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Oceania wants it's PvP thread back

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Not so long ago the trams kept getting upset at some of the stuff that was being written in the Oceania PvP thread. It must have been hurting their delicate sensibilities even though none of it was directed at them nor of concern to them and they had no reason to peruse the thread in the first place. Nevertheless these lifeless fun cops kept reporting posts and crying to mods until the thread was taken away for good and now we want it back. Please post to show your support!!!

Benny Lava

I'm in on this.

Our forum has died because there is no pvp thread.


I agree. These trams need to realise that they dont have to read the pvp thread. If you don't like it, dont read it! it is as simple as that.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, the mods will delete this too as they are completely biased towards the trams and the people who we are meant to complain to absolutely hate me (somebody with a similar name to mine, oddly enough).

hard yakka

i agree. Oceania needs it's pvp thread back.
Thank you

P.s big daddy Elwood wants me bad!!


You guys hear yourselves??

Your PvP thread was banned because you had/still have no respect. FULL STOP!


I have no respect for people who throw their two cents in when it does not concern them. You are worse than the trams on our shard who had the thread shut down in the first place, you don't even play on oceania...

Hey Rich aren't you the guy who posted in our PvP thread a while ago how much you enjoyed reading it??


You guys hear yourselves??

Your PvP thread was banned because you had/still have no respect. FULL STOP!
We have no respect for people like you who only want your way and no other way.

We have a few people who want to ruin it for everyone else by sticking their nose where it does not belong. If I did what they did in their stupid 'lets go on a sail boat adventure and catch big fish for trophies' threads, I would have gotten banned essentially, because they would have cried to their big bad friends who just so happen to be _exactly_ like them.

Alienating a play style because it isnt how you play or like to play destroys the game - you guys did that already with UO:R.

For the record, I think Elwood is a ******, but I am fully with him on this, and so is all the PvPers on our shard, who are actually in the majority.


We have a few people who want to ruin it for everyone else by sticking their nose where it does not belong.
I guess the fact that this is a privately owned public forum just completely went over your collective heads..... :coco:


I have no respect for people who throw their two cents in when it does not concern them. You are worse than the trams on our shard who had the thread shut down in the first place, you don't even play on oceania...
You post on UOHALL you should expect responses from people who dont play your shard

Hey Rich aren't you the guy who posted in our PvP thread a while ago how much you enjoyed reading it??
For a while it was entertaining...then it just became a flurry or piontless mindless insults. When it was a PvP discussion it was entertaining, when it became a slagging match it wasnt.


We have no respect for people like you who only want your way and no other way.
I do not care if its "my way", even though i PvP hence the reason i like reading PvP threads. Lets me know which shard has a good PvP community and what shard to start new chars on.

Alienating a play style because it isnt how you play or like to play destroys the game - you guys did that already with UO:R.
How can i alienate my own playstyle?


For a while it was entertaining...then it just became a flurry or piontless mindless insults. When it was a PvP discussion it was entertaining, when it became a slagging match it wasnt.
You are the exact type of person we are talking about.

Its not even your shard, it has NOTHING to do with you, yet you are poking your nose in where it doesnt belong. Who cares if its a slagging match? It provokes PvP and there are adequate warnings - don't come in if you cant take it.

You go in, read the warning, then decide you dont like it, so decide to ruin everyone elses fun?

F**k people like you are the reason this game has plummeted so much.


You are the exact type of person we are talking about.
What kind of person is that?

If you mean a mature PvPer who enjoys the game for what it is, with no reason to personally insult a person because of there job/lack of. Thinking your superior because you want to be an accountant?

Its not even your shard, it has NOTHING to do with you, yet you are poking your nose in where it doesnt belong. Who cares if its a slagging match? It provokes PvP and there are adequate warnings - don't come in if you cant take it.
This is on UOHALL, i didnt post in the one on Oceana because there , you're right, is not my place to say anything...here its a public forum.
You go in, read the warning, then decide you dont like it, so decide to ruin everyone elses fun?
You seriously think i care enough to report posts?
My shard has had to come up with a different site so we can post how we truly feel about others pvp...maybe you should do the same...oh wait you did and no-one posted there since friday.

F**k people like you are the reason this game has plummeted so much.
This is the exact kind of comment which WONT get you listened to, no mature response just juvenile insults.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You post on UOHALL you should expect responses from people who dont play your shard
Right on.

Everyone from every shard will post in this thread and thus will amount to nothing more than a flame thread. This thread was doomed before the OP even hit the post button.

To make matters even more hilarious, the OP asked for support. Regardless of the fact that most reading this don't even play Oceania.


Ohhh attacking my job (which is'nt even true - HA) - proved my point again. You - and the people like you - are a bunch of hypocrites. We dont behave the way YOU behave - so clearly thats wrong and we are immature. Get out of your basement - banter is everywhere, and I DARE you to find an occasion where our banter has been to the detriment of the GAME (THATS RIGHT, WE PLAY A GAME) - in fact, it has promoted more rivalry and thus more PvP and make us PLAY-THE-GAME.

