Oh here we go again.
Thank goodness SA is in in beta testing. There's no turning back now!
Thank goodness SA is in in beta testing. There's no turning back now!
As stated before everything is going to remain the same. This is NOT a merger. Your accounts will not be affected by any means.Chrissay ... I was on CompuServe when AOL stated those same words to a bunch of us business account admins.
Two weeks later our forum was closed and the "business class" ties we had to CS were severed and we were told "suck it up, you are now just another customer". AOL lost over 3,000 accounts from 14 different businesses throughout the US and Canada.
Seeing is believing.
No, it's a unionThis is NOT a merger.
The release of Stygian Abyss is itself cause for alarm.It's business as usual around the Mythic office. There is no cause for alarm. We are still slated for Summer 09 for Stygian Abyss.
- You might want to reconsider what you just said, as a few of your declarations are factually incorrect
As stated before this is NOT a merger.A merger like this basically spells the end for Mythic.
Okay.As stated before this is NOT a merger.
We heard the same assurance when EA bought Mystic. At that time, UO team thought Mystic could be be under UO but it turned out the UO team was disassembled and shipped to VA. The result? More than half of the team members left (still remember reading goodbye post everyday right after the announcement). And, more than 6 months of idle in development (remember we got the same x-mas gifts for 2007 as 2006? they didn't even have time to update the names of the snowmen, although the soul frags are handy).Honestly there's really nothing to worry about with the Mythic Studio. I do understand why you guys are worried. We aren't moving anywhere and we aren't changing names.
It's really for the positive for UO and the other Mythic games as we are now in a clearly defined group under the EA umbrella. Prior to the change we were in the same classification as other EA non sports titles. Now we have a leadership that is dedicated to the MMO and RPG communities.
*pst* you dont have to keep defending yourself, you've stated enough for a rational person to understand.As stated before this is NOT a merger.
Poor, Chrissay, lol. For what it's worth, I hear ya.As stated before this is NOT a merger.
This is awkward...I'm kind of in the position of appearing to defend them and expressing grave concern and doubt about how innocuous I (don't) think this is at the same time.Chrissay, all you keep addressing is mythic is still mythic and stygian abyss is still on the for front. my question is, if stygian abyss isn't successful, and i think i speak for many of us here, does this mean ea or this new "group" will frown upon uo and say bye bye?
doesn't say UO killed NWN says AOL did?Source: http://nwn.bioware.com/players/profile_resurrection.html
This excerpt kinda worries me a bit....Like maybe Bioware's institutional memory might remember UO as something that killed one of their original ideas.
-Galen's player
I'll take your word for it....Let's just say that I'm not unaware of how I'm sometimes capable of making....doesn't say UO killed NWN says AOL did?
As stated before this is NOT a merger.
I agree. It sounds like a good thing to me.I think it is going to be OK. *smiles* With a bit more research, it seems to be a solid move. The nay sayers and chicken littles have always been here, yet we can log in everyday.
Would any of those Bioware guys know how to code a clever and fun brewing/winery/distilling mini game system? *chuckles* You Mythic folks thought I forgot about it?
^^this^^I don't think it's chicken little syndrome to realize that this move will have a very important (positively or negatively) impact on UO's future.
It's not about SA, but what comes after that. We could well see some reorganization in the fall. I don't doubt that everything is "business as usual" at Mythic today. But "today" is the key word.
Heh heh. Im sure thats what they told you. In fact im sure they probably went to great lengths to stress the fact. That doesnt however mean that its NOT a merger...As stated before this is NOT a merger.
Well, not yet. EA might decide to consolidate Mythic and BioWare one year from now, who knows...As stated before this is NOT a merger.
According to EA's reports, it has 300k subscribers.This happened because Warhammer didn't meet expectations. This is what EA does and will continue to do because all they think about is the bottom line. Having one person manage 3 MMOs was ridiculously stupid in the first place. Now EA is consolidating management even more.
As you know my friend I seldom disagree with you, and do so only partially here. I actually want EA to be concerned with the bottom line; it seems to me the appropriate role for a public company. UO remains a cash cow, both in terms of EA revenue and revenue generated surrounding the game, which only on occassion is manipulted by our dev folks. Tiers in leadership and management are inherent to all large organizations, as are priorities and focus differences between the various tiers. I have not been bashful in expressing concerns with Mythic's role as UO's "guardian" (for lack of a better term). It's not an adversarial view and easily misinterpreted, I have and continue to believe that they are incapable of embracing our game with the same fervor as they embrace the products which they themselves have created. It’s human, and is not a condemnation, only a supposition on my part. The only time we actually see it is when resources are allocated or “shared.” As to how well they have represented us to the parent EA, there have been some public comments, but truth be told we’ll never really know. As to the role of BioWare, it one of those where we’ll actually have to wait and see. Sure, it can get worse, but it also can get better. About all I’d personally like to see from them is 1) some attention on this board, a “higher headquarters” person who monitors to determine a sense of the player base and to ensure dialogue continues between our dev folks and us, and 2) a public role to ensure we’re on a level (or higher considering player investments of time and money) plane with other competing Mythic products. It does appear from Chrissay’s comments that there are no envisioned changes directly affecting us or our dev folks, with the immediate exception of a reporting chain and some changes on the business side of things (which seem unlikely to have negative impact on us). But again, we’ll have to wait and see!This happened because Warhammer didn't meet expectations. This is what EA does and will continue to do because all they think about is the bottom line. Having one person manage 3 MMOs was ridiculously stupid in the first place. Now EA is consolidating management even more.
