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Draconi, How come you don't like the rest of us?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh I think this is awesome news ... now if I could just find other spellweavers to do a circle with...

*has 120 spellweaver on GL!*
Hmm...I should create weavers on all the popular shards to help out people looking for a circle. It'll be a full time job!

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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What is so special about Catskills as to why they get a level 6 Arcane Circle right in front of Britain bank and none of the other shards do? I would really like one on Drachenfels if you could. Thanks
Wait...what??? Level 6 in Brit bank?? *runs over a group of granny's to get to the circle* /sarcasm

I play Cats and I'll say that the only lvl 6 is Prism of Light...Brit can only give lvl 5 if enough weavers are there and within the 20 point threshold.

EDIT: Hmmm The Brit circle can be a level 6? Thats awsome!


Actually, the point is to have a higher powered one in community areas, versus the personal ones you can have.

Additionally, I think we'll consider making a higher level than community ones for difficult-to-reach ones. Risk vs. Reward, and all.
Seeing as how Draconi posted here in this very thread that cats' arcane circle can give a level 6, I would say it is safe to assume you are extremely wrong Hunter. His original statement was that since one shard got it all the rest will be getting it, and then he posted that. Both to me mean that cats already had a level 6 possible circle and that all the other shards will be getting one.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still can't get over possibility of level 7 focus.. *drools*
Makes the 120 scroll more worth it. Um, unless they make the prism tougher? Grrrr!

Longer gift of renewal... hopefully these higher levels will actually CURE POISON FOR ONCE!


I'm sure most of you are aware but all of the banks have the level 6 arcane circle now :)


I'm sure most of you are aware but all of the banks have the level 6 arcane circle now :)
Just curious. Has there been any thought into adding a soul forge to the WBB area around the launch of SA? I'd suggest near or in that small guard tower, so that it doesn't interfere with each WBB new design. I'd leave any skill bonus up to the Devs. Maybe more than personal SFs but less than the GargCitySF?

P.S. I still think Gareth should have put a 'no draw' type set of tiles in his design that said 'future Soul Forge goes here'! btw, thanks again for the design Gareth!


Why are some people complaining? Risk vs reward? Gold sinks?

How about they change it so you need 5 tamers to tame a Greater Dragon? How about needing 5 mages to cast Ressurection?

Spellweaving is the only skill that requires multiple people to make the skill viable and as such, most people have given up on it.

How many of the people upset with this would like to have to pay everytime they wanted to make a skill viable like Smithing, Taming, Necro? Let alone getting 5 people together can be a lesson in frustraion if you play during off hours.


Babbling Loonie
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Actually, the point is to have a higher powered one in community areas, versus the personal ones you can have.

Additionally, I think we'll consider making a higher level than community ones for difficult-to-reach ones. Risk vs. Reward, and all.
Thank you for the circle! And I support this having higher ones elsewhere too! If balance is required, do it upwards instead of nerfing :D

Even if they make a level 7 in Prism or Fel, having a level 6 in a community area will make it alot easier to get spellweavers to come together for a circle.
They can then arrange to go get a level 7 if desired.


So wait... can you get lvl 6 focus at the bank all by yourself or what?

Or do you still need the other weavers? or at least one... someone please elaborate what is needed...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So wait... can you get lvl 6 focus at the bank all by yourself or what?

Or do you still need the other weavers? or at least one... someone please elaborate what is needed...
You can get a lvl 6 if there is a total of 5 weavers there. If there is just you and one other weaver you'll get a three. (presuming you and the other weaver are within 20 points of each other).

Also, if you stand in the circle and get any other character (someone not within 20 points of you or not having spellweaving at all) to stand there with you, you'll get a lvl 2


Ok, was just a little confused...thought people were saying you could get a lvl 6 focus either by yourself or just one other person... kinda like saying Give Arties on test kinda thing.

So all it does is it acts like the Prism of Light circle where you get a +1.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
your answer is yes and no>

Yes he likes the people that play in Tram so he now placed an alter on every shard. I think Brit Bank Tram.

But no he doesn't like reds who play in Fel so they can not use these alters for an arcane focus.

Gotta love EA's version of equality!! :loser:


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Siege got one. *smiles*


Wait...where is the post that made this into a tram/fel thing? I didn't even see anyone ask about fel...dang it I don't see it at all >.<

Edit: Never mind I figure it out, in the other thread.

