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Bugs with new publish =/

  • Thread starter Eyes of Origin
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Eyes of Origin

We've found some problems with the new "anti ghosting" part of the publish. Already submitted bug reports but in case this doesnt get fixed before it goes live.. fair warning...

1. When you die at a spawn instead of allowing you to get rezzed it is transporting you out as soon as you die.
or its not teleporting people to the shrine until 10mins or so after they die.

2. If you dont get transported out as soon as you die, when you rez its transporting you out.

3.. If you lose connection and log back in, it transports you out. Even though you are disconnected just a min or two.

4. If your pets get stuck and you have to log out and in to get them, you get transported out.

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought if the player got disconnected there is a small grace period before they got shipped off to a shrine? Also, thought it was suppose to stop people from being able to ghost a spawn, but not hinder the other players.


No, you understand just fine. But if you are being teleported 10 mins after you die if you are still dead your body should have decayed and should have kicked you out of the champ area and then it is working right.


Thanks for reporting this. I hope the Devs pay attention and fix it before it hits the rest of us.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
No, there is no grace period for those who disconnect. I believe they even mentioned that in the notes.

However there should be a 10 min. period of time after death where you should be able to res as opposed to being instantly teleported.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Champ Spawns and Ghost Cam Fixes

* Altar will no longer remain stuck when boss despawns or disappears instead of being killed
* Players can no longer log out without repercussions in Champ Spawn regions
* Players that log out in a champ spawn region will get teleported to a shrine
* If a player logs out in a champ spawn area all the non equipped “cursed” items on them will drop to the ground
* This will only affect players who log out beyond the 10 minute grace period; accidental disconnections will not be punished

* Ghosts without corpses cannot enter Champ Spawn regions or log in to them
* Ghosts without corpses will be automatically exorcised periodically

To continue. So according to this if there is no body in the champ spawn region you will get teleported immediately. The only grace period for those who get disconnected has to do with losing cursed items. Still they will get teleported though.


Stratics Legend
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4. If your pets get stuck and you have to log out and in to get them, you get transported out.

It's about time tamers take some responsibility! This one is no bug, tamers shouldn't be able to log out to save their pet anyway. Stuck schmuck.

The other three points do need some tweaks though.

Frey Wavestrider

The bugs are random too. A guildie died at sleeping dragon and was transported to T3. Someone else ended up in Compassion. I have been disconnected 2 times and logged in no problem. I leave the area to log for the ghosts of my pets so I do not know about the pet issues. However given that dying at Sleeping dragon is something that happens alot, there has to be a grace period to allow people to be rezzed at the champ immediately to return to the fight.

Old Man of UO

It's about time tamers take some responsibility! This one is no bug, tamers shouldn't be able to log out to save their pet anyway. Stuck schmuck.

The other three points do need some tweaks though.
I agree about using it to save your pet, but pet balls don't work correctly, and sometimes the only way to get your pet back is through logging out and back in. You shouldn't have to leave the sub-server to log out/in to get your pet back.


Lore Keeper
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This is how champion spawns worked when they were introduced in Publish 16. It sounds that they just reimplemented the code. So it looks like we are at a full circle.

However there were issues to why this code was taken out in the first place, mainly do to the fact that once a guild gets a foot hold on the spawn it is very hard to organize a raid when your guildies have to wait 10-20 minutes to raid.

If I remember right, this was not just the champ level of the the dungeon, but the whole dungeon. Maybe someone has a better more accurate memory and can highlight on pub 16 issues.


This is how champion spawns worked when they were introduced in Publish 16. It sounds that they just reimplemented the code. So it looks like we are at a full circle.

However there were issues to why this code was taken out in the first place, mainly do to the fact that once a guild gets a foot hold on the spawn it is very hard to organize a raid when your guildies have to wait 10-20 minutes to raid.

If I remember right, this was not just the champ level of the the dungeon, but the whole dungeon. Maybe someone has a better more accurate memory and can highlight on pub 16 issues.
No, this was not coded before. o.o

I am not sure why people would have to wait for 10-20 mins to raid, if everyone dies then they all have to get rezzed again is all...



To continue. So according to this if there is no body in the champ spawn region you will get teleported immediately. The only grace period for those who get disconnected has to do with losing cursed items. Still they will get teleported though.
You are only considered logged off after your char leaves the server, that means you should have 10 mins before hand.

This will only affect players who log out beyond the 10 minute grace period; accidental disconnections will not be punished. <-- this is a bullet there for it is not descriptive of only cursed items but of the whole system, that means it only counts when your character actually logs off (after 10 mins) On a side note, I thought a character logged off after 5 mins?


