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I met the woman who owns UO!



Today I met twins owning the double Daemon area in the Dojo on Europa.
Both never responding archers, running around quite randomly (good made script?) hours and hours, hitting each daemon as soon as it appears, identical equipment (shield and macing glasses, conjurers trinket, jackals collar, crimson cincture etc) from what one can see, only the archery weapon is a different demon slayer.
So they are not insulting anyone joining, they "only" kill each daemon before a tamer even can target the All kill command or a mage drop his EVs or spells.
Report them as bots and the GMs will decide if they are or not.



Noone seems to take my Yomotsu spot, so no worries here :)
I suppose you camp on the Yomotsu Elder Spawn area eh/ Yuk Yuk YUk :D

The Ist room where the earth Ellies spawn are for amateurs who can't even have the guts to kill a Yomotsu priest to earn a drop. I won't camp there even if it was open hehe. So pity the poor would be spawn owners their greed is fueled with lust to become rich. I say what will a hundred Leurocian Mempos do you if nobody will buy then anyways coz it ruins their armor set up?

The real PvM masters goes to the Balron Room at Dojo and Elder Yomotsu warriors at the end of the mines.

BTW does Balhae have a GM?


Hmm... it may be scripted or not. It's not hard to insta target using a macro, faster than even an EV can target. In KR I have the targeting on my mouse wheel, and can do the same in 2D. And a good slayer bow and archer set up can kill the fan dancers in a couple hits.

I've seen a lot of scripters in the Do Jo, but what you are describing doesn't sound like it, or at least could be done without scripting.
I chased a tamer out of there without using macros. Of course, I would have just killed the monsters he wasn't fighting, but he decided to try pirating mine, so I went hog wild, and eventually he stopped getting enough damage to qualify for looting rights. He left after alot of whining.

:) Sorry, the "go find another spot" and "I was here first" only ensure that I stay longer.


You run into these kind of people every know and then, there is at least one that's been harassing me on the server I play on. Some chick named Grizelda or something or other. When I first came back I looked for a few days for a decent house plot. The on I found to my liking was in Malas near the edge so you can see the space and the stars (For w/e reason I've always been partial to plots near there lol). Well When I placed my house it happened to be fairly close to my neighbors house, close enough that he couldn't see the side of his house. He didn't seem to mind though, he invited me over gave me some deco items etc. Was nice to have met him.

A few days go by and suddenly this crazy chick starts coming around my house harassing me about where I placed her house and how inconsiderate I am. When someone starts off by berating me I go into an FU mode. I no longer care about what you have to say, thats just the way I am. Reasonable people get treated reasonable and Aholes get treated in Kind. If that wasn't enough she took my daughter around to spots she had that I could place a house at and told my daughter that I needed to move. My daughter thought she was a loon lol.

If that wasn't enough she's been popping in here and there at spawns me and my wife are farming at and trying to run us off because there her spots. Crazy people in the game lol, you just have to ignore them and report them if it gets to be to bad. Many seem to think they own unoccupied land, spawns, in some cases pricing oO, etc.

The benefit though is with the ToT event, those trying to harass you at the spawns will generally end up helping you out a bit. Thanks to Grizelda or w/e her name was I got another Mempo, it's different now days with the instanced corpses. All you need is enough dmg to give looting rights and luck and the system take care of the rest lol.

Don't let people like that get to you. Ignore them, report if you feel you have to, and move on. With the current system griefing isn't what it use to be and really isn't something you should be concerned about. Take it with a grain of salt and enjoy your game despite the tards out there.

Lady Tiger

Thanks for the post I had a good laugh...it's good to see humor ingame and out of game now. Oh and I own Baja now.. *looks around*

Barracoon The Piper

It was so exciting!

I was running around killing things in a smallish area of the Tokuno Islands and in ran this female character. She didn't say anything just cast EVs near where I was and ran away and invis'ed herself. After doing that for about 10 minutes with me continuing to kill what I was there to kill, she called ME rude and said that it was her spot. When I said "well, technically, I was there first," she informed me that she had BEEN THERE FOR THREE DAYS and she owned that spot. I had no IDEA that UO had an owner that actually played. I was humbled in her presence!

So just in case you thought nobody at EA actually played, one woman who owns the game apparently does play!

And for what it's worth, I came back to the game yesterday and gave up already today. No point in bothering with idiots in a game when I deal with enough of them IRL.



I bought all the despise spawn, I stay in there from 12 years old, please be far from my spawn!!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was so exciting!

I was running around killing things in a smallish area of the Tokuno Islands and in ran this female character. She didn't say anything just cast EVs near where I was and ran away and invis'ed herself. After doing that for about 10 minutes with me continuing to kill what I was there to kill, she called ME rude and said that it was her spot. When I said "well, technically, I was there first," she informed me that she had BEEN THERE FOR THREE DAYS and she owned that spot. I had no IDEA that UO had an owner that actually played. I was humbled in her presence!

So just in case you thought nobody at EA actually played, one woman who owns the game apparently does play!

And for what it's worth, I came back to the game yesterday and gave up already today. No point in bothering with idiots in a game when I deal with enough of them IRL.


You came back for ONE day and quit because another player called you rude and said that she owned a spawn spot? Thats all it took huh? A real Kleenex moment lol.

No offense but if that is really the truth then IMO Uo is much, much better off without you.

You want to play an MMORPG that involves hunting and killing and in your own words you do both yet you just cant take a bit of random rudeness eh? Lmao.
Maybe you should have just stayed at the Trammel bank with all the other sensitive players if that is your style?
Plenty of things to do in Uo that seriously minimize the chances of you feeling hurt.

I think that you are either a complete nutjob or for some unknown reason you felt the need to throw in the 'quitting' statement at the end of your ridiculous & childish rant for effectiveness?

Cya & good riddance.

I love Uo and sure hate to see players leave as much as the next guy but IMO it is never a bad thing to let the nuts or burnouts go. Once players reach this stage all they seem to wanna do is bash the game and whine. Like jilted lovers :)

Peace :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- I met the man who owns Yankee Stadium! -

It started out as such an incredibly exciting afternoon!

I was running around Yankee stadium looking for a beer vendor and having so much fun!

I finally found one in a smallish area on the lower level and was in line when this man ran up and cut right in front of me!!

I said that it was my spot but he claimed that he had been there for days(must have been a Red Sox series)

It was absolutely the rudest thing that ever happened to me or anyone else in the history of the world!!!! Can you believe it? At such a civil place like Yankee stadium :(

Anyways I immediately threw away my lower level season tickets(all remaining 81 games)and am never going back again!!

This world is going to hell in a handbasket.

** editor's note - The story you have just read may have been dramatized for effect but the characters unfortunately are real.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are twits wherever you go, real life or game. I ask if I can join a spawn, if another player is already there. Any player barging in without asking will be told very firmly but politely just how rude they're being.

It's not written down anywhere, it's not a rule, it's just good manners. Some have 'em, some don't. All you can do for those who don't is either teach them or ignore them.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are twits wherever you go, real life or game. I ask if I can join a spawn, if another player is already there. Any player barging in without asking will be told very firmly but politely just how rude they're being.

It's not written down anywhere, it's not a rule, it's just good manners. Some have 'em, some don't. All you can do for those who don't is teach them, ignore them, or pity them.