i believe quite the opposite actually, i think that most people DO use 3rd party programs to benefit themselves, many people that post on stratics actually... also the people that are scripting/macroing to get tokuno minors would be stupid to do it afk, they are probably watching the screen while running the script which cannot be penalized, theres plenty of people out there doing this and do things like this quite often so they are smart about it... also if EA would stop caring about working on kingdom reborn which no one likes or plays and just worry about 2D, then they could get gms to be more activeKR died over a year ago. Its been obsolete.
I really hope people read the SA UA.
If you fail to do so and you are banned....you deserve it.
Most of us dont care to use 3rd party apps. Only those that wish to bypass/cheat.
When 2d goes, I go with my 5 accounts. I tried KR many times, hated the interface & looks. As far as no scripts, don't count on it. The script writers are far ahead of us, and like they say, where there is a will there is a way. If they can make some $$ of it, you know scripts will be there. Sad but so true
When 2d goes, I go with my 5 accounts. I tried KR many times, hated the interface & looks. As far as no scripts, don't count on it. The script writers are far ahead of us, and like they say, where there is a will there is a way. If they can make some $$ of it, you know scripts will be there. Sad but so true
And what would you suggest that I do instead in a trammel ruleset when a player comes along and is clearly behaving like a jerk? Sit there and take it? Let them run me off? A tamer with no real offensive weapons other than a greater will always get beaten to a kill by an archer, unless the mob spawns right on top of the greater. If someone is a pr**k to me, then I am going to fight back, sorry about that. I realize there's a lot of anti-tamer hate around here, but come on.Choice farming locations are at a premium. Competition for it should be expected. That's why they developed instanced corpses. What the other player did is perfectly acceptable what you did however purposely luring excess spawn on a tram ruleset facet with malicious intent however is not. I would have paged and laughed as you had to take a 24-72 hour timeout because I hear the ToT drop rate in jail is pretty terrible.
Nope. They don't need my permission, and I don't expect them to ask it. But it is nice when people at least behave like people and show a little courtesy to each other, in game or in life -- something I'd bet that you don't do much, judging from your posts.lol, who do you think you are that people need to ask your permission to work spawn? If I decide to PvM over PvP I will equip my char with the gear to kill one specific monster in mind. If someone else is there, it's not going to stop me.
I have to disagree a little bit. I tried my sampire,tried mage spellweaver necro, and tamer necro mage. I have to say if am just gonna kill 1 or a few at at a time i'll take sampire but this event is more about numbers so I rather take my mage with ev,wither,animate dead, field spells and essence of wind or my tamer-necro with wither,animate dead,field spells and dragon to send at stronger monsters while I run around with wither and wraith killing all the small critters.Yes the ToT event definatly brings out the ****ers but, being a dexer is so much easier than being a tamer in these events and if you dont have a dexer i feel a little sorry for you but only a little. There are THOUSANDS of areas to hunt and kill critters for the ToT event.
Go out explore an have fun.
thats what its all about.
Most do.
I could say how I've been paid via. accounts, 90day codes, hundreds of millions, etc. by people here & elsewhere... But I shouldn't... Wait. Oops!
wtf? doing that is ILLEGAL there is no way to be afk legally, doing ANYTHING while being afk is considered UNATTENDED MACROING, clear enough? The problem is not "scripting" alone, it is afk people, on that note anyone who would risk uming mind as well be scripting, bos works in fan dancer right? *shrugs* just pointing it out is all.TBH all ya need to do is go into FDD with ya GD hit hidding and bugger off for the day to the beach then come home feed ya GD and bank your 40-50 minors. Its that stupid that people can get away with being AFK LEGALLY doing nothing, not scripting NOTHING just sat there hidden while there GD trains up and keeps himself alive for 12 hours straight before even getting to unhappy.
just my 2 cent but it seems to be the way forwards
And what would you suggest that I do instead in a trammel ruleset when a player comes along and is clearly behaving like a jerk? Sit there and take it? Let them run me off? A tamer with no real offensive weapons other than a greater will always get beaten to a kill by an archer, unless the mob spawns right on top of the greater. If someone is a pr**k to me, then I am going to fight back, sorry about that. I realize there's a lot of anti-tamer hate around here, but come on.
Preach it.They should just give those item hoarders/traders a big F-U in the face by turning on ToT (both the drop and the turn-in) permanently, then just give it a minor tweak by drastically lowering the minor arties' drop rate and rotating the pigments.
No more gold rush, new players will find it easier to get something higher end without getting charged an arm and a leg, casual players with a life who can't play 24/7 won't really miss out on anything.
