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You don't own the spawns folks...



OP: Hilarious. If the person already at the spawn had been polite, maybe things might be different. But did you ever notice how the ones who talk all about "meet me in fel, trammy" and crap like that never actually open a red gate and invite you in?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just remembered something!

I pay 14 bucks a month, I think I will kill where I please!

If you would like me to move, please feel free to take over my payments. Id be more then happy to comply!

Aggressive monsters=Open attack for ANYONE!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with the OP, The Tokuno "event" is supposed to be about killing the monsters, not farming artis. An hour or so ago, I entered the "Big Room" in the dojo on Legends, the one where 2 Fandancers, 1 Demon and 4 lil fame critters spawn. All I saw was a Dexxer in the midst of a pile of bodies in the middle of the room, so I started casting EV's and Nature Furies on the lil ones and the next demon or fandancer to spawn. After five minutes, I notice that only one Fan is spawning, he had lured the other one off to the stairs, so I go kill that one then come back to room and start casting ev's. He then made a comment about how "there is always a rude one" and instead of ignoring him, I replied "Yes, there is * looks around room at all the dead bodies* " He had the decency to shut up after that, and left soon after.

About 9 critters spawn in that room, and the spawn rate is fast! Granted only 3 are high fame, but the low fame ones also give artis once you reach the magic number. There is no reason that two or three or even more cannot all participate in a free-for-all and still get artis.


I disagree. Doesn't matter if the person is moving,dancing,singing,or looking like a statue. It's common etiguette in trammel that if a player is in a spot which generates a certain type of spawn "which any pvm hunter knows the spots and what spawns" Then that spot is off limits unless you ask first If you can take turns then take it from there. 90% of the trammel pvm population live by this rule.
Of course soon as the person says no the other party will just share anyway so again as I said, out of your hands. And If you are playing in such a way that the monsters are no long agroing you, i.e. BEING AFK because yes they do run away sometimes, or spawn outside of your agro area, it is perfectly fine to kill those monsters as the person is obviously not there, Of course if you only read one of my posts then you will not know my full opinions on the matter or how I personally conduct myself. If someone shows up on my screen I would greet them, if I don't I also don't complain when they start "sharing" the spawn. But if the person is not receiving agro then they are not there and it is fine to kill the spawn, this is what I said.

Omnius, there have been times that I was not able to find anything killable with out there being people there, so sometimes its not being lazy to find a spot its simply there are no spots free. And if they are killing monsters on uo while posting here they are still "unattended" and thus are playing questionably, and if they "can see the screen" they should be able to see someone showed up and maybe they should say hello? you know, be courteous? Road goes both ways in my opinion. Note, not saying anything about you just posting that sometimes those things are unavoidable.

Jack Parker

He continued to try and get a rise out of me with usual "Isn't it your bed time?" "Meet me in fel, trammy!"
Technically you are not in tram. So you would technically be called a Toky.. right? lol

Dor of Sonoma

I just wonder : Why not ask?
First a : Hello! Second, two simple words: Take turns?

No, I don`t think anyone owns a spawn, and when it`s so busy as it is right now even more so. If you only have one hour between laundry and dinner, and/or before the rest of the house comes home then you should be able to squeeze in as well as those playing 24/7.

However! Common courtesy goes a long way. Ask first. If you barge in on a spawn I am working, not saying a word I will treat you like those putting themselves in front of me in a line at a shop. I get cranky. If you ask however I will happily share.

Then there's common sense: If the spawn does not really accomodate two people, effectively reducing both chances at a minor - maybe you should find some place else.
I agree. I will always, always address the player in question first, with a "Hello!" or, "Greetings" or somesuch. If they respond, then I may ask something along the lines of, "Mind if we share?"

