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GGS Is Broken

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


Ok, so I drop all but a little over 300 points on both my tamer and thief, thinking to take advantage of more rapid GGS gains to finish off both skills. According to the GGS chart on Stratics, I should be getting a Taming gain every 7.8 hours and a Stealing gain every 9.0. I did this yesterday morning early, and got both of their first gains around 6am yesterday morning. I then went out again yesterday evening around 6pm and got both gains. So, I log on this morning and take both chars out to go and get their gains, yet gain nothing for either of them with multiple attempts made successfully with both skills.

So what's the deal? I should have gotten gains for both this morning, yet didn't get a single thing. I'd say GGS is broken myself, or the timer chart we're working from isn't accurate in the least...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, ive noticed its broken for Poisoning. I havent gained that from about 80.6ish in over 3 months. yet ive been gaining Ninjitsu.

wee papa smurf

Ive dropped all skills from my tamer apart from taming and lore, wich means i have just over 200 points and i dont gain anymore than 0.1 taming within 24 hours, so yea i agree its broken somewhere


If you have additional soulstones/fragments available, try stoning off those skills and then adding them back to see if it resets GGS. If you then get the GGS gain, monitor it closely and see if the gains continue as they should.


I just got the gains for both characters. This is the first time since server up that I've had the chance to try for the gains again. The system is defintely not following the chart we've got of it.


My understanding is that you need to make sure to use the skill a few times after your GGS gain in order to reset it. Otherwise your next skill use will reset it at that point. Must be a successful skill use at least once.


Also the GGS is for "use of the skill" if you are not using it during those 7 hours and just get the gain and try again 7 hours later you will most likely not get a gain, because it is suppose to benefit the use of the skill. Basically...while the code could be broken, it is possible it is working as attended and you need to use the skill other than once every 7 hours.


I have always wondered if "jack of all trades" screwed up the ggs system for human players. The system may be counting 20 points in each skill. Are both the characters human?

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Ive dropped all skills from my tamer apart from taming and lore, wich means i have just over 200 points and i dont gain anymore than 0.1 taming within 24 hours, so yea i agree its broken somewhere
I'm having this exact same problem.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMHO GGS was born broken…


Remember a couple of years ago people were complaining that they were not getting GGS gains at high levels? A newbie developer looked at the code and found that the GGS system did not immediately give you the “guaranteed” gain at the appointed time. Rather it used a formula that gave you a “chance” to get the guaranteed gain. The chance decreased as your skill level increased. The formula at that time was broken and gave you absolutely no chance to get the guaranteed gain beyond 115 skill.

Being a logical sort who figured that one should actually get the guaranteed gain as advertised this newbie dev revised the code to make that happen. When that change went in you could just about set your clock on the gains. A while later, GGS seemed to go back to it’s old trick of not giving you the gain right away but it did seem to more or less work past 115. I always thought that a “real” dev put the chance thingy back in.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I've always gotten gains faster then the Stratics chart indicates I should. 111 Taming and counting.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, ive noticed its broken for Poisoning. I havent gained that from about 80.6ish in over 3 months. yet ive been gaining Ninjitsu.
Dude... Not kidding. I went from 83.6 poisoning to 90 in 4 seconds. with all the trans scrolls i bought.

WORST SKILL TO GAIN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cureable in one GC 9/10.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Connor I had a similar experience when I stoned the majority my skills until I had less than 300 total skill points. Whatever is on the GGS chart is not reflective of what transpires in game.


This is definitely not working properly. I gmd beggings last fall logging in .1 increments every 4-5 hrs. I had less than 300 points then and I have less than 300 points now. Im training fishing now and it doesnt work! Oh my gosh fishing is so exciting to train too I cant even get random serpant yet thats how low I am.

I agree. Broken!!


Connor I had a similar experience when I stoned the majority my skills until I had less than 300 total skill points. Whatever is on the GGS chart is not reflective of what transpires in game.
I can drop them below 300, but would have to drop Magery from both chars to do so. I guess I can burn recall charges on their runebooks for a while. It's really a pain in the ass to have to go through all of this just to finish a skill off, regardless of what skill it is.

wee papa smurf

I can drop them below 300, but would have to drop Magery from both chars to do so. I guess I can burn recall charges on their runebooks for a while. It's really a pain in the ass to have to go through all of this just to finish a skill off, regardless of what skill it is.
Agreed :thumbsup:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's working for smithing. I dropped the points, and i've been working a char for a really long time. He's at 117. It's not the correct amount of time, but its only about 6 hours off for this.


