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Siege Perilous


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My vote is definitely to take them out completely.

A few years ago it was all about the fire pants and headdresses.... When the rewards were unblessed - (almost) everyone on Siege cheered because it helped enormously with balance issues.

A blast from the past - "Siege Loves Wilki"

- Aislin


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I personally am not playing siege anymore because xbox live is a lot more fun after these artis changes that basically let the griefers just grief more ppl with less risk and more powerful items.

devs dont know WHAT THE HELL they are doing to siege. UO is dead, EA doesnt give a rats ass what the devs do with UO as like as the money stays in the green theyll keep the servers up and us on a leash.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about giving siege faction items 5 bless charges (or 3 or 7 or whatever, 5 just seemed a good number) ? 1 charge goes poof every time you die and the bless charges are non renewable on each item. Would this work to lessen the pain?


PS Please dont flame me for mentioning the 'bless' word and 'Siege' in the same paragraph. Thanks.

Death of Hemp

NO insurance on Siege P.
Vet Shard, meant to be hard and not easy.
People crying because they cant get Overpowered Doom artis (A full suit no less) in 1 or 2 hours. (A break here is needed on this thought process)
Vet shard meaning you have done it all and your SKILLS are up to the task of beating other people in combat. Not Items.... SKILL!!!
Wear your one good item like everyone else and leave your emotions in the nursery.

You are correct sir!

Exactly why they need to be removed completely.

There are plenty of shards where you can have your item based pvp in uber suits. Siege was never intended to have easily accessable uber suits, quite the opposite in fact.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about giving siege faction items 5 bless charges (or 3 or 7 or whatever, 5 just seemed a good number) ? 1 charge goes poof every time you die and the bless charges are non renewable on each item. Would this work to lessen the pain?


PS Please dont flame me for mentioning the 'bless' word and 'Siege' in the same paragraph. Thanks.


PS Please dont flame me for mentioning the 'bless' word and 'Siege' in the same paragraph. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

:flame: hehe ... well someone had to do it. jk :) Welcome to Siege BTW.

As for this topic, I am only a crafter non factioner non pvper on Siege, thus no right to say, I have no in game *experiences* with these fancy faction items, but they are obviously creating issues on Siege.

It appears that many Siege customers want these items removed from Siege. . or some other or better solution/ resolution for this faction gear.

Hopefully someone will be willing to tend to the issues revolving around these items, sooner, than never or later at EA UO, regarding these item$ on Siege for factioners/nonfactioners whom pvp.

Elmer Fudd

So what your saying is don't make a good template, make one that sucks then cry about everyone else?

You are and were terrable at this game and you quit and have the brass to say something? you are still a joke where ever you go, way to go Tammer....LOL

I say lower the Price of silver to 1X and a loot box would be good,

there are people who know how to run with gear or without it, it doesnt matter, but the people who cant compete no matter what will always cry about something....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
NO insurance on Siege P.
Vet Shard, meant to be hard and not easy.
People crying because they cant get Overpowered Doom artis (A full suit no less) in 1 or 2 hours. (A break here is needed on this thought process)
Vet shard meaning you have done it all and your SKILLS are up to the task of beating other people in combat. Not Items.... SKILL!!!
Wear your one good item like everyone else and leave your emotions in the nursery.

You are correct sir!

Exactly why they need to be removed completely.

There are plenty of shards where you can have your item based pvp in uber suits. Siege was never intended to have easily accessable uber suits, quite the opposite in fact.
There isn't a single shard that has no item insurance. THAT is what makes siege hard. If you die, you lose your stuff and it needs to be replaced. This is UO and Siege is NOT a classic shard no matter how disillusioned you'd like to be.

Players equipped in GOOD gear are harder to kill and are more deadly.

Players in CRAPPY gear are easy to kill and are not that deadly.

Why would we remove gear if Siege was intended to be the hard shard? PvP is the end game of difficulty when it comes to combat.

