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I met the woman who owns UO!


pacific lily

It was so exciting!

I was running around killing things in a smallish area of the Tokuno Islands and in ran this female character. She didn't say anything just cast EVs near where I was and ran away and invis'ed herself. After doing that for about 10 minutes with me continuing to kill what I was there to kill, she called ME rude and said that it was her spot. When I said "well, technically, I was there first," she informed me that she had BEEN THERE FOR THREE DAYS and she owned that spot. I had no IDEA that UO had an owner that actually played. I was humbled in her presence!

So just in case you thought nobody at EA actually played, one woman who owns the game apparently does play!

And for what it's worth, I came back to the game yesterday and gave up already today. No point in bothering with idiots in a game when I deal with enough of them IRL.


Muu Bin

ignore them
suggest sharing the spawn :thumbsup:
find another spawn site :thumbsup:
have friends hunt with you at the spawn site (this might cause her to move elsewhere) ;)
there are loads of other possibilities :bored:

Sometimes owners just need to feel like they have the power to do what they want, cuz hey... they're the owners...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I have your stuffs?

BTW I own the easy Arctic Ogre Lord area. Stay away.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was so exciting!

I was running around killing things in a smallish area of the Tokuno Islands and in ran this female character. She didn't say anything just cast EVs near where I was and ran away and invis'ed herself. After doing that for about 10 minutes with me continuing to kill what I was there to kill, she called ME rude and said that it was her spot. When I said "well, technically, I was there first," she informed me that she had BEEN THERE FOR THREE DAYS and she owned that spot. I had no IDEA that UO had an owner that actually played. I was humbled in her presence!

So just in case you thought nobody at EA actually played, one woman who owns the game apparently does play!

And for what it's worth, I came back to the game yesterday and gave up already today. No point in bothering with idiots in a game when I deal with enough of them IRL.

I just posted this in a different thread
I refuse to let others get to me they want to be greedy so be it, Least I know Im not is what only matters to me. I go to have fun. and Im just waiting for someone to tell me Im in there spot. because Im going to tell them to write in and have a dev put a sign with their name on it and have the dev placed it in their spot other than that Im staying there, and I have no problems with some one else being there killing things or what im killing. Im still getting my points killing it just has they do. actually I get more arties with others helping killing what Im killing faster the kills faster the points add up. So I would like to tell them Thank you for helping
You shouldnt let others get to you like that I basicly ignore them cuz I hate to type in the game. Im there to kill things not to chat. I will stop long enough to answer to someone who says hi and can we take turns which the answer is always yes.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my friend now very mad at you releasing her lock !!!!!!!!!! that spawn was hers, she earned it by training 24/7 in jehlom for the skill to own that gd to farm!!!!!!!!!!! now u messing with her plan of domince with tram after her quest for faction crap started to slow down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no you don't I do :) My Lawyer will be in touch with your Lawyer :)


I propose a new in-game command: "I wish to secure this hunting ground".

You can only use this ability once every 24 hours.
It automatically blocks off access to all players other than yourself and your party members, to the 32x32 area you're standing on, so you can own the spot and all the spawn in it, farm it in any fashion you want. The effect lasts 1 hour.
No more quarrelling on who got where first, and no more dispute over who owns which spot!

And no if you think I were being serious about this, there must be something wrong with you.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There have always been idiots like that in the game. On one memorable occasion my friend and I were working the daemon room in Fire level 2, before AoS. Someone arrived and told us he was here now and we should leave. We declined, so he brought us all manner of stuff from around the dungeon, efreets, lich lords etc. We cross healed and took on all comers, much to his disgust. He then stood and told us he had been trying to get us killed (what a surprise) and we should leave, because he was American and therefore had more right to play than us Europeans, on Europa server, and he had a friend who was a GM. We didn't bother to report him for luring, we didn't vacate because he said we must either.


if a selfish little child is going to make you toss in the towel, can I have your stuff?

go elsewhere and simply play the game as YOU wish.


