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Skills - Please pass the salt..


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With many of the new expansions we get new skills, but what about our old skills? New spells for magery, necromancy, chiv etc could go a long way.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, but same spells since 98. Wouldn't it be neat if you could cast a cloud of fog for example?


I've often thought does magery need new spells, personally I don't think it does. Though if new additions were made rather than spells that are cast to damage opponents; a bit of creative flair wouldn't go amiss, say spells that are cast that provide a random buff in some aspect either for the invididual or group or maybe a few pixel crack spells that have special visual effects? x (Enhanced in KR/SA client of course :*D)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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If they put in new spells anywhere it should be to Chivy and necromancy..... NOT magery.....

They could "fix" some of the magery spells to make them more "useful"..... that would be ok.... but to add to them..... NO. Often there was talk of a Ninth Circle.... but I think that's too much...

Old Man of UO

... Often there was talk of a Ninth Circle.... but I think that's too much...
There was an old bug that caused spell books to show a 9th circle, and (it's been a LONG time) seem to remember plans originally for the 9th circle, but that is long gone.

BARDS need new spells (via instruments).

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think magery needs more cold spells.


And no, me saying this isn't ironic...



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok i'll have the following 9th circle spells please. (All of these exist in Ultima lore)

Wizard Eye (Originally 7th circle spell)
Incantation : POR ORT WIS
Reagents : Blood Moss, Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Spider's Silk
Effect : Allows the caster to see otherwise obscured places up to 20 paces away

Mass Invisibility (Originally 7th circle spell)
Incantation : VAS SANCT LOR
Reagents : Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect : Causes all nearby beings to become unseen, though still present

Web (Originally 6th circle spell)
Incantation : IN DES POR
Reagents : Spider's Silk
Effect : Lay's a fine, sticky web upon the ground to hinder a foe's progress


Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree some adjustments to what current magery spells do would be useful, but I don't think we need new circles. Chiv/Necro could use some more utility. I am looking forward to Mysticism.

Stupid Miner

New spells... nah... but i wouldn't mind if they fixed some of the useless ones such as air ele, water ele, fire ele, maybe boost earth ele, and demon. Give them some useful pvm spells other than EV and meteor swarm.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
If any single "class" needs an ability that slows down a target that's strictly melee warrior...

Stupid Miner

If any single "class" needs an ability that slows down a target that's strictly melee warrior...
Actually a melee warrior wouldnt benefit much from slowing down his enemies movement because a fighter has to be standing directly next to his enemy to hit him anyway. A slow walk/run speed ability is more beneficial to someone who's actually trying to stay away from his opponent: A ranged fighter.

... unless of course you're referring to PvP where he's actually trying to stop his enemy from running away.


UO Forum Moderator
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Here's my suggestion as to what to do with magery.

Circle 1: Remove Clumsy, Feeblemind and Weaken (Curse does all 3).
Circle 2: Remove Agility, Cunning and Strength (Bless does all 3).
Circle 3: Move Bless and Curse to 2nd Circle.
Circle 4: Remove Arch Protection (after all, if someone WANTs protection, even an elf at 0 magery can cast it from scroll, though it will take a few attempts)
Circle 5: Drop Blade Spirits down to 3rd Circle
Circle 6: No change
Circle 7: Move Polymorph to Circle 4 to replace Arch Protection.
Circle 8: Make the 4 elemental summons spells one spell, that functions like the Necro Summon Familiar spell (choose the type to summon from a list, based on your combined magery/eval skills - characters without Eval would be limited to the current 2-slotters). The list can then have other elementals added to it (say a 5-slot efreet, poison ele or blood ele, that requires both 120 magery & 120 Eval to spawn; Ice or snow eles at 2 slots, that require 200 points total in magery & eval, etc.)

This would leave the following slots open

3 first circle
1 second circle
1 third circle
1 fifth circle
1 seventh circle
3 eighth circle.

New/recovered spells

Summon mount: can summon a mount that can't be stabled or traded, and disappears when the character logs out completely or dies.
Minor Darkness: counters effect of nightsight on the target for a few seconds. Will cause creature targeted to lose combat lock on whatever it is attacking, but only at night. Cast on a player, does not affect combat, but turns off nightsight until the next sunrise (for RP purposes, seeing light-based deco, etc.)
Copy Rune: Will attempt to copy an already-marked rune not in a book, or the default rune of a rune book. Copy chance is (Magery+Eval+inscription)/3.

2nd: Add a "Find Weakness" spell - the caster is told the target creature's lowest resist, and slayer type (if applicable)

3rd: Add a Cold spell that uses SDI/Eval.

