You say this... yet play in Trammel where you aren't forced to do anything you don't want to.
I play all over... I prefer Trammel...
And Connor... most the games I know of out there now are NOT geared to the soloist... They are FAR more Communal... Many of them almost force you to be in a large group to really get the gear that they pretty much revolve their entire game-play around... Sure you can "level" some on your own to a certain extent but many of the MMO's I know of make it fairly well impossible to play Solo at all. UO seriously is one of the few that doesn't "force" you to do anything.... and still allows you to have meaningful game-play even if you never GM anything at all.
My biggest beef right now is it's very difficult to find somewhere to go WITH a good size group and still have a good time... without spending quite a while wandering about waiting for something to spawn... The Ancient Wyrm spawns so infrequently now that it's quite frankly boring to take a group to.... often by the time another one actually spawns half the guild has wandered away... Doom, and a few peerless offer much of a challenge at all to a group since everything has been now geared toward solo play.... It makes forming a guild or party to go out and do anything boring...
Sure I can think of ways to make it more exciting like a naked dungeon crawl... or yes going to fel and doing things with the "risk" of being attacked... but anymore the rampant cheating and use of 3rd party programs along with the added goodies to those in Factions make it darn near impossible to really play in fel... I for one refuse to cheat and I really would rather not have to put my character in Factions just to compete... I'd say over 80% of those in Factions now aren't in it to play Faction warfare the way it was meant to be... They are in it to use the faction gear period.
Add to that the level of immaturity of half those there and it's no wonder most folk could care less about ever going to fel.
I have my reasons for going there... None of them involve power scrolls or SoT's... And it certainly isn't to find a good fight since that's next to impossible...
Being Ganked 5 or 6 to one is NOT a good fight.... can't say that it can be fun for either side....
Ooo that was fun.... wait the guy had only 30 bandages on them..... I hit him one time maybe!?!.... Yes.... quite the challenging adrenaline pumping good time eh? What's that fight last all of 1.5 seconds! WHOOT ..... now what to do with the other 4 and a half hours of game play?... ..... Oh I know.... lets send one of you to Trammel and you spend the next hour and a half trying to trick someone into coming here then we can gank them in all of 1.5 seconds!..... it'll be fun!.... HA!... right... I'm sorry but I just don't find that appealing.... but hey if that's your thing then by all means... enjoy.
Thankfully UO has something for almost anyone.