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Draconi, How come you don't like the rest of us?



What is so special about Catskills as to why they get a level 6 Arcane Circle right in front of Britain bank and none of the other shards do? I would really like one on Drachenfels if you could. Thanks


I am not even sure this one is worth answering O.O

Each bank got a make over using any possible tiles the game had to offer, who ever the winner for the Catskills shard was thought it would be a good idea to have that in their design. (does this answer the question? I guess I could find the other posts about this and the contest rules and everything if it does not)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Level 6? is that confirmed? I understood that level 6 was only possible in Prism of Light.

The bank makeovers appear to be being done in alphabetical order as and when Draconi has the spare time to do them, which with SA gathering pace, isn't often. I believe Drachs may be the next one to be done, but since I can't read Draconi's mind, I can't be sure of that.

I would suggest checking the facts here, my guess would be the arcane circle at the bank gives exactly the same focus as an arcane circle in a player's house.


fair enough for that answer, seems a little unfair to the rest of the shards.
but then again maybe they should get off their butts and get the rest of the banks done so maybe other shards can benefit.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Which part of 'spare time' escaped your notice? Draconi is doing them in his own time, ie outside of working hours. He's also working flat out, as are all the rest of the UO team, to get Stygian Abyss - both client and expansion, finished and available to players. His 'spare time' is exceedingly limited.


maybe i was responding to the first post at the same time you were entering yours so relax a little

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
k, sorry. Some folk around here seem to think the devs have no right to eat or sleep, which makes me cross, not so in this case, I guess I over reacted. :)


it is the tile that gives the level 6 foci, so yes it is confirmed that you can get a level 6 focus at the bank because it is that special pentagram that gives the +1 bonus, not really the Prism dungeon but the altar that is in the dungeon, I hope that make sense....starting to get tired again.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
hmm, Something tells me that is perhaps not 'as intended' getting a level 6 foci is supposed to require you to brave the perils of the dungeon, not to mention paying 10k to get down there.
From our updated information:
focus = number of spell weavers in the circle -1. If cast on an arcane circle, focus = number of spell weavers in the circle. If cast on the circle at the center of Prism of Light focus = number of spell weavers in the circle +1. The maximum obtainable arcane focus is 6.
It should give a level 5 maximum.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone confirmed this by actually getting a level 6 focus on that circle? I would assume someone had or otherwise the question wouldn't have been asked, but it is UO so assuming things usually isn't advisable. If you can get a focus, then it would also be unfair to red spellweavers since I believe only Tram banks are getting the make over.


Well I know it gives a level 6 foci, and I am pretty sure it is "as intended" because the level 6 you get from prism has nothing to do with braving the dungeon, simply die and go down there everyone rez (in the same room) and get foci use ticket. The idea is that the specific arcane circle gives you a +1, Since it would have been easy for draconi to just put down a normal circle change the color and add the sparkly things to it, he did not, so I would say it is safe to assume he meant for it to be that way. But I would not know, I'm not him =\.


Well yes, but that has to do with the dungeon design, I don't think the developers were saying "hey it would be cool if it cost money to get focus" and another replied" make the prism of light circle give an extra boost?"

All sarcasm aside, I thought the original idea was cuase the prism was so charged with energy that foci became +1? In either case Draconi put in the actual prism circle and not just a normal one with some dye on top, since he did it personally I still think it is safe to assume he would have known the circle gives a +1 bonus and with that in mind it would be intentional. But again with out him actually telling us we don't know if it was intentional or it was just really late and he got slightly lazy and forgot.

Uthar Pendragon

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Problem is finding weavers. only reason i am able to get a lvl^ focus most times is cuz I log in and others log in multiple accounts to get it. I dont like spending my game time begging people to come focus.


Problem is finding weavers. only reason i am able to get a lvl^ focus most times is cuz I log in and others log in multiple accounts to get it. I dont like spending my game time begging people to come focus.
While that is all true, it really has no relevance to why Draconi allowed it on one shard and didn't just pop one in an easy place on all the rest, tho I am sure some other designers may have that in their design as well.


Crazed Zealot
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Problem is finding weavers. only reason i am able to get a lvl^ focus most times is cuz I log in and others log in multiple accounts to get it. I dont like spending my game time begging people to come focus.
I can confirm the lvl 6 focus, though I do not like to talk about it because if it isn't intended I don't want it taken away!

