- over 70 characters vanishing from the tokuno hunting grounds since the event began...
- at least 18 verified 72h bans (I got their icq messages blasting about it)...
- 2 perma bans.
The contest proceeds... number to beat 32.
"Many of the players will script and macro ToT...
This challenge is made of three parts.
1- find them and send report with name/guild.
2- call gm and get them banned.
3- wait until the 18th August so they dont show up at uo.com.
(we'll check their previous existance... and do remember that even the shadows can be watched...)
Player banning the most #... Stat Scroll +25 and 120 Chivalry PS.
Second player... 3 Major ToT Artefact.
Third... 1 Major ToT Artefact.
Safe Hunting!"
- at least 18 verified 72h bans (I got their icq messages blasting about it)...
- 2 perma bans.
The contest proceeds... number to beat 32.
"Many of the players will script and macro ToT...
This challenge is made of three parts.
1- find them and send report with name/guild.
2- call gm and get them banned.
3- wait until the 18th August so they dont show up at uo.com.
(we'll check their previous existance... and do remember that even the shadows can be watched...)
Player banning the most #... Stat Scroll +25 and 120 Chivalry PS.
Second player... 3 Major ToT Artefact.
Third... 1 Major ToT Artefact.
Safe Hunting!"