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Do you think hidden/invis characters should get arty drops?

  • Thread starter Prince Caspian
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  • Watchers 4

Bomb Bloke

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Constant respawn and other such "activity" prevent logout regardless of any action done by the player, as long as a new name shows up on screen, the character will not time out (unless the actual connection is severed).
To my understanding, you need to enable "all names" or something for that to work. Dunno. Never tried it myself.

Also note that a pet, if not given instruction, will typically go out of "guard" or "kill" mode and turn blue (instead of green) after a few minutes. Pets that are blue to their owners do not give fame, karma or points from their kills to their owner...
It is possible to prevent this, therefore causing a pet to stay green indefinitely without further orders.


Hey lets not let the Peace Tamers (one of my tamer types) skate on this .... punishment kick.
.... I have no idea what you are talking about in your post, is it sarcasm? That would make sense, but if not...then why force them to leave? no one else is forced to leave, mages have infinite ability to stay, dexxers have the same infinite ability, so only tamers should have to leave? I am going to assume you were sarcastic =\, I am just trying to make sense of your post :p


To my understanding, you need to enable "all names" or something for that to work. Dunno. Never tried it myself.

It is possible to prevent this, therefore causing a pet to stay green indefinitely without further orders.
You don't have to have all names enabled, it always works. Anytime something "new" happens on screen it refreshes the connection. I have never seen any pets perma-green before, but that is only in my experience and as such could be possible just would not understand how that works. Also pets always lose loyalty when not commanded or fed even if you are completely visible, yes I recently tried this by not sitting on my mount while I was afk in town when I came back it was about to go wild. Granted it was like 15 hours later? but still surely you can not go afk for 23 and a half hours and not lose the pet when after 15 it is already close to being wild, could be wrong but still.


wait so you can just sit there unattended and let yr pet load you up with loot while yr sleeping?



To bad the devs can't put a code in that if your character stands on one tile without moving for 15 minutes off that spot your automaticly get logged out. this would stop some of this unattented macroing , because you would have to be there to move your character off that one tile before the 15 minutes is up.
Well appears they can as it is in KR that way. At least for me, if I don't physically move I get a message about being idle too long. I can be sitting there casting spells and interacting with the game and still get that message if there isn't some sort of movement. I find it quite annoying but when I think of why it is there I don't mind moving around to avoid the message.

Bomb Bloke

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Cloak‡1289141 said:
You don't have to have all names enabled, it always works. Anytime something "new" happens on screen it refreshes the connection.
It's never worked that way for me. Meh.

Cloak‡1289141 said:
I have never seen any pets perma-green before, but that is only in my experience and as such could be possible just would not understand how that works.
One method is to tell your pet to guard, wait two minutes (at which point it'll go blue), order it to follow then order it to guard again. It'll stay green.

Cloak‡1289141 said:
Also pets always lose loyalty when not commanded or fed even if you are completely visible, yes I recently tried this by not sitting on my mount while I was afk in town when I came back it was about to go wild. Granted it was like 15 hours later? but still surely you can not go afk for 23 and a half hours and not lose the pet when after 15 it is already close to being wild, could be wrong but still.
All quite correct. I wouldn't risk leaving a pet unattended overnight, even though the loyalty loss is slower then if you aren't nearby.

Being invisible doesn't seem to make a difference, but being too far away or behind a wall does.

On the other hand, I once saw a tame swamp dragon sitting near the Scara Brae moongate for something like three days... Just sitting by the water, doing nothing, with no owner in sight. I still have no idea as to how/why.


Maybe you need the "show names of approaching players/monsters" on? Of course the game does not work the same for everyone so I would not know how it works lol


Hiding & Stealth are legitimate skills to have and use & shouldn't incur a penalty any more than using a pet should.
Hey lets not let the Peace Tamers (one of my tamer types) skate on this .... punishment kick.

I mean come on I peace a Mob OR GOD forbid I Area peace .... pfeeet were is the risk in that and how totaly easy it is to script that so we all know Peace Tamers are AFK Macroers.

