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TC1: Pub 59.01 Notes

Chrissay Zeeman

20 Jul 2009 17:04:55

Bug fixes

Fixed the ability to throw the cream pies at another player if they do not have one in their backpacks

test center recieved pies?? why


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya they'll will jump right on this (like a Pie & it's 1 misuse in PvP is a game stopper :talktothehand:) but let other stuff that's been broke/misused/Etc for yrs go tho.. :coco:.. Can tell where their priorities are. Why don't you fix other game issues as fast when you are told numerous times by players... But let a lil pie tossing be a priority... Sheesh :yell:

Old Man of UO

Fixed the ability to throw the cream pies at another player if they do not have one in their backpacks...
Don't you know? It's because "cream pies" and "pies in your face" have such innuendos! Gilligan... Mary Ann... "cream pies"...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could be because its an easier fix since they already have the coding in there for the snowball checking to see if the other person has snow in their pack.


Ya they'll will jump right on this (like a Pie & it's 1 misuse in PvP is a game stopper :talktothehand:) but let other stuff that's been broke/misused/Etc for yrs go tho.. :coco:.. Can tell where their priorities are. Why don't you fix other game issues as fast when you are told numerous times by players... But let a lil pie tossing be a priority... Sheesh :yell:
Such as? And before you answer...Make sure you give an example of something you can currently fix.


Cloak‡1321287 said:
Such as? And before you answer...Make sure you give an example of something you can currently fix.
My foutains of life that are blinking like there a sign in Vegas Oo.I am just thankful I'm not epileptic. I am however lactose intolerant so maybe the pie fix first may be a good thing oO.


My foutains of life that are blinking like there a sign in Vegas Oo.I am just thankful I'm not epileptic. I am however lactose intolerant so maybe the pie fix first may be a good thing oO.

lol. Well I think the fountain thing is only conductive to SA so...might be a little lower on the list of "patch today". :p


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TC1: Pub 59.01 Notes

Chrissay Zeeman

20 Jul 2009 17:04:55

Bug fixes

Fixed the ability to throw the cream pies at another player if they do not have one in their backpacks

test center recieved pies?? why
Don't worry about he speedhackers and script farmers or the support service that never comes to your help or even the same bugs that been around for years get them pies fixed FAST!!

I can't for the life of me figure out why subscribers are under 100k...


Cloak‡1321287 said:
Such as? And before you answer...Make sure you give an example of something you can currently fix.
How about pet damage in PvP? Somewhere in the "damage" code, a simple:
if target = player
damage /= 50%

Or whatever % needs to be done.

How about pets' lack of intelligence? Ever watch a pet get stumped by a wall that a monster will run around? A five minute cut and paste of one of the monster AI's would do wonders.

How about bugged quivers that GM's ban over? Somehow they can do a complete monk robe fix over dupped robes but can't do a similar thing for quivers? You know... a simple update database SQL query:coco:

And those are just the three that come off the top of my head. If I spent hours, I could get you a LOT more.

While I can say "YAY, EA FINALLY got to something in a somewhat timely manner", I will still stick with my usual "WTF does the staff do for UO with their 40 hour weeks?" Even the most novice of programmers with no experience with a programs code could do a simple line trace through code to find one bug in a week. Nevermind the fact that numerous people on stratics have given step by step descriptions of bugs:coco:


How about pet damage in PvP? Somewhere in the "damage" code, a simple:
if target = player
damage /= 50%

Or whatever % needs to be done.

How about pets' lack of intelligence? Ever watch a pet get stumped by a wall that a monster will run around? A five minute cut and paste of one of the monster AI's would do wonders.

How about bugged quivers that GM's ban over? Somehow they can do a complete monk robe fix over dupped robes but can't do a similar thing for quivers? You know... a simple update database SQL query:coco:

And those are just the three that come off the top of my head. If I spent hours, I could get you a LOT more.