I recommend a chiv bushido archer tamer in vampiric. Perfection, enemy of one, consec, maybe a slayer wep, lots of DI, high ssi, hit lower defence to help your pet, and a greater drag. Combined damage output is beyond stupid. Other peoples' pathetically slow efforts will make them want to offscreen somewhere else.

Kill so fast they think "wtf overpowered" etc. Make sure you grin a lot like this :D, kill what they decide to lure towards you, kill it really fast, grin some more. No words just smileys.



I had the same thing last night. Its amazing that no one can share anymore. Although I am not suprised. I am more than willing to share a spawn spot. However if they are going to be a total dicky about it then well, im sorry, i just cannot rez. Hell, I really dont mind sharing cause even last night, I had lots of time to loot their kills.


It was so exciting!

I was running around killing things in a smallish area of the Tokuno Islands and in ran this female character. She didn't say anything just cast EVs near where I was and ran away and invis'ed herself. After doing that for about 10 minutes with me continuing to kill what I was there to kill, she called ME rude and said that it was her spot. When I said "well, technically, I was there first," she informed me that she had BEEN THERE FOR THREE DAYS and she owned that spot. I had no IDEA that UO had an owner that actually played. I was humbled in her presence!

So just in case you thought nobody at EA actually played, one woman who owns the game apparently does play!

And for what it's worth, I came back to the game yesterday and gave up already today. No point in bothering with idiots in a game when I deal with enough of them IRL.

I think I know exactly who you are speaking of. This sounds surprisingly just like someone I had run ins with about a year ago. She said exactly the same thing to the entire group I used to hang out with when the 10th anny stuff had just come out. She had "her" room in Hythloth and anyone that happened to be in there was expected to immediately vacate the premises as soon as she logged on.

That got old really quick.

As far as I'm concerned, if she wants to act like that, **** her. Let her find another spot to hunt in, or learn to share.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not that it would matter much, but yesterday I went down to hell (i.e. Fan Dancer Dojo) to hunt for an hour, and I found a good spot where a lonesome fighter was hacking away on monsters. I asked several times if it was ok that I'd join in, but the guy was afk and did neither move nor answer. So I started to fight there as well. After maybe 15 minutes, he suddenly came to life, insulted me and said it was his spot, and I'd only come here to harrass him, and that I'd ruin the whole game for him, because this is the only spot where he would ever hunt.

I he would have asked kindly, I would have left in a blink of an eye (although I think nobody has the right to claim a spot his "own"), because I am a polite person. But I explained that he was afk and then decided to ignore him, as he continued with his insults. But I did NOT leave, on purpose.

The funny thing is: After 20 minutes of complaining, the guy paged a GM and HE reported ME for harrassment. I told him where he had to click in his paperdoll to open the according help request. :coco:


Errr sorry everyone bit I own all of Tram. It is however, up for sale. The bidding starts at 25 gp.

Old Man of UO

The owners of the Fan Dancer Dojo on LS forgot to stable their dragons this morning before server save. All five were wandering owner-less in the same spots they have been since last Saturday. The owners were back within minutes to prod their reptiles into fighting once again. How can they go a whole week without sleep? They are simply amazing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately these time limited events always cause greed and selfishness. I would recommend trying other hunting spots. The champ spawn area in Tokuno is pretty extensive and you may have better luck there. Don't quit UO because of it!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trammies just cry.. Tell them to shut the **** up and get the **** out if they're not happy.


Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trammies just cry.. Tell them to shut the **** up and get the **** out if they're not happy.

It just amazes me how things are blamed on trammies how trammies always cry. because it happens on the trammel facet.
It is really funny that the ones I run across who act like this come from fel guilds they think shutting off their guild title, no one will know. and because they cannot kill you in trammel what is the next best thing that can be done say they own the spot they were here first, grief you til they run you off.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It just amazes me how things are blamed on trammies how trammies always cry. because it happens on the trammel facet.
It is really funny that the ones I run across who act like this come from fel guilds they think shutting off their guild title, no one will know. and because they cannot kill you in trammel what is the next best thing that can be done say they own the spot they were here first, grief you til they run you off.
Truer words were never spoken.