(Mind you, I am from Felucca - where I feel that there is more inate courtesy, as the consequences for rudeness can be swift and merciless (and just! :)

If a player does not respond to me at all (or if one comes into 'my' area and starts lobbing their EVs and crap without a word), I will drop whatever I was doing and concentrate solely on them. After all, it is always obvious to anyone who watches me, that I am actively moving and looting and talking and THERE...so to ignore that means that some lessons in common courtesy are warranted. ;-)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I leave if someone else is at a spawn immediately. For me there's no discussion about it. However, if someone tries to grief me... then they become my new best friend. We go everywhere together. We discuss fun things, like their behavior.

I'm actually sorta hard to grief. We have 24 chars on atl so we sorta have every kind of char. We have 6 legend mages of all flavors. We have 3 tamers, 2 legend. Lord, you wouldn't believe the stuff we can trot out for those kind of situations. My personal fav is 2 poison mages at once. We can do 4 chars at once if we really need to.

We are plain hard to grief.

This isn't about how great we are. It's about the zero crap we take from griefers.

Have fun

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

If you come across someone else camping a spot and you muscle in, You're being a jerk. If someone took the time to find an empty spot for themself and you decide its yours because you're too lazy to find a spot that makes you a jerk.



all you did was worded me different in the end it was about profits, and we both agree merging the 2 rule sets was a mistake so I don't get the point of this response?
No, I didn't word you differently. PK'rs were the reason people left the game. EQ just happened to be the only option at the time for safe gameplay. In the end, it was the PK'rs that caused it all.


Cloak‡1289957 said:
Of course soon as the person says no the other party will just share anyway so again as I said, out of your hands. And If you are playing in such a way that the monsters are no long agroing you, i.e. BEING AFK because yes they do run away sometimes, or spawn outside of your agro area, it is perfectly fine to kill those monsters as the person is obviously not there, Of course if you only read one of my posts then you will not know my full opinions on the matter or how I personally conduct myself. If someone shows up on my screen I would greet them, if I don't I also don't complain when they start "sharing" the spawn. But if the person is not receiving agro then they are not there and it is fine to kill the spawn, this is what I said.

Omnius, there have been times that I was not able to find anything killable with out there being people there, so sometimes its not being lazy to find a spot its simply there are no spots free. And if they are killing monsters on uo while posting here they are still "unattended" and thus are playing questionably, and if they "can see the screen" they should be able to see someone showed up and maybe they should say hello? you know, be courteous? Road goes both ways in my opinion. Note, not saying anything about you just posting that sometimes those things are unavoidable.
I've never ran into a situation that a person actually said no or that I said no. Just the other day I pass by a fandancer and killed him on my way in there was another person farming the area and they said would I like to share. As I don't need to impose I said no thank you and went on my way to another empty spawn spot. Don't know if he caught that when I said it I was on my dexter.
I don't expect a player thats there first to say hello to me simply because they have no reason too. Imagine how many hellos that player will have to say to every single player that passes him every 30 seconds. He won't even have time to hunt. Maybe in a deserted shard that maybe 1 player passes every 3-6 hours but definetlty on no populated shard in populor areas.

Unattended is a strange thing. Is someone unattended if there hands are not on the mouse or on the keyboard or is it when someone raises there eyes of the screen to watch tv or is it when posting on stratics or looking up information with dual scrennes or is it when they stand up or leave the room the bathroom, house? Who knows? everyone will have there own version of it.
If youre thinking about what you did last night and watching the screen but not paying attention because youre thinking about that party is the persion unattended cause there mind is not on UO or are they unattended cause there watching TV but thinking of UO. Should we regulate like minority report in UO?

But simple as that I definetly don't expect the person that is there already to greet me unless there a real beutiful girl looking for a husband yea right lol.

Theres just too many players that will run past the person camping the spot will be a macro going all kill hello rinse and repeat for the whole day.
I would truly hate when am into something and I have to stop 30 times the same 30 minutes to carry a useless conversation about nothing to people I don't know because they want me to say hello first. Im sure if I was camping a spot I would want as little interaction with the outside world as possible time vs effort. More you get done faster the more time you have for other things.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unattended is a strange thing. Is someone unattended if there hands are not on the mouse or on the keyboard or is it when someone raises there eyes of the screen to watch tv or is it when posting on stratics or looking up information with dual scrennes or is it when they stand up or leave the room the bathroom, house? Who knows? everyone will have there own version of it.
What you can actually get "booked" for is failing to respond to a GM while logged into the game.