While I can say "YAY, EA FINALLY got to something in a somewhat timely manner", I will still stick with my usual "WTF does the staff do for UO with their 40 hour weeks?" Even the most novice of programmers with no experience with a programs code could do a simple line trace through code to find one bug in a week. Nevermind the fact that numerous people on stratics have given step by step descriptions of bugs:coco:
Well, at least you tried. The pet ai is not as easy as cut and paste, remember they have completely different ai for a reason.

Pet damage, this one is tricky but I will give you that it is not a "hard" fix

quivers, meh this one I will contribute to two factors. GM training and player stupidity. It is player stupidity if they do not page on themself like they should, it is GM training if they ban a player who did follow the rules. Granted I still give you this one.

And I think you may be extending the truth a bit on finding the bugs, but here is my real question to you, had I not asked snakeman for an example, would you still have posted in a bad way about the developers? I do not really want to get into a coding argument, and since I do not work for EA/Mythic I can not say how easy or hard it is to fix some of the crap that is wrong with the game, but I will say it is not as easy as people scream it out to be. Pleasant travels.


Don't worry about he speedhackers and script farmers or the support service that never comes to your help or even the same bugs that been around for years get them pies fixed FAST!!

I can't for the life of me figure out why subscribers are under 100k...

Never mind that those things can't be fixed with out a new client. Oh wait, we did remember and tried to give out 3 new clients, 2 of which were shunned on so bad that we had to come out with a 3rd.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Indeed, forget about pies.
I want the NCP fighter turned back on so i can hire them!!!!
You broke them in the last patch and wrestling needs them ;)


Indeed, forget about pies.
I want the NCP fighter turned back on so i can hire them!!!!
You broke them in the last patch and wrestling needs them ;)
Damn you and your legitimite requests!!


How about they fix the Recall Rune bug in the Dark Knight Quest? It's only been there for like 2 years.


How about they fix the Recall Rune bug in the Dark Knight Quest? It's only been there for like 2 years.
Don't know what that is.

Why is everyone giving me examples of broken things with out presenting a way to fix it? This is exactly what I was trying to point out. If you do not have a 100% sure way to fix something, you should not be complaining about what they fix and how fast they fix it.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Such as? And before you answer...Make sure you give an example of something you can currently fix.
1st one Off the Top, Pub 18, Moster or monsters flocking back to you when you recall back into an area you were in & recalling previously. They come back at you at hyper speed.... Some Blessed items not put back on yourself when you dbl click your corpse to dress... Want more? I've been here since 00' I can name a bunch

Having a slayer on & doing less Damage when using EOO, should not do less damage & it does.
Health & party bars not showing the person poisoned when they are, poisoned in front of you & have gone off your screen & come back in.... Or come into your screen from being poisoned & not showing
Just a few


1st one Off the Top, Pub 18, Moster or monsters flocking back to you when you recall back into an area you were in & recalling previously. They come back at you at hyper speed.... Some Blessed items not put back on yourself when you dbl click your corpse to dress... Want more? I've been here since 00' I can name a bunch

I been here since 96. I told you not to post any unless you had a way to fix them. Hence my point is proven for the 3rd time.

Unless you have an accurate way to correct the things you FEEL are wrong (blessed items have never re-equiped, be glad double clicking even equips the items) then do not complain about them.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But they are ways to fix them, just Never done. I could give you more, but seeing you don't like to admit there are other problems that could be addressed & fixed I'm going to drop it. I will give you one example that was fixed recently. I brought it up & that one was from Pub 20 or 24 was another player peacing & provoking around other players pets, causing them to come off their target. That was just fixed by Draconi less then I think a yr ago. If that could be fixed, other bugs that have plagued us could too. It's not up to the players to fix problems or have solutions, that task rests on the Dev's.