Grand Poobah
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Cloak‡1310682 said:
You are only considered logged off after your char leaves the server, that means you should have 10 mins before hand.

This will only affect players who log out beyond the 10 minute grace period; accidental disconnections will not be punished. <-- this is a bullet there for it is not descriptive of only cursed items but of the whole system, that means it only counts when your character actually logs off (after 10 mins) On a side note, I thought a character logged off after 5 mins?
Hmm, I took it as for cursed items only. Ah well. We shall see in time.


Hmm, I took it as for cursed items only. Ah well. We shall see in time.
Well since it is a bullet of its own, I am going to contribute it to the whole system, plus that just makes more sense. If I am wrong however it would make me greatly sad, could you imagine how much it would suck to be having a bad day? Client keeps crashing, or you keep getting disconnected for any reason, you would have to keep running back down to the spawn x.x

Eyes of Origin

When I talked about a guildie logging out and in to get his pet, I wasnt speaking of saving his pet. His pet was literally stuck on the bridge in Destard by the ankh. He ran around telling it to all follow and it would try to fly but couldnt get to him. Pet summoning balls do not work in spawn areas, so to get it unstuck he had to log out and in. As soon as he logged in he was teleported.
Tamers who normally log their pets to save them are normally already dead so it wouldnt matter if you log the pet once you die and then get teleported. If they were alive when they logged and stay out till they time out, then I think yes, they should be teleported to a shrine.
And I agree with Frey.. it has been random. Sometimes you die and are able to get rezzed before you get teleported out, other times you die and its instant.


Lore Keeper
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Cloak‡1310675 said:
No, this was not coded before. o.o

I am not sure why people would have to wait for 10-20 mins to raid, if everyone dies then they all have to get rezzed again is all...
Well it isn't the exact coding, but very close. Take a look at the pub 16 notes if you would

Changes to the Dungeons and Lost Land areas of Felucca

In order to establish an area where players can engage in a meaningful struggle for the control of resources without drastically impacting the current play patterns of Felucca’s citizens, the Dungeon and Lost Land areas of Felucca will be modified.

1. When a non-Murderer is killed in the Dungeon/Lost Land areas of Felucca, all of the character’s items other than gold, gems, ingots, ore, leather, hides, wool, wood, boards, and cursed items will remain on their ghost (unlootable).
2. When a Murderer is killed in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca, 50% of the character’s items (random result per item) other than gold, gems, ingots, ore, leather, hides, wool, wood, boards, and cursed items will remain on their ghost (unlootable).
3. Any player that dies in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will immediately be given a mandatory “stuck player” option (forced to leave the dungeon and lost land servers). During this process, the player will not be able to hear spoken words (they can send/receive party messages as normal).
4. A player that dies in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will not be able to return to those servers for 30 minutes.
5. Ghosts will be unable to enter the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca.
6. Players will no longer be able to recall or gate into or out of the Dungeon/LostLand areas of Felucca.
7. The various dungeons of Felucca will be linked to each other via teleporters to help alleviate crowding and bottlenecks.
8. When a player reports a murder, only the long-term murder count will be incremented.
9. If a murderer dies in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca, they will not take stat loss upon their next resurrection.
10. When stealing from innocents, thieves will only be able to steal gold and gems in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca. Thieves will continue to be able to use the full range of their thieving abilities against consensual-pvp opponents (guild wars, order/chaos, factions).
11. Many Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will contain “champion regions” (a.k.a. “Evil-in-a-Can”).
12. The various champions of evil and “The Harrower” itself (a new champion monster, not to be confused with the mere “tentacles of the Harrower”) that spawn in Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will carry special Scrolls of Power (detailed further below).
13. The Minax faction stronghold will be relocated from the lost lands to another location in Felucca.
14. The city of Delucia will no longer be a “faction city”. However, the city of Vesper will become a faction city


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
When I talked about a guildie logging out and in to get his pet, I wasnt speaking of saving his pet. His pet was literally stuck on the bridge in Destard by the ankh.
Ah okay my bad. If it is literally stuck then yeah there should be a fix since pet balls won't work all the time. It's too bad All Come doesn't work right.

EA could fix the monster teleport AI, for starters.


It's about time tamers take some responsibility! This one is no bug, tamers shouldn't be able to log out to save their pet anyway. Stuck schmuck.

The other three points do need some tweaks though.

make pet balls usable in spawn areas and we would not have to log out.