So long as you can respond before they decide you aren't there, you're fine.

That is to say, switching to another window for just one minute might be all it takes to cop a suspension, but standing still in the middle of a spawn for an hour is ok so long as you check the game screen every fifteen seconds or so and have free hands to type with.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Likewise, I have never said no when asked to share or had someone already at a spawn point say no when I asked.

During my swoop days, folks didn't even need to say anything, it was an unspoken etiquette to take turns when someone new comes along. The rest would just move to the side and hold off attacking until the newcomer engages Swoop. Patiently waiting, and healing/buffing the newcomer if he's in trouble. I kid you not.

On the flip side, there's this 1 guy that would never take turns. He charges in, doesn't say anything, doesn't reply when talked to and takes the first swoop he sees even when someone is already attacking it. So next round everyone moves to the side and let him have a go at it. After that, whoever is up next engages the next swoop. However, this guy will carry on engaging swoop after swoop.

Without speaking, the rest of us would engage in a free for all melee on swoop at the same time. Once he keeps seeing a blue unlootable corpse (top damager outdamages him by a ton) for the umpteenth time, he'll leave and we'll go back to taking turns.

And everytime we see this person, we'll do a free for all melee.


My etiquette is in no way imposed on you, I play on mostly all populated shards (save for napa which is not so populated) And I still greet people the first time they stop by, obviously some people zoom by with out concern that you are even there, them I would not greet obviously, but anyone who stops long enough for me to greet I would greet. There are people who don't care to share, or just share because they feel like it (aka just barge in and attack things, such as how Harlequin described) I am not trying to descibe the majority of players on uo, I am simply stating that this is sometimes the case.

And Bomb Bloke already addressed the unattended situation, I will say someone is unattended anytime they could have been banned if a gm spoke to that, that is roughly a few seconds time. Of course if you are being overwhelmed by monsters and running around and such you have more time to respond, as the gm can see you when they message you, but if you are posting on stratics it is safe to assume you would be standing still killing mob after mob automatically and a gm can pop up message you, wait 10-15 seconds and decide you are afk. That is what I base it off of, any other opinion would just be well sort of silly, obviously you can say they are not there if they are watching tv, but if they can still see the screen and respond when a gm requests then they are not, anything other than this is not considered.


Best thing to do with these guys is to park your Dragon on their spawn LOL!
10 out of 10 they are gonna move on.


Likewise, I have never said no when asked to share or had someone already at a spawn point say no when I asked.

During my swoop days, folks didn't even need to say anything, it was an unspoken etiquette to take turns when someone new comes along. The rest would just move to the side and hold off attacking until the newcomer engages Swoop. Patiently waiting, and healing/buffing the newcomer if he's in trouble. I kid you not.

On the flip side, there's this 1 guy that would never take turns. He charges in, doesn't say anything, doesn't reply when talked to and takes the first swoop he sees even when someone is already attacking it. So next round everyone moves to the side and let him have a go at it. After that, whoever is up next engages the next swoop. However, this guy will carry on engaging swoop after swoop.

Without speaking, the rest of us would engage in a free for all melee on swoop at the same time. Once he keeps seeing a blue unlootable corpse (top damager outdamages him by a ton) for the umpteenth time, he'll leave and we'll go back to taking turns.

And everytime we see this person, we'll do a free for all melee.
Are you on Atlantic?

lol...I think you and I have taken turns bashing the rude ones...lol..

I remember those days at the swoops..


Sharing a Oni spawn or the larger spawn locations should be a given. But when you honestly want to share a very small orc spawn... gimme a break. I could see this happening if you are friends and wanna chat. But honestly when you bust in on some person camping a tiny spawn like that it is pointless to share it unless you want the company and they do to. Otherwise its a jerk move imo.