So no lets get those Nasty Peace Tamers as well.

I know, we could FORCE the Tamers to CONSTANTLY Vet their pets, regardless of them needing it or not and ACTUALLY consume a Bandage when a HEAL IS NOT NEEDED. That way we can force the Nasty Tamers out of the Coveted Spawn Spot. I mean FORCEING them to Vet the Pet FORCES them to be visible, within just a few steps and FORCES them to LEAVE THE SPAWN SPOT.

Oh but wait, there is the Healing Tamers, No Problem, we FORCE them to be within 2 squares of the pet for the Heal to take and we FORCE the consumption of the reagents for Heal to be used, regardless of the LRC value, that way we STILL FORCE THEM TO LEAVE THE COVETED SPAWN SPOT.
Precisely my point, thank you. :thumbsup:

No one particular playstyle is accountable for unattended farming, nor is a stealther or in your case a peace tamer less "worthy" of the rewards of legitimate gameplay. Artie drops could be automated just as easily with an itemed-up dexxer auto-defending (remember the painted caves gold farmers?). The problem isn't a playstyle, template, or skill issue. It is, as always, an issue of cheating.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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To bad the devs can't put a code in that if your character stands on one tile without moving for 15 minutes off that spot your automaticly get logged out. this would stop some of this unattented macroing , because you would have to be there to move your character off that one tile before the 15 minutes is up.
Well appears they can as it is in KR that way. At least for me, if I don't physically move I get a message about being idle too long. I can be sitting there casting spells and interacting with the game and still get that message if there isn't some sort of movement. I find it quite annoying but when I think of why it is there I don't mind moving around to avoid the message.
then that needs to be added to the 2d client. i have hiding on my tamer but I only use it for when players lure things my way, or if I get targeted by something. I run off screen hide then I go back.


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Hiding & Stealth are legitimate skills to have and use & shouldn't incur a penalty any more than using a pet should.
Absolutely correct. Using the hiding skill or the invisibility spell say, is a valid part of gameplay. No one should be punished in any way for doing this. If thats your strategy then its a legitimate one.

Dont punish people for simply playing fairly, within the rules of the game, by being hidden.

The problem is AFK, not hidden. This thread really should have been entitled :

"Do you think AFK characters should get arty drops?"

I think we all would have agreed on the answer...


Seasoned Veteran
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I think you should rephrase the question. Your problem is probably linked with afk tamers staying hidden while their pet (cu sidhe or greater) is conveniently making the spawn.

I get a lot of arties at the tokuno champ spawn (best I got was 5 out of one spawn) by running around in wraith form and casting earthquake followed by hiding myself (handy when all the stuff is pissed at me while not mounted). The point is to get loot rights (with about 1000 luck) on as many as possible monsters and then when those monsters die i have each time a chance of a drop. Now since this tactic involves a lot of hiding, I don't see why I should be nerfed because peeps are macroing unattended.


I would say no. I think it would go a long way to clean up unattended tamer
And screw anyone who might legitimately use stealth or hiding in their pvm methods.

And do nothing against those who are visible when unattended farming.

And screw anyone who happens to cast invis to break aggro for any reason.

And screw anyone who has invis cast ON THEM by someone else repeatedly in a greif attempt.

Round of applause for maybe the stupidest post I have ever seen in my life.


just another waaaah, they grandmastered askill I can't do post, for the record being atamer isn't just all kill invis, we have spent months weeks and at times years perfectingour skill set to get the one hit killer pet takes long hours of training said pet,I do not have agreater dragon but arune beetle instead the hours come from finding things in agroup strong enough to raise wrestling to gm or above then keeping pet alive,before you whine try running the skill yourself.


Crazed Zealot
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I would say no. I think it would go a long way to clean up unattended tamer .

If you want the drop, expose yourself to dying. Take a risk like the rest of us. If you are indestructably invisible, you can set up your dragon and then go to bed and wake up in the morning to a pack full of arties.

