Okay sometime ago I bought a pair of Wizards Reading Glasses from a idocer friend. These glasses had a pbd on them I immediately paged a GM to see if they could remove the pbd. NO! The PBD owner (who'd quit UO) Must be present to remove the pbd!
Now we all know there's a glitch involving pbds and insurance. If you have a item with a pbd on it and you insure it ...it can go POOF!
Fast foreward to tonight, me and guildie were sparing trying to teach me to pvp, I died twice, looted body both times. After second time I missed glasses I emptied everything off me I could see it showed items in my backpack when there was none. GM-I-Can't-be-bothered-to-do my job refused to even check my backpack instead sending me a canned load of BS response. My guildie was standing by to talk to GM and everything.
I am 100% confident my guildie didn't take...so lets clear that line of thought up before it starts!!!
If the Dev team can't fix the danged problem with pbds or make it so GMs can remove pbds ...Then delete them across the board period!! It not like everyone has them anyway so would it be a little more balancing?
Otherwise why allow items to stay in game with characters who no long exsist's pdbs on them? Make those items go poof when the account goes inactive and house idocs so players are getting SCREWED by buying these items!!!
I think alot of old issues need to be addressed BEFORE we launch a new expansion and client otherwise its Same-Stuff-Different-Client/Expansion!
Please Dev Team for HEAVEN's SAKE do something about this most exsperating problem. Thank you for listening to my flusterated 2 gps worth!
Now we all know there's a glitch involving pbds and insurance. If you have a item with a pbd on it and you insure it ...it can go POOF!
Fast foreward to tonight, me and guildie were sparing trying to teach me to pvp, I died twice, looted body both times. After second time I missed glasses I emptied everything off me I could see it showed items in my backpack when there was none. GM-I-Can't-be-bothered-to-do my job refused to even check my backpack instead sending me a canned load of BS response. My guildie was standing by to talk to GM and everything.
I am 100% confident my guildie didn't take...so lets clear that line of thought up before it starts!!!
If the Dev team can't fix the danged problem with pbds or make it so GMs can remove pbds ...Then delete them across the board period!! It not like everyone has them anyway so would it be a little more balancing?
Otherwise why allow items to stay in game with characters who no long exsist's pdbs on them? Make those items go poof when the account goes inactive and house idocs so players are getting SCREWED by buying these items!!!
I think alot of old issues need to be addressed BEFORE we launch a new expansion and client otherwise its Same-Stuff-Different-Client/Expansion!
Please Dev Team for HEAVEN's SAKE do something about this most exsperating problem. Thank you for listening to my flusterated 2 gps worth!