5th: Add a spell that acts as a toggle, and can negate one special attack, based on Magery+Eval compared to attacker's weapon/wrestling+Tactics. Has a cooldown timer after it is triggered.

7th: Put the Web spell in the Seventh Circle spot (with the other area effect spells)

A. Make Mass Invisibility one of the new 8th circle spells,
B. Make a (using the D&D name for illustrative purposes) Free Action spell that acts similar to gift of life (in that it waits to be triggered, and if not triggered, expires with no effect at the end of duration). For its duration would make the user immune to Eval/20 paralysis effects, including moving through up to 6 squares of a web spell, at 120 Eval.
C. Add an Area effect cold spell that (unlike mindblast) uses Eval, and therefore is affected by SDI. Spell could have a side affect of reducing SSI or a short paralysis.

Old Man of UO

Here's my suggestion as to what to do with magery.

This would leave the following slots open

3 first circle
1 second circle
1 third circle
1 fifth circle
1 seventh circle
3 eighth circle.

New/recovered spells

OKAY! That sounds like a great idea! When can you get started on it?

OH, I still want my new Bard spells!!!

King Frankie

Here's my suggestion as to what to do with magery.

Circle 1: Remove Clumsy, Feeblemind and Weaken (Curse does all 3).
Circle 2: Remove Agility, Cunning and Strength (Bless does all 3).
Circle 3: Move Bless and Curse to 2nd Circle.
Circle 4: Remove Arch Protection (after all, if someone WANTs protection, even an elf at 0 magery can cast it from scroll, though it will take a few attempts)
Circle 5: Drop Blade Spirits down to 3rd Circle
Circle 6: No change
Circle 7: Move Polymorph to Circle 4 to replace Arch Protection.
Circle 8: Make the 4 elemental summons spells one spell, that functions
Comon you even play Ultima Online as a player or just bank sit? i mean anyone knows weaken clumsy feeblemind is used all the time atleast i do since i play the game.

PvP has always benefited from thoose spells its just idiotic to make the game slower then it already is. BY that i mean slow as in PvP. When i started in 97 UO was fast and fun, now its just slow and boring it dont take any skill or timing to win over someone in the field once you hit that magic button called cheat.

What UO need is a big revamp in taking care of the cheaters and cheats so id say a spell called "GM POOR ACTIVE" instead would be much better.

just my 5 cents.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Create Elephant.

Ever get tired of those annoying jungle areas, all roots and crappy trees?
Create elephant would create a mount that would bulldoze through all that junk with you on its back at normal speed. All trees destroyed in its path would automatically be logged, cut into boards and put into elephants pack.
If elephant sees a mouse there is a 50% chance it will throw its rider and trample them to death on a fit of hysterical terror.
Feeding elephant cream buns result in more logs per tree destroyed.

Stupid Miner

Create Elephant.

Ever get tired of those annoying jungle areas, all roots and crappy trees?
Create elephant would create a mount that would bulldoze through all that junk with you on its back at normal speed. All trees destroyed in its path would automatically be logged, cut into boards and put into elephants pack.
If elephant sees a mouse there is a 50% chance it will throw its rider and trample them to death on a fit of hysterical terror.
Feeding elephant cream buns result in more logs per tree destroyed.
... and a 1 in 500 chance to summon Dumbo :D


UO Forum Moderator
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Comon you even play Ultima Online as a player or just bank sit? i mean anyone knows weaken clumsy feeblemind is used all the time atleast i do since i play the game.
No, I play Ultima Online exclusively as a non-PvP game. I also personally consider PvPing as not playing UO as much as you apparently consider non-PvP as not playing.

Why don't you actually look at what I was suggesting, instead of focusing on one line...

I was suggesting making Curse (which is all 3 combined) a second circle spell at the same time as eliminating those 3 as individual spells - which would probably help your style of play. It would actually be at least 1 tick quicker than casting the 3 consecutively (even without FC items - and with FC, probably can go off around the same speed as a level 1 spell on many templates), and it's not like the game already doesn't remove all curses at once with remove curse spells/items.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, I play Ultima Online exclusively as a non-PvP game. I also personally consider PvPing as not playing UO as much as you apparently consider non-PvP as not playing.

Why don't you actually look at what I was suggesting, instead of focusing on one line...

