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[NEWS] Week 10. Who thought we'd have given up by now?

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

This week we bring you a variety of items.

Under 'Fan Art' Saphireena's fantastic renditions; Thank you Lady Aalia

Under 'combat' A new page on the armor sets Thank you Stupid Miner

Updated, Spellweaving Thanks again RichDC. Please keep 'annoying' Petra like this.

Links to many of the EM's sites - See right hand menu of uo.stratics.com

A significant number of updates to Hunter's Guide Thank you Stupid Miner

An updated menu for Atlantic Shard Thank you Andrasta, News Manager for Atlantic.

We're not giving up on the task, how about joining in and getting your nick on the site? Please send submissions to [email protected]. Or send a pm to Petra Fyde, or even start a thread on UHall the way RichDC did!



We're not giving up on the task, how about joining in and getting your nick on the site? Please send submissions to [email protected]. Or send a pm to Petra Fyde, or even start a thread on UHall the way RichDC did!
How about putting my "nick" on the Bushido page since I wrote that before I wrote the Archery pages?

Credit where credit is due and all that rot...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh my god, I almost forgot how awesome Saph's work is. ARGH UO should have snatched her up and chained her to a drawing desk (or whatever them fancy artists use). So talented!

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about putting my "nick" on the Bushido page since I wrote that before I wrote the Archery pages?

Credit where credit is due and all that rot...
I don't know why you are so grumpy, but Petra has been busting her ass bejond belief.

As you may have heard before she does not have most of the things that where submitted to stratics before it all was given to her, so those pages or essays you have written are most likly nowhere near her.

So would you be a darling and resend them please along with whatever else you may have submitted in the past and i am sure she will take care of them.

And as soon as she hits the publish butten you will get your credit


The Bushido stuff was already updated with the new information that I supplied. What you see there now is what I did. The credit for it was just never given.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh my god, I almost forgot how awesome Saph's work is. ARGH UO should have snatched her up and chained her to a drawing desk (or whatever them fancy artists use). So talented!
yes... I would have sent them all chocolate


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Oh my god, I almost forgot how awesome Saph's work is. ARGH UO should have snatched her up and chained her to a drawing desk (or whatever them fancy artists use). So talented!
Totally agree, Sarsmi. I've not heard from her in awhile and can only hope UO have since snatched Saph up with both hands. :heart:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EM Quantum is no longer the Siege EM, it is now EM Faine Morgan. . .Please update?

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just talked to her about 3 weeks ago when i had the idea of adding her to the fan section.

Luckily Petra had her site and email so i messaged her. she took the time to update the site for me so i could add it all to the page i was making.


Foolio the Bard

Yes, that's the page.

I would have thought it should have been done when it was first put up. I didn't think about checking it until this thread or I'd have mentioned it before.

Btw, I'm always grumpy. Today isn't special. ;)
Yes, you are quite the troll.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, it should have, but I wasn't doing it then, and I didn't know it had come from you. The omission will be corrected. You have my promise. But I'm sleepy now, so I'll do it when I wake up.


Yet you're the one following me around on every post.

Look in the mirror kid, look in the mirror.

That's right, that's fuzzy purple hair on your head. :talktothehand:
Nobody needs to follow you around... anyone casually reading UHall today can see you are a **** ******


I thank you all for your hard work and I would like you to know that I for one appreciate the effort you have all put into this project. :thumbsup:

As for the two people who continually vocally attack Connor I think you need to grow up. If you do not like what he, or anyone, says on these boards you are not obligated to read it. Many of the older players have forgotten more than we will ever know about this wonderful game. :scholar:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aww shucks guys... *kicks the ground shyly*

I don't really think there are words to express how honored and thankful I am. Wow...

Thanks to the Stratics people for creating this concept of recognizing UO players who have given their time and effort towards the game. I'm looking forward to seeing many other names "go down in UO history" here!

Thank you to the EA UO artists for listening to our complaints and working so hard to make UO the best it can be. I know that you guys work under huge pressure and give a billion percent.

Thanks to the talented artists like Daji, who joined in on the Pixel Graphics Challenge crusade and helped get the point across.

And special thanks are owed also to you - the community - for listening to what I had to say back during my turbulent art related rants. It would have been so easy for people to snicker and dismiss this "crazy woman complaining about some stupid art issues". But instead you listened, pondered and quickly understood that the issues had real significance. You also recognized that my intentions were selfless, directed towards one purpose only: to ensure our game retains it's original class and splendor. And you spoke up, reacted, gathered information, pondered alternatives and solutions and most importantly: were so active that EA had to take notice! Those threads would have meant nothing at all if you guys hadn't responded!

Thanks everyone!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Totally agree, Sarsmi. I've not heard from her in awhile and can only hope UO have since snatched Saph up with both hands. :heart:
Thanks guys :). I have no comment on the snatching up business, but I am however happily creating art in the game industry and have been for the past 3 years. I partially owe credit to the Pixel Graphics Challenge with that one, since it was an excellent way to "test my skills" with game art and really did confirm what I'd suspected all along - that my destiny is in making games. When you folks responded with so much enthusiasm to the UO fan art I did, it gave me that needed boost to just go for it, take the plunge and get a job as a game artist. :) I've now been working at Digital Chocolate for the past 3 years and love my job. Some of the artwork I've done there includes these portraits and terrorist guys from the 24 game we made for mobile. (recently released on iPhone as well). For the past year I've been working as lead artist on our very first Xbox game, Tower Bloxx Deluxe and this will be released in the fall.

In my free time I peek into UO once in a while and still have 2 accounts open, one for my sons and one for me. But I have to admit that most of my free time goes to running a RP guild for old folks in WoW. Well, old in WoW player years at least ;-). You might be interested to see the player portraits I've been making for my guildies there, since it's sort of a continuation of what I was doing in UO. Main difference being that the UO portraits were purely from imagination and the reference the paperdoll gave, where as these WoW portraits are screenshots that have been "pimped up" to become small paintings, so most credit goes to the modellers and texturers of those characters really. The pimping-up work is still something I'm happy about, since it really transformed the images.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Promise kept Connor. I picked up the date from the date of the file on the server. It's a while ago, is the information still current or are the updates needed?

I agree credit should have been given at the time. I can't fix what's past, all I can do is promise that, while I have the managing editor title, I will give credit where credit is due.

I'll also repeat the promise I made through last week's announcement, to you and everyone else who reads this post. I will not 'sit' on information supplied for months, or even years! Anything sent to me, either via pm, email to [email protected], [email protected] or cheeky post on UHall (waves to RichDC), will be live on the site within 14 days.

Hope you're feeling better soon, being ill would make anyone grumpy. I know that most of the time you are a poster who is generous with help, advice and information to less well informed players - while we're on the subject of credit where credit is due. Friends now?

Extra Value Meal

For the all the excellent work Saphireena has done over the years, it's quite a shame it's never been utilized by the devs.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I may be remembering wrongly, but I believe one of EA staff once posted to say there were legal reasons why they couldn't do that.

Extra Value Meal

I may be remembering wrongly, but I believe one of EA staff once posted to say there were legal reasons why they couldn't do that.
Yes, i remember that as well. I don't see why such red tape couldn't be bypassed. After all, the art was done merely as an act of philanthropy. Perhaps it wouldn't run into legal issues if the art wasn't completely lifted, and a couple small changes were made.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IanJames, I'll contact the EM through the link for Origin and see if there's a replacement link I can use.

Minerva Foxglove

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow Saphireena! With your graphics I would actually use KR. The paperdoll look is very important to me.
Mim (the beauty) waves and shout "come back here!"