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Anyone have any Melisande tips?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, Just tried to solo mel...

got this far and ran outta time.

Then tried again with a mage and my tamer and we got so close it wasnt funny but each time at end mel seems to go into a self heal frenzy then starts calling spawn, any tips on overcoming this?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes Word of death

very handy way to finish off meli i use my tamer with a splash of necro and ss to leech mana off her in wraith form casting wod non stop works great to get past the healing part.


I thought you said you were soloing mel. Looks to me like your letting that dragon do all the work.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am the dragon. The human is my pet. Nice tip about the wod, will try it.

Not a great days play 2 unsuccessful tries at mel (4 + hours gone) and took over a repond champ spawn in hum with a gd took 2 hours to get too archer/silver serp spawn as the spawn had reverted from lvl 3 to start and i didnt notice it immediatly, then server went down and champ cleared to imps. omg!


poison her if you are a mage.. it's a bear, as she is very good at cure.. but it slows her down.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She has two healing abilities, Spirit Speak and a special one where you get told her "wounds are closing".

The solution is Fire fields, and lots of 'em. They deal small amounts of damage but they deal it very quickly. Maintain enough and she won't be able to avoid them, causing her to fizzle every attempt to heal.

Another tamer and myself once got her down to something like 130 then she de-spawned on us. We'd been each using Cus, got stuck when she got to around 3000hp, eventually worked out the field thing and then she just went AWOL at the end. At first we thought she'd invised, but she never came back again...


All peerless have time limits...2 hours, I believe. After that, they just disappear.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With a gd it didn't go down within 2 hours? Bloody hell. My gd took her down well quick.


i'm not throwing rocks here but why would u wanna take to hours to solo her?

we go in with a discord guy now and can knock her out before the blessing expires. on a good nite we can rip off 7-10 runs in 2 hours.

just a thought. 1 have 1 guy in my guild solo's grizzle and another that solo's dreadmare. both take about 45 min.

i dunno, 2 hours seems like a waste to me but whatever floats ur boat.


Any group of reasonable minded folks can take the champs.

The real challenge is to do it solo. It's not about the grind....it's setting a goal and then working out how to achieve it. Tweaking skills, equipment, getting down the timing to maximize the templates abilities.

I think at one time or another all the champs have been solo'd. I'm not sure if it's still possible on some like travisty since they fixed him but it would really be cool to be able to honestly say...I did it....



Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Peerless should never ever be solo'able in the first place.

I'm sorry but that's my opinion.... Neither should you be able to ever solo a champ spawn... ever...

In my opinion if people ARE soloing them then obviously they are in desperate need of an overhaul to make them FAR more challenging. Add more random spawn... do something anything to make them more or a challenge...

Bring the community back to UO... and yes FORCE the issue... Whine all you like but those things are not meant to be solo'd... they are meant for Guilds and groups .... and if someone is soloing them then that means they are far too easy and something needs done to add to the challenge....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just a thought. 1 have 1 guy in my guild solo's grizzle and another that solo's dreadmare. both take about 45 min.
I can do Dreadhorn solo in like, 15 minutes. Not even done training the char yet either.

Any group of reasonable minded folks can take the champs.

The real challenge is to do it solo. It's not about the grind....it's setting a goal and then working out how to achieve it. Tweaking skills, equipment, getting down the timing to maximize the templates abilities.

I think at one time or another all the champs have been solo'd. I'm not sure if it's still possible on some like travisty since they fixed him but it would really be cool to be able to honestly say...I did it....

Travesty is still possible with a melee character, it just takes forever, and you can't have healing or vampiric embrace on your character.

Peerless should never ever be solo'able in the first place.

I'm sorry but that's my opinion.... Neither should you be able to ever solo a champ spawn... ever...

In my opinion if people ARE soloing them then obviously they are in desperate need of an overhaul to make them FAR more challenging. Add more random spawn... do something anything to make them more or a challenge...