Again, welcome to UO in the year 2009 NOT the year 1999, where we have item properties and artifacts and all kinds of things. Go petition for a classic shard if that's what you really want.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This.....But i don't think players would leave.
I think some people might leave. But those would mostly be the types you see on these boards that are part of major guilds that makes it easy for them to get the suber (that's super uber) items so they can go after people in normal gear and have a better chance at winning.

Many more people would stick around and actually take part in things like pvp if it was more about what you knew and how you played as opposed to what your wear. At least that's my opinion.

Can we not screw up a great shard with this kind of talk? This is the same crap that lead to Trammel being inserted into every one of the Felucca shards half-assed instead of creating a few new shards that were Trammel ONLY.

People enjoy the new content. There are plenty of Siege players who like having the ability to be a ninja, to be a samurai, an arcanist and a necromancer. We like the new land-masses, dungeons and monsters to fight.

What we can't stand is how new content isn't tailored to our shard (ruleset.)

We don't have item insurance. So WHY does Siege have the same item-spawn rate as all of the shards WITH item insurance? It makes sense that the prodoshards have the item spigot turned on drip drip drip because once you get an item... you never lose it. It does NOT make sense that on a shard where items move fluidly through the playerbase... where each death means an slue of items lost... WHY does siege have the same LOOT tables and the same arty/cursed arty/no ToTs/crappy loot the rest of UO has. We USE the stuff... unfortunately for the MAJORITY of the shard... only us GOOD PvPers RUN the gear.

That's a shame.

Everyone should be able to enjoy the content this game offers. Not just us super rich/super elite PvPers. Everyone should be able to suit up in a GOOD suit... and it has benefits! It makes PvP more about FUN and less about OMG i don't want to risk it. It makes looting a corpse worth while because GOOD stuff is found in it and not CRAP (99% of the time.) AND it makes your opponent HARDER to fight.


We need the item spigot turned ON... not off.

And we also need CLASSIC shards people can play on... and enjoy.

The end.

Death of Hemp

There isn't a single shard that has no item insurance. THAT is what makes siege hard.
If you die, you lose your stuff and it needs to be replaced. This is UO and Siege is NOT a classic shard no matter how disillusioned you'd like to be.

Players equipped in GOOD gear are harder to kill and are more deadly.

Players in CRAPPY gear are easy to kill and are not that deadly.

Why would we remove gear if Siege was intended to be the hard shard? PvP is the end game of difficulty when it comes to combat.

Again, welcome to UO in the year 2009 NOT the year 1999, where we have item properties and artifacts and all kinds of things. Go petition for a classic shard if that's what you really want.

No item insurance indeed makes Siege hard. Along with changes to NPCs, the gaining system, etc.

Not the point. As you admit, there is no item insurance on Siege to make it more difficult. Why does not having item insurance make it more difficult?

Because you have to resuit, right?

Thus, making it easy to constantly resuit in uber artie suits negates the entire point of not having item insurance.

As for your next falacy; does playing a bok, NS, DS, on foot with wolf form while using poison darts, but simply without faction arties sound like a "classic shard?"

Please stop trolling me and calling me names. I didn't play in 1999 and I've never said anything about a classic shard. If you can't convince, confuse...eh?

Chevy Aveo


Well im an oldschool player.... since this is a oldstyle server... PLEASE remove the faction arty junk.... There way overated and not everyone likes factions... makes players in factions way overpowered... i miss old siege. THIS SERVER IS INTENDED TO BE OLDSCHOOL>.... then do it oldschool!!!
What we need is better monsters loot... and to smith and lether armors be the best u can have,,, like old days....

Damn i miss running studdded leather with a exeptional spear.. and be feared,,,, nothing like the old days where smith put the swords in war!!! HELP SIEGEE!! FOR THOSE VETRAN AND NEW PLAYERS WHO WANT A REAL CHALLANGE AND A TASTE OF UO WAS,,,, Nothing like pre AoS uo... and never will be....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would prefer to see all the faction and cursed artis removed. It seems to be the easiest solution; maybe a 4th clean up britainnia program for siege!

