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Armageddon spam solution



If the spell is cast in a shadowlord spawn area prior to the appearance of the shadowlord it should summon a blackrock elemental instead.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the spell is cast in a shadowlord spawn area prior to the appearance of the shadowlord it should summon a blackrock elemental instead.
Only if the blackrock elemental targets the caster and vanishes after. Otherwise, you'd have griefers making use of it. :)

El Phantasmo

I think the best bet is for the spell to just "break" his shield and not cause any damage. Then once his shield is down everyone just attacks.

Old Man of UO

I think the best bet is for the spell to just "break" his shield and not cause any damage. Then once his shield is down everyone just attacks.
I really like this idea... the caster gets no damage credit then, and any further use of blackrock should also do no damage. That would fix it! :thumbsup:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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As far as I see it this is how armageddon was used when the SL were last here. Everything is fine!


Lore Master
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Just place a timer that you can only say the phrase once a minute or every 30 seconds. That makes so the player has to time saying the phrase if he does it to early he's out of the hunt. Solves the problem and creates a bit of luck and timing to be one of the first to use the blackrock. Solves the lag problem, and perhaps we need to limit pets to one per player that would reduce some of the lag as well.


Crazed Zealot
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and perhaps we need to limit pets to one per player that would reduce some of the lag as well.
XD no that would do nothing, everybody already uses only one pet, a mount or a Greater Dragon.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As far as I see it this is how armageddon was used when the SL were last here. Everything is fine!
No because last time they didn't show up in exactly the same place at exactly the same time so everybody wasn't standing there waiting and spamming their little hearts out -.-


Lore Master
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XD no that would do nothing, everybody already uses only one pet, a mount or a Greater Dragon.
I've seen players using two nitemares for example just a few minutes ago but perhaps they were new players. As far as knowing if others were using more then one pet I could hardly tell tbh the hut in the wastelads on Europa was packed with dragons mostly and lag was unplayable at least for me. As far as removing players names to target the monster, by the time I was able to get the name the thing was almost dead. Being a player that uses sword to kill things its really laughable, and if I wanted to be a tamer I would of made one to play. It's not a big deal I'm just trying help figure ways to make the event for playable for all types of players who want to be involved in the event.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Last time was during the Moonglow event, and casting Armageddon would cause damage to the shadowlord based off of the amount of hit points it had remaining, so that the first one to cast would get the biggest amount of damage. The moonglow event also had the shadowlords spawning at random locations so that people couldn't just camp the spot. Also since there wasn't any real use for the cloaks at the time, a lot of people got a couple then quit. This time, it spawns in the same three locations at set times at about 10 minutes between locations, we know what to do with the cloaks, and there is a sense of limited time to do the event. The first to cast breaks the barrier and does about 1k of damage, which in most cases is enough to insure that they will be one of the top three attackers. I like the idea that the person who casts gets no damage bonus, but then what's the incentive to use up a piece of blackrock. I guess they could have limited the spell to only one use per char for this event or placed a timer (say 30 minutes or a couple hours) between uses. At this point it's probably a little late for having them make any big changes, and hopefully the crowds will start dying out once people get their number of cloaks they want.


Lore Master
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The only probelm with having a player being limited to saying the phrase once every 30 minutes to several hours is they could just switch to another player. But if you make so they can only cast once a minute that helps to reduce all this nonsence to a more liveable amount. Like I said before players need to be much prudent on how they spam that phrase and wait for the thing to actually appear. Once they said the phrase they have to wait another minute by which at that time its not needed anymore. The spamming limit would only be affected in the areas with this thing spawns so would not affect any other game play.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would think a better way would be if the spell would just blow up the caster if the Shadow lord was not present.


I am fine with fixing the problem with the Armageddon spam situation. My problem is for me and a few others I know we started doing it because we can't see through all the Greater Dragons. I mean seriously there are like 20+ every time I show up to the spawn. Tamers are simply setting pets to guard then spamming an AoE so that the GD attacks automatically. By the time I was able to target the SL is generally dead.

What I am doing now is spamming Armageddon and I at least have a shot of getting a cloak and or loot rights before he's dead. By the time I get names cleared away enough to target him I may get 1 or 2 hits in before he's dead. And I am pretty sure there are more than just me and the few I know that started doing the Armageddon spam due to this.