Bring the community back to UO... and yes FORCE the issue... Whine all you like but those things are not meant to be solo'd... they are meant for Guilds and groups .... and if someone is soloing them then that means they are far too easy and something needs done to add to the challenge....
I hate posts like this. Go in with GM crafted leather armor with no mods and no skills above 100 if you want a challenge, leave it alone for the rest of us. I've seen plenty of groups fail hard at peerlesses even now anyway.


Peerless should never ever be solo'able in the first place.

I'm sorry but that's my opinion.... Neither should you be able to ever solo a champ spawn... ever...

In my opinion if people ARE soloing them then obviously they are in desperate need of an overhaul to make them FAR more challenging. Add more random spawn... do something anything to make them more or a challenge...

Bring the community back to UO... and yes FORCE the issue... Whine all you like but those things are not meant to be solo'd... they are meant for Guilds and groups .... and if someone is soloing them then that means they are far too easy and something needs done to add to the challenge....
You'll have your wish in SA, or so the Devs have told us. They've also told us that people soloing the Peerless is just fine and they have no plans to change it. When you start to force grouping in a small population game you start running into problems with people never being able to participate in the high end dungeons, getting frustrated because they can't, and moving on to a game with a higher population or that is more solo play friendly.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'll have your wish in SA, or so the Devs have told us. They've also told us that people soloing the Peerless is just fine and they have no plans to change it. When you start to force grouping in a small population game you start running into problems with people never being able to participate in the high end dungeons, getting frustrated because they can't, and moving on to a game with a higher population or that is more solo play friendly.
Nah. People will find ways to solo stuff. Just a question of how long, and how hard it will be.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, Just tried to solo mel...

got this far and ran outta time.

Then tried again with a mage and my tamer and we got so close it wasnt funny but each time at end mel seems to go into a self heal frenzy then starts calling spawn, any tips on overcoming this?
Why are you having so much trouble?

And get an archer with bushido and chiv to go with you next time you do lady mel...


Also, I read it took you HOURS to get a ratman spawn to level?!?!? WTF?

Man... I dunno if advice can help you. I've banged out ratmans with a friend of mine in under 15minutes before... that's from pop to dead champ.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Peerless should never ever be solo'able in the first place.

I'm sorry but that's my opinion.... Neither should you be able to ever solo a champ spawn... ever...

In my opinion if people ARE soloing them then obviously they are in desperate need of an overhaul to make them FAR more challenging. Add more random spawn... do something anything to make them more or a challenge...

Bring the community back to UO... and yes FORCE the issue... Whine all you like but those things are not meant to be solo'd... they are meant for Guilds and groups .... and if someone is soloing them then that means they are far too easy and something needs done to add to the challenge....

You say this... yet play in Trammel where you aren't forced to do anything you don't want to.



I'd agree thats a longer than average time to get rats to pop champ, perhaps a more suitable template would take less time; say necro peacer in wraith from spamming wither, pretty much the standard, rocks most spawns, get rid of the dragon ; P x


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
You say this... yet play in Trammel where you aren't forced to do anything you don't want to.

I play all over... I prefer Trammel...

And Connor... most the games I know of out there now are NOT geared to the soloist... They are FAR more Communal... Many of them almost force you to be in a large group to really get the gear that they pretty much revolve their entire game-play around... Sure you can "level" some on your own to a certain extent but many of the MMO's I know of make it fairly well impossible to play Solo at all. UO seriously is one of the few that doesn't "force" you to do anything.... and still allows you to have meaningful game-play even if you never GM anything at all.

My biggest beef right now is it's very difficult to find somewhere to go WITH a good size group and still have a good time... without spending quite a while wandering about waiting for something to spawn... The Ancient Wyrm spawns so infrequently now that it's quite frankly boring to take a group to.... often by the time another one actually spawns half the guild has wandered away... Doom, and a few peerless offer much of a challenge at all to a group since everything has been now geared toward solo play.... It makes forming a guild or party to go out and do anything boring...