Honestly give me a break. Drops for both party's are pretty much reduced by 50% or more at a small weak creature spawn like this with 2 or more people. Why do you think people get pissed? Your steppin on toes.

When you are one of the people that are legit non afk farmers spending hour after hour trying to get a damn mempo so you can stop farming. things get annoying. Not to mention you gotta consider the people running around actually trying to **** campers off .

Personally i dont mind sharing at any spawn spot im at at all. But on the other hand i dont just jump in on someone camping a small spawn either. I consider it rude and its not worth the wait per drop. I move on pretty much every time if a spot is being used or camped. I come back every 30 min or so to see if its empty if i really want to use the spot though.

The only bad things im seeing are the AFK script farmers. Those guys i do not mind taking the spawn they are camping. Although you cant expect everyone that does not answer you to be a afk farmer. I know im tired of everyone only saying hi just to see if im afk or not.


Sharing a Oni spawn or the larger spawn locations should be a given. But when you honestly want to share a very small orc spawn... gimme a break. I could see this happening if you are friends and wanna chat. But honestly when you bust in on some person camping a tiny spawn like that it is pointless to share it unless you want the company and they do to. Otherwise its a jerk move imo.

Honestly give me a break. Drops for both party's are pretty much reduced by 50% or more at a small weak creature spawn like this with 2 or more people. Why do you think people get pissed? Your steppin on toes.

When you are one of the people that are legit non afk farmers spending hour after hour trying to get a damn mempo so you can stop farming. things get annoying. Not to mention you gotta consider the people running around actually trying to **** campers off .

Personally i dont mind sharing at any spawn spot im at at all. But on the other hand i dont just jump in on someone camping a small spawn either. I consider it rude and its not worth the wait per drop. I move on pretty much every time if a spot is being used or camped. I come back every 30 min or so to see if its empty if i really want to use the spot though.

The only bad things im seeing are the AFK script farmers. Those guys i do not mind taking the spawn they are camping. Although you cant expect everyone that does not answer you to be a afk farmer. I know im tired of everyone only saying hi just to see if im afk or not.
I do what I usually do with script hunters. Either one 1) ignore them or 2) when I have time I start talking back about useless things and then follow talking to them when they run away I say come back we havent finish talking about the ozone layer "or whatever mundane topic I pop up with" . Finaly they recall out and avoid me like I have genital warts.


When EQ started I used to play it and people would camp spawns for days and days and DAYS GM's would come and tell them they couldn't do it lol.

Muu Bin

I hunt in the same place as Wizzax...I was there with him last night on my archer.

Beetles drop in 2-3 shots from my archer.

So its no biggie and most people are cool about it as Rune Beetles and Mages spawn non stop.

The other night though...some guy got all pissy when I recalled in and was "this is my area a-hole"

So, I laughed and went up a few screens...wouldnt you know it....10 minutes later...up comes this ghost....I laugh and rez him. He doesnt say thank you or anything. Instead he starts running back down. I follow him to realize he hasnt insured his stuff....he dies before he can get to it.

Keep in mind...I am an archer...

I go back up...he comes back up 0o0oooo0ing and I rez him...he says nothing again and runs down...10 seconds later he comes back up...Yet again, I rez him...even though he is a jerk. He runs back down...this continues for like 3 minutes and he says... "you need to come invis me now or my stuff will dissapear"

I tell him..."archer...cant invis"
He proceeds to cuss me out and runs back down....comes back dead 10 seconds later. This time....I ignore him and dont rez...he is 0o0oo0o0oing like crazy. So I am sure it wasnt pretty language...
He vanishes...15 minutes later a dexer comes back and starts talking trash to me....he tells me its MY FAULT that he lost his "20 mil suit"

I laugh and continue killing things..he trys to grief me by killing them....only to comp crash and die....I laugh and recall off.

Seriously, people are ridiculous.
This story made coffee come out of my nose! AWESOME.