If that does not happen then they need to make crafting more viable on siege bu allowing crafters more chrages on runic kits, control over which properties go on items they create, and make DCI and HCI craftable properties on armour. Treasures of tokuno should be turned back on and drop rates for pvm vastly increased.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would prefer to see all the faction and cursed artis removed. It seems to be the easiest solution; maybe a 4th clean up britainnia program for siege!
I honestly don't see why cursed arties are a problem. At least I can kill you and wear them.

Faction crap all I can do is stick it on a vendor (lame) or laugh at you on the boards when I trash it (double lame)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There isn't a single shard that has no item insurance. THAT is what makes siege hard.
If you die, you lose your stuff and it needs to be replaced. This is UO and Siege is NOT a classic shard no matter how disillusioned you'd like to be.

Players equipped in GOOD gear are harder to kill and are more deadly.

Players in CRAPPY gear are easy to kill and are not that deadly.

Why would we remove gear if Siege was intended to be the hard shard? PvP is the end game of difficulty when it comes to combat.

Again, welcome to UO in the year 2009 NOT the year 1999, where we have item properties and artifacts and all kinds of things. Go petition for a classic shard if that's what you really want.

No item insurance indeed makes Siege hard. Along with changes to NPCs, the gaining system, etc.

Not the point. As you admit, there is no item insurance on Siege to make it more difficult. Why does not having item insurance make it more difficult?

Because you have to resuit, right?

Thus, making it easy to constantly resuit in uber artie suits negates the entire point of not having item insurance.

As for your next falacy; does playing a bok, NS, DS, on foot with wolf form while using poison darts, but simply without faction arties sound like a "classic shard?"

Please stop trolling me and calling me names. I didn't play in 1999 and I've never said anything about a classic shard. If you can't convince, confuse...eh?
Yes. No item insurance is what makes Siege hard. Dying and not having all of your items upon res is what makes it hard.

Who said it would be easy to resuit if they made monster loot more tailored to our shard? Players would still have to go out and get the items and risk being PK'd. That is what makes Siege hard. There is no Trammel for players to enjoy safety and risk-free game-play.

Again, I'll reiterate... having EVERYONE equipped in good gear makes the shard harder to play. It makes the players you fight, harder to fight. You STILL keep ignoring this fact. Just because it becomes easier for the average player to wear good suits, does not make the shard easier to play.

My character in the non-faction war on Siege wears the following suit without a single cursed artifact or faction artifact...

70all in resists, protection proof, corpse proof, 29%SDI, 2/6casting, 4MR, 36%LMC (w/o totem,) AND 69%DCI

I'm sorry, but your arguments don't even make sense.

PS. I didn't call you any names. Can't make a good case for your cause, so lie to get by? Try again.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would prefer to see all the faction and cursed artis removed. It seems to be the easiest solution; maybe a 4th clean up britainnia program for siege!
I honestly don't see why cursed arties are a problem. At least I can kill you and wear them.

Faction crap all I can do is stick it on a vendor (lame) or laugh at you on the boards when I trash it (double lame)
They would rather everyone PvPed in GM gear... they think it will bring Siege closer in line with pre-AoS style combat.

What they don't get is that-that is impossible and a pointless thing to do... because even without cursed or faction arties, people can still wear uber suits. Item combat has been here for 8+ years... it's NOT going away.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about trying to preach more honorable play-style. There was a time when looting was done but stuff takin was mostly what was needed. A res was given, a "thanks for the battle" was said. Why would someone loot faction items when they are only usable by the owner? Maybe it's because this once glorious shard has turned into nothing more than romper room. Too many people crying because i lost this. Too many people crying because that person has that. Too many people crying because player X called the entire shard to come kill me. Too many people crying about all kill = no skill. Too many people crying about how he couldn't kill you because you instantly disappeared and stealthed away. Too many people crying about how he didn't have enough time to loot because he came back and instantly looted his own corpse. Too many people crying how peerless are not raidable on a completely felucca shard. Too many people crying about how overpowered his template is because i cant kill him. I've probally missed a hundred more cries, but what REALLY is the common theme here??? Lemme spell it out for y'all in cased you missed it. It's called CRYING. I mean really, how old are most of you? Does everyone cry this much irl? It's called a video game. Have fun with it. Lose the " i gotta win no matter what " mentality.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
NO insurance on Siege P.
Vet Shard, meant to be hard and not easy.
People crying because they cant get Overpowered Doom artis (A full suit no less) in 1 or 2 hours. (A break here is needed on this thought process)
Vet shard meaning you have done it all and your SKILLS are up to the task of beating other people in combat. Not Items.... SKILL!!!
Wear your one good item like everyone else and leave your emotions in the nursery.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I personally am not playing siege anymore because xbox live is a lot more fun after these artis changes that basically let the griefers just grief more ppl with less risk and more powerful items.