Sure I can think of ways to make it more exciting like a naked dungeon crawl... or yes going to fel and doing things with the "risk" of being attacked... but anymore the rampant cheating and use of 3rd party programs along with the added goodies to those in Factions make it darn near impossible to really play in fel... I for one refuse to cheat and I really would rather not have to put my character in Factions just to compete... I'd say over 80% of those in Factions now aren't in it to play Faction warfare the way it was meant to be... They are in it to use the faction gear period.

Add to that the level of immaturity of half those there and it's no wonder most folk could care less about ever going to fel.

I have my reasons for going there... None of them involve power scrolls or SoT's... And it certainly isn't to find a good fight since that's next to impossible...

Being Ganked 5 or 6 to one is NOT a good fight.... can't say that it can be fun for either side....

Ooo that was fun.... wait the guy had only 30 bandages on them..... I hit him one time maybe!?!.... Yes.... quite the challenging adrenaline pumping good time eh? What's that fight last all of 1.5 seconds! WHOOT ..... now what to do with the other 4 and a half hours of game play?... ..... Oh I know.... lets send one of you to Trammel and you spend the next hour and a half trying to trick someone into coming here then we can gank them in all of 1.5 seconds!..... it'll be fun!.... HA!... right... I'm sorry but I just don't find that appealing.... but hey if that's your thing then by all means... enjoy.

Thankfully UO has something for almost anyone.


The limit is roughly one hour. It's certainly not two.
It's definitely well over an hour. I stoned off disco to put weaving on my tamer for travesty the other day...couldn't find a focus. Went in, and rather comically, just couldn't do enough damage to kill Travesty. I was in there for pretty close to 2 hours before she disappeared.

edit: UOGuide says 2 hours. It's at the bottom of the page:


It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
.... and if someone is soloing them then that means they are far too easy and something needs done to add to the challenge....

There are just some people who never get that others can and do things better than other people.

It took me 16 or so times over a period of months to figure out what my toon needed to solo dread.

Not to mention that I refuse to *buy* ingredients for my craftsman.

Forced grouping sucks.:talktothehand:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hopefully they learned a lesson from ML and NONE of the new SA bosses will be soloable. At all.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hopefully they learned a lesson from ML and NONE of the new SA bosses will be soloable. At all.
Why is there a lesson to be learned? I"m willing to bet that there are just as many "solo" players as there are those that always need to be in a group.


Peerless should never ever be solo'able in the first place.

I'm sorry but that's my opinion.... Neither should you be able to ever solo a champ spawn... ever...

In my opinion if people ARE soloing them then obviously they are in desperate need of an overhaul to make them FAR more challenging. Add more random spawn... do something anything to make them more or a challenge...

Bring the community back to UO... and yes FORCE the issue... Whine all you like but those things are not meant to be solo'd... they are meant for Guilds and groups .... and if someone is soloing them then that means they are far too easy and something needs done to add to the challenge....
Everything should be soloble that is the challenge not 20 + players in a mass mess killing the thing. This aint WOW there aint no 1million + players to group up with. Any creature that get added that need large groups to kill will eventually become obsolete as 1 of them being done every week or more. Personaly I don't find it fun 10 people dumping on something it's just a grind.
2-3 people teamwork thats cool,1 is the challenge of perfection.

If you never took one of the peerless alone then I suggest you try. Let me know when you finaly able to get the keys and kill it alone then tell me the feeling of accomplishment that will course through you knowing that you accomplish something that will take you many many tries to get done.


Sorry for helping this thread go off the original topic but...

I have the personal opinion that people solo bosses for the purpose of hogging all the loot, but instead of admitting it they try to glorify it as "doing it for the challenge".

I mean, come on, when you can solo a boss-level monster consistently (and within 15 minutes like mentioned above), I'd call it "farming" rather than "challenge".