I was suggesting making Curse (which is all 3 combined) a second circle spell at the same time as eliminating those 3 as individual spells - which would probably help your style of play. It would actually be at least 1 tick quicker than casting the 3 consecutively (even without FC items - and with FC, probably can go off around the same speed as a level 1 spell on many templates), and it's not like the game already doesn't remove all curses at once with remove curse spells/items.
By removing Weaken, Clumsy and Feeblemind you would pretty much be destroying mage duels. They are used (very) often to interrupt the opponent's spells.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Say, what if they added 16 new spells for magery, but to balance it made it cost double the number of skill points ... well, I suppose they would need a placeholder for those skill points. But then wouldn't it be cool to be able to learn just the new spells without having to spend points on the old spells? They could call the new spells something nifty like "mysticism".


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they put in new spells anywhere it should be to Chivy and necromancy..... NOT magery.....

They could "fix" some of the magery spells to make them more "useful"..... that would be ok.... but to add to them..... NO. Often there was talk of a Ninth Circle.... but I think that's too much...
Agree, before increasing any more magery spells, there are other skills that needs them more - chiv, necro, bushido, ninjitsu and spellweaving all needs a bit more than magery. Hmmm... 24 is a good number... 4 pages of 8 spells.

Instead of increasing magery spells, changing certain spells like what Basara has suggested is fine too.


Basara, exellent post at #15 and thanks to Hex_Eurpoa for his observation/ recommendation as well. Once SA goes live, and we go through the next few patches to clean it up, it may be a good time for dev to spend a little time "in retrospect" and modernizing, resource dependent. Skills are one of those things that could take the re-look, armor suits another (I'm a major advocate of an orc set, and maybe even juka/ meer sets that provide "low cost" player "races"). Of the skills, the "magic" skill sets could use a little "upkeep," and magery being the oldest and most broadly used, either tops or is near the top of the list. Again, there are earlier recommendations that are great, I have nothing to add really. I'm pretty comfortable with where necro is, my "feel" is that then-dev got that one right. Now if you're an adamant necro kinda guy/ gal, I'm sure you'll disagree. Chivalry on the other hand, IMO, didn't quite make the same grade. Sure, some of the "spells" are superb, but the list is fairly short. And with Chiv it's not just the roster, but also required levels and benefits. I like spellweaving, and personally think it's a bit "under-rated" as is, but by way of review, the 100-600 circle requirements unfortunately have become outdated due to subscriptions - and honestly need serious review. Whether the lines" are redrawn or items introduced as an offset is a judgement call. My "read" on Bushido and Ninjitsu are that they're really not spells per se, rather are "special moves" sets, but both (particularly ninji) are in need of a little "broadening." A couple other points, Alezi made a factual observation in his post, it's really a cast/ recovery time issue, that should be considered in the "revision" process. "Old Man" mentioned bards, which both the wife and I have enjoyed for a llooonnngg time, which sounds like rekindling the old "songs" argument. I do think barding is one of the skill sets that need another looksee, but was never much of a fan of songs per se.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
... Unless of course you're referring to PvP where he's actually trying to stop his enemy from running away.
Precisely. In other MMORPGs this can be achieved even through the use of special poisons in the cases of Rogues, Assassins and such.
I wouldn't mind one that depletes target's stamina rapidly.

Normal warriors just have something like "Hamstring" as they often call it.

As for mages, I also agree to be honest. Something akin to that Spellweave spell only with an extra effect of slowing down the target. Cold Damage to be sure.


UO Forum Moderator
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By removing Weaken, Clumsy and Feeblemind you would pretty much be destroying mage duels. They are used (very) often to interrupt the opponent's spells.
And, damaging spells don't? Last I checked there was a spell that did damage at first level. If there's a difference in HOW the interruption occurs, then that should be the focus of your point, not the removal of three spells that are both redundant, and being used for their side-effect instead of their actual purpose.

So, how much slower would it be, at max FC, to cast a curse (if reduced to level 2) than a level 1 spell? For that matter, what if you lowered bless & curse to first level? If the 3 first level spells are being used because they count as 3 different interrupting spells that won't fizzle each other from one or two already being in effect on the target, not to actually (gasp!) lower the target's stats, then there's something wrong with the spells.

How DO mage duels work like that, if all you are doing is casting interrupts at each other? You just pound each other for 10 minutes, hoping that one of you somehow runs out of mana, so the other can get a damaging spell off, or bop them over the head with a staff of the magi, if you both run out? You can't kill someone with a counterspell.

My personal opinion, as a non-PvP type (that has occasionally dueled within my own alliance as part of organized fights), is that if your strategy is so complicated that you have to set up complex, timed, spell macros to fight for you, then you're just a spectator, and not really playing at all. Anyone can copy a macro - the only "skill" involved was with the first person to create the base version of the tactic, and that was more skill with your macro program (hopefully UOAssist and the in-game system), than actual combat skill.