devs dont know WHAT THE HELL they are doing to siege. UO is dead, EA doesnt give a rats ass what the devs do with UO as like as the money stays in the green theyll keep the servers up and us on a leash.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
My vote is definitely to take them out completely.

A few years ago it was all about the fire pants and headdresses.... When the rewards were unblessed - (almost) everyone on Siege cheered because it helped enormously with balance issues.

A blast from the past - "Siege Loves Wilki"

- Aislin
I agree, remove this stupid items from Siege.

The best items on Siege should be made of crafters and without any blessing or bonding.

Just get rid of them asap


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I personally am not playing siege anymore because xbox live is a lot more fun after these artis changes that basically let the griefers just grief more ppl with less risk and more powerful items.

devs dont know WHAT THE HELL they are doing to siege. UO is dead, EA doesnt give a rats ass what the devs do with UO as like as the money stays in the green theyll keep the servers up and us on a leash.
Funny... you quote the guy who screamed so loudly that he got Draconi to make them cost 5x's as much as the other shards.

And then he quits because he dies too much and can't replace his suit.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is my two cents.

2 Way we can do this in my eyes.

Remove the items compeletly. Real, cursed, and faction arties. This will level the playing field. Create more demand for crafters, and high end runic gear. Which would make a great runic wep worth something. Or a nicely balanced piece of armor, worth having.

Remove the seige bless. I use it, and love it. But all this does is overpower chars. There are dexxer pks, who have deadly weps, and they bless those, and can jump someone and kill them with nothing else but that, the element of suprise and good timing. Nothing should be saved (except the newbie items etc, like reg spell books, runebooks etc)

If you decide to keep the items, make the cost of a suit 500k silver, and wearable by anyone. This will prevent factioners from getting suits, and selling to regulars to make a killing. Make it so its as much effort to put together a faction bought suit (wearable by all) as it is to run the gauntlet. Which will get more people in doom.

Now there will still be some unbalance there, but it will be closer.

Currently this is the state of seige.

Some players on UOgametime card bogus accounts, run easyUO and script farm silver/gold unattended, to have uber suits so they can atleast compete in PvP. So that if all have the uber items, then we are back to somewhat of a skill based pvp. Which is what seige should be. Once they have one or two suits, they wait for 5 more of thier friends to be ready to go out with them. or they dont leave the house. Or dont run gear, and go back to farming till all are ready. Once they are geared up, they go and kill non factioners. They dont actually faction fight....why, because the other team is still farming silver afk, or waiting for more people to get on so they can 10v1 gank someone, loot thier suit, and trash it, or lock it down for later bartering. So with no other factioners out, they are off to slap around non faction players, with a massive advantage in game mechanics. Not neccessarily skill. Which these players dont enjoy (who enjoys a complete lopsided slaughter fest except the hunters?).

So then less people log on. And an endless cycle of decay starts. Artifacts only benefit the rich, and the scripters.

Death of Hemp

Yes. No item insurance is what makes Siege hard. Dying and not having all of your items upon res is what makes it hard.

Who said it would be easy to resuit if they made monster loot more tailored to our shard? Players would still have to go out and get the items and risk being PK'd. That is what makes Siege hard. There is no Trammel for players to enjoy safety and risk-free game-play.

