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PBD = Pain in MY Butt!!

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay sometime ago I bought a pair of Wizards Reading Glasses from a idocer friend. These glasses had a pbd on them I immediately paged a GM to see if they could remove the pbd. NO! The PBD owner (who'd quit UO) Must be present to remove the pbd!

Now we all know there's a glitch involving pbds and insurance. If you have a item with a pbd on it and you insure it ...it can go POOF!

Fast foreward to tonight, me and guildie were sparing trying to teach me to pvp, I died twice, looted body both times. After second time I missed glasses I emptied everything off me I could see it showed items in my backpack when there was none. GM-I-Can't-be-bothered-to-do my job refused to even check my backpack instead sending me a canned load of BS response. My guildie was standing by to talk to GM and everything.

I am 100% confident my guildie didn't take...so lets clear that line of thought up before it starts!!!

If the Dev team can't fix the danged problem with pbds or make it so GMs can remove pbds ...Then delete them across the board period!! It not like everyone has them anyway so would it be a little more balancing?

Otherwise why allow items to stay in game with characters who no long exsist's pdbs on them? Make those items go poof when the account goes inactive and house idocs so players are getting SCREWED by buying these items!!!

I think alot of old issues need to be addressed BEFORE we launch a new expansion and client otherwise its Same-Stuff-Different-Client/Expansion!

Please Dev Team for HEAVEN's SAKE do something about this most exsperating problem. Thank you for listening to my flusterated 2 gps worth!

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BUYER BEWARE! (especially if said buyer knows there is a possible issue to begin with.)

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
DRACONI said "If you have a item with a Pdb that isn't your page a GM and they can remove it for you." Well that would work if the GMs actually did their JOBS!

The point is, its a known problem they refused to address....Why are we continuing to toss our money to a game that the dev team will not fix known problems, and WILL NOT address cheating-scripting-duping-hacking etc.

After 8 years I am beginning to question why I still spend my hard earned money on UO.

In this economy the devs need to be focusing on keep current customers HAPPY, .....if you're losing customers you ain't doing something right.

I speak from expirence as some who works for a small business. The business I work for is keeping a float because we TAKE CARE OF OUR CUSTOMERS.
We go the extra mile, I've hunted down unusual specialty batteries that the "Other Guys" won't even be bothered to find. When you go the extra mile customers come back and....SPEND MORE MONEY with ya!!!!

The guy I found a $30 rare specialty battery for,came back when they needed batteries for the plant golf carts.....8 golf cart batteries @ $107 each = $856 before tax that this same customer spent with us.

Please Draconi and Dev team improve your customer service and people will WANT to spend more money on UO! They'll want go buy all those add on tokens and stuff. If you treat your customers like something the cat just did on the rug, then pretty soon you'll be wonder where did all ya customers go!

Foolio the Bard

Why are we continuing to toss our money to a game that the dev team will not fix known problems, and WILL NOT address cheating-scripting-duping-hacking etc.

After 8 years I am beginning to question why I still spend my hard earned money on UO.
Leave then. No one will miss you.


Did you mention the Draconi quote in the page?

The GMs must have a reference of dev info to check if they feel like it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, you want them to remove an item that only saved up to 600gp per death for the people that still own one?

Way to cry over something that has no effect on your playstyle/gaming experience.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
For whatever it's worth to anyone that cares about this situation, here's a copy of what's in the Knowledgebase on the official UO site :


What are Personal Bless Deeds and how do they work?


Personal Bless Deeds, along with miniature house deeds, were given out to players who logged in with an Age of Shadows account between early- to mid-2003. This was a special promotional offer that lasted for a limited time. Personal Bless Deeds are no longer given out to players and a Game Master will not be able to provide you with one.

If you find an item with a Personal Bless Deed on it, or an item with your Bless Deed on it, you will need to find that person in-game and work out the details before paging for assistance. It will require the cooperation of both parties to have the Personal Bless Deed removed. A Game Master will assist you only if both parties are online and the item is available.

Game Masters will not help you search for the person who has applied the Personal Bless Deed. If you find that the other party is not cooperating, but is online, a Game Master can be called to assist in the Personal Bless Deed retrieval. At times a decision by the Game Master will need to be made on the Bless Deed or item. These decisions are binding and final and will be made on a case by case basis.

Personal Bless Deeds on Siege Perilous and Mugen

As of Publish 38 (December 2005), Personal Bless Deeds work differently on Siege Perilous and Mugen than they do on other shards. Any item that was personally blessed, whether it was in a player's possession, in a bank box, or in a secure container inside a house, had the Personal Bless removed from the item. A decorative deed was placed in that same container or backpack as a replacement.

To complete this revamp of the Personal Bless system on Siege and Mugen, each player has been given a new Context Menu option: Siege Bless Item. Using this option gives you a target cursor. Simply target and click the item you wish to bless. You will see a window showing and naming the item you just blessed. Press the OK button to continue. The item description now shows the item as being blessed for you. Items that are not allowed to be blessed (such as containers, stackable items, or items that are already blessed) will be met with an error stating so.

