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Can Heartwood quests have the ToT arty system put to it?



In other words.. the same way you did with doom arty chances... can you make the chance of a runic kit to drop in a pouch increase slightly each time you dont get one??? I mean as it is their is no rhyme or reason and it totally up to chance... most of the time it takes lots of resources and it could be days/weeks/months before you get a higher end runic...

The trend is that usually everything in UO has a way to associate a risk vs reward.... or atleast a time spend vs reward.... like doom and the TOT system... people want to know that if they do something.. it atleast get them a little closer to their goal....

I dont think this would make things too OP or drop too often, but never getting any runics from hours of work gets very annoying....and knowing that from those hours of work I am no closer to getting one then when I first started.

Think this could happen?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think this should happen considering all the scripters that script these quests.


I think the heartwood quests should go away altogether and there should be a different, more sane way to earn those runics, recipes, & talismans.


I don't think this should happen considering all the scripters that script these quests.
Well I say that isn't a good reason because unlike scripting wood or ore... their is 1 place in the whole game to get these items... which means that its EASY to find these people that are scripting it...

Just take away the ability to hide in heartwood so they have to be unhidden and then just ask if they are there.. or have the GMs check heartwood every 2 hours or so to check for scripters...

As it is now.. saying "well we need to keep them impossible to get to normal players because we dont know how or want to deal with the cheaters" isnt a legitimate excuse. Make the game mechanics fair and then deal with the cheaters... dont design the game around the cheaters.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Heartwood is scripted like a mofo and the items would become worthless in days. Not to say they shouldn't bring them back but they should implement it like they normally do.

Well I say that isn't a good reason because unlike scripting wood or ore... their is 1 place in the whole game to get these items... which means that its EASY to find these people that are scripting it...
Thing is people do it attended as well and not attended you don't seem to understand that the scripts ALERT the player through the speakers that a GM is chatting with them or has appeared in the game.


I think the heartwood quests should go away altogether and there should be a different, more sane way to earn those runics, recipes, & talismans.
I agree but that would take a overhaul of their respective systems and thats not going to happen.. especially with SA comming soon...

However simply adding in the ToT point system would be a minimal change compared to programign a new system.... just add a little code here and there and it wouldnt take a WHOLE lot of time to do and it would make it fair to people who want to try to get these kits....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I say that isn't a good reason because unlike scripting wood or ore... their is 1 place in the whole game to get these items... which means that its EASY to find these people that are scripting it...

Just take away the ability to hide in heartwood so they have to be unhidden and then just ask if they are there.. or have the GMs check heartwood every 2 hours or so to check for scripters...

As it is now.. saying "well we need to keep them impossible to get to normal players because we dont know how or want to deal with the cheaters" isnt a legitimate excuse. Make the game mechanics fair and then deal with the cheaters... dont design the game around the cheaters.
Yeah, if only GMs really did do a good job at dealing with those scripters.

Yes the game shouldn't be designed around cheaters but the fact remains that if this change did happen the market would flood with these runics, particularly the Heartwood runic and make these items way too common and take away the whole glory of actually getting these runics.

Plus it isn't impossible to get. In fact unless you are talking about the Heartwood runic, it isn't too hard to get one.

But I do agree that there should be a different way to get the runics other than these lame quests. Why haven't they ever implamented the BoD system for Fletching and Carpentry???

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Yeah, if only GMs really did do a good job at dealing with those scripters.
Again the GMs are doing their job they have to see if the person is there which thus again the script alerts the scripter that a CSR chat has opened or that a gamemaster has appeared infront of them.

Now maybe they should show up with a normal character and tele around or something. ehhe


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think this should happen considering all the scripters that script these quests.
A scripter wouldn't care about the build-up, only the frequency. As long as the probabilities were scaled so that, at the end of the day, they dropped at the same frequency, then scripters wouldn't care.

I believe the best way to fight scripters (well, short of actually stopping them) is to make the systems fun to play.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I say that isn't a good reason because unlike scripting wood or ore... their is 1 place in the whole game to get these items... which means that its EASY to find these people that are scripting it...

Just take away the ability to hide in heartwood so they have to be unhidden and then just ask if they are there.. or have the GMs check heartwood every 2 hours or so to check for scripters...

As it is now.. saying "well we need to keep them impossible to get to normal players because we dont know how or want to deal with the cheaters" isnt a legitimate excuse. Make the game mechanics fair and then deal with the cheaters... dont design the game around the cheaters.
Two places.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

Gotta throw in with the dissention on this one. A ToT "guaranteed drop in Heartwood would make it a scriptor's paradise (instead of the haven it is now simply because they don't have to worry about the drudgery, only the outcome).

The other option is to put an artifical "cap" on how many times the ToT reward would "hit" in a day, but this too would do nothing to deter the scripting and personally, I detest such arbitrary caps on how much of something you can benefit.

I think the only real answer for Heartwood lies with the same answer for the rest of the UO world... a COMPLETE retooling of the NPC and quest structure... fewer overall NPCs but ones that are much more "alive" and not simply "a rat" on two legs with a name and a limited AI script.


Heartwood was exclusively made for KR clients. You have to use Kr client to do them or script in 2d to get the functionarity of KR in there. If you want to stay legal and actually get things from the heartwood quest do not ever go in there with 2d client. Install a good KR mode in your computers grab youre crafter and press the auto make making sure it's taged as quest items in the options. You be getting the runics in no time at all avoiding carpel tunnel.