Oh but of course this is a bad idea because that means some of our elite Britannia citizens might end up making less money from these events and they might quit the game over it. Sorry my bad.
Yes SA has been tried, it is what our Beta testers are playing on. So don't say no one has even tried it yet. (As I said, if 2D goes & No other replacement is close to it, then yes I would close accounts. I am not going to have to relearn a total different way of playing a game after playing it for 9 yrs one way. SA from the feedback I have heard is really nice, yes a couple of quirks but the interface is much like 2D & with that I could live with playing. But to be only able to play UO in any type of environment like KR was I would not.)KR is dead! If 2d goes KR will not be replacing it! Why is everyone focusing on a dead client that will be completely gone when SA gets introduced?!
SA will be the next client and no one has even tried it yet. The most we know are from what we see in screen shots of an unfinished product.
If you are not guilded this does not happen...other wise yes, if the pet is not green you should not get any drops, on that note is where the scripters come in *"all guard" hide*I dont understand how the AFK tamers are getting any drops at all.... it was my understanding that the pet had to be green to you for you to get any drops, and if I leave my dragon alone for more than 5 minutes he will go blue on me. Maybe I just misunderstood how it works, but if that isnt the case maybe that would be a quick way to fix it?
Isn't anyone that's said anything other than the fact that they're in the beta in violation of the NDA? Hmmm.....Yes SA has been tried, it is what our Beta testers are playing on. So don't say no one has even tried it yet. (As I said, if 2D goes & No other replacement is close to it, then yes I would close accounts. I am not going to have to relearn a total different way of playing a game after playing it for 9 yrs one way. SA from the feedback I have heard is really nice, yes a couple of quirks but the interface is much like 2D & with that I could live with playing. But to be only able to play UO in any type of environment like KR was I would not.)
Pets lose happiness rather quickly when out of sight of their owners (hiding doesn't affect this, but walls do).Personally if you see someone's "unattended" pet working a spawn best thing to do is to lead the thing away with a monster let the pet attack it then you see if you can't get the monster to "switch" targets to you and lure the pet away....
It is possible to have a pet turn perma-green.I dont understand how the AFK tamers are getting any drops at all.... it was my understanding that the pet had to be green to you for you to get any drops, and if I leave my dragon alone for more than 5 minutes he will go blue on me. Maybe I just misunderstood how it works, but if that isnt the case maybe that would be a quick way to fix it?
Hiding while attended is not wrong. Thats telling people why drink potions when you can use bandaid or why run when you can stand and die like a man or why use magic when you can use a bow. Hell theres a whole ninja skill that basicaly is needs hiding and stealth to use. Why use invis when you can run away and come back lol.To the tamers who are "hiding attended":
Why are you bothering?
Unless you're pinging 500ms, you should be in no real danger.
100% LRC + semi-decent Magery score + half-decent untrained pet = immortality against everything except bosses and certain paragons.
Which is more practical - ordering your pets to attack monsters, or waiting anywhere up to an extra 10s for the monster to decide to attack the pet, then maybe the same again for the pet to decide to reciprocate?Hiding while attended is not wrong. Thats telling people why drink potions when you can use bandaid or why run when you can stand and die like a man or why use magic when you can use a bow. Hell theres a whole ninja skill that basicaly is needs hiding and stealth to use. Why use invis when you can run away and come back lol.
It's not the pet thats the worry it can take care of it's own even against multiple of those that I listed. But if lets say youre standing in a oni spawning area for some reason 80% of the time they will target you first. Now even if you get a all kill to the pet that oni will not be distracted from you. While the pet hit's it that oni gonna be mana dumping on you and you'll be on foot ,low dex and most likely than not a paralize here a mana drain there is just enough to say oooo.Which is more practical - ordering your pets to attack monsters, or waiting anywhere up to an extra 10s for the monster to decide to attack the pet, then maybe the same again for the pet to decide to reciprocate?
I'm not saying staying hidden all the time while attended is "illegal", if that's what you're implying. But I can see no good reason to do it when there are far faster ways to get things done. Potions vs bandages is not the same thing as sitting on your backside vs actually getting points at a decent rate.
There is no advantage to staying hidden all the time if you are constantly attended. If your pet can keep itself alive without your help, then you're obviously not in a risky location. Yes, granted, there are times when simply standing on your pet is not enough to stay alive, but against nearly everything you listed (except perhaps Succubi with their annoying area attacks), it is - and that's assuming you're talking about fighting, say, five or six at a time. Two or three Oni, for example, is just a joke when you've got a decent meat shield with you - sure, you might not kill 'em as fast as a non-tamer can, but you certainly shouldn't expect to take damage (let alone get killed).