Anyway, it doesn't really bother me that much that people are soloing bosses. What I'd like to see though, is something that encourages grouping without hurting the solo players, like loot scaling based on the number of people participating in the hunt. As things stand right now, if all you get is 8 stinking reg with a party of 3-4, hack I'd rather just do it solo so that I get to keep everything for myself. Of course the problem with my suggestion is that powergamers with multiple accounts would be very happy to pounce.


Indeed. Heavens forbid a MMORPG be multiplayer!
No No.. Massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Means you are role playing a character online with other players roleplaying there characters in the same world. Which means you make youre world the way you want it and at times everyones world collide with another person world. Should you choose to travel with each other and share youre world then that is decision totally up to you as you are role playing youre own story.
Theres no win in this you choose to compete or choose to live youre life as a fisher,begger etc.. I think that was on the box.

There are force groupings in some MMRPG like WOW but thats why I don't play it.

mmofps- you force to compete with other players to win.
mmorts-- you also compete with other players to win.


Sorry for helping this thread go off the original topic but...

I have the personal opinion that people solo bosses for the purpose of hogging all the loot, but instead of admitting it they try to glorify it as "doing it for the challenge".

I mean, come on, when you can solo a boss-level monster consistently (and within 15 minutes like mentioned above), I'd call it "farming" rather than "challenge".

Anyway, it doesn't really bother me that much that people are soloing bosses. What I'd like to see though, is something that encourages grouping without hurting the solo players, like loot scaling based on the number of people participating in the hunt. As things stand right now, if all you get is 8 stinking reg with a party of 3-4, hack I'd rather just do it solo so that I get to keep everything for myself. Of course the problem with my suggestion is that powergamers with multiple accounts would be very happy to pounce.
With faction arties out and easily obtainable soloing for loot is not worth it. Most do it for the challenge.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heck, i am not going to lie i solo peerless's for the loot. If a Crimson Cinture decides to drop 100% chance i get it. It used to be for the challenge but now its so easy its ridiculous.

As for the original intent of this post, Is your dragon a greater dragon and is he trained? I solo mel and have no problem with her at the end with a trained Greater Dragon. Even with no spell weaving spells on her.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I"ve done Mel one time, about 2 yrs ago, with 2 friends of mine..we all died....

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Solo'ing Meli for RPG purposes, Kaiser? Uh, ok. Frankly I think encouraging players to work together is more important, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

Anyway, a question to the solo'ists out there. How often do peerless bosses drop minor ML artifacts?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Encouraging players to work together only works if, you know, there are other players to work with. >_<

When I solo Dreadhorn, he drops minor artifacts like, every other run, on a bad day.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Encouraging players to work together only works if, you know, there are other players to work with. >_<
Granted, but therein lays the point - if you don't need other players, you'll tend not to take advantage of their services. So people (especially new players) get bored and quit because there's nothing for them to do, other then grind away until they can solo stuff as well.

PvP is the closest thing we have to an exception.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You say this... yet play in Trammel where you aren't forced to do anything you don't want to.

I play all over... I prefer Trammel...

And Connor... most the games I know of out there now are NOT geared to the soloist... They are FAR more Communal... Many of them almost force you to be in a large group to really get the gear that they pretty much revolve their entire game-play around... Sure you can "level" some on your own to a certain extent but many of the MMO's I know of make it fairly well impossible to play Solo at all. UO seriously is one of the few that doesn't "force" you to do anything.... and still allows you to have meaningful game-play even if you never GM anything at all.

My biggest beef right now is it's very difficult to find somewhere to go WITH a good size group and still have a good time... without spending quite a while wandering about waiting for something to spawn... The Ancient Wyrm spawns so infrequently now that it's quite frankly boring to take a group to.... often by the time another one actually spawns half the guild has wandered away... Doom, and a few peerless offer much of a challenge at all to a group since everything has been now geared toward solo play.... It makes forming a guild or party to go out and do anything boring...