If spell denial is your thing, perhaps you should go build a mono-blue Magic: the Gathering deck, and play that, as opposed to reducing a MMORPG to a one-dimensional shadow of what it should be.


And, damaging spells don't? Last I checked there was a spell that did damage at first level. If there's a difference in HOW the interruption occurs,

How DO mage duels work like that, if all you are doing is casting interrupts at each other? You just pound each other for 10 minutes, hoping that one of you somehow runs out of mana, so the other can get a damaging spell off, or bop them over the head with a staff of the magi, if you both run out? You can't kill someone with a counterspell.
The spell your on about is magic arrow, it has a delayed damage.

After it hits it does damage. The de-buff spells of the first level are instant. Thus instantly disrupting the current spell. Im no great dueler...but dueling mages dont run out of mana, well they shouldn't. Majority of the spells are level 4below.

Its about using your head and thinking about your next combo judging by what your opponent is going to do, countering there spells. Preventing the heals.


Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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I would like to see 120 Chivlery acctually getting a use....

I dont see any reason atm to have 120 Chivlery, not with the spells it has right now.


UO Forum Moderator
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The spell your on about is magic arrow, it has a delayed damage.

After it hits it does damage. The de-buff spells of the first level are instant. Thus instantly disrupting the current spell. Im no great dueler...but dueling mages dont run out of mana, well they shouldn't. Majority of the spells are level 4below.

Its about using your head and thinking about your next combo judging by what your opponent is going to do, countering there spells. Preventing the heals.

Exactly, RichDC... A change to instantaneous damage for Magic Arrow would be more true to the concept of PvP than casting minor curses that have zero real effect in terms of their INTENDED use, and are only being used for their SIDE-effect.

After all, in most other circumstances, if we were doing a skill or spell action to solely get its side-effect rather than its intended use, the devs would be all over it to change either the side-effect or the main effect.

They could just as easily add a "tickle" or "sneeze" spell to replace the 3 minor curses, that interrupted spellcasting as its ONLY effect, and it wouldn't make any strategic difference, as it would then become the interrupt spell instead of clumsy, et al. And, given how some of the curses seem to get their effects (or at least their "in effect" tab) stuck on, this would actually solve a few bugs by eliminating the parts of the spells that get stuck on!

We need more variation of the spell list, and even that sort of substitution would free up two slots for other spells to be made or demoted into.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's my suggestion as to what to do with magery.

Circle 1: Remove Clumsy, Feeblemind and Weaken (Curse does all 3).
Circle 2: Remove Agility, Cunning and Strength (Bless does all 3).
Circle 3: Move Bless and Curse to 2nd Circle.
Circle 4: Remove Arch Protection (after all, if someone WANTs protection, even an elf at 0 magery can cast it from scroll, though it will take a few attempts)
Circle 5: Drop Blade Spirits down to 3rd Circle
Circle 6: No change
Circle 7: Move Polymorph to Circle 4 to replace Arch Protection.
Circle 8: Make the 4 elemental summons spells one spell, that functions like the Necro Summon Familiar spell (choose the type to summon from a list, based on your combined magery/eval skills - characters without Eval would be limited to the current 2-slotters). The list can then have other elementals added to it (say a 5-slot efreet, poison ele or blood ele, that requires both 120 magery & 120 Eval to spawn; Ice or snow eles at 2 slots, that require 200 points total in magery & eval, etc.)
I've said similar things in the past about the magery spells needing a revamp.

Archcure is the only thing other than pots that will cure DP and it even fails sometimes.

Also, and I know I will get flamed for this, but NOTHING IS MORE ANNOYING than playing a template that is so dependent on interruption.

How dumb is it that you have to cast:
weaken, magic arrow, weaken, poison, curse, weaken, magic arrow, weaken, explosion, weaken, poison... etc.

Every other template gets to do as much damage as possible per hit, as fast as possible, yet we us mages are relegated to interruption spells until you can get ahead in the spell cycle on your opponent.

Magery is the only skill (and Necro) that requires a good connection and amazing timing just to compete, setting aside the cheat programs out there.

Personally I think that Magery should be one of the first skills to have some loving. After all it is one of the oldest skills in the game that has only had NERFS applied to it and never any benefits.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And, damaging spells don't? Last I checked there was a spell that did damage at first level. If there's a difference in HOW the interruption occurs, then that should be the focus of your point, not the removal of three spells that are both redundant, and being used for their side-effect instead of their actual purpose.

So, how much slower would it be, at max FC, to cast a curse (if reduced to level 2) than a level 1 spell? For that matter, what if you lowered bless & curse to first level? If the 3 first level spells are being used because they count as 3 different interrupting spells that won't fizzle each other from one or two already being in effect on the target, not to actually (gasp!) lower the target's stats, then there's something wrong with the spells.