I mean devs, if you refuse to punish unattended players, at least take this simple step that makes it more difficult for them.
No. They shouldn't punish those who aren't unattended and utilizing a legitimate part of their template. I agree that unattended players are a problem on your shard, but there are things you can do to help police the problem. Train detect or find someone with detect, find the culprits and reveal them, let them die of "natural causes", for lack of a better term :D and/or report them. Don't lure anything, just "expose them to dying" as you so eloquently put it. :thumbsup:

Do your part to keep Britannia clean! haha


Babbling Loonie
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Well I have stealthers but I still don't agree that hiding next to a pet should earn artie after artie ;) I get to a spawn and my pets are commanded actively and because I use pets that require vetting, there's no point in me hiding because vetting reveals me. Of course, some players feel this is Hard Work nowadays and would rather leave a sturdy pet surrounded by spawn and just kinda look at it I guess. Which is fair enough, but all that reduction in risk shouldn't result in rewards. What exactly did you do to "earn" them? Turn up, "all guard me", hide and wait?

It's tricky to balance without affecting the legit users though.

Pets and summons could be made to go passive after a short period if the tamer or mage etc hid, a little bit like music skills wear off when you hide. That still allows the tamer to hide during hunts, or a mage or other template too, but they can't take the mickey by hiding for 6 hours on the trot. Or just lower the rate of dropping arties to such an extent that you'll be there for so long it's really not worth your while. Then so what if Joe parks his tamer and scripts - he's never gaining an advantage over you, in fact he's a sucker for sitting there all night lol. But that depends - how quick are hidden folks getting arties to begin with?



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I could care less either way since aside from stocking my one vendor and occasionally going to a few vendors I dont do anything in Trammel rulesets. I do find it funny tho that Trammys are crying about unattended macroers in the facet they champion yet that same facet prevents them from doing anything about the very thing they are crying about.


Of course everyone is still failing to realize that it does not matter what kind of counter measures you take a simple script can counter every idea you all have had to "fix" this said problem, as I said before simple "all guard me/all kill target hide/smoke bomb" Or any sort of thing like that could use the invis spell then hide really, and I have still yet to achieve perma-green status on a pet :p *wonders if it only works while hunting*


I could care less either way since aside from stocking my one vendor and occasionally going to a few vendors I dont do anything in Trammel rulesets. I do find it funny tho that Trammys are crying about unattended macroers in the facet they champion yet that same facet prevents them from doing anything about the very thing they are crying about.
Honestly I could complain about the same crap in fel, or far worse cheating that goes in fel which prohibits you from doing anything about it anyway, so you have no valid point here move along and get on with your ....I can not even think of a real word to describe it, heh just move along.


Seasoned Veteran
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How is the cheating any worse in Fel than it is in Trammel? Cheating is everywhere in this game and has been for quite a long time. Its all cheating. EA has done nothing in years about it yet every Trammy has come out of the woodwork acting as tho they are ever so important that EA is going to jump right on this new form of cheating. Should EA jump right on this? Of course they should as they should have jumped on every other form of cheating in this game long ago. As far as the problems in Fel go, the facet is not the problem it again goes back to EAs letting people break the rules over and over(outside programs) with no action being taken.