wee papa smurf

Its crazy the amount of people that get pissed if your on "there spot" lol, just adapt and find a quicker way of killin any monsters than them, and theres always the ignore option in the menu :danceb: :danceb:


It just amazes me how things are blamed on trammies how trammies always cry. because it happens on the trammel facet.
It is really funny that the ones I run across who act like this come from fel guilds they think shutting off their guild title, no one will know. and because they cannot kill you in trammel what is the next best thing that can be done say they own the spot they were here first, grief you til they run you off.
I must agree. Every time I did a char search on uo.com after people tried to lure stuff on me it's always some random dude from some so-called bigger PvP guilds on Pac (I won't name names but you know who you are, there are only so many of you) with their tags turned off. C'mon at least grow some balls if you're that desperate to get me killed in Trammel.

The Tram rule set is a problem, but that's only because both the Trammies and Fellies (I can't think of a degrading term on par with "Trammie" so I just made one up, sorry) abuse the hell out of it and the GM's are just not enthusiastic enough to do anything about it.

Not that it would matter much, but yesterday I went down to hell (i.e. Fan Dancer Dojo) to hunt for an hour, and I found a good spot where a lonesome fighter was hacking away on monsters. I asked several times if it was ok that I'd join in, but the guy was afk and did neither move nor answer...
I usually just tell them I was protecting them from the evil monsters in the area.


I think I met the owners brother last night. I think he is sharecropping that part of the island.

Prince Caspian

It just amazes me how things are blamed on trammies how trammies always cry. because it happens on the trammel facet.
It is really funny that the ones I run across who act like this come from fel guilds they think shutting off their guild title, no one will know. and because they cannot kill you in trammel what is the next best thing that can be done say they own the spot they were here first, grief you til they run you off.

And to OP: so you found a selfish jerk. Finding a selfish jerk in Ultima Online is about as hard as finding a fat man at GenCon.


Funny, the other day I went down into the yamamoto mines (think thats spelled right heh), I walked in with my GD and immediatly someone there says "oh great another one" and the second person immediatly states that this is her area and please leave.... mind you I had no intentions of stopping to assist in killing the 2 earth elementals that spawn there hehe.

On the other hand, I have been hunting oni's and had someone just walk in and start killing without asking to join in. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having a hunting partner, because god knows trying to find one on napa is like trying to find a 3 legged gamen, but at least ask first hehe.

Never once though had I thought about quitting the game... I don't value their opinion/actions that much. :danceb:


You can say that again. Every single griefer I've had to deal with so far has been a PvP'r.
Bingo. Every griefter that I had to hunt down was always a fellucian. Many risk vs reward post has being made by a fellucian. MAny Balance-nerf post has being made by a fellucian. Most vocal of the community are siegers 2nd most vocal are fellucians then lastly are trammalites in uhall forum. Which is interesting as The highest population of UO are trammalites next come felucians and last come siegens.
I always felt they should treat all 3 completly seperated from each other when sending patches.

pacific lily

if a selfish little child is going to make you toss in the towel, can I have your stuff?

go elsewhere and simply play the game as YOU wish.

No, you can't have my stuff. I quit last October and gave it all away then. You're about 8 months too late.

The way I wish to play the game is in full 3D on my 24" monitor. Let me know when I can get the 3D and I'm sure it will blind me to the antics of others.


Prince Caspian

Oh and for the record, I own the crap shack at the far end of Skara Brae on Sonoma.

So you damn kids stay off my lawn, you hear???

It's bad enough, the Rangers next door were blasting Grand Funk Railroad all night last night.

And I'm pretty sure one of them peed in my fountain of virtue.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me know when I can get the 3D and I'm sure it will blind me to the antics of others.


A vote to let this lady know when an expansion comes out to suit her?

