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Dont Die in Magincia

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Died on two different times and each time my body was gone after 1 minute. the corpses had items on them so they shoulda stayed much longer. be careful while hunting threads.

the items on me werent anything important nor were they insured, just a heads up.

Lord Drakelord

thanks for the warning, sorry I was not in game to help res you.


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
i have had that happen to me also I started casting gift of life when i go there now so i can self rez

Melissa Rohan

I was there yesterday watching the vast horde of idiots trying to gather threads kiting large spawns of red ghosts... so much so it caused me to lag badly. Few seconds later when i could move again and the large column of yellow damage finished filling my screen, I was more than a little miffed. I was really miffed when i got ressed and half my insured stuff was missing. Seems that if you get hit by several sources of damage at once and are lagging, you may lose some stuff.

Yes. It has happened to me once before. There IS an insurance bug despite what people say.

Yes. I did have enough money in the bank (Some 200k ish). I got some insured items back, but not all.

Yes. I did have auto renew on.

Yes. I have died before on this character with exactly the same equipment no problems. I use her for a spawner in fel.

I did manage to get back to my body and loot it. My equipment was still there , went back into place on my paperdoll as I double clicked it, and still said insured.

Might be nice if they actually fixed this once and for all.

Oh, only other time it happened was at the citadel in the trap passageway. I took damage from a trap the same time as something hit me, lagged a little, and lost an insured ring. Again, I was able to get ressed , returned to my corpse, looted and it was on there. Went back onto my finger. Same answers as above to the usual questions.

Just be careful out there people. Magincia is idiots heaven at the moment.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have the feeling, that the so called insurance bug is tied to lag.
My theory:
If you die, the game analyses, which of the items are insured and moves them from corpse into the backpack. In case of lag some items are skipped (do not respond to the query in time) and therefore remain in the corpse.

If this scenario is true, there would be a simple (?) change solve the problem: Take each item as insured/blessed and move them to the corpse only, if the check of the item gives a clear as answer for this status. It's easier to keep an item, which you should loose, than loose an item, which you should keep.


I have the feeling, that the so called insurance bug is tied to lag.
My theory:
If you die, the game analyses, which of the items are insured and moves them from corpse into the backpack. In case of lag some items are skipped (do not respond to the query in time) and therefore remain in the corpse.

If this scenario is true, there would be a simple (?) change solve the problem: Take each item as insured/blessed and move them to the corpse only, if the check of the item gives a clear as answer for this status. It's easier to keep an item, which you should loose, than loose an item, which you should keep.
This does not sound like it is possible. The game does not query the Client, so when you insured the items the server knows they are insured and never has to ask the client if they are insured, thus your lag should have nothing to do with it. Of course...this is theoretical, and it is possible that something happens when you lag that causes this. As for your "simple" change....it would not work lets just put it like that. Also the way it works is when you die if items are not insured they drop to the corpse, not the other way around. So that means if the item is marked on the server as "not insured" it drops, if it is marked as "insured" it does not drop, so they don't "remain" on the corpse but rather are put there after the fact.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know, but every case I've seen and heard where the insurance bug occured was in a high lag situation. I don't if that is the reason, but it sounds reasonable.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I killed a guy in Despise Fel once and on his corpse was a Kasa. Since I knew the guy I looted it to return it to him. He was in opposing guild, but a good guy.

Anyway, I looted the Kasa, put it in my pack and proceeded to Luna bank to set it aside for him. When I got to Luna it was no longer in my pouch. And yes it was insured when I put it in there, I checked.

So I ICQ'd the guy I killed and told him about it. He said that when he ressed and dressed his Kasa was still on him.

And he did not have another Kasa in his bag that he didnt know about or forgot about. It was the same Kasa he was wearing, same color that it was dyed.

Go figure...


I don't know, but every case I've seen and heard where the insurance bug occured was in a high lag situation. I don't if that is the reason, but it sounds reasonable.
Well it sounds reasonable, but I was simply saying the way he thought it was working is not possible, since the server does not query the client to check for insurance. Insurance is checked from the client to server when you insure the item, when you uninsure the item, and when you run out of gold. I have been trying to figure out how lag could factor in, I thought for a moment perhaps the gold check failed based on lag, but I don't see why it would have to query the client for a gold check when the gold is also server side....Hard to tell why lag factors into the insurance bug, so...short of a dev coming along and telling us, or explaining how insurance works, this is all theoretical and based on how I would code it for security. :p

Melissa Rohan

If it helps i had a couple of blessed items, robes and stuff that were on me when i ressed, i had some insured stuff but not all stuff.

Lore Master

Thanks for the warning everyone I wont be going to Maginicia any time soon because of this post. now I am worried about going where the Shadow lords are because if there is a lot of players there at the time there might be major lag that causes these bugs when the spots for the shadow lords gets more well known scary thought.


Thanks for the warning everyone I wont be going to Maginicia any time soon because of this post. now I am worried about going where the Shadow lords are
Totally. I'd advise hiding in your house until the next publish.