You care enough to come and post and stick your nose and try to be 'the mature one' and explain to us why our (READ: OUR, NOT YOURS) PvP thread was removed, and then try to justify it. If you dont care, then keep your mouth shut. Again - sticking your nose where it doesnt belong.

Wont get listened to - or people silently agree but they wont pipe up because you lot will have a cry?

You think having a seperate forum helps the community of a shard, the so called 'official forums'? Ok mate. I have a ball, would you like to play with it? Spastic.


Right on.

Everyone from every shard will post in this thread and thus will amount to nothing more than a flame thread. This thread was doomed before the OP even hit the post button.

To make matters even more hilarious, the OP asked for support. Regardless of the fact that most reading this don't even play Oceania.
Proves his point doesnt it? The MAJORITY of Oceania want this thread back. But the minority few have the power to not bring it back. Hell, its not even a tram vs fel fight. People who dont PvP have tried to campaign for it back - because they also know how hard the community has suffered for it.

But your right, lets censor people because we dont like their playstyle, because that will totally make the game more fun for the rest of us! I know, lets bring a place in where we can play without these big mean guys! Oh wait, you did that already.


You care enough to come and post and stick your nose and try to be 'the mature one' and explain to us why our (READ: OUR, NOT YOURS)
It's not yours.

Or ours.

Or anyone else's except for the people that own, operate, and moderate the Stratics forums. Meaning if you break ANY rules of the RoC, regardless of which forum, action can and will be taken. The Oceania forum does not belong to you, nor any thread posted in it. It belongs to Stratics and is subject to moderation as such.

There ya go. Now you know why the thread was removed.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Proves his point doesnt it? The MAJORITY of Oceania want this thread back. But the minority few have the power to not bring it back. Hell, its not even a tram vs fel fight. People who dont PvP have tried to campaign for it back - because they also know how hard the community has suffered for it.

But your right, lets censor people because we dont like their playstyle, because that will totally make the game more fun for the rest of us! I know, lets bring a place in where we can play without these big mean guys! Oh wait, you did that already.
I never said censor anyone. My point was post your darn thread in your shard forum, not here, lol.

The mods here have no control over your forum so thus this thread is a waste of time.


I never said censor anyone. My point was post your darn thread in your shard forum, not here, lol.

The mods here have no control over your forum and thus this thread is basically a waste of time.
There are 3.


Idiot. The forum is representative of our SHARD. And yes - THAT IS _OUR_ SHARD. I pay to play that game.
Yes, your shard, not your shard forum. Stratics is in no way affiliated with EA/Mythic or UO, they simply provide a site for it's discussion.

And if its a privately run business (this forum), and you censor a playstyle, which then leads to a shard being shutdown, which is less people, less money for EA, which means less chance this game is going to be viable to run, which leads to the most active forums on stratics shutting down.
Shard forums are far from the most active on Stratics. Also, PvP'rs are far from the largest group of UO players, so in either case your statement holds no water. Wait. Does that mean the island sinks? ;)

Business sense? It has none.
Considering how long they've been around, and how many games they provide an outlet for, I'd say whoever is the owner has a pretty good sense myself.

Put a specific forum where its anything goes (except porn, etc etc) but where we can go and if you dont like what is posted, dont go in. SIMPLE.
Here ya go:


But no, you guys cant keep away, and then whinge like a bunch of babies and throw your toys out the pram.
Dude, I hate to be the one to break it to ya (no I don't, I'm just being polite), but you're the one that made this post in UHall. It's fair game to anyone. I don't think I've ever, even once, popped into ANY thread on Oceania forum.

Oh, btw....what's a whinge? Is that anything like a whine? :thumbsup:


Actually yes i do, as even on our PvP board the majority of the "trammies" go there to sell things and ask advice.

Resorting to personal insults just further highlights why your PvP thread got removed.

I didnt insult your job i asked a question and was directing it at your comments made on your thread.

The reason your thread was deleted has been said before, you have no respect. You didnt respect the mods when they asked you to refrain from personal insults, you continued, they locked.

You still show a lack of respect, so i wouldnt hold your breath for its return.


Second of all, just to ram home how intelligent you are, I did not start this thread. Try again, chum.
Uh.. I don't know how to break this to ya Einstein.....but....

I didn't say thread.

I said "post".

As far as the rest, well, now I know why YOUR precious thread was locked.

Really. 12 yr old 7331 smack talk doesn't cut it on Stratics. Especially in UHall.


Its a PVP thread ffs, not a discussion on how cute your babies or your in game wedding.