Items that are personally blessed can be moved between your backpack, paper doll and bankbox without losing their blessed quality. However, dropping the item on the ground or placing the item in a secure container will remove the blessed property from the item. You will always see a window reporting that the blessed property was removed from the item.

If you have an item with your personal bless on it and you wish to bless another, simply bless the other item. You will receive a message stating which item was newly blessed, followed by which item was unblessed as a result. Remember, you can only have one personal bless on one item at a time.

Items on Siege Perilous and Mugen that are personally blessed cannot be traded.

Personal Bless Deeds on all other shards

Personal Bless Deeds work differently on all other shards. Players who have a Personal Bless Deed from the Age of Shadows Early Settler program can use their deed to bless one item for themselves. Personally Blessed items are blessed for that specific character only! If you trade the item to another player, your Personal Bless Deed will remain on the item and you will lose your ability to bless additional items unless the new owner of the item consents to handing you the item so you can remove your deed from it. If you personally bless an item for one character and then transfer that item to another one of your characters to use, the bless will not work and the item will fall to your corpse upon death.

Personally blessed items cannot be transferred to another player using the secure trade window. If you're selling a personally blessed item and want to insure the transfer of funds will occur, you can use a player vendor to facilitate the trade.

To apply a Personal Bless, double-click your Personal Bless Deed. You will be given a warning window. Read that warning carefully and press the OK button. Target the item you wish to personally bless. The item description now shows the item as being blessed for you. Items that are not allowed to be blessed, such as containers, stackable items, or items that are already blessed, will be met with an error stating so.

To remove a Personal Bless, bring up the Context Menu of the personally blessed item. Select Unbless Item. Your Personal Bless Deed will be placed in your backpack.

To remove your personal bless deed from an item that someone else is in possession of will require cooperation. If the person will not allow you to hold the item, even with collateral, then you will need to request GM assistance. One of you page requesting a GM come remove the deed from the item while you are both standing together in a safe location. If both of you and the item are not present a GM will ask you to page when you are both available.

If you own an item with someone else's Personal Bless Deed on it you will have to reverse the above instructions. Either work out a trade with the deed owner or both of you together page for the Game Master.

And, as always, here is the obligatory link for anyone who wishes to read the Q&A themselves: http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=11216.


What ive noticed with all problems involving GM attention is you need to page more than once.

Most of the time you get a canned response, until you reach a GM who will actually read your page.

I have had this(not this exact thing) happen a few times. 3canned responses and ont he 4th a GM showed up saw the problem and fixed it.


I usually get the "Page again and you are banned" message.

Old Man of UO

Now we all know there's a glitch involving pbds and insurance. If you have a item with a pbd on it and you insure it ...it can go POOF!
Really? I have not heard of this bug. I have several items with former owner BPD on them, one of which is an Ornie. All of mine are insured and I have never had an issue with them going *POOF* nor loosing them after death. If it is a bug, it must be a rare one. Do you have a link with the info?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If people could not equip items that were blessed for someone else, that would also solve the problem.


i see this like my tamer with a cursed AoF in his luck suit... I paid less for the item knowing i might lose it. You took the risk, you lost it, its not the games fault. You bought an item blessed for someone else, that probably shouldve been a clue. I hope you got a lot of use from the glasses before they *poofed*

according to the knowledge base quote above, "A Game Master will assist you only if both parties are online and the item is available." sounds to me like the GM acted appropriately.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
can you clarify this sentence for me, I've read it 3 times and the meaning is escaping me.
After second time I missed glasses I emptied everything off me I could see it showed items in my backpack when there was none.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
can you clarify this sentence for me, I've read it 3 times and the meaning is escaping me.
The backpack was completely emptied so should have been displaying no items but it was still showing 1 item suggesting the glasses were there, just not visible.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's what I thought it meant, but logging out and in again usually fixes that. If not you'd page a gm and tell them 'my back pack shows an item present when visibly empty, please can you check it?' and wait with empty pack for a check. They're far more likely to investigate an item present but not visible than an item missing, which will only get you the 'we cannot replace items' stock response.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
GM's cannot remove PBDs from items. What they can do is give the item to the person who owns the PBD, ask them to remove it, then return the item to you. Paging a GM to have PBD removed without having the original PBD owner wastes your time, the GM's time, and the time of everyone behind you in the queue.

Next time search the knowledge base before you page (as everyone should do). If everyone did this, this would actually eliminate many unneeded pages as well as providing an answer more quickly than waiting for a GM response.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it just me that the obvious solution would be to correct this "bug" if it's truly a bug?

Maybe its asking to much to not have things like this happen in the game?

Old Man of UO

Is it just me that the obvious solution would be to correct this "bug" if it's truly a bug?