P.S. is there really that many red spellweavers?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would settle for having any arcance circle in fel give a level 6 focus (for now). Even if they put a circle at Fel WBB, it would still be hard for a red spellweaver to get a level 6 focus since I doubt people are just going to leave a char logged in standing on the circle like they probably do on the tram circle.


I would settle for having any arcance circle in fel give a level 6 focus (for now). Even if they put a circle at Fel WBB, it would still be hard for a red spellweaver to get a level 6 focus since I doubt people are just going to leave a char logged in standing on the circle like they probably do on the tram circle.
except the one in prism in fel still gives the level 6 focus...you just need people to get the focus? (you did say any). I am all for having the focus there btw, tho my spellweaver is not red....hmm my human char could benefit from this tho.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1284201 said:
Wait...where is the post that made this into a tram/fel thing? I didn't even see anyone ask about fel...dang it I don't see it at all >.<

Edit: Never mind I figure it out, in the other thread.

P.S. is there really that many red spellweavers?
This isnt about Tram against Fel.

This is about EA providing an in game benefit that only blues can enjoy and not reds. It is pure and simple discrimination.

And I bet you every red in Fel has spellweaving, it just happens to be soulstoned, since prior to the new circles made, SW a pain in the but to play. Now its just a pain in the but to play if you are red.

Very poor implementation, but not surprising.


Well you brought up it being "fel" but I didn't notice anything about fel till you posted that, but as I said I found the post in the other thread and it made your one here make sense, and as I said already it would not be a bad thing for one to be in fel as well.


This isnt about Tram against Fel.

This is about EA providing an in game benefit that only blues can enjoy and not reds. It is pure and simple discrimination.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but being a red involves behaving in a way that is counter to the virtues on which the game is based. Once upon a time, wasn't it the case that there were *supposed* to be consequences to being red? I mean, I know it hasn't been that way for a long time, but...

If every aspect of the game is just as easy to play if you indiscriminately kill every player you come across, why would anyone be blue? You can still get a level 6 focus as a red...it's just a little more complicated. Heaven forbid that reds have to go out of their way because of their antisocial behavior.


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Cloak‡1284233 said:
except the one in prism in fel still gives the level 6 focus...you just need people to get the focus? (you did say any). I am all for having the focus there btw, tho my spellweaver is not red....hmm my human char could benefit from this tho.
Yes, as it is now, the only place in fel to get a level 6 focus is in the prism of light, and prior to the placement of the circle at the tram WBB, I had no problem with it being that way since it was was same on both sides. Now they made it so that if your a blue char and want a level 6 focus, all you have to do is go the tram WBB and cast the spell, and since I imagine on several shards if not most, there are probably several chars of various skill ranges afk on the circle, it shouldn't be that hard to get a level 6 focus.
I highly doubt that if they put a circle at fel WBB that people will leave chars afk on the circle, but it would be nice to be able to just have people recall in, grab a focus, and recall away without having to purchase the ticket and then run through the dungeon to get a level 6 focus, or leaving chars down there and then having to wait 10 minutes for them to time out.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but being a red involves behaving in a way that is counter to the virtues on which the game is based. Once upon a time, wasn't it the case that there were *supposed* to be consequences to being red? I mean, I know it hasn't been that way for a long time, but...

If every aspect of the game is just as easy to play if you indiscriminately kill every player you come across, why would anyone be blue?

Also the consequences were high too, no interaction with NPC possible guard wackings, You have the best argument I have seen, but also the biggest down turn as the only "bad" thing about being red is you can not enter any other facet except fel and really...that is not so bad when you can have 6 other chars.

Kellgory I understand all that I was just making sure is all. Altho at this point I am leaning more twards gumm's opinion on the matter....but then the game is much different he just got me to thinking of times past. heh. as I said, good idea to put one in fel, i would benefit from it too.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Correct me if I'm wrong, but being a red involves behaving in a way that is counter to the virtues on which the game is based. Once upon a time, wasn't it the case that there were *supposed* to be consequences to being red? I mean, I know it hasn't been that way for a long time, but...

If every aspect of the game is just as easy to play if you indiscriminately kill every player you come across, why would anyone be blue?