You think two boxers are going to go 'gday old chum, hows that lovely missus of yours? how about that sun shining ey?'. No - they say stuff to get each other riled up. Why else do you think we do it? Its banter for christ sake. Noone in there who participate in it are offended, and if they are - they are told to get out.

I am having a reasonable discussion - I have told you why it should be back, and how it is killing our small shard community. All you are doing is 'well you arent being very nice, you wont get your pvp thread back'. That might work for a 4 year old, but not to an adult. We arent going to be held to ransom. Simple fact is - if its not returned, shard will die, EA will get less money meaning they are closer to making no money and the game will close. Look at the treads on oceania since the thread was closed - half a dozen asking for it reopened (BY TRAMMIES THEMSELVES), about 3 people (the older 'mature (HA)' ones who agreed it should be closed because it had nothing to do with them) making threads on that local fishing trip, or all cognratulating someone on gming taming, or welcoming an old player back (who subsequently leaves because there is no community).

I hope to god you never run a business.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am also from Oceania, and like a lot of other Oceania players don't bother to post on OUR forum any more. You can see by this thread why that would be so. Of the group I am in NONE will post on our forum they figure leave it to the kids, it is now at the point that they think they are the Majority and if they wish to think that who cares. The rest of us voted with our feet ages ago and stopped posting.

However, coming to this forum and bringing their childishness that they display on Oceania to here and then claiming they speak for ALL Oceanians is certainly not the case.

As it is the Forum Mod who closed down their pvp thread said and I quote:

To be perfectly honest about the PVP thread and everything that has been said.

1: Dont point the finger at Katlene for reporting posts in the PVP thread. Your so way off target that it makes me laugh. Its the PVPers themselves who complain the most about posts within the PVP thread, especially when there is a personal insult... why ? because they want to cause trouble for the players in the forum as well as in game.

2: I gave you guys time to chill out and come back to eath. There was way to much on the personal insults. Yes i did enjoy the PVP thread, but when it started to get flooded with the personal insults, it became a joke to let it stay open. And even with a break from the PVP thread, you guys have this thread and cant help yourself but point fingers at people and come out with the insults yet again. I have asked time and time again for you folk to show me that you are above this, and show me that if i re open the PVP thread that you will be in more control of yourselves and make it a fun thread to have again.

3: The PVP thread would have never existed if it wasnt for me, everyone wanted to shut it down before it even started, but i went against the lot of them and did it anyway because i believed you guys deserved to have your own place to rant and rave, I put the rules up and made sure they were enforced. But you guys still didnt learn. Show me im not wasting my time by defending the PVP thread....

You guys know the rules, if you seriously want the PVP thread back, then prove to me that you are all adults and know the difference between having fun and taking it too far. Go back and edit your posts within this thread and take out the things that you KNOW shouldnt be posted. Then PM me and tell me what you have done to clean it up.

Then i will make a decision if it comes back now.... or later....
and the whole thread this was taken from is http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=141568

As you can see by the level of intelligent posts in this thread, and the attitude this element displays to the rest of the players on our shard is it really any wonder why our shard has about 10-20% of it's player base left.

I have no doubt I will now be attacked by this 'crowd' for having the temerity to voice a different opinion, it is what happens on our board all the time and why most of the Trammel population don't really bother with that board anymore.

Go back to the Oceania board please. You don't need to embarrass the whole of our shard with this rot.


Uh.. I don't know how to break this to ya Einstein.....but....

I didn't say thread.

I said "post".

As far as the rest, well, now I know why YOUR precious thread was locked.

Really. 12 yr old 7331 smack talk doesn't cut it on Stratics. Especially in UHall.
We all very well know you meant thread.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not so long ago the trams kept getting upset at some of the stuff that was being written in the Oceania PvP thread. It must have been hurting their delicate sensibilities even though none of it was directed at them nor of concern to them and they had no reason to peruse the thread in the first place. Nevertheless these lifeless fun cops kept reporting posts and crying to mods until the thread was taken away for good and now we want it back. Please post to show your support!!!

I'm not even a pvper and I'm in full support for you to have your pvp thread back.

Alternatly, make a uo - pvp forum and slap a 18 or over rule on it. Then no one can ruin it, and you can spank the trammie police openly.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But whatever, discussing this on a forum with a bunch of elderly spastics who cant see three cm's in front of their faces is clearly a futile effort..
This guy's a real charmer. Talk about how to win friends and influence people lol...

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where to start?

1. Discussing the actions of a moderator.
2. Slinging personal insults at all and sundry.
I don't think I'll go on.
I'm sure your moderator would be happy to restore a pvp thread, if you actually discussed pvp on it instead of throwing RL insults at anyone and everyone.
Yes, I'm locking this thread. Return to Oceania, prove you can discuss tactics and actions that occured in game without dragging RL into it and maybe you'll get somewhere.

Spitting your collective dummies out on UHall isn't going to do it.
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