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The Dead Recalling Miner That Couldn't

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Lord Gareth

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Think he will be back in 72hrs? Or in 5mins? Or maybe perma?

Also something else weird. I wasn't on the beach.



I unfortunatly predict he wont get seen to before your page is met.

May have to stay there and repeat the process untill they do.

Good luck Fighting the good fight :p


Babbling Loonie
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I once watched a ghost trying really hard to tame a llama...he kept running round the bull pens going oooOOo and a few tamers tried to res him. Then a necro mentioned that the OOoooO translated as "all follow me" so I figured the GM would get a laugh from a ghost chasing llamas on a taming script. I paged... let's just say they didn't come back for 3 days and when they did, the afk scripting was stopped ;)

Mind you, it'd be a sorry GM who believed a ghost was attended and intentionally taming as a corpse...


The Home Guild

Op:You're just the coolest.
Showing off your good deeds makes you feel more of a man.
Power to you.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Op:You're just the coolest.
Showing off your good deeds makes you feel more of a man.
Power to you.
Oh I don't care about the good deed. I normally don't bother with script miners unless they are mining what I'm trying to mine. I normally just kill them and move on.

But come on!!! That is funny! Sacred Journey over and over and over.. you would think the person who made what he was using would be smart and put something in for YOU ARE DEAD!! hehe. I only paged because the scripter is an idiot.... plus its called breaking game law. Sorry that you have no integrity

Maybe his ghost is just mad....
HAHAHA to that.


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I find that Gareth trying to turn in an AFK miner kind of ironic.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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ironic a different choice of words. My miner isn't afk. It is to hard to afk mining when I only use gargoyle pick axes when I mine. No point in mining unless your getting that extra 50 ingots killing them. Also seeing as I haven't mined in awhile since today. To be honest you have never seen Nara (OkuC) ever afk mining. Always with my pack horse and fire beetle. Also where would I setup a scripter? All my houses are in the city. *smiles*

I find it odd that someone would say that who must assume they know me at all. I don't know you and frankly am glade to not. I mine the same spot, same area and Angelica would drop me dead in five seconds and so would snow from S*D if I script mined.

So move along. :next:

Unless you think I am someone else? Care to give a crack at that one? Maybe you both can get one right this time.


Seasoned Veteran
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You said you never made a script miner. Whether or not I believe you is not the point. I don't care if you have a script miner.

However, you did admit to being a scripter when finding IDOCs.

I just think its ironic that one scripter would play the self righteous role and bring down another scripter.

Oh wait, it's okay because he is a stupid AFK scripter. You are a legit I'm on the screen scripter. I get it.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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oh here. Name all blotted out too. Needed some shadow stone for tables. Second time there today prolly all together an hour.

That make you happy? No page just killed. shesh two in just one single area.

and he stood there for awhile as I missed and landed shots from 20-35dmg. Didn't even try to recall or run just stood there. Another case of dumb afk miner.

But you know...
Who cares what other people think? It's just a game!

Stupid Miner

Think he will be back in 72hrs? Or in 5mins? Or maybe perma?

Also something else weird. I wasn't on the beach....
You seem to be getting a bit of unfair flak for this. Keep up the good work though and let's hope the GM got him. :thumbsup:


You seem to be getting a bit of unfair flak for this. Keep up the good work though and let's hope the GM got him. :thumbsup:
Flak? Yes. Unfair? No. If someone wants to spend their time running around looking to report people that's their choice. But do we need thread after thread made by them about it? It seems a little Stuart ish with the "look what I can do" mentality.

I sometimes use the "Help" feature when I get stuck. Should I make a thread about it every time I do? Would that make me straticscool too?

I also sometimes use the apply code button. Want to see a thread about it every time I do?

"Look how cool I am. I used the Stuck feature and got teleported to Cove. I r teh kewl!!! Post replies to tell me how awesomely awesome I am. K and thanks." Sounds pretty ignorant and also sound very fitting to this environment.


Grand Poobah
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Good job Gareth! Not sure why people here seem to react so negative to this. Maybe more people here are afk scripters than we think ;)

Stupid Miner

Flak? Yes. Unfair? No. If someone wants to spend their time running around looking to report people that's their choice. But do we need thread after thread made by them about it? It seems a little Stuart ish with the "look what I can do" mentality.

I sometimes use the "Help" feature when I get stuck. Should I make a thread about it every time I do? Would that make me straticscool too?

I also sometimes use the apply code button. Want to see a thread about it every time I do?