And Uthar, PM/ICQ me anytime and if I am at the PC I'll get out there to help with your focus. Working up a weaver on a second account now so eventually I'll be able to bring two.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would agree put it on all shards. fair is fair.

just dont take it away

pretty please don't take it away! And I say that not just for getting a lvl 6 but because I can usually get a lvl 3 that I normally wouldn't be able to get when no one is around.


I poked Draconi this morning and there are plans to bring the level 6 Arcane Circle to all of the shards. The plan is some time in the next couple of weeks.


Uthar Pendragon

Seasoned Veteran
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Thank you. I am glad others are getting theirs as well. and tell Messena Thank you as well. I just missed him when he was on Cats looking into it


Always Present
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I wouldn't poke him too much ... he seems to have a fetish for blowing towns and people up and stuff. : )

If not in the town bank designs maybe they can slap that in Heartwoods or some where ...no clue I have no spellweaving elfy ones myself.

I will be slap happy if mr mathmatical genius pyromania, just gives us more of all wood types besides Plain wood, more often in his RNGing quest. :)

the 4th man

Lore Master
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You know, making a suggestion, or a desire to have, is more suitable than crying, "it's not fair"

Petra's right, devs are human, and shouldn't have to cater to anyone beyond 9-5...........

all good things to those who wait


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will the circle be at both tram and fel or just tram side only?

When I first read the "I poked Draconi this morning", the first thing I thought of was Robert Duvall's char in Lonesome Dove.


Always Present
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I can confirm the lvl 6 focus, though I do not like to talk about it because if it isn't intended I don't want it taken away!.

This was a brilliant idea !!!!

Kudos to Draconi for thinking about it AND being so kind to put it in !!

I mean, WHAT is the most common complaint of spellweavers ??????

That of finding enough weavers to cast a higher circle Focus together.

Well, putting a +1 Arcane Circle that allows Spellweavers to get a level 6 near the Bank, where usually players gather for their bank business is EXACTLY meeting players' complaint, that of helping them find fastly and more easily other weavers to get their High Focus together so that they can FINALLY enjoy the game without spending most of their gaming time simply to find fellow players to get their Focus together.......

Thanks Draconi, and kudos to you for thinking about it and bring it to needing players !

Stupid Miner

Just as well, i had meant to put an arcane circle in my design, but forgot to.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I poked Draconi this morning and there are plans to bring the level 6 Arcane Circle to all of the shards. The plan is some time in the next couple of weeks.

This is very good news!

I was about to make a post here on Stratics as I've been considering experimenting with a new spellweaving template but without being able to obtain a high level focus it's not worth my time building the template and testing it out.

I know there have been many posts already about spellweaving not being used because of the issue with obtaining a focus. And how the spellweaving skill has been getting the short end of the stick.

Tell me another skill where is requires something with the same degree of difficulty to obtain the maximum efficiency from the skill.

I welcome this with eager anticipation and I'll be ready to get my Weave on!:thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is awesome!
I gave up making spellweavers since the focus is so hard to get!
Level 6? OMG!!!


The whiners have won.
I want all the specials other shards have, on Catskills, Draconi!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I believe Drachs may be the next one to be done, but since I can't read Draconi's mind, I can't be sure of that.
Chesapeake is. Draconi likes to torture me by making me check every hour if he did more work on it. So far we got some things which is awesome just to know that will be done soon. :danceb:



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I poked Draconi this morning and there are plans to bring the level 6 Arcane Circle to all of the shards. The plan is some time in the next couple of weeks.

Good to hear!!

I suppose the question of the day is:

Will this circle be in Tram or Fel?

Seems to me they should be in Fel to make it fair to everyone.

Just my 2 cents..


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I poked Draconi this morning and there are plans to bring the level 6 Arcane Circle to all of the shards. The plan is some time in the next couple of weeks.

Noooooooooooooooo risk vs reward! Take the one out of Cats
God why not put powerscrolls in tram too...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Noooooooooooooooo risk vs reward! Take the one out of Cats
God why not put powerscrolls in tram too...
I can relate to your risk vs reward, but when it comes to something like skills I don't think they should be included.

The fact is that SpellWeaving is 100% useless without a Focus, like, but worse than having Magery without Eval. Personally I think they should make it to where you can cast Arcane Circle alone and get a lvl 4, with someone else you get a lvl 5 and in the prism a lvl 6. This way the skill isn't so useless.

Now if they made it to where all offensive type skills required something like an Arcane Focus then I would agree.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Noooooooooooooooo risk vs reward! Take the one out of Cats

A lot of spellweavers have complained for years on the forums about the difficulty to find fellow weavers to get a good focus.