So it would hurt them to instead of having hiding have oh say, resists? or maybe peace? yea a little peace all kill solves all problems, or peace invis. there are a lot of ways to play that template, I don't care if they hide or not, and honestly I don't think bomb cares, he started out asking why do it, I have to agree with that question, why do it? It is boring as hell to sit there and not interact with the game....I admit to hiding something well not really i just invis, to do things like grab a drink or use the restroom ya know things come up that will be quick and you don't feel bad getting up to just use the rest room or w/e it is. Anyway I just found your argument sort of lacking =\ but I don't personally care if people hide or not how they play is up to them lol.Most trammel player run around without ressit or trap boxes or anything pvp related so there defenses against status effect spells are nil.
Thats the thing the answer to why do it? Is a simple answer cause they can and they want to. They trained it they use it. If they don't want to do it and be a peace tamer or necro tamer or spellweaver tamer then they will do that. As long as there not messing with someone else gameplay then to each there own. If they enjoy doing something and I don't like doing it that way then the solution is they do what they enjoy and I don't do it the way they do it.Cloak‡1288377 said:So it would hurt them to instead of having hiding have oh say, resists? or maybe peace? yea a little peace all kill solves all problems, or peace invis. there are a lot of ways to play that template, I don't care if they hide or not, and honestly I don't think bomb cares, he started out asking why do it, I have to agree with that question, why do it? It is boring as hell to sit there and not interact with the game....I admit to hiding something well not really i just invis, to do things like grab a drink or use the restroom ya know things come up that will be quick and you don't feel bad getting up to just use the rest room or w/e it is. Anyway I just found your argument sort of lacking =\ but I don't personally care if people hide or not how they play is up to them lol.
Meh...I don't see the fuss either, they are going to script there anyway, just because ToT is on it seems people are complaining more than usual is allWell, I'm still not sure what the fuss is about. I know I love getting that message that an artifact has been bestowed upon me, I think I do the ToT only because of that! LOL I have tomarties coming out of my wazzoo, and nothing to trade them in for, because I have loads of majors, too. (sucks there aren't any major dyes at all anymore)
At the end of the day, these items are no longer worth anything anymore, I guess I'm just after the mempo now.
Yea I was commenting on the why they do it? which meant why hide? The other part if there unattanded or not doesn't interest me I never notice and don't bother with it. I just go on my business. Wouldn't know if they are or not. If I see a spawn spot taken I move on till I find a sutable one in any situation.Cloak‡1288386 said:Well like I said I don't care if they do or not, to each their own. How they want to play is up to them and that's fine, I only really chimed in because it seemed like the argument was going to be argued based on two completely different things, One being "why they do it" and the other being "they are not cheating just because they do it". There was one point bomb had that I didn't notice when I first posted and I sort of agree with, if you are going to hide all the time then don't be all uppity when someone kills what is there, if someone comes on screen unhide, say hello, be friendly ya know. If you don't and they start killing then unhide and let them know you are there, if that does not resolve it then well they are less than genuine and you can deal with it how you want.
Nah you got paged on. One of those just had the page button ready. They are page griefters. Those are the guys that love to tie up the ques. They page on everyone they see and see who they can get pushed out. They should really have a record on who false pages too much and just ban them for it.I was hunting on Cats in the Dojo yesterday and a GM sent me a message "where did you get that weap" I replied and he said sorry about the interruption and have a good day basically. I would assume he was looking for unattended people macroing. So they must be looking. I seen a bunch of people run by but no one stopped to see if i was there so didn't seem like i was paged on but more like a random check.
This is probably the wisest answer in this thread. Thanks for reminding me!!coming back to uo after a long break, maybe I am too relaxed to honor those embarressed posts about scripting and afk-tamers. I know I thought differently in the old days, but meanwhile I concentrate on my fun and not on how others "play" this game. I get my share while others get more, but this is nothing I care about any longer.
I will say that the 3rd time was a charm. The unattended dragon I reported 3 days in a row is gone now.
1 down 94,857,855 to go....
I was hunting on Cats in the Dojo yesterday and a GM sent me a message "where did you get that weap" I replied and he said sorry about the interruption and have a good day basically. I would assume he was looking for unattended people macroing. So they must be looking. I seen a bunch of people run by but no one stopped to see if i was there so didn't seem like i was paged on but more like a random check.
100% of the time, an enemy creature will target whatever targets it - or, if nothing targets it, it'll go for whatever's closest.But if lets say youre standing in a oni spawning area for some reason 80% of the time they will target you first.