One other thing I have noticed as of late is being in war mode then recalling, sac journey, going thru a gate, etc & coming out of war mode. Sucks, esp going in & out of Bedlam for an example. Nice going thru in war mode only to go in there trying to attack something & be out of war mode! :mad:

Sad thing is, most of these bugs, problems were directly caused by trying to fix another problem. Fix one break 3, just look at the Plant bug goofs as of lately.


How am I not admiting to anything? My point was this problem was beyond easily fixed, and they did it. The problems you are talking about are not easily fixed and are worked on, from pub 20 to publish 48 is a lot of time to fix something as "easy" as that provo bug, eh?

I never said there were not things to be fixed, I said stop complaining about the order things are fixed. When something is as easy as going "select, copy, past" and is fixed in a week, as compare to something that they go "hmm why in the world is it doing that, let us follow these 2 million lines of code until we find out", the first one will be fixed on spot, the second one is what they are working on. By the way, most of the bugs you want fixed, they simply cant do because of the clients limitations.

Have to remember there is the client code and the server code, they both have to match and neither are coded the same way and both are coded "badly" by developers who are no where to be found. By all means point out bugs, give details, send reports. But stop complaining about the order things are fixed in unless you have the Programming code handy to offer them the fix.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1321841 said:
How am I not admiting to anything? My point was this problem was beyond easily fixed, and they did it. The problems you are talking about are not easily fixed and are worked on, from pub 20 to publish 48 is a lot of time to fix something as "easy" as that provo bug, eh?

I never said there were not things to be fixed, I said stop complaining about the order things are fixed. When something is as easy as going "select, copy, past" and is fixed in a week, as compare to something that they go "hmm why in the world is it doing that, let us follow these 2 million lines of code until we find out", the first one will be fixed on spot, the second one is what they are working on. By the way, most of the bugs you want fixed, they simply cant do because of the clients limitations.

Have to remember there is the client code and the server code, they both have to match and neither are coded the same way and both are coded "badly" by developers who are no where to be found. By all means point out bugs, give details, send reports. But stop complaining about the order things are fixed in unless you have the Programming code handy to offer them the fix.
We are paying customers we deserve to have a game with little bugs as possible.Second of all, why dont you page a gm and ask for something.How many times you gonna get a canned response?BTW, do gm's even work on the weekends?Get with thwe program uo is under 100k subscriber's for no reason...btw can uoassist work with the old 3D client?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm really glad they nailed down that cream pie bug, and didn't waste time on trivial stuff like interface bugs and graphical glitches.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Put it like this: one room in a hotel has a leaky tap, it's a 2 minute job for the plumber. The room next door has a three foot hole in the wall caused by a drunken sports fan. The hole was made before the tap started leaking.
Does the leaky tap have to wait until after the hole is fixed even though it's not the plumber's responsibility and it will take much longer? Or should he go ahead and fix the job that is his responsibility, leaving the larger job for the brick layer and plasterer who will take a week?

Don't assume that all the devs have equal abilities and responsibilities, don't assume that all bugs take the same amount of fixing.


We are paying customers we deserve to have a game with little bugs as possible.Second of all, why dont you page a gm and ask for something.How many times you gonna get a canned response?BTW, do gm's even work on the weekends?Get with thwe program uo is under 100k subscriber's for no reason...btw can uoassist work with the old 3D client?
Nothing of what you had to say has any merit to what I said. If you want the game to have as little bugs as possible, stop holding it back. Sorry, but yes as a "paying customer" you are the problem as well.

I'm really glad they nailed down that cream pie bug, and didn't waste time on trivial stuff like interface bugs and graphical glitches.
Really going to keep driving this one home huh? Or maybe they should just do something smart and stop all work on the 2d client, let all the 2d bugs continue and work on an improved client until everyone dies or switches. *tips hat*

Put it like this: one room in a hotel has a leaky tap, it's a 2 minute job for the plumber. The room next door has a three foot hole in the wall caused by a drunken sports fan. The hole was made before the tap started leaking.
Does the leaky tap have to wait until after the hole is fixed even though it's not the plumber's responsibility and it will take much longer? Or should he go ahead and fix the job that is his responsibility, leaving the larger job for the brick layer and plasterer who will take a week?