You are far kinder than I would have been because you rez'd him two times more than I would have. I simply have no compassion for people who can't even thank you for rez'ing them. I guess the a$$hat dies so much that he can't afford to insure his suit. That, and he's too lazy to loot the beetles to pay for the insurance in the first place. Too bad rudeness and laziness aren't "anti virtues"; this guys would be Knight of both of them. :coco:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you on Atlantic?
Nope, but I have chars there too *coughs* x-sharding *cough* :D

But you might have seen me as a newbie looting the public'd swoop corpses for stuff hehe.

Just read your earlier post, LOL, hopes he reads this and realize that being a jerk cost him 20 mil. Which could have been saved by a simple "ty". Had he been polite, even if you can't invis, you would have thought of pulling the mobs to attack you instead, allowing him to safely loot his corpse :D

I tend to ignore rude people like that when they die and ask for a rez.

Der Rock

Now my question is this. Should I or anyone else simply wander off because a few individuals think they are entitled to camp the same area all alone for days at a time?
I just wonder : Why not ask?
First a : Hello! Second, two simple words: Take turns?

No, I don`t think anyone own a spawn, and when it`s so busy as it is right now even more so. If you only have one hour between laundry and dinner, and/or before the rest of the house comes home then you should be able to squeeze in as well as those playing 24/7.

However! Common courtesy goes a long way. Ask first. If you barge in on a spawn I am working, not saying a word I will treat you like those putting themselves in front of me in a line at a shop. I get cranky. If you ask however I will happily share.

Then theres common sense: If the spawn does not really accomodate for two people, effectively reducing both chances at a minor - maybe you should find some place else.
at event times, you can see how dump many people are.
LOL,it always amuse me to see those "it´s my spawn " people.
farming spots is ok,but all have to agree that other player also like to farm and hunt where ever they want.
and here a free hint for all "it´s my spawn" player:
if more people hunt on the same spot,so more and faster the tot´s are drop in your backpack.
most times you can get 4x as much tot´s in the same time as if you play alone

(but dump people will never understand this,sad but true)

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I own all of the fell champ spawns. Go try and do one if you don't believe me.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had a fun one yesterday, which taught me a valuable lesson.

I was asked to "hold" a demon spawn point for a friend who had to leave for a few minutes when a member of a not-always-friendly guild (no names here, but it sounds like an enemy) decided to take over my spawn point.

Naturally, there was nothing I could do but whine, so I whined, which only amused him. Then I called in friends to take the demon back. Then he called in a friend to take the demon back from us. It turned into five people assaulting one poor lonely demon.

The result was, I got more ToT drops in that fifteen minutes than in any other fifteen minutes so far.

The lesson learned: sharing is good.

But it was rather dull, so I went on to more challenging pursuits. But I shared those more challenging things with friends and we all made more.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why not mention names? It's the [NmE] intellectuals of Catskills, who pull creatures onto people just to annoy them. It is them who do not respect others, call them names, and trash-talk to everyone who stands in their way. I already reported three of them (greetings, Mr. Cookie!). I wonder how long it will take before half the guild is banned from the game. I would not miss a single one of them.

Apart from that, I never complain when someone tries to "steal the spawn" from me. Why? Because I made the similar experience like you: I once was in the Fan Dancer Dojo (a.k.a. "afk scripter's paradise") alone in the hellhound room, when suddenly four (!) guys came in to harrass me because I allegedly got one of their afk script tamers killed. (There was a CU Sidhe "EyeSee" down there almost 24/7). I completely ignored them, then they started to cast EVs to "steal my kills". Can you imagine? There were 10 EVs in a room killing 2 poor hellhounds. The funny and interesting thing is, this did not at all slow down my reward drop rate. On the contrary! As the creatures died faster, they respawned faster. And I'm pretty sure that it does not make a difference whether you kill a creature by yourself, or 10 other people help you doing it.

I had a fun one yesterday, which taught me a valuable lesson.

