Totally agree, Sarsmi. I've not heard from her in awhile and can only hope UO have
since snatched Saph up with both hands.
Thanks guys

. I have no comment on the snatching up business, but I am however happily creating art in the game industry and have been for the past 3 years. I partially owe credit to the Pixel Graphics Challenge with that one, since it was an excellent way to "test my skills" with game art and really did confirm what I'd suspected all along - that my destiny is in making games. When you folks responded with so much enthusiasm to the UO fan art I did, it gave me that needed boost to just go for it, take the plunge and get a job as a game artist.

I've now been working at Digital Chocolate for the past 3 years and love my job. Some of the artwork I've done there includes
these portraits and
terrorist guys from the 24 game we made for mobile. (recently released on iPhone as well). For the past year I've been working as lead artist on our very first Xbox game, Tower Bloxx Deluxe and this will be released in the fall.
In my free time I peek into UO once in a while and still have 2 accounts open, one for my sons and one for me. But I have to admit that most of my free time goes to
running a RP guild for old folks in WoW. Well, old in WoW player years at least ;-). You might be interested to see the
player portraits I've been making for my guildies there, since it's sort of a continuation of what I was doing in UO. Main difference being that the UO portraits were purely from imagination and the reference the paperdoll gave, where as these WoW portraits are screenshots that have been "pimped up" to become small paintings, so most credit goes to the modellers and texturers of those characters really. The pimping-up work is still something I'm happy about, since it really transformed the images.