Sure I can think of ways to make it more exciting like a naked dungeon crawl... or yes going to fel and doing things with the "risk" of being attacked... but anymore the rampant cheating and use of 3rd party programs along with the added goodies to those in Factions make it darn near impossible to really play in fel... I for one refuse to cheat and I really would rather not have to put my character in Factions just to compete... I'd say over 80% of those in Factions now aren't in it to play Faction warfare the way it was meant to be... They are in it to use the faction gear period.

Add to that the level of immaturity of half those there and it's no wonder most folk could care less about ever going to fel.

I have my reasons for going there... None of them involve power scrolls or SoT's... And it certainly isn't to find a good fight since that's next to impossible...

Being Ganked 5 or 6 to one is NOT a good fight.... can't say that it can be fun for either side....

Ooo that was fun.... wait the guy had only 30 bandages on them..... I hit him one time maybe!?!.... Yes.... quite the challenging adrenaline pumping good time eh? What's that fight last all of 1.5 seconds! WHOOT ..... now what to do with the other 4 and a half hours of game play?... ..... Oh I know.... lets send one of you to Trammel and you spend the next hour and a half trying to trick someone into coming here then we can gank them in all of 1.5 seconds!..... it'll be fun!.... HA!... right... I'm sorry but I just don't find that appealing.... but hey if that's your thing then by all means... enjoy.

Thankfully UO has something for almost anyone.
Nice straw man argument you built up there. No only are oodles of it sheer exaggerations, but parts often don't make much sense.

There are plenty of things for groups to do. You just don't want to do them. Many of those things are also soloable (ok, all of them) but even so... the problem isn't that they can be taken down by certain characters... but the fact that your ideologies contradict.

Trammel is a ruleset where you don't have to interact with anyone, unless you choose to. That is what the whole fundamental point the thing is all about. Community is a choice. How dare you even try to imply that your ideas of game-play should be imposed upon anyone elses in Trammel.

Felucca is a ruleset that is the exact opposite. Where communities are a requirement, not a choice. Where you need to rely on and interact with others in order to survive. You speak of pk's ganking you... well if you had 1000 friends crowded around you fending off your foes... that 5-6 player gank squad wouldn't mean squat (as an example.)

Trammel is your problem... it requires no community and there is no way to force it upon them. And people wonder why Siege is renowned for its community?

Welcome to the catch 22. You want people to 'play nice' and on your terms, but that won't ever happen on either facet you occupy. You are no king... a reality many beyond even you have struggled comming to terms with.

Have a great night.

*tips hat*


Peerless should never ever be solo'able in the first place.

I'm sorry but that's my opinion.... Neither should you be able to ever solo a champ spawn... ever...
It's an unending debate really, with pros/cons on both sides of the argument. A couple considerations before taking so strong a stance, 1) there are items, even ingrediants, that can only be obtained here. While one might say a crimson "should" require a group effort, where's the validity in the belief that ingrediants should be denied to anyone, at anytime, for any playstyle? 2) Never forget, lots of folks play this or other games for lots of different reasons. Once dev embarked on a path of deciding who could suceed, who couldn't, where and under what condition/ circumstance one might attain desired result, our subscriptions began to wane. It began with powerscrolls, and has continued ever since. Without subscriptions, voluntary "community" can not suceed, nor can our game. What dev has missed, repeditively, and what many players fail to fully embrace, is that the overwhealming priority from dev's worldview needs to be empowering players to do whatever they enjoy while maintaining challenge. Denial is bad - every time.

Bring the community back to UO... and yes FORCE the issue...
This can never be "forced," and frankly it shouldn't be. Games are meant for entertainment, and forced community/ communism is a liberal concept that has not and will never see actual manifestation.

Whine all you like but those things are not meant to be solo'd... they are meant for Guilds and groups .... and if someone is soloing them then that means they are far too easy and something needs done to add to the challenge....
A bit harsh don't ya think? I would never, and I mean never, tell you what to think, feel, or say. It would be nice if everyone did the same :)

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
where's the validity in the belief that ingrediants should be denied to anyone, at anytime, for any playstyle?
So... you're saying it's unfair that crafters can't get ingredients without fighting for them?

