Popps, another possible answer to the issue you raise is community and sharing. On my shard, if we know of someone without one of the current shinies, generally someone in our wide alliance either has the shiny or knows someone who has, and generally the person without the shiny gets it for free (or as a trade or for a reasonable amount). The recipient does not have to be an alliance member, btw.
Well, wouldn't it be better if players could STILL hunt their preferred items on their own AND also, if they feel like, share with their comunity ?
I mean, I'd rather not have the comunity supply for game shortages and be there as something additional, not to give a leg to the game.......
The game should be able to walk on its own, not need a leg from a comunity of players somehow.
That is why I am convinced that items that players may need or want should be huntable also after an Event ends.........