It's not the correct amount of time
This is exactly what I'm saying is the problem. The timer isn't correct, either on the Stratics chart or the actual GGS system. One or the other is way off. I should be able to get 2 gains per day with under 350 skill points on each char, but I'm only able to get 1, and this is with a 12 hour span between attempts instead of the 7-9 hours the chart calls for. I was really hoping to get those 2 gains per day too.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, I thought it was just me. I am at 96.9 poisoning on a new character I soul stoned the skill over too. So 150 skill points total on the char. I seem to only get a gain every 24 hours! However, I am going to try this idea of using the skill after my ggs gain to see if that helps get my next ggs gain.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't have a problem a couple months ago GGSing magery on a character I used a magery alacrity scroll on (to 120 no less, no way I was going to get that done any time soon otherwise). I didn't stone off any skills and only logged them in every 1 1/2 to 2 days to get their GGS.

So maybe it's just lower level characters and numbers.

Could be a good FoF question, asking clarification on how it's decided you can get a GGS and if it's really guaranteed...

Balian of Asgard

been training stealth and hide and i havent seemd to have hit any major speedbumps, which makes me curious, because ive gained like 3.2 hide and 3.6 stealth today since 10 am pst.

im at 91 hide and 62 stealth, am i sposed to be limited to like 0.1 per day per skill? because OMG if that s#it hits me, ill quit for **** sakes, thats ridiculous


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
been training stealth and hide and i havent seemd to have hit any major speedbumps, which makes me curious, because ive gained like 3.2 hide and 3.6 stealth today since 10 am pst.

im at 91 hide and 62 stealth, am i sposed to be limited to like 0.1 per day per skill? because OMG if that s#it hits me, ill quit for **** sakes, thats ridiculous
Theres no limit to gains on production shards, GGS is a system guaranteed to give gains if you haven't recieved any in a while. The formula uses the number of points you have in all skills and some other factors in order to determine the length of time before you can get another guaranteed gain. It's for those really hard to train skills so at least you can get something (even if it's just .1) every day or so.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have additional soulstones/fragments available, try stoning off those skills and then adding them back to see if it resets GGS. If you then get the GGS gain, monitor it closely and see if the gains continue as they should.
I created a Skill's Mule on one of my accounts. I wanted to GM Tinkering without spending huge amounts of Iron Ingots.

So I created the SKill's Mule, ran her to the house with what the Initial 100 Skill Points? I stoned on Tinkering at 94.5.

I looked at the Gains chart and saw the interval to be 5.x hours.

I did the First set of combines on Fancy Wind Chimes. I waited 7 hours, did 5 combines NADA, no gain. I waited another 7 hours and again NADA, no gain.

I waited another 7 hours and got a Gain. I completed the 5 and received just the one gain. I repeated this cycle daily and average 2 Gains a Day.

I have gone for weeks on Taming and received NO GGS gains. In every sense of the word, I threw in the towel on raising Taming and finished it off with Jewelry.

I have gone for weeks on my Scribe with no GGS and periodically when bored log him in and do the token combines of 5 8th level spells (Resurrection).

Tailoring the same as the above two and basically sets at 108.x.

Two words, Power Hour.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you've gone weeks without a gain, I'd suggest you page a GM and fill in a bug report. The worst I've had was 3-4 days but the gains started again. But if it goes a week or more, that's GM calling time.



I went out last night and got both gains with no problem. I go out this morning, and get the Stealing gain, but not the Taming, and Stealing is the one that's the higher point level...

*looks around for a brick wall to bash head against*

Old Man of UO

I went out last night and got both gains with no problem. I go out this morning, and get the Stealing gain, but not the Taming, and Stealing is the one that's the higher point level...

*looks around for a brick wall to bash head against*
What the heck are you taming, and what is your taming skill? I've never stoned any skill points and have always, always been able to beat the GGS. Even heading to 120, I would get 0.1 to 0.2 per hour. But it still takes a LOT of taming.

And for stealing gains, I've found the dungeon stealables (any artifact level) is the best for gaining above 100 skill.


What the heck are you taming, and what is your taming skill?
I'm taming Unicorns at a level of 109.x. I've been tracking the time between GGS gains, and it's somewhere around 12.5 hours at my current level. According to the chart, with this level of Taming, I should be able to get a GGS gain every 7.8 hours. This isn't happening, even with multiple attempts.

Keep in mind that I'm only logging in to get the GGS gain, then logging back out again. I'm not actually out actively working the skill. It's gotten to the point where it's just too monotonous to sit there and tame creature after creature after creature after creature, only to come up with maybe 1 or 2 gains after several hours of constant taming. I dropped all of the unnecessary skills so as to speed up the GGS gains. It's working, just not as it should be.


This reply is not about GGS, but rather some friendly advice from a multi-tamer- character player. Should you decide to power through your skill, you might be better served to back up slightly on the taming ladder. You would probably get more consistent gains over time if you worked the small fire breathing group right now (hell hounds, lava lizards, drakes). A good locale for those is Mount Sho in Tokuno where the Shadowlord manifestation is occurring. Once you reach about 113.5 you would then be in the right window for kirin/unicorn.