The OP lied earlier today about the Shadowlord's spawning every hour, and now he is lying about Magincia magically taking away your body.
I just did a test. I took a throwaway character to Magincia, promptly died, and after about 6 minutes my body decayed to bones.
It took about 21 minutes for the body and bones to fully decay and my items to go poof.

(see photos below and note clock in bottom right hand corner)

There is no Magincia bug.



I have been told we have always been able to get the threads from the corrupted souls in mag, is this still active? I spent a lot of timet there today, and never was able to get one. I did die, and had no issues getting back to my corpse. It was always there.


I'd like the next person this happens to, if they have not already tried it, to log in and out when they see items they know were insured to be missing. If you have done this then please report what you find, if you have not done this remember that no one is interested in your anecdotes or theories. e.g. "i doubt logging in/out world work because blah blah"


I'd like the next person this happens to, if they have not already tried it, to log in and out when they see items they know were insured to be missing. If you have done this then please report what you find, if you have not done this remember that no one is interested in your anecdotes or theories. e.g. "i doubt logging in/out world work because blah blah"
The theories are placed on things that are not testable....Your idea is a perfect example of a theory, or else you would just say "this worked for me" instead of "this is an idea to try" Either case, given (i think it was) omnius previous post about items returning to a player I see no reason why your idea would not work...but this never happens to me so I can not just run out and test it, not only that....it does not happen all the time so not so easy to test I suppose.

Lord Drakelord

I have been told we have always been able to get the threads from the corrupted souls in mag, is this still active? I spent a lot of timet there today, and never was able to get one. I did die, and had no issues getting back to my corpse. It was always there.
I took a Paladin archer with high magic resist and scored 10 threads of fate easy, something I remember from the first days of the threads event was only by spells or swords/steel will you get the threads, not sure who said that, but I can say that a tamer will not get any of the fate threads and a mage will see them but not as fast as a meelee person.

As for the other two threads, only a GM Necromancer can get them.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The OP lied earlier today about the Shadowlord's spawning every hour, and now he is lying about Magincia magically taking away your body.
I just did a test. I took a throwaway character to Magincia, promptly died, and after about 6 minutes my body decayed to bones.
It took about 21 minutes for the body and bones to fully decay and my items to go poof."

First of all, how did i lie when i WAS killing shadowlords every 2 Hours on baja the first night, there was a trick involved that i didnt feel like sharing with the horde (all you had to so was hit it with blackrock, then lead it away from spawn point, let it heal totally and then kill, after roughly 2 hours they spawned again.). Second i never said every corpse in magincia disappears fast, ive had my body stay for long periods there and short periods, like most bugs its not a definate thing. I dont know who this zodia kid thinks he is but he should think before he types.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The OP lied earlier today about the Shadowlord's spawning every hour, and now he is lying about Magincia magically taking away your body.
I just did a test. I took a throwaway character to Magincia, promptly died, and after about 6 minutes my body decayed to bones.
It took about 21 minutes for the body and bones to fully decay and my items to go poof.

(see photos below and note clock in bottom right hand corner)

There is no Magincia bug.
I dont think he lied...

And i think its rude to say so...

I dont think its a "Magincia" Bug though...I have had the same hapen to me in that Dungeon the slimes where in during the slime event.
I died and when i came back i ran in the room past my corpse and hid when i walked back it was gone.
My friend was with me and we both died at the same time, her corpse turned to Bones mine just dissapeared without leaving a bonepile corpse.

Lost everything i had brought to dye the insured stuff was on my body when i ressed.

so been there...done that :p


Cloak&Dagger said:
The theories are placed on things that are not testable....
Fair enough. I just sometimes see people trying to help on forum with suggestions and getting slapped down.

Anyways, the only thing I can compare it to is when dressing/undressing with UOA and you try to drag something you are moving to your paperdoll. Your sleeves or whatever might "disappear" but are still there. Forgive the slow cumbersome logic but it suits my slow cumbersome brain - with the insurance/lag problem - either insurance is screwed under certain rare circumstances OR insurance is not screwed but item locations are not being represented accurately under certain rare circumstances OR (very unlikely)both cases are true.

I've returned items and seen a lot of stuff returned to people by friendly pvpers and never once saw or heard of anything dropping on a body that was tagged as "insured". To be certain a screenshot of a player corpse with an "insured" tagged item still on it would settle any debate once and for all and be something for the devs to investigate.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
could be certain areas that cause this, both times it happened to me in magincia it was near the north western most buildings near some of the restless souls. both deaths were nearly instant due to 5 corrupted souls doing thier instant damage/tele thing.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
first, i doubt zodia is old enough to remember ToT 2 were it was in two phases, thats what i based that previous IDEA on, i didnt state it as fact. Second, its great to see zodia is going to spend his entire summer break digging up my old posts. Now zodia before you get even more upset, i suggest you stick to posting on things you KNOW and not trying to seem intelligent by attempting to run others down.
I encourage this kid to PROVE any of my posts are lies, oh wait he cant.

now back to the original topic of this thread. if anyone else has had this happen anywhere let us know. (hopefully you wont have angry children calling you a liar)