Yeah yeah, I know that's not what you're intending to say. But let's face it, that's what it boils down to: taking your arguement to the extreme means that all players should be able to get everything on their own through whatever methods they wish.

Mind you, I'm not saying peerless bosses should simply receive a HP/damage bonus. That'd just make 'em more boring then they already are. But any future bosses should certainly have a few challenges thrown in.

For example, consider a boss which could become immune to damage dealt by players with certain skills (randomly changing as the battle went on). Say the skills covered the four weapon classes and taming; that'd create a need to send in a decentish sized party WITHOUT simply giving the boss hitpoints out the wazoo.


The biggest problem in UO in My opinion is exactly the topic of this thread and what ive been doing for a long ass time!

Everything "challenging" in the game is now an easy solo kill...EVERYTHING!

I actually cant think of anything apart from the occasional bad RNG on any mob that makes them challenging.

Its not a case of beefing up there HP or Damage, its a case of Improving there AI randomizing there actions.



The biggest problem in UO in My opinion is exactly the topic of this thread and what ive been doing for a long ass time!

Everything "challenging" in the game is now an easy solo kill...EVERYTHING!

I actually cant think of anything apart from the occasional bad RNG on any mob that makes them challenging.

Its not a case of beefing up there HP or Damage, its a case of Improving there AI randomizing there actions.


could it be that the items people are wearing makes them too strong...hmmm

why does everything HAVE to be soloable?

i mean, shouldn't an ogre lord be able to beat ur ##S?

not to rain on anyone's parade, but when 95% of the creatures in game are not worth fighting, somethings got to give.


So... you're saying it's unfair that crafters can't get ingredients without fighting for them?
Not at all, a crafter is a character, a player is a player/ subscriber, separate things entirely. Every character certianly can't, and shouldn't (IMO, but that's a separate thread) be able to do everything. A player on the other hand is a different story. Each and every player should have the ability to fully enjoy every aspect of play, and choose the play style they desire.

But any future bosses should certainly have a few challenges thrown in.
Agreed fully. Per my first post, priority 1 for dev should be player empowerment, but "challenge" must be maintained to ensure continued player interest. I may be the only one on these boards, but I'm still challenged solo by what we already have.

About the only factual problem I've witnessed with peerless soloing is that groups can be denied play. If somebody is doing the solo thing, they may be investing a couple hours doing so. During this process, if a group tries to get in, they can't, and didn't know this to be the case prior the initial effort. It isn't as much a problem now as before, but coding additional tiles/ mini-dungeons to allow mulitple/ simultaneous/ independent efforts wouldn't hurt.

Everything "challenging" in the game is now an easy solo kill...EVERYTHING!
I know I'm impressed. It isn't so for me, nor does it seem the case for 99.9% of the folks I encounter :)


I know I'm impressed. It isn't so for me, nor does it seem the case for 99.9% of the folks I encounter :)
No offences, dont take this as a flame, its because your a newb.

Sometimes no matter how many times you attempt something you never learn(take me and mage PvP), There are easy ways to take everything down solo,its just a matter of finding them.

I wish there wasnt, take the vanguards for example...GREAT these beasts are hard...took me maybe 3-4hours to work out how to stop them spawning stuff and about 15-20mins to take each one solo and tame the dreads...i was gutted(until i hit the blackrock infected one!!!!)I actually thought theyd implemented a decent challenge of a monster...but no!


No offences, dont take this as a flame, its because your a newb.
First, let me be clear, when I said I am impressed, it was literal/ sincere. Second, I think QA consisted of about 6 folks when I began "play." So there are maybe 6 folks who can legitimately refer to moi as a "newb." :)


WOD or Discord are probably the best options. Other options would be wraith form and doing extra damage with spells so you leech her mana and can't SS as easily. Mind rot would probably also help there.


