I've very very disappointed.
All minor artys are useless and also majors. Major pigments can't be changed.
All trades are based on lesser pigments.
I've seen a pigment sold at over 3 millions.
And about the pigments, there are some, like chaos blu, that are very rare. So their prize are too high. Like over 3 millions for 1 charge.
1 CHARGE!!!!!
But you are mad, devs?
Instead of a likely event it is become a very bad event.
All around some pigments and mempo. But Mempo is a good item, pigment???
No, i HATE it. And i don't know why do you have made an event who would be beautiful in a run to a chaos blu or a anothe little coloured bottle.
I repeat, i'm very disappointed. And angry. I PAY TO PLAY AT UO. I pay for events so stupid??????
I'm so disappointed that i don't take part in it.
Don't you ashamed of it???
All minor artys are useless and also majors. Major pigments can't be changed.
All trades are based on lesser pigments.
I've seen a pigment sold at over 3 millions.
And about the pigments, there are some, like chaos blu, that are very rare. So their prize are too high. Like over 3 millions for 1 charge.
1 CHARGE!!!!!
But you are mad, devs?
Instead of a likely event it is become a very bad event.
All around some pigments and mempo. But Mempo is a good item, pigment???
No, i HATE it. And i don't know why do you have made an event who would be beautiful in a run to a chaos blu or a anothe little coloured bottle.
I repeat, i'm very disappointed. And angry. I PAY TO PLAY AT UO. I pay for events so stupid??????
I'm so disappointed that i don't take part in it.
Don't you ashamed of it???