How DO mage duels work like that, if all you are doing is casting interrupts at each other? You just pound each other for 10 minutes, hoping that one of you somehow runs out of mana, so the other can get a damaging spell off, or bop them over the head with a staff of the magi, if you both run out? You can't kill someone with a counterspell.

My personal opinion, as a non-PvP type (that has occasionally dueled within my own alliance as part of organized fights), is that if your strategy is so complicated that you have to set up complex, timed, spell macros to fight for you, then you're just a spectator, and not really playing at all. Anyone can copy a macro - the only "skill" involved was with the first person to create the base version of the tactic, and that was more skill with your macro program (hopefully UOAssist and the in-game system), than actual combat skill.

If spell denial is your thing, perhaps you should go build a mono-blue Magic: the Gathering deck, and play that, as opposed to reducing a MMORPG to a one-dimensional shadow of what it should be.
Dear Trammie, clearly you have witnessed a mage duel between two Sloths. Yes, damaging spells _are_ indeed used to interrupt the opponent in "special" cases. Most of the time you will not have time to cast a damage spell before the opponent has healed or cured themselves.

And even if you'd get a damaging spell off the spell delay will in 99% cases ensure that the opponent will indeed get in a heal or a cure.

And about spell macros... I'm not even sure how the hell did you come up with BS such as that? No one has said a single thing about macros, except you. I dare you to get macros and have a mage duel versus a proper PvPer. You wouldn't stand a chance.

When you have no knowledge of a certain matter you should be wise enough to keep your mouth shut. Here's a little treat for you - hopefully it will make you understand at least a little how mages work in mage duels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztY-9I17fqM&fmt=22



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The first lvl debuff spells are more useful to interrupt spell casting than magic arrow, because with eval, weaken reduces your str which in effect, reduces your max hp. The weakened opponent just lost hp that he cannot heal from (short of having chiv to remove curse or eating apples). Even when uncursed or when the weaken spell has worn off, the opponent has still lost hp as if he had be dealt a damage spell.

But what Basara says about swapping out those 3 spells also have merit (besides the level 1 debuffs, it's actually quite well thought out and presented, no need to pick on him for the 3 debuffs). Clusmy and feeblemind are really used less often - probably to avoid cluttering the UO macros with 3 different lvl 1 debuff spells, so only the most effective one (weaken) is selected.

Curse at the moment is superior to all 3, plus it reduces resists as well. But is less used since it takes alot longer to cast (level 4 spell).

So...what about moving curse to level 1? Thoughts?
(edit: just noticed that Basara has mentioned this too)

Would it even out the playing field against dexxers a bit? Is it overpowered? If so, maybe remove the resist reduction and call it "Lesser Curse"?

Also I'd like to request for the delay for summoning animal and blade spirit be reduced back to normal 5th circle delay times. I can't remember why it was changed...

Again, revamping of magery spells I feel is fine, just not increasing the number of magery spells. Well, not until the other spellcasting-like skills gets more spells first.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The first lvl debuff spells are more useful to interrupt spell casting than magic arrow, because with eval, weaken reduces your str which in effect, reduces your max hp. The weakened opponent just lost hp that he cannot heal from (short of having chiv to remove curse or eating apples). Even when uncursed or when the weaken spell has worn off, the opponent has still lost hp as if he had be dealt a damage spell.

But what Basara says about swapping out those 3 spells also have merit (besides the level 1 debuffs, it's actually quite well thought out and presented, no need to pick on him for the 3 debuffs). Clusmy and feeblemind are really used less often - probably to avoid cluttering the UO macros with 3 different lvl 1 debuff spells, so only the most effective one (weaken) is selected.

Curse at the moment is superior to all 3, plus it reduces resists as well. But is less used since it takes alot longer to cast (level 4 spell).

So...what about moving curse to level 1? Thoughts?
(edit: just noticed that Basara has mentioned this too)

Would it even out the playing field against dexxers a bit? Is it overpowered? If so, maybe remove the resist reduction and call it "Lesser Curse"?

Also I'd like to request for the delay for summoning animal and blade spirit be reduced back to normal 5th circle delay times. I can't remember why it was changed...

Again, revamping of magery spells I feel is fine, just not increasing the number of magery spells. Well, not until the other spellcasting-like skills gets more spells first.
It's really hard to start revamping stuff without altering the balance alot. If Curse was moved to 1c and the resist reduction from it removed it would be horrible. Imagine any kind of dexer/archer who 1)Has 70's elemental resists 2)Uses apples and potions 3)has chiv and 4/6 casting. There would simply put be no way of killing any kind of dexer 1v1 after that.