Maybe its asking to much to not have things like this happen in the game?
As if such a bug exists. What's the point asking to fix bugs that don't exist? Heh


DRACONI said "If you have a item with a Pdb that isn't your page a GM and they can remove it for you." Well that would work if the GMs actually did their JOBS!
Do what I did - quit and stop paying their paychecks. There is obviously no competent management of this game. EA is trying to milk every cent they can out of the remaining users before the population gets so low that they feel safe pulling the plug.

wee papa smurf

Yet another statement that EA want to kill uo lol! Untill i hear it officially from the top brass i will always beleive that this game wont be dead for a good few more years yet lol :danceb: :danceb:


Why can't they just make the prodo shards PBD work like those on Siege and Mugen? I don't see how that'd be a problem.

By the way, it's PBD, not PDB.


Easy answer, EA/ M sells Personal Bless Deeds on the game codes site. Then we can PBD over the PBD :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think anyone that uses the "word?" Da in any form, should be flogged...and then reflogged..

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's what I thought it meant, but logging out and in again usually fixes that. If not you'd page a gm and tell them 'my back pack shows an item present when visibly empty, please can you check it?' and wait with empty pack for a check. They're far more likely to investigate an item present but not visible than an item missing, which will only get you the 'we cannot replace items' stock response.
I did page and ask the GM to check my backpack I asked very nicely and did explain about the item that showed in the backpack but you could not see it. Al I got for my trouble is the canned "We can not replace lost or stolen items" BS.

BTW, That is the same response another UO poster got when asking a GM to get a stuck item out from under his/her house.

Maybe the best thing would be to get rid of in game (NO) support completely its not like they do that much.

I have hunted and hunted for that thread about the bug with insurance and blessed items I can't find it. However after having slept on it I'm quite sure it was Jeremy or Draconi that responded to it. Seriously how hard can it be to let GMs remove a PBD or make a item with a char's PDB go poof when that char goes inactiv..IE: account stops being paid for. OR Make it so that a item with someone else's PDB on it is unequippible.

There's so many ways to fix this dang bug, but apparently no one cares.

Again I ask ALL OF YOU...What is the point of a new client and expansion if they cant/won't fix the old bugs. All you will have is a shiny, new client and expansion with all the same 12 YEAR OLD BUGS!!!!

I'll continue to look for that thread.

I'm just ticked off at losing a 12mil gp item over a know bug that could be so easily fixed!


Do what I did - quit and stop paying their paychecks. There is obviously no competent management of this game. EA is trying to milk every cent they can out of the remaining users before the population gets so low that they feel safe pulling the plug.
Yea, and that must be why they're allowing SA to be made too. :coco:

In case you missed the sarcasm!: I dont see why they(EA) would continue spending money making "game updates" like KR and SA and whatever else unless they plan on the game continuing. No, that doesn't really answer why the gms wont come check out something. Therefore, I see this as more of a problem to do with the gms than EA.
I've actually had more luck getting a response from EA(a real person I mean) than the Gms since I started playing again. Weird, huh?

How about I give you 12mill and we call it a night ?
If they don't want it, I would be more than happy to take it off your hands! ^.^

Old Man of UO


There's so many ways to fix this dang bug, but apparently no one cares.

Again I ask ALL OF YOU...What is the point of a new client and expansion if they cant/won't fix the old bugs. All you will have is a shiny, new client and expansion with all the same 12 YEAR OLD BUGS!!!!

I'll continue to look for that thread. ...
NOT a 12 year old bug, since insurance and PBD's haven't been around 12 years. Still, I am sorry you've lost you glasses. Are you SURE you didn't pack it away to get repaired or something? I did that and was just as mad, thinking I got struck with the insurance bug, only to find my lost item almost 2 months later left where I stuck it in a hurry to get repaired later.

A suggestion... try logging in with KR to see if it shows in your backpack in grid mode. Sometimes that will release items "stuck" in your ghost pack.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I have called GM's to fix two problems in the last week. Both times they came in person and helped me out. The last time they were there in less then 5 minutes.

I say that they are doing a GREAT job, and I hope they keep up the good work!!

I do write them a detailed message of what the problem is, and I think that helps.... Plus I always say Please can you help me with this "insert problem with details"



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did page and ask the GM to check my backpack I asked very nicely and did explain about the item that showed in the backpack but you could not see it. Al I got for my trouble is the canned "We can not replace lost or stolen items" BS.
Then I think you need to be very specific about the page then. Don't mention you are missing an item, tell them that your "empty pack" still displays as containing items. That is, of course, if that's the problem. Obviously if you mention in a page that you are missing an item you are going to get a canned response.

As for the PBD items being insured and thus disappearing. I have never heard of that problem. For at least 2 years I have been using PBD items that are insured and switching them between characters without removing the PBD. I have never experienced the problem with them disappearing.