Morgana LeFay (PoV)
I said this in another thread, but if EA/Mythic wants to make a 3D client, they should abandon the idea of a hybrid...and should just render the world of UO in a real 3D client. EA has connections with studios all over the world, and several of them would probably be more than happy to sell their engines, or even become directly involved with the project, if given the chance. More to the point, EA owns Mythic...and they already have a 3D MMORPG client. Just slap some paint on that and use it. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel here!
The players that don't want a 3D client will keep using 2D, the ones that want 3D, will go to 3D. It's that simple.
But KR, and by extension, SA...well, for lack of a better word...suck. They look awful. That's really sad when you consider it. KR and SA have had over a decade to improve upon 2D UO, and still... FAIL!
The problem with both KR and SA is, garbage in...garbage out. You start with a flawed concept, you cut corners, and try to cater to outdated hardware, and you end up with a P.O.S. client that everyone hates.
I am really disappointed in SA. And I will not lie...it is the graphics that bother me. I had hoped that EA/Mythic, or more importantly, the UO Dev Team, would have addressed things like crappy looking characters, out of sync animations, blurriness, pixilization, lack of high res/wide screen support, art that looks nothing like the original game art (see dragons, rune beetles, etc) and a skewed Point of View. Why even bother with this client??? This is nothing but KR, with legacy art turned on, at low rez. Whooooop-tee-dooo!

The players that don't want a 3D client will keep using 2D, the ones that want 3D, will go to 3D. It's that simple.
But KR, and by extension, SA...well, for lack of a better word...suck. They look awful. That's really sad when you consider it. KR and SA have had over a decade to improve upon 2D UO, and still... FAIL!
The problem with both KR and SA is, garbage in...garbage out. You start with a flawed concept, you cut corners, and try to cater to outdated hardware, and you end up with a P.O.S. client that everyone hates.
I am really disappointed in SA. And I will not lie...it is the graphics that bother me. I had hoped that EA/Mythic, or more importantly, the UO Dev Team, would have addressed things like crappy looking characters, out of sync animations, blurriness, pixilization, lack of high res/wide screen support, art that looks nothing like the original game art (see dragons, rune beetles, etc) and a skewed Point of View. Why even bother with this client??? This is nothing but KR, with legacy art turned on, at low rez. Whooooop-tee-dooo!