Finally, a brilliant idea brings the circle to the bank where players gather and solves the problem a whole lot of spellweavers have complained about for a long time.

Hardly anything one could complain about, IMHO.

Besides, there is NO RISK involved in getting down to the Prism. Die and get ressed at the end. It only cost a few gold coins, that's all.

What the Circle at the Prism does is making getting a Focus tiresome and boring.

Waiting for a long time down there "just in case" someone shows up is NO FUN.

On the contrary, waiting at the bank sounds a MUCH better idea since players need to attend their bank boxes at some point.

I think this was a brilliant and kind idea from Draconi and kudos to him for doing it.

It was time spellweavers got helped in their #1 complaint, the difficulty to find fellow weavers to get a high Focus.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I poked Draconi this morning and there are plans to bring the level 6 Arcane Circle to all of the shards. The plan is some time in the next couple of weeks.

What is even the point of it anymore then, just make every pentagram give a level 6 focus.


Most explosive UO Legend
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Stratics Legend
What is so special about Catskills as to why they get a level 6 Arcane Circle right in front of Britain bank and none of the other shards do? I would really like one on Drachenfels if you could. Thanks
Awwwwwwwww :( I love you all!

Everyone is getting one since one is getting one.


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is even the point of it anymore then, just make every pentagram give a level 6 focus.
Actually, the point is to have a higher powered one in community areas, versus the personal ones you can have.

Additionally, I think we'll consider making a higher level than community ones for difficult-to-reach ones. Risk vs. Reward, and all.


Awwwwwwwww :( I love you all!

Everyone is getting one since one is getting one.
Thank you, sensible game design genie. Please go spread the gospel of sanity to all the other games out there that so badly need it.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Actually, the point is to have a higher powered one in community areas, versus the personal ones you can have.

Additionally, I think we'll consider making a higher level than community ones for difficult-to-reach ones. Risk vs. Reward, and all.
Then you'll end up in the same situation as now? This makes no sense.
For example you make all public area a level 6 but make hard to reach a 7? Whats the difference between the current 5/6?

May as well leave it as is currently. It'll just be extra dev time for the same thing that's been around since ML launched in a sense.


Babbling Loonie
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Noooooooooooooooo risk vs reward! Take the one out of Cats
God why not put powerscrolls in tram too...
Finally Flutter says something I can agree with. Please let's have power and stat scrolls in tram and also maybe make them harder to get in fel? Or treat them like SoT's and make it so to get the higher end power and stat scrolls you have to go to tram to get them. Instead of forcing the non PvPers to ricks PvP for the scrolls how about forcing the PvPers to come to tram where they would be on an even ground and at the same time it basically punishes the red players for being red. I like this idea. :)


I don't know the difference but maybe having a community one at a bank is a good idea. You will meet more people and make more friendships at the bank community one then in some dungeon in BFE that only a select few use.


Finally Flutter says something I can agree with. Please let's have power and stat scrolls in tram and also maybe make them harder to get in fel? Or treat them like SoT's and make it so to get the higher end power and stat scrolls you have to go to tram to get them. Instead of forcing the non PvPers to ricks PvP for the scrolls how about forcing the PvPers to come to tram where they would be on an even ground and at the same time it basically punishes the red players for being red. I like this idea. :)
Power scrolls were put in fel to give fel a purpose once again. Take that away and fel will be useless and they will lose a large chunk of their player base. Plus if they are easy to get (Which yes it shouldnt be a select few I agree) then champ spawns wont be done everyone will have them then the Dev team has to make awhole NEW concept. The reason power scrolls have worked for sooo long is because they are in fel. It is the longest lasting thing they have done that drops items.

Look how many people go to doom now. In one year their will be sooo many arties no one will want to bother with Doom. Then everyone will complain they are bored out of their skulls.


Grand Poobah
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So, in other words the game just lost a gold sink?

We need more gold sinks, not less...

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Have it charge 10k to use hahaha


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yay!! Spellweaving will be what it was meant to be!
I can't imagine a level 6 let alone a level 7 focus.

Does this mean my level 0 warror can get a focus 6 and use immolate weapon for +11 fire instead of +10 fire damage for 32 mana? Yay! *sarcasm*

Seriously, any little boost is welcome. I'm tired of nerfs.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Oh I think this is awesome news ... now if I could just find other spellweavers to do a circle with...

*has 120 spellweaver on GL!*