Without reds, fel would be a pretty boring place. There are alot of consequences reds have to pay for their actions, such as being confined to Fel, not being able to buy from NPC's, no access to Heartwood, not being able to call guards, not being able to crossheal another red in guardzone without the possibilty of getting guardwhacked (samething goes for blues trying to heal a red in guardzone), there is no quest in fel for a red to get the summon fey spell for spellweaving, reds can't use virtues to self rez, pop champ spawns, or honor monsters, and noble sacrifice will not rez a red. There is probably a lot more that can be added to the list, but you get the general idea, and people wonder why reds go around killing blues.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Draconi was so quick to help, and it is well appreciated, but i have to ask, any chance we could get something like this in fel?


Except for crosshealing in a guard zone, I doubt most of those things are issues for reds -- people don't generally let their crafters go red. But I actually would be fine with putting a circle in the Fel WBB. I'm mostly just having some fun with the time-honored UO tradition of catering to the self-declared outcasts. ;)


Slightly Crazed
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Gumm said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but being a red involves behaving in a way that is counter to the virtues on which the game is based. Once upon a time, wasn't it the case that there were *supposed* to be consequences to being red? I mean, I know it hasn't been that way for a long time, but...

If every aspect of the game is just as easy to play if you indiscriminately kill every player you come across, why would anyone be blue? You can still get a level 6 focus as a red...it's just a little more complicated. Heaven forbid that reds have to go out of their way because of their antisocial behavior.

Everything that has been mentioned was implemented within a new publish and not a change after the skill has been out for 3 years.

Your argument of penalizing the red holds no water in today UO. Why should a blue player get a lvl 6 any easier than a red player?

Reds as was so clearly pointed out already have tons of things against them.

Also with the introduction of Tram there is no more reason to penalize a red because a blue has the choice now on whether to interact with a red or not.

In fact just about every Spellweaver complained about the arcane circle system, so what happens? they make it easier for blues but not reds.. good job on that one Drac!

In the end, there is no reason for reds not to have an arcane circle as well, and nothing any Trammy will say will convince any of use reds in Fel.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well all of my major spellweavers (gm and above) are blue. I do have some red chars that just use the human JOAT spellweaving. I'm just taking the position of today's UO and asking where's mine.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well all of my major spellweavers (gm and above) are blue. I do have some red chars that just use the human JOAT spellweaving. I'm just taking the position of today's UO and asking where's mine.
I don't doubt you at all.

But I can say that on my shard most reds have worked the SW skill but just don't use it due to the pain in the rear of getting the Focus.

Also there is nothing stopping you from Soulstoning the skill and then putting it on a red is there?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everything that has been mentioned was implemented within a new publish and not a change after the skill has been out for 3 years.

Your argument of penalizing the red holds no water in today UO. Why should a blue player get a lvl 6 any easier than a red player?

Reds as was so clearly pointed out already have tons of things against them.

Also with the introduction of Tram there is no more reason to penalize a red because a blue has the choice now on whether to interact with a red or not.

In fact just about every Spellweaver complained about the arcane circle system, so what happens? they make it easier for blues but not reds.. good job on that one Drac!

In the end, there is no reason for reds not to have an arcane circle as well, and nothing any Trammy will say will convince any of use reds in Fel.
Actually I was making a case for having a circle in Fel WBB or even better have any arcane circle placed in fel give the +1 bonus (since fel gives double resources).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I say make it a +2 bonus at WBB Felucca. That would be awesome, get some PvP going away from the moongate. Reds come to kill the blues trying to get a circle, other blues come to kill the reds, and factioners fighting for the sigs join in the fun!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually I was making a case for having a circle in Fel WBB or even better have any arcane circle placed in fel give the +1 bonus (since fel gives double resources).
My bad if I misinterpreted :thumbsup:

It just infuriates me when they make such a change without regard to a large part of the Fel player base. It's like we don't exist :cursing:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't doubt you at all.

But I can say that on my shard most reds have worked the SW skill but just don't use it due to the pain in the rear of getting the Focus.