How is the cheating any worse in Fel than it is in Trammel? Cheating is everywhere in this game and has been for quite a long time. Its all cheating. EA has done nothing in years about it yet every Trammy has come out of the woodwork acting as tho they are ever so important that EA is going to jump right on this new form of cheating. Should EA jump right on this? Of course they should as they should have jumped on every other form of cheating in this game long ago. As far as the problems in Fel go, the facet is not the problem it again goes back to EAs letting people break the rules over and over(outside programs) with no action being taken.
So basically you just agreed with me and are calling yourself a hypocrite? I never said Fel was the problem i rebutted your "trammy" statement, simply stating the people in fel are no better, and the cheating in fel actually affects other peoples game play, I have posted somewhere that people need to stop complaining ENDLESSLY about things that really have no impact on them, someone being afk, I just do not see the actual impact it has on the person not afk, take their kills they would never know. You made it into it being a "trammel" problem when it is not, the cheating goes on in fel just the same and this was my point. And read what I wrote next time I said I could complain about "far worse" cheating in fel, not cheating in fel is worse than in tram, "far worse" is the condition of the cheats that happen in fel or abusing the system in fel, if you really need examples of things that actually only impact game play in fel then you don't spend as much time their as you say you do. Either way your comment was not really of any validity as the people in fel complain about cheating just as much heh, granted I think the cheating in fel impacts game play and the cheating in tram does not, but that does not mean people in fel have more of a right to complain than the people in tram.

Prince Caspian

I could care less either way since aside from stocking my one vendor and occasionally going to a few vendors I dont do anything in Trammel rulesets. I do find it funny tho that Trammys are crying about unattended macroers in the facet they champion yet that same facet prevents them from doing anything about the very thing they are crying about.

Oh, by Galbrath's Hammer, can we have ONE discussion about a problem WITHOUT Trammel vs. Felucca?


Good Lord, sometimes I think if NASA told the world the sun was gonna go supernova in the next 3 minutes and we are all gonna die, someone would post on the forums that we wouldn't be dying if the facet split didn't happen.

The topic here is arty drops for the current event. Tokuno has no Felucca Facet, so please let's stick to the relevance.


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Ok with the last TOT event I thought hidden/invised players got no drops. My friends agree.

Why is it different this time? I don't care who gets drops anymore. UO is a well known cheater's paradise and getting upset over it is useless.

What bugs me more is devs creating events with major flaws in the first place. Sending a few gms out after the fact is just sad.

Good news is, building houses is still fun! :)

Prince Caspian

UO is a well known cheater's paradise and getting upset over it is useless.
This is true. And it kind of reminds me that all the squabbling over it is moot anyway because everything is going to be duped to hell and back anyway.


Oh, by Galbrath's Hammer, can we have ONE discussion about a problem WITHOUT Trammel vs. Felucca?


Good Lord, sometimes I think if NASA told the world the sun was gonna go supernova in the next 3 minutes and we are all gonna die, someone would post on the forums that we wouldn't be dying if the facet split didn't happen.

The topic here is arty drops for the current event. Tokuno has no Felucca Facet, so please let's stick to the relevance.
The topic here was "I hate tamers" so no we cant do as you just asked, and in fact Tokuno does have a Felucca Facet so do your research before you pop off with any more crap like that. This entire thread had no relevance, Honestly even if you were on "topic" then it still had no relevance as a hidden player does not impact your game play, at all in fact. It is MUCH MUCH faster to just leave your dexxer afk than it is to leave any pet afk, so there you have it take away the slower of the two afk farmers so the more greedy can benefit, I think that is more the argument than being afk in itself.

Prince Caspian

Cloak‡1289511 said:
The topic here was "I hate tamers"
This is typical U.Hall. There's no shades of grey, there's only black and white. And best of all, people telling you what you said, when they didn't write the post.

I don't have a problem with tamers. I have a BIG problem with unattended people going off and getting for no effort what the rest of us work for. And most of these 24-7 campers seem to be tamers because its easiest to do it that way. But of course, dexxers and mages do it too... and I have a problem with ANY unattended gaming.

And Tokuno has a Fel Facet? Interesting. How do you get there? Last time I checked Tokuno had its own gate option like Ilshnear and Felucca was a completely different option.

And even if it does, WHO CARES? Trammel vs. Felucca is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OLD. GET OVER IT.