I was asked to "hold" a demon spawn point for a friend who had to leave for a few minutes when a member of a not-always-friendly guild (no names here, but it sounds like an enemy) decided to take over my spawn point.

Naturally, there was nothing I could do but whine, so I whined, which only amused him. Then I called in friends to take the demon back. Then he called in a friend to take the demon back from us. It turned into five people assaulting one poor lonely demon.

The result was, I got more ToT drops in that fifteen minutes than in any other fifteen minutes so far.

The lesson learned: sharing is good.

But it was rather dull, so I went on to more challenging pursuits. But I shared those more challenging things with friends and we all made more.

Quantum Ace

I have a few spots I like for this particular event. I check them and if someone is there, I move along. Since I don't have a tamer that can pretty much hunt anywhere they like, my choices are fairly limited. What I usually do is stop and watch. If they are there, they can see that I am not bothering "their spawn" and will usually offer up a "hello". I figure most folks are reasonable and I often ask if they mind sharing the spawn and taking turns. Most don't seem to mind. If they don't answer, I figure its fair game.

I figure I can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. :)

Der Rock

I have a few spots I like for this particular event. I check them and if someone is there, I move along. Since I don't have a tamer that can pretty much hunt anywhere they like, my choices are fairly limited. What I usually do is stop and watch. If they are there, they can see that I am not bothering "their spawn" and will usually offer up a "hello". I figure most folks are reasonable and I often ask if they mind sharing the spawn and taking turns. Most don't seem to mind. If they don't answer, I figure its fair game.

I figure I can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. :)
sry friend, but sharing is the dumbest thing you can do (tot drop wise)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Quick note, partying with my wife and simultabeously attacking the same mob really does seem to give us arties a lot more often. Like twice as often.

Did not try attacking the same mob w/o partying tho.


sry friend, but sharing is the dumbest thing you can do (tot drop wise)
How do you figure this? The points are distributed to more than one person then, and the top attacker always gets full points so not sure what you are smoking, but could you pass it?

Quick note, partying with my wife and simultabeously attacking the same mob really does seem to give us arties a lot more often. Like twice as often.

Did not try attacking the same mob w/o partying tho.
Should be the same with or with out party :)


Up to 10, with all getting lootings rights... works great.

Harlequin is Correct... increased drop rate while in party and killing alot faster.


Up to 10, with all getting lootings rights... works great.

Harlequin is Correct... increased drop rate while in party and killing alot faster.
Thought it was up to 16? Not that I can think of anything that can handle that many people at a time in tokuno (yamadon maybe? lol) but yea still thought that was the limit.

Der Rock

sry friend, but sharing is the dumbest thing you can do (tot drop wise)
How do you figure this? The points are distributed to more than one person then, and the top attacker always gets full points so not sure what you are smoking, but could you pass it?

i mean if he means sharing each his own monster, sharing one monster is the point :)


'share' lol. Contrary to your statement 'you don't own the spawn' Ill have to say, yeah.. actually, it sounds like they DO.

uo is not about 'sharing'

if it were me, id just drop a couple e.v's whereever I wanted, along with some fields, and get busy witherin'. Eventually, they'll get annoyed, or bored, or both, and take off. So now in a sense, YOU own the spawn.. You'll probably make some enemies this way, but ****, If you don't have enemies, you aren't playing uo. :danceb:


I think that basically, when your all alone at a spawn location, you are entitled to 100% of the creatures that spawn. If someone else shows up, you are then entitled to 50% of whats there. I think everyone realises this, even the idiots that would swear blind all the orcs in that location belong to them, simply because they were there first.

When I used to farm Miasmas, regardless of how long I had been there, be it 5 minutes or an hour, the second someone else showed, I realised that it was time to start sharing the spawn.

What I do think is a good idea is to say hello to the person who was there first, and out of courtesy, ask "mind if i join in?" or whatever. No, you dont have to ask permission to join in, but its nice to be nice. Then, you can usually work out between you whether turns would be best or whether a free for all is better. This is how you can meet random new friends, by actually engaging people and getting off on the right foot.

