You run into these kind of people every know and then, there is at least one that's been harassing me on the server I play on. Some chick named Grizelda or something or other. When I first came back I looked for a few days for a decent house plot. The on I found to my liking was in Malas near the edge so you can see the space and the stars (For w/e reason I've always been partial to plots near there lol). Well When I placed my house it happened to be fairly close to my neighbors house, close enough that he couldn't see the side of his house. He didn't seem to mind though, he invited me over gave me some deco items etc. Was nice to have met him.
A few days go by and suddenly this crazy chick starts coming around my house harassing me about where I placed her house and how inconsiderate I am. When someone starts off by berating me I go into an FU mode. I no longer care about what you have to say, thats just the way I am. Reasonable people get treated reasonable and Aholes get treated in Kind. If that wasn't enough she took my daughter around to spots she had that I could place a house at and told my daughter that I needed to move. My daughter thought she was a loon lol.
If that wasn't enough she's been popping in here and there at spawns me and my wife are farming at and trying to run us off because there her spots. Crazy people in the game lol, you just have to ignore them and report them if it gets to be to bad. Many seem to think they own unoccupied land, spawns, in some cases pricing oO, etc.
The benefit though is with the ToT event, those trying to harass you at the spawns will generally end up helping you out a bit. Thanks to Grizelda or w/e her name was I got another Mempo, it's different now days with the instanced corpses. All you need is enough dmg to give looting rights and luck and the system take care of the rest lol.
Don't let people like that get to you. Ignore them, report if you feel you have to, and move on. With the current system griefing isn't what it use to be and really isn't something you should be concerned about. Take it with a grain of salt and enjoy your game despite the tards out there.