How is the cheating any worse in Fel than it is in Trammel? Cheating is everywhere in this game and has been for quite a long time. Its all cheating. EA has done nothing in years about it yet every Trammy has come out of the woodwork acting as tho they are ever so important that EA is going to jump right on this new form of cheating. Should EA jump right on this? Of course they should as they should have jumped on every other form of cheating in this game long ago. As far as the problems in Fel go, the facet is not the problem it again goes back to EAs letting people break the rules over and over(outside programs) with no action being taken.
Actually I believe your wrong on youre assesment. It's fellucians that are posting about unattended and trammies are posting about rude people coming and taking there spots. Got to remmember tramies are the ones mostly hunting and dealing with trammel ruleset day in and day out. When a event like this happens in a fel ruleset tramimies complain about getting killed and people being rude. When events like this happen on the tram facet fellucians complain about people farming or tamers or they beleive everyone is unattended. While trammies are used to hunting with trammies so they see it out of place when fellucians come and grab there kills or just are plain rude.

We can take a poll if you like to see how many fel are complaineing about what to how many tramies are complaining about what. And if they are honest I would be right. I base my decision on everyone that's being posting this past week and Everyone who post during these types of events.
Fel players will act more like there in fel and are very vocal about other playstyles and things like speedhacks, balance,pvp issues etc.. While Tram players are vocal with rudeness,resource issues,pixel crack but don't care about speedhacks,other players playstyle,balance.

These are felluccia players that have come to trammel and it collides with the trammel players playstyle as they both do things differently.


This is typical U.Hall. There's no shades of grey, there's only black and white. And best of all, people telling you what you said, when they didn't write the post.

I don't have a problem with tamers. I have a BIG problem with unattended people going off and getting for no effort what the rest of us work for. And most of these 24-7 campers seem to be tamers because its easiest to do it that way. But of course, dexxers and mages do it too... and I have a problem with ANY unattended gaming.

And Tokuno has a Fel Facet? Interesting. How do you get there? Last time I checked Tokuno had its own gate option like Ilshnear and Felucca was a completely different option.

And even if it does, WHO CARES? Trammel vs. Felucca is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OLD. GET OVER IT.
Meh I defended tram the same I will defend Fel. I do not have a Fel vs. Tram complex. And you are wrong, a tamer is not the easiest or most efficient way to afk kill things, a dexxer is far better at staying alive and killing than a tamer will ever be, and training one takes far less time. So when you post picking on a specific skill set which is not most effective at what it is doing tells a bit about your char, psychology and sociology still apply online last I checked, unless you are not human?

And you were refering to Fel as a rule set, or else you would have said "this is not a Tokuno vs. Felucca debate" since you used tram and not fel you turned it into "this is not a rule set vs. rule set debate" so it having its own option on the moongates is not really as important as the rule set that governs it once you are there.

Foolio the Bard

Cloak‡1289547 said:
you are wrong, a tamer is not the easiest or most efficient way to afk kill things, a dexxer is far better at staying alive and killing than a tamer will ever be, and training one takes far less time. So when you post picking on a specific skill set which is not most effective at what it is doing tells a bit about your char, psychology and sociology still apply online last I checked, unless you are not human?

Unattended throw-away melee characters surrounded by a pile of orcs or other mobs are much more frequently seen than unattended tamers.
Time to implement something to penalize dexxers that don't move from one spot.


They just need to do the same thing they did with the 10 anniversary items when they first came out. Just cut the chances of getting an artie in half or more if you're hidden.


They just need to do the same thing they did with the 10 anniversary items when they first came out. Just cut the chances of getting an artie in half or more if you're hidden.
I guess you missed my "good programming skills" post huh? the ToT system was incorporated in the 10th anni items, and THE SYSTEM is what was changed, so when they activate ToT they activate the specific system for managing rewards with different rewards for the zone you are in, aka in tokuno you get tot points in doom you get doom points in legacy you ger legacy points, but the base system is still the same code that is being called with just new variables being passed through. with that said it is best to assume the system already uses the lower chances when hidden code since it was coded into the system. Then again they could be horrible programmers and make redundant code over and over each time they need to use this similar system.