Let me start with thank you then :)

When i said you are a newb, as i said i didnt mean it as an insult. Apologies if that is how it was taken. I meant it as you havent found or tried the tactics to do these mobs and as such are using "Newb" tactics.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
About the only factual problem I've witnessed with peerless soloing is that groups can be denied play. If somebody is doing the solo thing, they may be investing a couple hours doing so. During this process, if a group tries to get in, they can't, and didn't know this to be the case prior the initial effort. It isn't as much a problem now as before, but coding additional tiles/ mini-dungeons to allow mulitple/ simultaneous/ independent efforts wouldn't hurt.

Too funny.

You use an instanced dungeon to describe a way to lure community together.

It's an inhibitor to participation as the players determine how many and who participate.

There's Trammel for you.

Too many people going after the same loots and people complain that they never get a piece of the pie.

Too few people going after the same loots and people complain that they have no one to share the pie with.



And Connor... most the games I know of out there now are NOT geared to the soloist... Many of them almost force you to be in a large group to really get the gear that they pretty much revolve their entire game-play around...
The #1 reason for people quitting WoW is the forced grouping once you reach the highest level. People get sick of having to constantly depend on 20-40 other people, all online at the same time, all wanting to do the same thing, and all having 2-4 hours available to do it in, in order to develop their character. Something that has to happen 20-40 times just for you to get a single high end item for yourself.

This is UO, not WoW, EQ, or any other cookie cutter amusement park game out there. The one thing that separates UO from all of the other games is it's freedom of choice. If we take that away then the one thing UO has over everyone else is gone, and there's really nothing left to distinguish it from everyone else.


The #1 reason for people quitting WoW is the forced grouping once you reach the highest level. People get sick of having to constantly depend on 20-40 other people, all online at the same time, all wanting to do the same thing, and all having 2-4 hours available to do it in, in order to develop their character. Something that has to happen 20-40 times just for you to get a single high end item for yourself.

This is UO, not WoW, EQ, or any other cookie cutter amusement park game out there. The one thing that separates UO from all of the other games is it's freedom of choice. If we take that away then the one thing UO has over everyone else is gone, and there's really nothing left to distinguish it from everyone else.
I am with you 100% Connor. I left WoW (I know, I am evil, I played WoW, blah blah blah) because I got sick of raiding and running the hampster wheel of instances where you had not much else to do unless you wanted to do arenas...oh wait that required other people too. Oh, well you could do BG's, oh wait, that still required other people to queue up. The only soloable activities were dailies (hampster wheel there too), farming (yawn), and gathering (so fun...oh, no, I am thinking of something else). Oh, and the seasonal things and "achievements"...another boring grind usually that required other people except for the most basic parts.

I came back to UO for freedom. I came back because on any given day, I can log in and don't have to do the same grind. If I want to mine I can (and please don't bring back blackrock elementals, I hate those things and they don't fix scripters). I cn lumberjack, or shave every sheep in the world, I can raise my fishing, work on my bard, go hunt things in plenty of interesting spots, gear up and never be bored with only 4-5 options of things to do. I can try things I have never done, and maybe I can do them on my own, or maybe I will have to find someone to do it. Have I soloed any peerless? No. Do I want to try to? Yes, because I don't get to play nights or weekends much and my playing right now is during the day when work is slow, so finding people on a low pop server during the day is like pulling teeth. Do I want to solo peerless for the greed? No, I want to see if I can do it. If I do it, then if I can replicate the victory, I might try it again. If other people are around, I would be happy to group up...

So, shutting up now, but I didn't come back to go to WoW 2.0 Low Pop Edition and now with Forced Grouping!


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Tis games like this will always attract the kids that will foul mouth there way through it - hey lie through there teeth that they have solo'ed the biggest and the best...yeh yeh they soled all the champs though to the harrower ...yeh yeh ... etc etc ...

Take everything u read on here with a pinch of Salt for sure!