Its a PVP thread ffs, not a discussion on how cute your babies or your in game wedding.
You think two boxers are going to go 'gday old chum, hows that lovely missus of yours? how about that sun shining ey?'. No - they say stuff to get each other riled up. Why else do you think we do it? Its banter for christ sake. Noone in there who participate in it are offended, and if they are - they are told to get out.
I am having a reasonable discussion - I have told you why it should be back, and how it is killing our small shard community. All you are doing is 'well you arent being very nice, you wont get your pvp thread back'. That might work for a 4 year old, but not to an adult. We arent going to be held to ransom. Simple fact is - if its not returned, shard will die, EA will get less money meaning they are closer to making no money and the game will close. Look at the treads on oceania since the thread was closed - half a dozen asking for it reopened (BY TRAMMIES THEMSELVES), about 3 people (the older 'mature (HA)' ones who agreed it should be closed because it had nothing to do with them) making threads on that local fishing trip, or all cognratulating someone on gming taming, or welcoming an old player back (who subsequently leaves because there is no community).
I hope to god you never run a business.