You CAN do it with unicorns from where you are, I'm just saying, speaking from alot of experience, your gains will improve if you stick within a 25% range (+/- 12.5% of your 50% success target). That holds true for almost every skill.

Old Man of UO

Eh... I just tamed cu sidhe when I got enough skill to start taming them without jewelry. I think I made somewhere in the range of 200+ mil taming, training and selling them as I worked the skill up to Legendary. Skill gains were pretty steady until I got to 115, then it was maybe 0.3-0.5 gains per hour. I guess I'd rather do that than wait out the GGS.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As far as the stones game for a poisoner. Put archery on and tactics to use the serpent arrow of the elvish long bow. Poison gains can be had with that.

The mage channel weapon can take a mage to 120. Got a 119.8 magery gain on my necro mage shooting a monbat.

With the skills that has repair as an option with a tool. The best use of a dexer today is to get weapons and armor of the skill type that are low in durability. Wear those items to 0 and toss a bunch in a box for those daily gains without using supplies. Tink/Carp/Smith/Tailor/Fletcher repairing gains. THe elf quest for Fletcher takes you to 100 and also Arms Lore. Lore can also be maxed doing the flowered Garland Quest at the elf Tailors.

Starting out as a thief the Brit Castle walls has containers with items ranging up to 17 stones in wieght. Great for a start but as one poster stated.......the stealable arty seem to give the better gains.

Taming has not been much an issue. After a decade the 5 frenzy or 5 hellcats are fast killers with discord. Only reason I went over 90 taming was for the stable slots. Looking to expand with 5 Ice Serpents. Hexvexxer of LS.
And what code mage forgot to give Gaman pack abilities? Look like a herd to me.

High end Barding. Bedlam, get the named undead to spawn in the graveyard. Come back on your bard and stick to the wall get lifebars and do your barding. Short walk to the exit for them to release and still have the lifebars. Wrong slayer weapon for the task always helps.

Getting a Satyr to discord you and invis/hide/gate jump to remove agro and stay close to him to keep the discord up. This allows your to work at a lower skill level. Begger hint: hirelings can be begged.

Issue I have is with a 7th character slot. Gains for skill can not happen even on the skills still in the 60s. Just a thief so jeweled and item skilled up for what I need. The real pisser is the Str/Int/Dex. character has 100 free points yet and hasn't made a gain in years. Having 33 Str makes for fun times. Their answer is to delete a scrolled out character (the S.O.L. part) and start agian.

Play Smarter NOT Harder


yaaa maybe thats why i haven't gained in lock-picking 4 as long i can remember... im stuck at 93.4 anybody know how to get a bump on this ive worked him for hours and soul-stoned ALL other skills


Eh... I just tamed cu sidhe when I got enough skill to start taming them without jewelry. I think I made somewhere in the range of 200+ mil taming, training and selling them as I worked the skill up to Legendary. Skill gains were pretty steady until I got to 115, then it was maybe 0.3-0.5 gains per hour. I guess I'd rather do that than wait out the GGS.
I was doing this for a while, but currently have my stables full with 3 or 4 nearly fully trained Cu's along with all my personal pets. I just can't bring myself to sit for hours taming over and over again, which is why I decided to go the route of GGS gains along with Taming SoT's. I currently have almost 6.0 full points in SoT's and am looking for more. I'd just like the damn GGS to work as advertised as I have more skills I'd like to work, all but 1 of which are some of the hardest skills to get gains in the entire game. Taming and Ninjitsu for example.


Lockpicking dungeon chests will get you to 100 also, I did 6 chests in the morning and 6 at night and would rarely miss a .1 gain. The satyr trick with gm tinker boxes was more effort than I was willing to expend at the time


Lockpicking dungeon chests will get you to 100 also, I did 6 chests in the morning and 6 at night and would rarely miss a .1 gain. The satyr trick with gm tinker boxes was more effort than I was willing to expend at the time
For Lockpicking, and many other skills, the Satyr trick works great, but unfortunately does not work for Taming or I'd have already gone that route. Luckily I hit 110 Taming this morning finally, so now have 99% control chance on all of my pets except my Dread Warhorse. I can finally put up the jewels unless I want to actually tame something, so I'll deal with the jacked up GGS until I reach the point where I can use my massive stack of SoT's to take me to 120.


well the Satyr trick seems like it wouldn't work for me on this char he only has gm hiding and is at 93.9 (i thought it was 93.4 been there for over a year or more) i have tried the dungeons still no gains . the only reason im trying to get to gm is to ope para chest my house is full lol need the space. I cant even find anyone on pac that has a gm LP .

well ill hope for the best, maybe after SA the GGS will work for me

thanks for all the help tho


well the Satyr trick seems like it wouldn't work for me on this char he only has gm hiding and is at 93.9
Hiding has nothing to do with the Satyr. You can aggro him, get him to discord you, then run outside the Weald and back in again really quick. After that the aggro will be broken and you just follow him around.