How about pet damage in PvP? Somewhere in the "damage" code, a simple:
if target = player
damage /= 50%
Or whatever % needs to be done.
How about pets' lack of intelligence? Ever watch a pet get stumped by a wall that a monster will run around? A five minute cut and paste of one of the monster AI's would do wonders.
How about bugged quivers that GM's ban over? Somehow they can do a complete monk robe fix over dupped robes but can't do a similar thing for quivers? You know... a simple update database SQL query
And those are just the three that come off the top of my head. If I spent hours, I could get you a LOT more.
While I can say "YAY, EA FINALLY got to something in a somewhat timely manner", I will still stick with my usual "WTF does the staff do for UO with their 40 hour weeks?" Even the most novice of programmers with no experience with a programs code could do a simple line trace through code to find one bug in a week. Nevermind the fact that numerous people on stratics have given step by step descriptions of bugs