The OP
lied earlier today about the Shadowlord's spawning every hour, and now he is lying about Magincia magically taking away your body.
I just did a test. I took a throwaway character to Magincia, promptly died, and after about 6 minutes my body decayed to bones.
It took about 21 minutes for the body and bones to fully decay and my items to go poof."
First of all, how did i lie when i WAS killing shadowlords every 2 Hours on baja the first night, there was a trick involved that i didnt feel like sharing with the horde (all you had to so was hit it with blackrock, then lead it away from spawn point, let it heal totally and then kill, after roughly 2 hours they spawned again.). Second i never said every corpse in magincia disappears fast, ive had my body stay for long periods there and short periods, like most bugs its not a definate thing. I dont know who this zodia kid thinks he is but he should think before he types.