Armageddon spam seems to be the only way for me to compete atm since I am unable to even see or target the mob till it's almost dead or dead. So why should I not spam?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am fine with fixing the problem with the Armageddon spam situation. My problem is for me and a few others I know we started doing it because we can't see through all the Greater Dragons. I mean seriously there are like 20+ every time I show up to the spawn. Tamers are simply setting pets to guard then spamming an AoE so that the GD attacks automatically. By the time I was able to target the SL is generally dead.

What I am doing now is spamming Armageddon and I at least have a shot of getting a cloak and or loot rights before he's dead. By the time I get names cleared away enough to target him I may get 1 or 2 hits in before he's dead. And I am pretty sure there are more than just me and the few I know that started doing the Armageddon spam due to this.

Armageddon spam seems to be the only way for me to compete atm since I am unable to even see or target the mob till it's almost dead or dead. So why should I not spam?
I fully can appreciate what your saying I'm in the same boat as you concerning the ability to even target the thing before its almost dead. But the lag during the spamming and all the dragons makes it unplayable the way it is currently. Perhaps if tamers spam that phrase they have a 50% chance that thier pets will attack them and not the monster :). I just would like a few cloaks, I guese players are hoarding these in the hopes of making a killing latter on when they sell the robes. Hopefully they plan so these cloaks will be a dime a dozen before the event is over.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only way they are going to thin out the GD's is to either spawn the SL's at the same time, or have it where the SL's have the ability to unbond GD's. I doubt if they will do the unbonding bit, but going back and having them spawn at the same time should be an easy fix.


Personally I find it rather comical.
Two days ago everybody was wimpering about the Shadow Lord Manifestations only spawning twice per real day, which was changed to every two hours, to I assume appease the masses.Now why does it suddenly become a problem because the masses can participate?Did you really think it wasn't going to come down to a Greater Dragon pile?
Seeing how everyone is tossing out their armchair idea's of how to fix this so everybody gets a chance at the "Great Cloak Grab" then why not just make it so the first successful Armageddon spell cast breaks the Shadow Lord Manifestations into 100 little mini manisfications who have the speed of a vorpal and the bite of a Crimson Dragon all heading in different directions chewing up whoever can't get out fast?
Now I would pay an extra month just for the hilarity of that show.
Relax, sit back, if you don't think you have a shot at getting in there for the score then just go do something else, wait a week and if you haven't gotten what you wanted then just buy it off a vendor because they will be cheap.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
As far as I see it this is how armageddon was used when the SL were last here. Everything is fine!
(hits the buzzer) wrong, everything is not fine.
What we have here is a population of prima donnas getting their way.
Not only do we have a schedule as to when the shadow lord appears, we know his exact spot too.

This didn't happen last time, far from it. Now, everybody and his brother with a greater dragon is standing on the one square foot where the SL appears, spamming is pathetic, and how in the hell, an archer or a dexxer can manage to snag the SL's tag is beyond me.

Seriously, he appears in a shack smaller than my bathroom?? Gimmie a break.

This guy needs a pre spawn to fought off, and if you get taken down, they cut out your tounge to prevent spamming.



Seasoned Veteran
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make it so spell uses the black rock everytime it is cast. people won't be spamming the spell then.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I get tired of the nerf the tamer bit!
when probably 8 out of 10x a pally or archer will get drops & looting rights before tamers.

yes I understand that the GD are a pain because you can't see & they are so big but they are Dragons they're suppose to be big.

maybe we need the tags for the monsters to be bigger & stay on top of everyone elses tag.

I agree that the SL shouldn't spawn right in the very same spot all the time,
the general area would be better.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Best solution for the spamming is to put about 10 or so blackrock in a box (bring several such boxes), and axe it when they all start spamming like mad.. its a bit random, but should be fulfilling to watch the fools blow up from time to time. :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My way is much more satisfying, and i've had the filter stop accepting new ignores before for no reason.


I get tired of the nerf the tamer bit!
when probably 8 out of 10x a pally or archer will get drops & looting rights before tamers.

yes I understand that the GD are a pain because you can't see & they are so big but they are Dragons they're suppose to be big.

maybe we need the tags for the monsters to be bigger & stay on top of everyone elses tag.

I agree that the SL shouldn't spawn right in the very same spot all the time,
the general area would be better.
Not asking for a nerf to tamer. Just saying currently with how things are spamming Armageddon is about the only way I have of getting to the SL before it's dead. Don't take it the wrong way.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Hey I'm not against tamers, I have one I just chose not to play it in this event. I'm also grateful that they changed the timer so more player who have a real life outside UO can particpate. Buuuutttt when they do aprticpate make it so they can regardless of thier template so they have a fair chance at at robe etc. The lagg is horrible and for some unplayable under these curcumstances, I;m open to ideas which would help reduce this problem and make it more enjoyable for all. As some have posted this is like washing dishes almost (soak rince dry and repeat, equals repentative), lets add some balance, risk and perhaps some uhber items to the equation that are very rare. Kinda like champ spawns etc.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So many crazy ideas here. Best solution is to randomize the spawns. That will solve the whole dog-pile-spamming problem.

