Maybe you are reading a different thread. I haven't seen one post here from someone in support of script afk mining. That would be not one. Zero. None.
Except yours?
I'm sorry - in my eyes, and to most other people I know, condemning people for reporting CHEATERS is by definition SUPPORTING THE CHEATERS.
Perhaps shopping at
THIS LINK will get you what you so desperately need....
Again, where did anyone condemn people for reporting cheaters on this thread? Are you seriously reading a different thread and just posting on this one?
I understand your confusion. I did something you clearly didn't. I read my post. And then I reread my post. And nowhere did it say anything about NOT reporting scripters. Nowhere. But, you can make up whatever lie you want to make yourself feel better. I honestly won't mind. I find people that do that to be very very funny and I get a laugh out of your need to do so.
For the illiterate allow me to reiterate so that I may illuminate. If you want to spend all day hunting for people to report, more power to you. But, if you feel the need to POST A NEW THREAD ABOUT IT each time you do, you will come off as needy and just wanting attention. Which, of course, will mean that you will fit right in with most of the people here.