Actually scrap that, mages would be unable to kill anything that moves.


Curse at the moment is superior to all 3, plus it reduces resists as well. But is less used since it takes alot longer to cast (level 4 spell).

So...what about moving curse to level 1? Thoughts?
(edit: just noticed that Basara has mentioned this too)

Would it even out the playing field against dexxers a bit? Is it overpowered? If so, maybe remove the resist reduction and call it "Lesser Curse"?
I like the bolded idea, maybe rather than dropping resist by 10, it drops it by 5 instead at first level.

Underlined, i think lvl1 curse maybe a bit overpowered as it is an awesome spell, combined with the fastest spell in game(evil ome), this would be overpowered i feel. Having said that maybe drop its casting time to that of level 3, Id rather see the lesser curse myself though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for not clarifying, in the case of Lesser Curse, I mean one of the lvl 1 spells becomes Lesser Curse, which does not reduce resists.

The lvl 4 Curse remains, much like heal/greater heal. Ok, maybe reduce Curse to lvl 3. Personally, I would like to see more people use curse, it has great potential as a first strike/opening spell.

Bless gets moved to lvl 1. Or remains at lvl 3, but bonus/duration is affected by magery like before, instead of being tied to eval. (Ok, this is mainly for selfish reasons, my crafter gets overloaded alot and I used to cast bless to save my bacon heh)

Then use the free'd up some slots for more diverse elemental damage spells at different levels. And hopefully 1 direct physical damage spell too. Right now only earthquake does physical damage...

Yeah, I like suggesting things that borders on overpowering...I want power damnit! More power!! Mwuahahahaha!!!

But, but, but! Look at adding spells to the other spellcasting skills first.

Edit: Just wanted to say that when I first looked at Basara's proposal, it reminds me of my attempts to optimize my D&D spell list, hehe

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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Er, is not Magery already the most diverse skill in the game?
When was the last time you,or anyone else,has cast "feeblemind" or "weaken" hmm? There needs to be focused training in magery. Fire,Wind(energy),Water(ice),and Earth. The same spells we find now in Circle One through Four stays the same. When a mage gets to a specific level,he or she begins training in a certain specialized arcane magic,that contain its own spells exclusive to that element.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When was the last time you,or anyone else,has cast "feeblemind" or "weaken" hmm? There needs to be focused training in magery. Fire,Wind(energy),Water(ice),and Earth. The same spells we find now in Circle One through Four stays the same. When a mage gets to a specific level,he or she begins training in a certain specialized arcane magic,that contain its own spells exclusive to that element.
Approx. 2min ago when I was fighting a mage. The problem is that most of the people (if not all) who have posted in this thread solely focus on PvM and as such propose ideas based on their PvM experiences.

Hunters' Moon

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Approx. 2min ago when I was fighting a mage. The problem is that most of the people (if not all) who have posted in this thread solely focus on PvM and as such propose ideas based on their PvM experiences.
You see it as a problem. I don't. I would think that the vast majority of the UO population does only PvM. Theres nothing wrong with that at all,and asking that something be added or adjusted according to what many players do to make things more lively would be great for the game,no matter how ruffled the pvp'ers feathers get.


Hunters stop posting please, you are making yourself sound like an idiot.

What you are saying is that its ok to alianate a persons playstyle and make it useless to please you.

I mainly PvM, only pvp when i have to and i understand there is ALOT of stuff that either side will never use, how often do you disarm or bleed a monster??

Youo have just made the whole side of your argument invalid by your sheer lack of understanding for others playstyles!


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I bleed monsters all the time. Although that's on a pure warrior none of this samurai ninja mcchivlary type nonsense.


Lore Keeper
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You see it as a problem. I don't. I would think that the vast majority of the UO population does only PvM. Theres nothing wrong with that at all,and asking that something be added or adjusted according to what many players do to make things more lively would be great for the game,no matter how ruffled the pvp'ers feathers get.
I think you can be described perfectly as an arrogant and selfish Trammie. Please don't make yourself more of a fool you are already and don't make another post in this thread. Just because YOU don't PvP doesn't mean that it's ok to ruin a playstyle.

Now that we're at it.. I propose Felucca ruleset to all facets, I'm sure many players agree. Would be great for the game, no matter how ruffled the PvMer's feathers would get.


I bleed monsters all the time. Although that's on a pure warrior none of this samurai ninja mcchivlary type nonsense.
Aye im not saying its never used, but lets look at its design. due to the tiny amounts of damage(which cannot be amplified) we can deduce its not a damage enhancing attack. So it much more likely was designed to disrupt, apart from the odd SS on Monsters...disupt what? they dont follow the same casting urles.