Vincia Eaglehorn

just make it explode even when no shadowlord is there, quite simple

and even more, make all pieces in the bagback explode ... so players will bring only 1 piece and they have one try to cast it


Targeting the SL isn't so difficult - KR with "target nearest enemy" works wonders. As for getting loot rights with an archer... well, that's another issue =)


UO Forum Moderator
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I have yet to see the "Armageddon Spam" even WORK.

I HAVE seen people try to spam it, even after it spawned, but no one SUCCEEDED until the manifestation had been present 3-10 seconds. And yes, there were people saying it and NOTHING HAPPENING for all that time between spawn and a detonation.

Vincia Eaglehorn

i dont understand why all people want this cloak

when the event ends to many cloaks will be around, like the staff of pyros in mag event or whatever, making them worthless

the attributes of the cloaks are so low too, worthless

do you really think you will get a huge boost form str +2 or sdi +3 or or or....LOL

and they show ugly too

i am just going there to see something different, i dont care about cloaks or tok minior, i can get the minors faster doing tot


Someone asked so...
To lessen the amount of spam you can change the length of time speech stays on your screen in the options menu. If you move the slider all the way to the left people can only say one thing at a time. Though note this also affects your spells/all names. This only affects what you see.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
make it so spell uses the black rock everytime it is cast. people won't be spamming the spell then.
agree with this 100%, its a reg used for the spell and should used up everytime ya try to cast it, like when ya fizzle


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Saying Armageddon spell words consumes a piece of Blackrock every time. I am winrar.


agree with this 100%, its a reg used for the spell and should used up everytime ya try to cast it, like when ya fizzle
So if balckrock is to be treated as a reg I don't need it if I'm wearing a 100% LRC suit then right?

Aside form that in all seriousness those that truly have an issue with the Armageddon spell spam simply turn off over head text. Problem solved. Don't even have to worry about ignoring anyone anymore.


So if balckrock is to be treated as a reg I don't need it if I'm wearing a 100% LRC suit then right?

Aside form that in all seriousness those that truly have an issue with the Armageddon spell spam simply turn off over head text. Problem solved. Don't even have to worry about ignoring anyone anymore.
Does not really solve the problem... There are two (or three) issues with the spell spam.

First: I play this game for interaction, not for any other reason, if I am not interacting with other people I am not enjoying the game. The spam makes it extremely difficult to have a conversation with anyone.

Second: I honestly believe the spell should work based on reflexes and not "luck" that being said, if people are allowed to spam it then all you need to do is hope yours is the one that goes off, you don't even have to be paying attention to when the Shadow lords appear. Also on this note a lot of the time it seems that the spamming is "scripted" basically even after the shadow lords appear and are almost dead people are still spamming it.

Third: I forgot what my third point was but I am sure it was good.


Cloak‡1317876 said:
Does not really solve the problem... There are two (or three) issues with the spell spam.

First: I play this game for interaction, not for any other reason, if I am not interacting with other people I am not enjoying the game. The spam makes it extremely difficult to have a conversation with anyone.

Second: I honestly believe the spell should work based on reflexes and not "luck" that being said, if people are allowed to spam it then all you need to do is hope yours is the one that goes off, you don't even have to be paying attention to when the Shadow lords appear. Also on this note a lot of the time it seems that the spamming is "scripted" basically even after the shadow lords appear and are almost dead people are still spamming it.

Third: I forgot what my third point was but I am sure it was good.

Ahh but all that brings me to the reason I started spamming Armageddon lol. 20+ GD's + tamers spamming AoE's so that there guarded pets auto attack the SL. I don't like the spam anymore than you do, but it was either that or simply not participate. Remove the 20+ GD's and Tamers spamming so that I can see it without wading through hundreds of name plates and I will stop spamming Armageddon.

Not calling for a nerf to tamers by any means, I simply found a way to compete and it seems others want that way removed and I am simply stating why I would hate to see it removed since the thing that caused me to go that route in the first place will remain leaving me in search of a new method.

I guess it comes down to everyone picking a side on what spam should be allowed and who should be allowed to spam it.