The Drachs Gms usually answer really FAST... enjoy the fast service.
(How do I know?)
(How do I know?)
In truth you have no way of knowing anything. GM's never tell you what they are doing/have done. Those people could have just logged off.The Drachs Gms usually answer really FAST... enjoy the fast service.
(How do I know?)
lol, who do you think you are that people need to ask your permission to work spawn? If I decide to PvM over PvP I will equip my char with the gear to kill one specific monster in mind. If someone else is there, it's not going to stop me.
Fast and GM's does not belong in same sentence. I don't know what "connections" you have with the GM's but my dealings with them is ALWAYS slow and very poor but then again I am not paging about 500 gold falling under my house and I can not get to it.The Drachs Gms usually answer really FAST... enjoy the fast service.
(How do I know?)
Sorry kiddo, trammel is what allowed this to happen. If there was no trammel you could just kill the person who was misbehaving. You all want to have your precious safe hunting, this is the price of it.Well it's that kind of attitude that has allowed UO to go to the ingrates.
There is a thing in life called common courtesy. People that look at life the way you do have trashed the game and society. People behave alot in game as they do in real life.
I know you could careless....like to see that attitude in a bar.
The "client" itself won't stop anything, as the old wise man said, "you can't code behavior." Additional code may, and appears that it will, be included as detection and possibly as an action mechanism, but would seem only destined at this time for the SA client. We'll have to see from there, and who knows, the roll out may also include 2D, it's not the kind of thing best discussed in advance.Abolishing 2D won't solve anything and make even more people leave. All it would take is 1 GM per shard full time. That's all that we need.
Well said....When all's said and done, cheaters will find a way to cheat, no matter what client, what game or what bunch of devs crack down how hard. There isn't a game out there that doesn't have it's share of saaad people who can't play any game, including real life, honestly...
Also well said, but the Tram rules set, required for the game to survive, brought with it this annoying "side effect." In all events such as this, there are folks who camp less dangerous spots unattended and roll up rewards, EA has chosen not to address in the past and seem to continue the same course of action today. Then there are the folks who script per the OPs original observations. EA can address both, but chooses not to, I can only assume staffing again or concerns of subscription impact, the latter of which got us in trouble early on and continues through today. As for the jerks, well, "you can't code behavior."Personally, I'm way more annoyed with people acting like jerks during ToT than scripters...
Thank you for your continued trolling and consistent insight into character and gaming habits.lol, who do you think you are that people need to ask your permission to work spawn? If I decide to PvM over PvP I will equip my char with the gear to kill one specific monster in mind. If someone else is there, it's not going to stop me.
Not quite true. I tried KR, and found it to be such a drastic change from the 2D user interface, that I just don't desire to relearn the new methods of doing things. I was really unimpressed with it within the first 10 minutes.5 letters for the naysayers...P-F-F-F-T.
At least those that connot legitimately play KR (hardware, slow PC, etc.) have an excuse...all the rest...well, you must cheat IMO. Why not switch? What do you have to lose?
Actually, that was Trammel that did that.Well it's that kind of attitude that has allowed UO to go to the ingrates.
Which was brought about because of the rampant PK griefing *******s.Actually, that was Trammel that did that.
HARDLY ANYONE BUT GODLY PKERS rampantly pked when permanent stat loss was introduced.......memory loss?Which was brought about because of the rampant PK griefing *******s.![]()
Let's see we've moved from client wars to facet wars, and I'm pretty sure that the template hate is in here for the trifecta!
So when I post my thoughts and opinions I'm trolling, but when you do it it's not?Thank you for your continued trolling and consistent insight into character and gaming habits.
I think that the right code can solve a lot of the scripting problems. As I posted elsewhere: People will automate anything that can be automated. The point is that the spawn is so predictable and static that automation is easily possible in the first place. Spawn should be random and unpredictable. Spawn should move. Creatures should not always spawn in the same place endlessly. If many of the lower creatures are slain, maybe a few stronger ones should join in to support them (it works with Champion Spawns, doesn't it?! I've never seen anyone scripting a Champ Spawn).The "client" itself won't stop anything, as the old wise man said, "you can't code behavior." Additional code may, and appears that it will, be included as detection and possibly as an action mechanism, but would seem only destined at this time for the SA client.
The Rampant assuming that the GMs do not do their job is really starting to get ridiculous, maybe if everyone in the game wasn't paging on anyone who they passed by or passed by them the GMs would not have such a hard time with finding real problems. Let me see how you and 20 other people handle thousands of pages a day, sometimes about the same person who they find to NOT be afk, ever think of that? Perhaps the person is just really rude and does not want to talk to you, Maybe all the people you have paged on in the past were not doing anything wrong so the gms now ignore you.....O.K. Slightly sorry to everyone about that little rant but it is sort of tiring that people complain so much, and not even just about bugs or cheaters but to assume you know what is going on at mythic or how the gm staff is handling things is just absurd and should be stopped. So just because the people you page on are not being banned you assume nothing is being done? The cheating is rampant and not so easy to just fix as you all would like to think it is, also not everyone you come across is a cheater, give players a break, give gms a break, give the developers a break, relax and enjoy the game. For most of you the cheaters are not ruining the game play for you, you MIGHT be able to complain about the ^*(% economy and that is something I will give all of you, the economy is jacked, but its because of greed and because MOST players allow it to be that way, so other than that, I doubt any of you have ever been impacted by a cheater. Just stop complaining about things you don't know about, i.e. GMs and developers dedication to the game (even tho you could be right it is speculation and gives the game a very foul feeling when you all make assumptions.) Just play the game.For those who paged and were ignored thanks for saving me the time. I bet if I go there today that Dragon will probably still be there making a mess with no master to obey. Just won't bother a GM because they won't lift a finger to do anything about it.
You cant reveal in tram? Unless you are suggesting something else happens when you cast the spell around a pet. (might be able to detect hidden, I know you can on guild mates not sure on other people tho)It occurs to me that pets with no masters could be rather easily derailed via the Reveal spell.