Also, disarm, another semi-pointless skill in PvM. Most creatures once disarmed now re-arm. Some(ronins) actually do more damage disarmed. In essence another pointless PvM skill.

Dismount, apart from when you used to be able to dismount the chaos dragoons and the vanguards...what point does that have in PvM.

In summary, all playstyles are accounted for in all aspects of the game. To say things should be changed just to suit one playstyle is pure ignorance.


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Aye im not saying its never used, but lets look at its design. due to the tiny amounts of damage(which cannot be amplified) we can deduce its not a damage enhancing attack. So it much more likely was designed to disrupt, apart from the odd SS on Monsters...disupt what? they dont follow the same casting urles.

Also, disarm, another semi-pointless skill in PvM. Most creatures once disarmed now re-arm. Some(ronins) actually do more damage disarmed. In essence another pointless PvM skill.

Dismount, apart from when you used to be able to dismount the chaos dragoons and the vanguards...what point does that have in PvM.

In summary, all playstyles are accounted for in all aspects of the game. To say things should be changed just to suit one playstyle is pure ignorance.
I just like seeing them bleed.


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Dear Trammie, clearly you have witnessed a mage duel between two Sloths. Yes, damaging spells _are_ indeed used to interrupt the opponent in "special" cases. Most of the time you will not have time to cast a damage spell before the opponent has healed or cured themselves.

And even if you'd get a damaging spell off the spell delay will in 99% cases ensure that the opponent will indeed get in a heal or a cure.

And about spell macros... I'm not even sure how the hell did you come up with BS such as that? No one has said a single thing about macros, except you. I dare you to get macros and have a mage duel versus a proper PvPer. You wouldn't stand a chance.

When you have no knowledge of a certain matter you should be wise enough to keep your mouth shut. Here's a little treat for you - hopefully it will make you understand at least a little how mages work in mage duels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztY-9I17fqM&fmt=22

No need to watch your video. So, please, do, keep your mouth shut.

Every PK I've ever ran into was chain-casting spells, and always the same pattern with 100% perfect timing - sounds like a macro to me.

OF course, these were crappy types that specialized in killing resource gatherers. But, over the years, I've repeatedly heard people discussing their macros they use in PvP (some of it as a ghost, standing at a champ spawn, because I wanted to watch a certain spawn die after I'd rezzed some friends that had been working it without me, and they'd left), so perhaps your breed of PvPer is different from the ones I've heard brag before, and caused me to give up resource gathering in Fel 3 years ago.

Mage duels aren't the sum total of PvP - they are a specific subset. By their very nature, you will see a variation in tactics in them. I was pointing out an absurdity in the whole matter, taking the premise of interrupting people to the extreme.

Many PvPers have some sort of macro, as a signature move, be it a chain of spells, a chain of special weapons/bushido moves, or even the classic 3-explosion-pot-toss. The fact that they use so many keys as macro keys that they have trouble typing in conversation reinforces this (And there are plenty of PvMers in that territory as well - they just aren't as likely to accidentally kill someone they are talking to from a run-on sentence).


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Every PK I've ever ran into was chain-casting spells, and always the same pattern with 100% perfect timing - sounds like a macro to me.

OF course, these were crappy types that specialized in killing resource gatherers. But, over the years, I've repeatedly heard people discussing their macros they use in PvP (some of it as a ghost, standing at a champ spawn, because I wanted to watch a certain spawn die after I'd rezzed some friends that had been working it without me, and they'd left), so perhaps your breed of PvPer is different from the ones I've heard brag before, and caused me to give up resource gathering in Fel 3 years ago.

Mage duels aren't the sum total of PvP - they are a specific subset. By their very nature, you will see a variation in tactics in them. I was pointing out an absurdity in the whole matter, taking the premise of interrupting people to the extreme.

Many PvPers have some sort of macro, as a signature move, be it a chain of spells, a chain of special weapons/bushido moves, or even the classic 3-explosion-pot-toss. The fact that they use so many keys as macro keys that they have trouble typing in conversation reinforces this (And there are plenty of PvMers in that territory as well - they just aren't as likely to accidentally kill someone they are talking to from a run-on sentence).
Do you also believe in conspiracy theories? Only idiots use macros that chain spells as once one of your spells gets interrupted the whole macro is borked. Have you heard about this awesome thing called binding your keys? Yes, that's right, you can set a spesific spell to a spesific key. That makes casting alot easier.