There is nothing more annoying than someone who just turns up and starts casting evs without even aknowledging the existance of the person who is already there. That, in my humble opinion, is the height of ignorance... :/

couldnt have said it better myself, a little kindness never hurt anyone


nah. i pay my dues. I do what i want. I keep my friends close, and my enemies closer.

Zyon Rockler

I think greed has alot to do with causing conflict in the game. Systems should be created to promote partying and team work.

I find it interesting that the loot is split between 2 people. I think there should be a percentage added because parties don't really work if you are penalized. For example: if you kill a daemon, the loot is cut in half, rather than double which reflects a negative for someone to party and allows for greed more so than an intelligent decision to party.

I don't think just doubling the money is enough or the only answer, there are many things that could be done that could convince people to party and work as teams, such as luck increase, damage increase, and other things that could happen just by simply being in a party.

Especially in events, a bonus could be added to the chance of receiving an artifact for every person that is added to the party the bonus could increase to a maximum percentage.

These types of systems would cause greedy people to look for others to party with and solve alot of problems and issues, but it would also help good people who understand the true power of what the games possibilities are and how much fun it is to simply hunt with other people.


This thread and the responses are the prime reason I dont go to Tram...
Interesting statement, especially since the most people I see afk macroing in the Fan Dancer Dojo are members of well-known Felucca pvp guilds.


uo is not about 'sharing'
That's sure a funny thing to say about a community based game....

if it were me, id just drop a couple e.v's whereever I wanted, along with some fields, and get busy witherin'. Eventually, they'll get annoyed, or bored, or both, and take off.
Exhibiting the grand childish manner you are able to display when you put your mind to it. Hurrah and bully for you! Here, have a broccoli:


So now in a sense, YOU own the spawn.. You'll probably make some enemies this way, but ****, If you don't have enemies, you aren't playing uo. :danceb:
No, what you own is internetitis. It's the disease that makes you think it's ok to be antisocial when you don't have to actually face the person that would normally kick your ass if you tried the same thing face to face.

*scene in bar*

Bar Patron-izer- This is my spot *spills beer on counter*

Bar Patron- I was here first, find your own stool bud

Bar Patron-izer- *sits on Patron's lap and starts drinking his beer and talking to his woman*

Bar Patron- *picks up nearest heavy, blunt instrument and introduces it to the "spot jumper"

Yeah, doesn't translate well for those that want to play in an antisocial manner, does it? ;)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, what you own is internetitis. It's the disease that makes you think it's ok to be antisocial when you don't have to actually face the person that would normally kick your ass if you tried the same thing face to face.

*scene in bar*

Bar Patron-izer- This is my spot *spills beer on counter*

Bar Patron- I was here first, find your own stool bud

Bar Patron-izer- *sits on Patron's lap and starts drinking his beer and talking to his woman*

Bar Patron- *picks up nearest heavy, blunt instrument and introduces it to the "spot jumper"

Yeah, doesn't translate well for those that want to play in an antisocial manner, does it? ;)
Antisocial? hahahha he is one of the most social in our guild Also is one of the coolest, generous and most helpful, prob on my list of top ten attitudes/personality's on pacific. and that face to face thing I willing to put $ on the fact that he would say the same thing to your face and then break you in half as you pick up your blunt object (cant be a man needs weapons lol).

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Interesting statement, especially since the most people I see afk macroing in the Fan Dancer Dojo are members of well-known Felucca pvp guilds.
O well...not me. I prefer to spend my time PvPing or if I am PvMing I do it at spawns or in the old Felluca legacy dungeons. Hell I can make 800k-1m gold an hour neways in one of the legacy dungeons farming just one mid level monster. Buy the items I need instead of having to deal with the "Its mine and Im not gonna share" attitude. Get that attitude with me while I am PvMing your very likely to have a bola hit you and a dragon on you.:thumbsup: