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Tokuno event

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've very very disappointed.
All minor artys are useless and also majors. Major pigments can't be changed.
All trades are based on lesser pigments.
I've seen a pigment sold at over 3 millions.
And about the pigments, there are some, like chaos blu, that are very rare. So their prize are too high. Like over 3 millions for 1 charge.
1 CHARGE!!!!!
But you are mad, devs?
Instead of a likely event it is become a very bad event.
All around some pigments and mempo. But Mempo is a good item, pigment???
No, i HATE it. And i don't know why do you have made an event who would be beautiful in a run to a chaos blu or a anothe little coloured bottle.
I repeat, i'm very disappointed. And angry. I PAY TO PLAY AT UO. I pay for events so stupid??????
I'm so disappointed that i don't take part in it.
Don't you ashamed of it???


Lore Keeper
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It's not the best for those who don't have the time to farm, farm, farm.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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The reason Chaos Blue is so rare is that it's one of the few dyes people are actually using.

Muu Bin


I am sorry to hear that you are that disappointed. Part of your disappointment seems to lie in what people are selling the different pigments for. Why do you care? Is it because you would like some of these for your own use and have not been able to get the right color to drop yet? If this is the case then keep trying. If it is because you would like to buy them but cannot afford these outrageous prices, then continue to hunt for them. It has been discussed in many other threads that different people have different results with regards to pigment colors. Personally, Chaos Blue is one of the most common ones I have obtained - 7 so far, while Noble Gold is the least common. I'm not sure how my time you spend playing but the pigments seem to drop fairly regularly for me and my guildmates.

And while I agree that you pay to play UO - we all do. If there is an event that is taking place, you have the choice to participate or not. It really is that simple. Do you do anything else in game that you enjoy? Crafting, PvP, Doom, Champ Spawns, etc...? UO has many interesting things that you can find to occupy your time other than current live events.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but I find it rather disappointing that you seem that upset about something that you can just ignore if you like. You have every right to be disappointed in the event, a lot of people are. I just think that your disappointment is misplaced and there's something more to it. :bored:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can always do something else than farm, no one is forcing you to do it..

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can always do something else than farm, no one is forcing you to do it..
Sure, Alezi. But UO is a little repetitive. Events make the game more various.
Alezi, mine it's a Dev criticism. Nothing up to you an all that like this event :)
I say that it's a special event made only for who have many time to spend to play. And also for who has a lot of millions to buy event items. Or maybe items can be bought by real money?
For this i'm angry.


The dyes are random IMO. Burnt brown is rare for me, I get many choas Blue.



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Soooo...what shard do I need to make a newb on to get 3mil per chaos blue dye?


Seasoned Veteran
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I got 5 or 6 Chaos Blue ; tried to dye some armour with them ; found the colour ugly and redyed it immediately with something else lol

(I love the rose, and brown and gold and all other colours in fact)


Sure, Alezi. But UO is a little repetitive. Events make the game more various.
Alezi, mine it's a Dev criticism. Nothing up to you an all that like this event :)
I say that it's a special event made only for who have many time to spend to play. And also for who has a lot of millions to buy event items. Or maybe items can be bought by real money?
For this i'm angry.
You don't have 3 mil? Still amazes me to hear people not having more than 10 mil. Might want to join a crafting/merchant guild or a guild with veteran players that can point you the way.


3 mill for the blues........ Are you people nuts. I have 37 of the chaos blue atm, guess Im going to be rich...


I would wait until the event is over to start complaining about it. They may make the dyes a turn in 10 minors get a 10 charge dye of your chose. You never know what they will do until it's over with.


Ivory, I am sorry you're not getting the drops you want, but it's all based on luck and the ever non popular RNG.

You can be like me and not care about the new "cool" drops.

I have a total of 9 drops and I am happy with that. It has never been about how fast I can farm items. I don't really care about that.

These are just more items that will help bloat the economy even more. Not that it's salvageable anymore anyways.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like this event myself and on my shard that blue is selling for much less more like 300k. But then everyone is not going to be happy with every event.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The problem it's not what colour of pigment drop, but the time to drop something. All minor artys are very bad, all fine items are pigments.
And me, that i have a job and a family, can't farm.
Money it's a relative problem. I say that it's not right that for an item, a little bottle, i can pay over 3 millions. Where is the funny? Buying money to pay a lot of pigment?
I'm angry for this. It's not a beautiful event. It's event created for who has much time to spend playing.......
No, my dear dev's, you have to entertein us, not only farm, farm, farm........

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You don't have 3 mil? Still amazes me to hear people not having more than 10 mil. Might want to join a crafting/merchant guild or a guild with veteran players that can point you the way.
UOKaiser, i have not 10millions. I have more then 5.
And for me it's much money.


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You don't have 3 mil? Still amazes me to hear people not having more than 10 mil. Might want to join a crafting/merchant guild or a guild with veteran players that can point you the way.
I've only one character that has over 10 million, my Thief. I don't like to farm all the time, nor do I see a point in keeping up with the Jones' mindset so many players have adopted, where you just have to have certain items. I find crafting almost pointless, except for a few niche markets I deal in on my home shard because really what do I need tons of gold for? I've got a Keep in Trammel I placed, A Large Smithy House in Felucca that was given to me, enough rare items to have what many consider a decent collection. I've never been a fan of the way Dev's run events for the most part. It's either farm away or your fighting a monster that kills you in 2 hits. They just aren't really fun anymore, I'd rather see events based on building community than evens based on getting a hold of the next piece of uber equipment.

Frey Wavestrider

You don't have 3 mil? Still amazes me to hear people not having more than 10 mil. Might want to join a crafting/merchant guild or a guild with veteran players that can point you the way.
UOKaiser, i have not 10millions. I have more then 5.
And for me it's much money.
I can see that the prices of the dyes is high. I know I cannot afford them. A majority of players I know starting out cannot afford them. For me to get that kind of money I would have to farm gold and that is not what I play for. I play to challenge myself and to meet others. If I did not need gold to buy repair deeds, stable pets or get some supplies I would not even have the sums I have and that is less than 5 mill on all my characters. BTW I know a lot of veteran players, including my wife, that would rather leave gold than have to farm it to get millions to buy something. I find TOT to be good on the whole and I am seeing a level of cooperation at Sleeping dragon, on my home shard, that is refreshing. It is also nice to see other people in Tokuno. There have been times that my wife and I can run all over the islands and not see another player.

Foolio the Bard

I have been selling the more in demand dyes for 200k and the others for 100k on my vendor. I've sold over 200 in the last 2 days since I started selling them. About 29 million gold I've made. I sell at reasonable prices and thus get more business then the luna vendors asking 1 million+ for some of the more popular colors. I don't need all these dyes, I kept a few for myself, but I've never been into the "dye everything" craze.

I also recommend this to the people who farmed 100s of minors but didn't get a mempo. Set up a vendor, advertise it with runes placed everywhere and gates from the bank (my vendor is in the middle of nowhere) and you can make enough to buy a mempo easily by just selling your dyes.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not the devs are crazy ... the players are. :p
If you dont have use for the minors, gift them to me, I ll find a use. *g*


I like the event. Granted i griped about it in the beginning, but I'm resistant to change, lol. And honestly, I don't really care so much about how useful the items are, I just like seeing that

"for your valor in combating the fallen beast, a special artifact has been bestowed upon you"

something oddly satisfying about that. The artifact could be a peanut butter sandwich for all I care, I just like the message.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Prices are not set by developers, but by players. I am frequently astonished by the prices some people are willing to pay for a few pixels.
Have you tried asking on your shard board if anyone is willing to trade the colour you want for the colour you have? As you can see here, different people are getting different colours.


Sure, Alezi. But UO is a little repetitive. Events make the game more various.
Alezi, mine it's a Dev criticism. Nothing up to you an all that like this event :)
I say that it's a special event made only for who have many time to spend to play. And also for who has a lot of millions to buy event items. Or maybe items can be bought by real money?
For this i'm angry.
When I feel like this....I stop playing and take a break...QQ some more why dont you.


3 mill for the blues........ Are you people nuts. I have 37 of the chaos blue atm, guess Im going to be rich...
I really need to raise my prices if this is the case. Guess I need to do a little market research, but then again, the 3m is probably the price on Atl and isn't indicative of normal pricing.

Nyte Doombringer

I really need to raise my prices if this is the case. Guess I need to do a little market research, but then again, the 3m is probably the price on Atl and isn't indicative of normal pricing.
I think they are selling it for that on Europa as well, but Europa has always had some of the craziest, greediest people in UO: LOL


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dont worry, the event finishes this week, Friday is the last day if im not mistaken. So then you can moan that you didnt get enough of the pigments you wanted and all that. ;)


Crazed Zealot
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I am very happy with the ToT event as is. The only thing I would have done differently is add new major awards for the armor pieces that don't have a reward (i.e. arms, legs, helm, bracelet, ring, shield, cloak, robe). I think the dyes are fine. I'm getting drops of all of them. I wish I could turn in blackrock, but oh well. 95 minors and no mempo, but that's ok. Some folks have collected 6x as much as me without a mempo.

Oh and the other thing I would do is extend it one week to make up for the week I lost during moving in rl. :). Ok, so that is selfish, but I do wish the event would go longer or the drop system would be permanent like the anti-virtue dungeon drops.



For the 3rd round of Treasures of Tokuno, it's been pretty sweet. New items to drop, a defined time for the event, and all critter of fame and karma have a chance to drop them.

I find the dye colors are highly variable even within a shard, with the color you want in particular being the hardest to come by... that's Murphy not the dev's you have to complain to.

Might I suggest if there are colors you absolutely positively can't live without, than either

1) don't shop in luna find vendors in zento, yew or on the roads in Malas, or Skara or whatever may be on your shard and

2) wait some time.. when the event is over and everyone's ability to stockpile items in their house is running low you might find those same luna vendors reducing their costs...if you must be the first toon on your block to have the latest and greatest pixal-ated item, then expect to pay big gold for it!


The reason Chaos Blue is so rare is that it's one of the few dyes people are actually using.
LOL, I agree one good use for it tho is to dye your chaos shields with it I made my Blackthorn Exemplar Unique using it hehehe.

The one good item considered major before were the neon pigments but that too has been taken away from us for some reason. OP has a valid reason for being mad I empathize for I too wish that we were all playing under a TC1 type shard eh (SOMETIMES)?



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They must have been listening to me, They just extended it to the end of the month, another 2 weeks just to make my first reply look silly :wall:


They must have been listening to me, They just extended it to the end of the month, another 2 weeks just to make my first reply look silly :wall:
Extended it to the end of the month? I didn't see that announcement, where was it?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've only one character that has over 10 million, my Thief. I don't like to farm all the time, nor do I see a point in keeping up with the Jones' mindset so many players have adopted, where you just have to have certain items. I find crafting almost pointless, except for a few niche markets I deal in on my home shard because really what do I need tons of gold for? I've got a Keep in Trammel I placed, A Large Smithy House in Felucca that was given to me, enough rare items to have what many consider a decent collection. I've never been a fan of the way Dev's run events for the most part. It's either farm away or your fighting a monster that kills you in 2 hits. They just aren't really fun anymore, I'd rather see events based on building community than evens based on getting a hold of the next piece of uber equipment.
I quote all.
I undesrtand that I write in english not very well, but finally there is someone that has understood all i wanted to say. Nexus, yor words are mine. Thanks :)


I have been selling the more in demand dyes for 200k and the others for 100k on my vendor. I've sold over 200 in the last 2 days since I started selling them. About 29 million gold I've made. I sell at reasonable prices and thus get more business then the luna vendors asking 1 million+ for some of the more popular colors. I don't need all these dyes, I kept a few for myself, but I've never been into the "dye everything" craze.

I also recommend this to the people who farmed 100s of minors but didn't get a mempo. Set up a vendor, advertise it with runes placed everywhere and gates from the bank (my vendor is in the middle of nowhere) and you can make enough to buy a mempo easily by just selling your dyes.
You are a supplier. Thank you for that. Resellers who know about your shop buy you out and sell it in luna for the higher cost. Everyone benefits. The whole system is a carefuly semi-complex merchant engine it works well :).


I've only one character that has over 10 million, my Thief. I don't like to farm all the time, nor do I see a point in keeping up with the Jones' mindset so many players have adopted, where you just have to have certain items. I find crafting almost pointless, except for a few niche markets I deal in on my home shard because really what do I need tons of gold for? I've got a Keep in Trammel I placed, A Large Smithy House in Felucca that was given to me, enough rare items to have what many consider a decent collection. I've never been a fan of the way Dev's run events for the most part. It's either farm away or your fighting a monster that kills you in 2 hits. They just aren't really fun anymore, I'd rather see events based on building community than evens based on getting a hold of the next piece of uber equipment.
You would need money for anything that comes out and you don't have time to get it. No need to farm for gold like ive said before thats one of the slowest way into getting gold. But yea I hate 2 hit bosses or 1 million need to kill for items.


UOKaiser, i have not 10millions. I have more then 5.
And for me it's much money.
You don't have enough time play? You don't have a merchant? At least you can go run around the old lands buy up things that are in demand and resell them in luna for premium price that will help alot. Mybe use the 5 mil to buy up bulk of something at cheaper price and sell it individualy at higher price. That's some ideas to trow around. Money is easy to make these days. I had to remake a fortune a couple of years ago when I rteturned with only 1 mil in the bank. As long as you have the knowledge on how uo plays and runs you be fine.
5mil is too low a amount to feel comfortable in the game. Unless you have rares and material possesions in uo worth alot more then gold by itself is not a issue.


You are a supplier. Thank you for that. Resellers who know about your shop buy you out and sell it in luna for the higher cost. Everyone benefits. The whole system is a carefuly semi-complex merchant engine it works well :).
Precisely. If you sell your wares at half (or less) of the going rate, you will be nearly instantly bought out by folks who will resell them at a greater percentage of market value. It's perfectly legitimate for you to sell them at the prices you are, of course, but don't think that the majority of those dyes are going to players who can't afford the market rate who want to dye their gear -- they're going to merchant players who will turn a profit off of your pricing structure.

Muu Bin

I quote all.
I undesrtand that I write in english not very well, but finally there is someone that has understood all i wanted to say. Nexus, yor words are mine. Thanks :)
Thank you for clarifying. So, if I may summarize:

You don't like crafting. No problem... it certainly isn't for everyone but for those people who do take part in this part of the game it can help them with their in-game income.

You don't like to farm for gold or items. I totally get this. Spending hours on end doing the same thing over and over is not what I consider fun. I get enough of this at work :wall:. This being said... some people like it.

Are you in a guild? Perhaps arranging your own guild-based mini events or even getting guildmates together to take part in events like ToT. You'd be amazed at how much more enjoyable this event is when you have some friends running around with you. Healing, rezzing, etc...

So my question again (see previous post) is: What do you usually do when you log in to UO when there isn't an event? And if there is something that you find enjoyable, then stick to that during the events so that you don't get so angry.

And lastly...
Community. I am in total agreement here that more events should be developed to build community. I'm not a developer but certainly there are ideas out there. And that's why I would suggest to you to send in feedback directly to EA. Tell them what you like and what you don't like. The boards are Ok to discuss things and sure, some of the developers might read these posts but if you really want to be heard send in the feedback to them - and get all your friends to do it too.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
The problem it's not what colour of pigment drop, but the time to drop something. All minor artys are very bad, all fine items are pigments.
And me, that i have a job and a family, can't farm.
Money it's a relative problem. I say that it's not right that for an item, a little bottle, i can pay over 3 millions. Where is the funny? Buying money to pay a lot of pigment?
I'm angry for this. It's not a beautiful event. It's event created for who has much time to spend playing.......
No, my dear dev's, you have to entertein us, not only farm, farm, farm........
Ok, let me get this straight....It's up to the devs to entertain me?? How??
I pay, willingly, for an online game. It's loaded to the hilt with stuff to do.
I don't recall reading, anywhere, that this game is promising, or garunteeing, to entertain me, especially with extra in-game events.

I see your post as frustration, bordering on an extended rant, because you can't get what you want.

Look....there's players I know that still have not gotten a mempo. I don't see them on here boo-hooing about it.

Bottom line, this is a game you voluntarily pay for, not some service you have to have in order to get by in life on, (well, lol, for some it is):coco:

it'll be okay.


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You would need money for anything that comes out and you don't have time to get it. No need to farm for gold like ive said before thats one of the slowest way into getting gold. But yea I hate 2 hit bosses or 1 million need to kill for items.
I've got time to farm if I wanted, I've also got the ability to either acquire high end equipment through crafting or buying and reselling, I just choose not to. I've reached a point in my play cycle where I'm comfortable with what I have and don't really see a need to go all nutty trying to acquire the "Next Uber" piece of equipment or piece of deco that comes out. I don't PvP, at least not in the current sense, so I don't see a necessity in throwing as many mods and stat boosts on a suit as possible. I don't craft much except for my own use, and even then I can make pretty much any piece of equipment I want. I really don't see a necessity for Tons of Gold, at least not in my play style.


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Ok, let me get this straight....It's up to the devs to entertain me?? How??
I pay, willingly, for an online game. It's loaded to the hilt with stuff to do.
I don't recall reading, anywhere, that this game is promising, or garunteeing, to entertain me, especially with extra in-game events.

I see your post as frustration, bordering on an extended rant, because you can't get what you want.

Look....there's players I know that still have not gotten a mempo. I don't see them on here boo-hooing about it.

Bottom line, this is a game you voluntarily pay for, not some service you have to have in order to get by in life on, (well, lol, for some it is):coco:

it'll be okay.
No He's right, because we do play for a service for a piece of Entertainment software you know rated by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board it would seem that the purpose of this game is to Entertain. To put it simpler, if they aren't entertaining us why should we continue to give them our fares? Isn't that the point to be entertained? Isn't that why we play games to be entertained? If we're not being entertained eventually the profit margin will go down and the Dev's will either be laid off or reassigned. So if they like their current positions it would be best if the ensured the game stayed entertaining.

Foolio the Bard

UO costs 44 cents a day. Where else can you get entertainment for that price?

I've been having a lot of fun with the Tokuno event. No, its not perfect, but its something different -- get some new dyes, try for a mempo.
The Shadowlords event is coming soon. And not to far after that is the new expansion! Lots of stuff going on.


Babbling Loonie
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Just wanted to point out that the devs are not the ones charging 3 mil per bottle of dye. Nor did they specify a recommended selling price on the dyes.

I seem to get lots of Chaos blue as well, 16 out of 130+. Least is silver, only 3. But I am guessing since it's the nicest colour, sellers are betting that others players are willing to pay more for it. However, I doubt there are many that will buy it at that price.

That's more than what the much nicer TOT1 neon dyes normally sell for.

The vendor could also be deliberately trying to show off his selection of dyes while pricing the ones he likes at a much higher price to deter people from buying it. I do that sometimes too, and if someone actually buys it at that price, hell, I definitely don't mind :D

While I understand your point about zombie-like farming, you don't really need to farm that long. The rate of drops is actually pretty good. Wife and I play around 1-2 hours each day, and we have scored 380+ tomarties so far.