"Look how cool I am. I used the Stuck feature and got teleported to Cove. I r teh kewl!!! Post replies to tell me how awesomely awesome I am. K and thanks." Sounds pretty ignorant and also sound very fitting to this environment.
Actually the UO population as a whole has become completely disillusioned with GMs and scripters so it actually does help boost morale when posts are made about scripters actually being dealt with. If it gets other people to page on scripters, then, yes, it is worth posting about.


Good job Gareth! Not sure why people here seem to react so negative to this. Maybe more people here are afk scripters than we think ;)
Maybe you are reading a different thread. I haven't seen one post here from someone in support of script afk mining. That would be not one. Zero. None.

What other people have said is that making a stupid new thread every time something like this happens is ********. Re from the latin Verymuch and tarded from the latin lookslikeanidiotwithlowselfesteemthatwantstolookcooleventhoughtheyarent.

Spend 23 hours a day 7 days a week standing in a mine hoping to find someone you can report on. I don't care. And I am sure people that do script mine don't care either. But jeez, a new thread about it each time?

"I walked to the Abbey and opened the door. Here is my thread about it. And I will make a new thread about it tomorrow when I do it. I rock and you if don't agree it clearly means you are an abbey door duper."


Actually the UO population as a whole has become completely disillusioned with GMs and scripters so it actually does help boost morale when posts are made about scripters actually being dealt with. If it gets other people to page on scripters, then, yes, it is worth posting about.
Really? This post was about a scripter being dealt with? How so? What happened to this specific scripter? Did the GM report back that they banned the scripter? Did a notice go up on town boards with the character's name with "banned for scripting" beside it? I don't recall that part of the thread but I would love to see some word about that aspect of it. Got any?

If they really cared about boosting moral in regards to things like this, they would make public each and every ban that they make because of it. A simple line in the ToC saying "We maintain the right to post any and all character names that are found to be breaking the rules of conduct for this game." would do more to boost moral than ten million idiots here posting about paging a GM then having no clue if anything ever came of it.


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Maybe you are reading a different thread. I haven't seen one post here from someone in support of script afk mining. That would be not one. Zero. None.

Except yours?

I'm sorry - in my eyes, and to most other people I know, condemning people for reporting CHEATERS is by definition SUPPORTING THE CHEATERS.

Perhaps shopping at THIS LINK will get you what you so desperately need....

Old Man of UO

Flak? Yes. Unfair? No. If someone wants to spend their time running around looking to report people that's their choice. But do we need thread after thread made by them about it? It seems a little Stuart ish with the "look what I can do" mentality. ...
Who got your underwear in a twist? I enjoy reading these king of posts, especially when someone finds a novel way to deal with the scripter... okay, this one wasn't exactly new.

My suggestion is that if you really don't like reading these posts, stop reading them... and certainly don't waste your time posting in it. Heh


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe you are reading a different thread. I haven't seen one post here from someone in support of script afk mining. That would be not one. Zero. None.
Maybe you didn't read my post clearly? lmao

I never said anything about people clearly here supporting scripting at all. I was insinuating towards those who are reacting negatively to this thread. By that I mean posts such as yours attacking the OP for doing what he did.


Maybe you are reading a different thread. I haven't seen one post here from someone in support of script afk mining. That would be not one. Zero. None.
Except yours?

I'm sorry - in my eyes, and to most other people I know, condemning people for reporting CHEATERS is by definition SUPPORTING THE CHEATERS.

Perhaps shopping at THIS LINK will get you what you so desperately need....
Again, where did anyone condemn people for reporting cheaters on this thread? Are you seriously reading a different thread and just posting on this one?

I understand your confusion. I did something you clearly didn't. I read my post. And then I reread my post. And nowhere did it say anything about NOT reporting scripters. Nowhere. But, you can make up whatever lie you want to make yourself feel better. I honestly won't mind. I find people that do that to be very very funny and I get a laugh out of your need to do so.

For the illiterate allow me to reiterate so that I may illuminate. If you want to spend all day hunting for people to report, more power to you. But, if you feel the need to POST A NEW THREAD ABOUT IT each time you do, you will come off as needy and just wanting attention. Which, of course, will mean that you will fit right in with most of the people here.


Maybe you didn't read my post clearly? lmao

I never said anything about people clealy here supporting scripting at all. I was insinuating towards those who are reacting negatively to this thread.
I haven't seen one post that could logically be interpreted as in support of scripters on this thread. If you inferred that someone was in support of scripting because of the fact that they think its childish and immature to post a new thread about reporting it regularly then that says more about your inference abilities.

No one came even close to implying that they were in support of the activity going on in the original post. No one. Not even close. No one came even close. How you inferred that and chose to insinuate that, again, says more about you than it does about the people you are lying (via insinuation) about.
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