Don't assume that all the devs have equal abilities and responsibilities, don't assume that all bugs take the same amount of fixing.
What she said! Even tho you put things so much more delicately than I ever will Petra, it is unlikely anyone here will ever understand it even the way you put it, it is sad. :(


Cloak‡1321507 said:
Don't know what that is.

Why is everyone giving me examples of broken things with out presenting a way to fix it? This is exactly what I was trying to point out. If you do not have a 100% sure way to fix something, you should not be complaining about what they fix and how fast they fix it.
The Recall Rune bug in the Dark Knight quest (aka the New Player's Quest) has been there since KR. You must use the recall rune to visit the Dark Knight. If you fizzle (something a new character is likely to do), the rune often becomes bugged so that it can no longer be used.

Some bugs don't need a lengthy explanation of how to fix it. It is a RECALL RUNE. It should work like all the other recall runes.


The Recall Rune bug in the Dark Knight quest (aka the New Player's Quest) has been there since KR. You must use the recall rune to visit the Dark Knight. If you fizzle (something a new character is likely to do), the rune often becomes bugged so that it can no longer be used.

Some bugs don't need a lengthy explanation of how to fix it. It is a RECALL RUNE. It should work like all the other recall runes.

Ahh, I have never actually done that quest. And no, some don't need a "lengthy" explanation, as they are innately easy *points out the pie situation which was recently fixed* But I did not even know what you were talking about, and all of the other requests (minus one, I pointed out which one prior to this post so I wont again) were not as simple tho.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't worry about he speedhackers and script farmers or the support service that never comes to your help or even the same bugs that been around for years get them pies fixed FAST!!

I can't for the life of me figure out why subscribers are under 100k...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How am I not admiting to anything? My point was this problem was beyond easily fixed, and they did it. The problems you are talking about are not easily fixed and are worked on, from pub 20 to publish 48 is a lot of time to fix something as "easy" as that provo bug, eh?
If I am not mistaken, it took Draconi about 10 to 15 days to find the problem & fix it, once he was made aware there was a problem. Short time frame to fix something that had been around for yrs that no other Dev had bothered to look at. Thing is, there are Old problems out there that no Dev has looked at because most Dev's now were not here then. Possibly if they knew of the many bugs there are out there plaguing players, with cross linked code between some, it may be easier to fix others that pop up now. You cross link code & who knows what can happen to other things.
If current Dev's are not aware of older problems, how can they be addressed at all if they are not told of them. To use an old chiche', "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Many times you have to complain loudly to get things addressed. We all want the same thing, a game with less bug's & glitchs.


Well, Snakeman, as I said. Report bugs away, you in no way addressed my issue about you, and everyone else in this thread for that matter, complaining about the order in which they fix things. I do not pretend to work for EA/Mythic, so I do not pretend I know the client and server code. But I do know how it works, I do know how to develop, I know how to debug, and I know the order in which bugs get fixed is prioritized based on effectiveness. They may easily "find" the problem in the code but that is not exactly to say it is easy to fix the found problem. But aside from all the crap, it still does not cover how I point out to go ahead, point out bugs, but stop complaining about what order they get fixed in. Especially when you complain about them fixing something so incidental that a monkey could have done it.

Complaining based on "they are new developers" is sort of a poor argument, and mine still stands. Don't complain about them fixing something before something else, make a thread direct it to them and give a constructive point on what you feel is wrong (check a few other threads in uhall, or at least how they started). If you want to actually complain than be prepaired to be challenged to have a propasol to fix it. This goes for anything in life, if you do not readily have a solution, or even an idea for a solution, do not so readily complain. For if you do not have the answer, perhaps they do not have it either and complaining gets you no where.