meant to be within reach yet far enough to be attained as well :)



Lore Keeper
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My goal used to be just gather as much gold as humanely possible so that one day I could have a Villa of my own...

Nearly 12 years later, it's gather as many pretty pixels as humanely possible to decorate my 18x18 that I designed to look like a villa on steroids.