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[UO Herald] Beta Update

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In the process of crossing our T's and dotting our I's we ran into a small speed bump with the Beta invitations. We hope to be able to bring you an update to this at the beginning of next week. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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I have to chuckle, it seems it never ends.
A good group of peeps I believe, but they are, in the words of an old boss of mine, "snakebit".
Seems nothing goes as planned...


I wonder whether the issue is with the invitations or with the beta (i.e. the program)....


I would like to know if the "SA Beta" is for 1.) The SA Client, 2.) The SA Content, or 3.) Both! Anyone heard?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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I knew this was going to happen. I just told my husband earlier that I bet it will be pushed off untill next week. :sad4:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ugh.. pretty much everything UO for me is on hold from waiting for this.. hurry it up already, guys.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow... How can this kind of stuff happen so many times to things in one game? I love UO, but my god.


My fault folks! I've been off work with a fractured vertrabrae(spelling?) for a few weeks. I go back to work next week!!! :blushing:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I've been waiting for two years. Another week ain't gonna kill me.

Nyte Doombringer

Its not the end of the world. At least they informed us about it. I am sure they will get them out next week. :)


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
When you've been playing UO for a certain amount of time, you just get used to it. This is how they've always been.

UO Player's Creed: Until something that's been stated is actually *LIVE* on the servers, it has absolutely no credibility.


No offense, but honestly-- why even say "we are looking to release beta invites next week"? Just don't say a thing and then when you are 100% sure you are ready to send them out just say, "Okay guys, we're sending out beta invitations tonight!" Do you know how much more pumped people would be reading this? Saying "soon" when talking about anything dev-related in Ultima Online is basically a translation to "if all goes well, there's a 20% chance..."

Just my $.03.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys might as well change your scheduled release date from summer to winter <_<


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys might as well change your scheduled release date from summer to winter <_<
I'd have no problem with that. The more time they have to work on things, the better it's likely to be.

I say take your time. Who's in a hurry?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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For those who love conspiracy theories here's one for you (no truth in it, but that never matters for conspiracy theories does it?)

I bribed them with jelly beans and chocolate to delay SA so that I can get uo.stratics up to date before we have all the new stuff needing to be documented :D


UO Forum Moderator
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For those who love conspiracy theories here's one for you (no truth in it, but that never matters for conspiracy theories does it?)

I bribed them with jelly beans and chocolate to delay SA so that I can get uo.stratics up to date before we have all the new stuff needing to be documented :D
I knew it!!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd have no problem with that. The more time they have to work on things, the better it's likely to be.

I say take your time. Who's in a hurry?
They already delayed it 2 years, I don't think more time will change much.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wouldn't mind if SA was released even next year, so that it's more solid, but, I can't STAND waiting and not having ANY publish.
The EM's? Where in the world are they???? I thought that they would've kept us busy. All that they offer Atlantic is the same cheese races. Where are their ideas and events??


Grand Poobah
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You people act as if its the first time a release/launch/schedule change ever happened. This happens in all games.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
have you guys ever played UO? You should be shocked if it DID go out on time.


have you guys ever played UO? You should be shocked if it DID go out on time.
I would be shocked if any game ever did anything on time. No offense, but all games have issues with timing...even the big ones.


Well on a up note, no one has been rejected for the Beta yet, either.
Keeping my fingers crossed.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For those who love conspiracy theories here's one for you (no truth in it, but that never matters for conspiracy theories does it?)

I bribed them with jelly beans and chocolate to delay SA so that I can get uo.stratics up to date before we have all the new stuff needing to be documented :D
Petra, you scare me. After looking at Avenhar's post this morning and then checking out the excellent new articles, I got to thinking about how Stratics will be all nicely updated just in time for the SA release.

Then I got to thinking about how maybe you guys planned it that way.

Really, I did think that.

Nah, but great job to all of you folks working so hard on updating Stratics. Can't imagine all the hours you're putting into it. Kudos and a great big THANK YOU!!


I bribed them with jelly beans and chocolate to delay SA so that I can get uo.stratics up to date before we have all the new stuff needing to be documented :D

mmmmmm they were the good kind jelly belly


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They ought to start being honest, and instead of giving scheduled dates for publishes/expansions/fixes, just say "whenever we get around to it".


They ought to start being honest, and instead of giving scheduled dates for publishes/expansions/fixes, just say "whenever we get around to it".
Well corporate says "when can we say we have a release date?"
Of course you get a tentative release date.... because what else are you gonna do when corporate is asking?

The truth of the matter is, UO is a massive program. If you intend to add to it, especially with a whole new client, you have to go through and make sure that the things (code) you have added to it, doesn't affect the other things (code) that are already in the program.
For instance, how do you think problems arise like the duping of previously undupable items, or spawn problems. They are trying to work out the major bugs and tweak it to function properly, then they will release it to beta for us to do our part of finding the not so obvious bugs and mis-tweaks.


Founder, Citadel Studios
Stratics Veteran
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Beta is coming! I hope you guys are as excited about it as I am!



Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Many will be happy when you folks are a bit less busy and visit with us more often... Just saying.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd be more excited if I weren't so frustrated by the delays. :p


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh hey, it's Monday, AKA "the beginning of next week". Update, kthxbai.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I sure hope they get this beta invite thing done this week. The quiet is killing me!

EM events are dead. Or so it seemed. I just found their "official" EM site.
It would have been nice if it was posted on the herald or tied into the herald somehow. Why hide it like that? :coco:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know, it's sad, this is like the highlight of my summer so far.