Yep this is a tough one. Personally, I like Succubi, and have actually had "decent" success with of all things rune bettles. I don't know why. On other threads referencing imbuing, it's why I've gotten a tad "insistent" on occassion, as imbuing constitutes the only thing on the horizon that may alleviate some of the problem from the perspective of our ability to exert any influence. I can't back it up scientifically, but my best guess is that the dilemma isn't in the drops or a character's luck value, but the range of variables on each piece and the need for what does "pop" to have some synergy to be useable. For example, if my succubus can drop an item ranged 50-500% total intensity (an example so please don't quote me, I don't know what they can/ can't drop), at 1-100% each property, with 1-5 properties, that translates into a very broad range, that gets "checked" several times over if my understanding is correct. Its worse than trying to find a 99% greater dragon I suspect, once someone more mathmatically inclined actually crunches the numbers. I'm about as organized for SA as one can be, every unused item we have has been arranged into groups by overall intensity, and the thousands of items we had decided to keep over all the years netted very surprising results. The goal with imbuing, if unchanged and as best I could adequately piece together from the info thats out there, is to attain a 400% threshold. We've got some it, but with very few exceptions, it's stuff I'm surprised we even held onto, it's currently mostly junk due to synergy limitations! And jewelry was the most disappointing of all, I suspected our weakest "group" would clearly be armor as we've either enhanced or destroyed the best of it over the years. Nope - jewelry - sadly lacking