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If I remember right, the first Treasures of Tokuno event is what got energy vortexes nerfed for mages. They were weakened and subject to control slots as a result of mass complaints over mages "hogging the spawn." Now there is a movement to nerf artifacts for people who are hiding. I would rather not go down the same path again. Instead I would hope players just play the game and not let what others are doing take control over their fun. The employees of EA/Mythic need to do their jobs and handle unattended macroers. Let's not spend the next month complaining about it. Let's use our time and energy to go out and get some arties. :)


If I remember right, the first Treasures of Tokuno event is what got energy vortexes nerfed for mages. They were weakened and subject to control slots as a result of mass complaints over mages "hogging the spawn." Now there is a movement to nerf artifacts for people who are hiding. I would rather not go down the same path again. Instead I would hope players just play the game and not let what others are doing take control over their fun. The employees of EA/Mythic need to do their jobs and handle unattended macroers. Let's not spend the next month complaining about it. Let's use our time and energy to go out and get some arties. :)
This is gold, tho its been said =\


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Meh i could care less if someone wants to farm monsters while hidden that is just a style of play and i do not want them to be nerfed. I would like to see some gm presence though going about the shards looking at the hot spots people are doing this and asking the tamers in question if they are there if no reply in say 1 minute send them to jail be a nice wake up when they do get back to it.


I have a tamer/greater combo, but I would never play them afk to farm marties. I saw 2 peeps on our shard doing it today.. both of them sat there like lumps when the spawn went chasing after other peeps... so I looted all the corpses. Made myself 100k in the process too.. better then a champ spawn!


Sorry Caspian, but there is a Felucca Tokuno.... Welcome to seige.

Lord Gareth

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And by the way, Mr. Dagger, UOGuide says you are wrong.


There is NO "Felucca Tokuno."

Perhaps it is YOU who should get his facts straight before "popping off crap."
Umm yes dere be a Fel Tokuno. Its called Siege. It is fel rule set. Uoguide needs to make an update for SP. So he is in fact correct about a fel Tokuno and it is you who is wrong.


And by the way, Mr. Dagger, UOGuide says you are wrong.


There is NO "Felucca Tokuno."

Perhaps it is YOU who should get his facts straight before "popping off crap."
lmfao, Let me refer you to kantoska's post. Again, might want to know what you are talking about before popping off crap, I don't need a web site to know what I am talking about, 12 years of playing has given me enough knowledge to defend myself against people like you lol.

the 4th man

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No....The only time I hide is to detarget myself from whatever's got me.
If you can't handle a spawn without hiding......go play WoW.


No....The only time I hide is to detarget myself from whatever's got me.
If you can't handle a spawn without hiding......go play WoW.
Horiible thinking. If you can't play a archer go to WOW, if you use poisoning go to WOW, If you can't use magic go to WOW, If you can't pvp go to WOW, If you can't play like me go to WOW, If your not my friend go to WOW.If you are a trammie go to WOW, If you cant fight without potions go to WOW,If you use wither go to WOW, See where am getting at? Never impose youre personal opinions on playstyles on other players. Personal poll do you consider yourself a trammelite or fellucian?


No....The only time I hide is to detarget myself from whatever's got me.
If you can't handle a spawn without hiding......go play WoW.
I'm confused you just admitted that you hide to avoid danger but then said if you cant handle playing with out hiding then you cant play uo? So is it safe to say you don't play uo then since you hide?

Prince Caspian

Umm yes dere be a Fel Tokuno. Its called Siege. It is fel rule set. Uoguide needs to make an update for SP. So he is in fact correct about a fel Tokuno and it is you who is wrong.
Let's see....

I don't play Siege. There's no way I can possibly get to Sonoma's Felucca Tokuno. So it does not exist for me nor anyone who does not play Siege. How does that make me wrong? I can say you are wrong with just as much weight.

Siege is the exception, not the rule. To imply otherwise is silly.


Just make it so you actually have to go loot the monster to get a drop....it's not that tough.