*writes no on a slip of paper and stuffs it into a ballot box*

Now mind you i am not normally this fussy, but coming back and fussing and threatening to leave already (or actually leaving) cause of someone else?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She isn't doing anything wrong. Rude, yeah, but not wrong. You can either share it with her or leave. It sucks, but there's nothing you can do.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It just amazes me how things are blamed on trammies how trammies always cry. because it happens on the trammel facet.
It is really funny that the ones I run across who act like this come from fel guilds they think shutting off their guild title, no one will know. and because they cannot kill you in trammel what is the next best thing that can be done say they own the spot they were here first, grief you til they run you off.
This is the kind of misguided opinion that makes trammie a derogatory term.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can say that again. Every single griefer I've had to deal with so far has been a PvP'r.
Every griefer I've encountered on 2 shards is not only not a pvper but have been members of so called "prominent" trammel guilds.


If she owns UO she must have bought it from Al Gore.

After all, he invented the internet, so I think he's got first dibs.


Errr sorry everyone bit I own all of Tram. It is however, up for sale. The bidding starts at 25 gp.
Currently with the recession, your property values have gone down, now the current price is 1 gp. Our Fel realtors will be in touch with you soon.

Eyes of Origin

This sounds like a lady some guildies and I ran into at the Dojo on Origin. The hellcat room has been the "most wanted" room for this event. A friend was in there killing things and she came in saying this was her spot and started harrassing him, luring things on him, bringing more ppl down, so we brought even more ppl and took over the spawn.. unfortunately, this same person has been down there day after day for hours on end and now we hunt elsewhere. But I will agree this event has done its damage in the way of selfishness and greed, tram and fel guilds alike have been affected by it on Origin :(

And so far the ppl we run into that claim the dojo and mines as their own and get all rude and mouthy have been the trammies, not the pvpers. :( so thats not true to all shards.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You all can argue about who owns which hunting ground..
But do it in your respective land lots in the game!!


I'll be forced to sue you for using MY FORUMS.

:danceb: :dunce:


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was so exciting!

I was running around killing things in a smallish area of the Tokuno Islands and in ran this female character. She didn't say anything just cast EVs near where I was and ran away and invis'ed herself. After doing that for about 10 minutes with me continuing to kill what I was there to kill, she called ME rude and said that it was her spot. When I said "well, technically, I was there first," she informed me that she had BEEN THERE FOR THREE DAYS and she owned that spot. I had no IDEA that UO had an owner that actually played. I was humbled in her presence!

So just in case you thought nobody at EA actually played, one woman who owns the game apparently does play!

And for what it's worth, I came back to the game yesterday and gave up already today. No point in bothering with idiots in a game when I deal with enough of them IRL.

i love people that quit because of other players... u need to realize that uo players are fake and whatever they say or do doesn't matter, hell i get into arguments with them over random things and i enjoy arguing with them and pissing people off, i don't know them in rl so it doesn't matter

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't wait until this is over. Then I can work honor in peace......it'll be soooo quiet in the now popular spots.

Oh, ask the obsesive compulsive chick, if you can use "her" spot when this is over, or at least see if the wing nut will rent it out.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Today I met twins owning the double Daemon area in the Dojo on Europa.
Both never responding archers, running around quite randomly (good made script?) hours and hours, hitting each daemon as soon as it appears, identical equipment (shield and macing glasses, conjurers trinket, jackals collar, crimson cincture etc) from what one can see, only the archery weapon is a different demon slayer.
So they are not insulting anyone joining, they "only" kill each daemon before a tamer even can target the All kill command or a mage drop his EVs or spells.

Old Man of UO

Today I met twins owning the double Daemon area in the Dojo on Europa.
Both never responding archers, running around quite randomly (good made script?) hours and hours, hitting each daemon as soon as it appears, identical equipment (shield and macing glasses, conjurers trinket, jackals collar, crimson cincture etc) from what one can see, only the archery weapon is a different demon slayer.
So they are not insulting anyone joining, they "only" kill each daemon before a tamer even can target the All kill command or a mage drop his EVs or spells.
Hmm... it may be scripted or not. It's not hard to insta target using a macro, faster than even an EV can target. In KR I have the targeting on my mouse wheel, and can do the same in 2D. And a good slayer bow and archer set up can kill the fan dancers in a couple hits.

I've seen a lot of scripters in the Do Jo, but what you are describing doesn't sound like it, or at least could be done without scripting.