Also there is nothing stopping you from Soulstoning the skill and then putting it on a red is there?
The shard I play the most on I have 5 gm spellweavers that are all blue that I use to help those guildmates that are red get a level 6 focus. My red spellweavers are all dexxors and just use the JOAT skill, and normally I just get a level 4-5 focus from a circle placed in a house.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My bad if I misinterpreted :thumbsup:

It just infuriates me when they make such a change without regard to a large part of the Fel player base. It's like we don't exist :cursing:
I just started playing a red char (now chars) about 6 months ago, eventhough I've been playing for a little over 4 years, and until then I really didn't know what all the restrictions there were on red chars other than they were stuck in Fel. I have several friends that all their chars are red, so they are pretty much up to the mercy of guildmates and friends to help them since there are very few vendors in fel.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just started playing a red char (now chars) about 6 months ago, eventhough I've been playing for a little over 4 years, and until then I really didn't know what all the restrictions there were on red chars other than they were stuck in Fel. I have several friends that all their chars are red, so they are pretty much up to the mercy of guildmates and friends to help them since there are very few vendors in fel.
I hear ya. It truly helps to have a blue char on your account just for vendor shopping and stuff like that.

Personally I think the easiest way resolve this is to allow reds in Tram. But this is a whole other argument/debate.

I just wish it wasnt so hard to play in Fel.. Actually hard is not the right word, but by hard I mean lack of players, lack of vendors, lack of Arcane Circles, lack of players in dungeons, empty landmass and so on.


I hear ya. It truly helps to have a blue char on your account just for vendor shopping and stuff like that.

Personally I think the easiest way resolve this is to allow reds in Tram. But this is a whole other argument/debate.

I just wish it wasnt so hard to play in Fel.. Actually hard is not the right word, but by hard I mean lack of players, lack of vendors, lack of Arcane Circles, lack of players in dungeons, empty landmass and so on.
have to agree with you on the lack of anything "fel" also....allowing reds in tram is not such a bad idea, they use to let reds go to ilsh if I am not mistaken (at least it was in the design that they would) Just obviously no fighting. Or maybe "guard zone rules" so Blue's could still attack if they wanted to? only with direct damage tho (no wither or other crap that could make reds sneakily attack people) I don't know, prolly should not even start this conversation lol...always ends badly. And for anyone who disagrees, what is the biggest benefit of being able to go to tram? Nothing is offered in tram that you cant get in fel, minus "scenery" so come with a real argument or not at all -.-


Slightly Crazed
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Cloak‡1284342 said:
have to agree with you on the lack of anything "fel" also....allowing reds in tram is not such a bad idea, they use to let reds go to ilsh if I am not mistaken (at least it was in the design that they would) Just obviously no fighting. Or maybe "guard zone rules" so Blue's could still attack if they wanted to? only with direct damage tho (no wither or other crap that could make reds sneakily attack people) I don't know, prolly should not even start this conversation lol...always ends badly. And for anyone who disagrees, what is the biggest benefit of being able to go to tram? Nothing is offered in tram that you cant get in fel, minus "scenery" so come with a real argument or not at all -.-
Power Scrolls :thumbsup:

But essentially you are correct.

I donno what the answer is. I don't want anyone who doesnt want to partake in PvP to have to. I don't want anyone to play in a style that they dont want to.

But I also know we cant make everyone happy, so with that said, it just seems to me that the easiest way would be to just add an arcane circle at a Fel bank/town, maybe in a town like Bucs Den.


powerscrolls are what....almost 40 publishes ago? But meh, as you said, no point in trying to please everyone. And yes a circle someplace in fel would be fine. or some kind of reward (i do sort of like the +2 but not go over 6.)


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1284360 said:
powerscrolls are what....almost 40 publishes ago? But meh, as you said, no point in trying to please everyone. And yes a circle someplace in fel would be fine. or some kind of reward (i do sort of like the +2 but not go over 6.)
LOL ya, I just figured I would jump in with the power scrolls comment before some of the people who are really upset about power scrolls being a Fel only thing, post. ROFL


sweet! i'll take my faction toon and stealth around the one *if it is installed* in fel wbb for easy kills! I can't wait to see a bunch of red weavers trying to get a big enough crew together to get a level 6!

Getting enough weavers to do the tram side will still remain a challenge.. like a needle in a haystack... red weavers in fel... like a needle in a field of haystacks!

Can't wait!


