Ok, so I drop all but a little over 300 points on both my tamer and thief, thinking to take advantage of more rapid GGS gains to finish off both skills. According to the GGS chart on Stratics, I should be getting a Taming gain every 7.8 hours and a Stealing gain every 9.0. I did this yesterday morning early, and got both of their first gains around 6am yesterday morning. I then went out again yesterday evening around 6pm and got both gains. So, I log on this morning and take both chars out to go and get their gains, yet gain nothing for either of them with multiple attempts made successfully with both skills.
So what's the deal? I should have gotten gains for both this morning, yet didn't get a single thing. I'd say GGS is broken myself, or the timer chart we're working from isn't accurate in the least...
So what's the deal? I should have gotten gains for both this morning, yet didn't get a single thing. I'd say GGS is broken myself, or the timer chart we're working from isn't accurate in the least...