Just for reference here's my macro list
My macros:
F1 = Explosion
F2 = E-Bolt
F3 = Mind Blast
F4 = Para
F5 = Poison
F6 = Magic Arrow
F7 = Harm
F8 = Curse
F9 = Weaken
F10 = Clumsy
F11 = Feeblemind

1 = Stone Wall
3 = Mounts my war horse
CTRL+1 = Invis
CTRL+2 = 'All Follow Me'
CTRL+3 = Primary Special
CTRL+4 = Secondary Special
CTRL+5 = Recall
CTRL+6 = Teleport
CTRL+7 = Bless

§ = Flamestrike
CTRL+Z = Arch Cure
CTRL+C = Cure
CTRL+X = Fireball
CTRL+V = Greater Heal
CTRL+B = Heal
CTRL+N = AllNames
CTRL+H = E-Field
CTRL+D = Arm/Disarm
CTRL+S = Arm/Disarm
CTRL+A = Guards/bank etc. macro
CTRL+F = Meditation
CTRL+U = Protection
CTRL+Y = Bola
CTRL+J = Target Closest Enemy

MWheelDown = Target Self
MouseButton5 (sidebutton) = Last Target
MouseButton6 (2nd sidebutton) = Eat Enchanted Apple
MWheelpress = Heal pot
CTRL+MWheeldown = Cure Pot
CTRL+MWheelup = Refresh Pot
Page Up = STR Pot
Page Down = AGI Pot

How many "chain-spell macros" do you see there? Exactly.


MWheelDown = Target Self
MouseButton5 (sidebutton) = Last Target
MouseButton6 (2nd sidebutton) = Eat Enchanted Apple
MWheelpress = Heal pot
CTRL+MWheeldown = Cure Pot
CTRL+MWheelup = Refresh Pot
Page Up = STR Pot
Page Down = AGI Pot

How many "chain-spell macros" do you see there? Exactly.
I like these, I was running out of places for pots, these make sense.

Apart from the side button ones, do you need a special mouse to assign keys to CTRL + Wheel or can you just set it in assist?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I like these, I was running out of places for pots, these make sense.

Apart from the side button ones, do you need a special mouse to assign keys to CTRL + Wheel or can you just set it in assist?
I had to mess around with Logitech Setpoint a bit to be able to set a bind for one of the side buttons, but other than that it should work just fine.


Babbling Loonie
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I think UOA supports up to mouse button 3, but I re-map my extra razor buttons anyway - to normal keys like del/ins so that I can arm/unarm and use it in conjunction with ctrl/alt/shift for different weapon loadouts.

3 of my mouse buttons are mapped to awkward key presses like alt+ctrl+shift+1 and I assign these keystrokes in UOA to play macros 1 to 3 for those actions like use smokebombs, mount horse that UOA doesn't have a built in function for.

All spells are mapped to ctrl+<key> eg fireball = ctrl+f, heal = ctrl+h, cure = ctrl+c, remove curse = ctrl+u etc

If there are greater/reverse versions of these spells, they will be mapped to shift+ctrl+<key> eg meteor = shift+ctrl+f, greater heal = shift+ctrl+h, arch cure = shift+ctrl+c, curse = shift+ctrl+u etc

Because ctrl+shift toggles object handles, I would actually like to use alt+ctrl. But the downside is that the windows key is in between and hitting these 2 buttons is awkward, plus I have to relearn my motor reflexes again...Now, ctrl+shift combos I can hit quickly by using my ring and pinky fingers.

Is there a way to remap the object handle key to something else besides ctrl+chift?

Skills and commands are mapped to alt+<key>.

F keys used for dexxer-oriented macros like special moves, bushido moves, use potion/bandies etc

Some of these are replicated on my Logitech G15 keys, esp the awkward ones that requires me to move my hands to the right side of the kb.


I got a imo pretty solid set up of macros, generally grouping all macros to the left side of the keyboard. Fkeys tend to be for walls(mage), bolas, arming(Dexxer) and the mount/dismount macros, which are easy enough to make in UOA. I was just running out of spaces for pots lol when i get in im going to try and assing those to the CTRL+MSWheel macros see if that works.


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No need to watch your video. So, please, do, keep your mouth shut.
Nice attitude coming from a forum Mod. Pretty much what I'd expect though.

Every PK I've ever ran into was chain-casting spells, and always the same pattern with 100% perfect timing - sounds like a macro to me.
If anyone needs to shut their mouth, it's you.

All you've mananged to prove in this thread are;

1. Your another POS Mod who can't even follow the same rules you enforce on everyone else.
2. You're a dumb arse trammy who doesn't know anything about PvP.