My bad if I misinterpreted :thumbsup:

It just infuriates me when they make such a change without regard to a large part of the Fel player base. It's like we don't exist :cursing:
"Large part of the fel player base".. hmmm.. how many people is that exactly? Or what is the ratio of pvp/fel players v. tram players? 10 to 1.... 20 to 1? So 2 people are upset that their red toons can't possibly get a level 6 at WBB? Geez!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sweet! i'll take my faction toon and stealth around the one *if it is installed* in fel wbb for easy kills! I can't wait to see a bunch of red weavers trying to get a big enough crew together to get a level 6!

Getting enough weavers to do the tram side will still remain a challenge.. like a needle in a haystack... red weavers in fel... like a needle in a field of haystacks!

Can't wait!
Sounds like it will be fun for all :p

Honestly I think that you will see more people in Fel use spellweaving if it was much easier to get a focus.

But I also think that currently the way the game is, people dont use SW because they cant fit it in their templates. Like Necro mages or tank mages.

Mage, Med, Eval, Resist, Wrestle, Spellweave?
Mage, Med, Eval, Resist, inscribe, SW?
Mage, Med, Eval, Resist, poisoning, SW?

I suppose you could go with:
Mage, Med, Eval, SW, Necro, SS.. and no Resist


I went with mage/med/resist/necro/ss/eval and 90 sw :p dont need more than that for a pvp char, least I have not thought of a good reason for more yet lol


Always Present
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Additionally, I think we'll consider making a higher level than community ones for difficult-to-reach ones. Risk vs. Reward, and all.
Thought that was the whole point of the lvl 6 one only being available in Prism.
People can still get focuses at the bank but why should they be the special level 6 ones?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
A lot of spellweavers have complained for years on the forums about the difficulty to find fellow weavers to get a good focus.

Finally, a brilliant idea brings the circle to the bank where players gather and solves the problem a whole lot of spellweavers have complained about for a long time.

Hardly anything one could complain about, IMHO.

Besides, there is NO RISK involved in getting down to the Prism. Die and get ressed at the end. It only cost a few gold coins, that's all.

What the Circle at the Prism does is making getting a Focus tiresome and boring.

Waiting for a long time down there "just in case" someone shows up is NO FUN.

On the contrary, waiting at the bank sounds a MUCH better idea since players need to attend their bank boxes at some point.

I think this was a brilliant and kind idea from Draconi and kudos to him for doing it.

It was time spellweavers got helped in their #1 complaint, the difficulty to find fellow weavers to get a high Focus.

Look at all the people to get a circle now!!! God knows all the spellweavers are gonna hang out at the circle!
(screenshot taken 5pm Eastern Thursday)

Really popps I think everyones tired of you running your mouth without knowing what it is youre talking about.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
"Large part of the fel player base".. hmmm.. how many people is that exactly? Or what is the ratio of pvp/fel players v. tram players? 10 to 1.... 20 to 1? So 2 people are upset that their red toons can't possibly get a level 6 at WBB? Geez!
Point is that it took them no time at all to add them to the Tram banks. So why not do the same for people who are exclusive to Fel? Do we not matter at all?


Point is that it took them no time at all to add them to the Tram banks. So why not do the same for people who are exclusive to Fel? Do we not matter at all?
Honestly it took them awhile really, Sure it was fast since this post was made but there have been other instances of people complaining about this and it was not addressed (it has been over at a week at least) Perhaps if you make a new thread and address it to Draconi he may do something about it, He is sort of a busy person and I know if I was him I would not read threads that continued on like this one after I thought I "settled" the situation. Just my thoughts on the matter really, instead of debating mindlessly try to get some attention from the person who matters :)

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Actually, the point is to have a higher powered one in community areas, versus the personal ones you can have.

Additionally, I think we'll consider making a higher level than community ones for difficult-to-reach ones. Risk vs. Reward, and all.
Level 6 focus was already borderline overpowered. A level 7 is going to require rescaling the entire system.


I just checked out the one on Atlantic and it does not give level 6 focus, only normal up to 5.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, the point is to have a higher powered one in community areas, versus the personal ones you can have.

Additionally, I think we'll consider making a higher level than community ones for difficult-to-reach ones. Risk vs. Reward, and all.
Level 6 focus was already borderline overpowered. A level 7 is going to require rescaling the entire system.


I just checked out the one on Atlantic and it does not give level 6 focus, only normal up to 5.
Maybe (hopes) they were ALL intended to be level 5's???