Well, they mentioned it. I don't see how that's a bad sign."There are no plans to change the studio names," said Tammy Schachter, sr. director of public relations at EA. "The Mythic team is working on ongoing live support for Warhammer Online, Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online, and preparing for launches of WAR in Taiwan and Korea."
Hmm.In a report on online gaming site Massively, an anonymous former Mythic employee said, "People are shocked and in disbelief about Mark leaving. But they're also excited to be working with BioWare. I can't even fathom Mark leaving a company he loved so much, it was his life. Personally, I can't see that this is voluntary in any shape or form."
I'll say it again.....Anyone at EA who expected WHO to be a serious competitor to WoW was an idiot. Idiot, idiot, idiot. If Mark expected that, then he's an idiot too.Electronic Arts reshuffling includes departure of Mythic Studio’s Mark Jacobs — The studio head leaves behind an iffy legacy. Warhammer Online, a World of Warcraft competitor for which Jacobs was lead designer, failed so hard that Mythic took 63 servers offline in March. Jacobs co-founded Mythic in 1995. His cofounder, Rob Denton, will replace him. Warhammer still has 300,000 subscribers, but far fewer than WoW.
Hmm.Despite the employee’s reports of shock and disbelief, panic is not ensuing at the Mythic offices. All of the company’s current 300-strong staff have been promised that they will not lose their jobs, nor will they be folded into BioWare’s development efforts. “Is anyone freaking out? Actually, no,” the employee stated. “I guess it was also because [Jacobs] has been on sabbatical for over a month. No one had seen him in a long time, so people already had it in their minds that he was probably going away.”
LOL. Problem solved for speedhacking and scripts. Might want to delete the post before the dev's actually start thinking it IS the solution to all the problems.Pub 59 notes
*Combat is now turn-based
The game started out with 800,000 and sold 1.2 million copies. So there was obviously a market for it. Warhammer didn't live up to expectations so more than half left and the game has been floundering ever since. A MMO is supposed to grow subscribers, not lose them.According to EA's reports, it has 300k subscribers.
If they expected more than that, they were stupid.
I doubt that UO is making that much money for EA, especially the past 2 years. If that were true than EA would never have considered shutting it down. It really depends on how good the Stygian Abyss expansion turns out to be. Unfortunately it is difficult to tell what is going to happen because we know next to nothing about the expansion. And what we do know makes it sound like the past 3 which have only kept the game alive, not grown it.Harb said:UO remains a cash cow, both in terms of EA revenue and revenue generated surrounding the game, which only on occassion is manipulted by our dev folks.
My very distinct impression is that MMOs make their money from subscriptions, not boxes.The game started out with 800,000 and sold 1.2 million copies. So there was obviously a market for it. Warhammer didn't live up to expectations so more than half left and the game has been floundering ever since. A MMO is supposed to grow subscribers, not lose them.
We have one source for EA wanting to shut down UO. And that is Mark Jacobs's rantings on some blog.I doubt that UO is making that much money for EA, especially the past 2 years. If that were true than EA would never have considered shutting it down. It really depends on how good the Stygian Abyss expansion turns out to be. Unfortunately it is difficult to tell what is going to happen because we know next to nothing about the expansion. And what we do know makes it sound like the past 3 which have only kept the game alive, not grown it.
This was a spontaneous utterance, wherein UO didn't have to be mentioned.You don't need 10 million subscribers to be successful - Camelot remains very profitable today and at our peak we had about a quarter of a million players.
We were extraordinarily profitable at that size. We still handle Ultima Online which is a ten year-old MMO property that's about 100,000 subscribers and is still wildly profitable.
The life span of these games is very long, so you don't need to make it all back in Christmas weekend - you have a revenue stream that lasts for a very long time.
Although, it is apparently time travelling - announcement dated 24 Jun 2009 11:06:18, which reads "Mark Jacobs, co-founder and current General Manager of Mythic, will leave EA on June 23, 2009."This is NOT a merger.
Honestly there's really nothing to worry about....
Well the anagram of Bioware and Mythic is "Erotica by Whim" so perhaps this move indicates that EA is exploring a new gaming genre?WHat about MythicBioChrissay?![]()