Again, I'll reiterate... having EVERYONE equipped in good gear makes the shard harder to play. It makes the players you fight, harder to fight. You STILL keep ignoring this fact. Just because it becomes easier for the average player to wear good suits, does not make the shard easier to play.

My character in the non-faction war on Siege wears the following suit without a single cursed artifact or faction artifact...

70all in resists, protection proof, corpse proof, 29%SDI, 2/6casting, 4MR, 36%LMC (w/o totem,) AND 69%DCI

I'm sorry, but your arguments don't even make sense.

PS. I didn't call you any names. Can't make a good case for your cause, so lie to get by? Try again.
...and by delusional I'm guessing you meant intelligent and handsome? Maybe you don't consider it name calling but you can certainly disagree with people without insulting them.

It is not a fact that uber gear makes a fight more challenging. The affect of gear on pvp is about balance. A fight between two people with 15 dci/hci is just as challenging as a fight between people who both have 70 hci/dci.

Thus, the quality of our gear is less important than everyone's ability to have similar access to it. This is why I don't feel that uber gear will fix Siege.

Since we agree Siege is supposed to be more difficult, doesn't it make more sense to achieve balance through restriction rather than rules that make it easier to get the sort of suits used on the very shards Siege is supposed to be more difficult than?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Since we agree Siege is supposed to be more difficult, doesn't it make more sense to achieve balance through restriction rather than rules that make it easier to get the sort of suits used on the very shards Siege is supposed to be more difficult than?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes. No item insurance is what makes Siege hard. Dying and not having all of your items upon res is what makes it hard.

Who said it would be easy to resuit if they made monster loot more tailored to our shard? Players would still have to go out and get the items and risk being PK'd. That is what makes Siege hard. There is no Trammel for players to enjoy safety and risk-free game-play.

Again, I'll reiterate... having EVERYONE equipped in good gear makes the shard harder to play. It makes the players you fight, harder to fight. You STILL keep ignoring this fact. Just because it becomes easier for the average player to wear good suits, does not make the shard easier to play.

My character in the non-faction war on Siege wears the following suit without a single cursed artifact or faction artifact...

70all in resists, protection proof, corpse proof, 29%SDI, 2/6casting, 4MR, 36%LMC (w/o totem,) AND 69%DCI

I'm sorry, but your arguments don't even make sense.

PS. I didn't call you any names. Can't make a good case for your cause, so lie to get by? Try again.
...and by delusional I'm guessing you meant intelligent and handsome? Maybe you don't consider it name calling but you can certainly disagree with people without insulting them.
And by saying that I called you delusional, I'm guessing you didn't twist my words around in any way.

It is not a fact that uber gear makes a fight more challenging. The affect of gear on pvp is about balance. A fight between two people with 15 dci/hci is just as challenging as a fight between people who both have 70 hci/dci.
Without HARD CAPS on item properties, there is no way you can restrict the playerbase to have two people fighting at 15 DCI, even if you remove every artifact from the game. The players who are wealthier and elite at PvP will start obtaining a surplus of good items while the new players and not so awesome/rich players will again... be out geared.

It's item combat and you are wrong (is that name calling too?) if you think your suggestion is going to change it.

And since you brought up balance, here's a cold hard fact.

The developers are NOT going to devote oodles of time customizing combat on Siege with every addition to this game that they add.

You forget that things like Greater Dragons are tailored to prodo-style PvP. By bringing Sieges combat more in line with the rest of UO, the developers won't have to worry so much about OMG WE RUINED SIEGE with every patch, publish or expansion they put out. By bringing Sieges combat more in line with the rest of UO, we won't have unintended imbalances that are brought to us by our handicapped style of pvp. All the devs would have to do would be to balance PvP one time and it is balanced for ALL shards... not just the prodoshards and then they need to devote more resources to fixing siege.

No, this would go a long way to not only improving hunting for our merchants, crafting for our crafters and PvP for our PvPers. It will have the side effect of removing some of the ridiculous imbalances (such as the effects greater dragons have had on our PvP) because we ARE balanced, along with all the other shards in UO.

Thus, the quality of our gear is less important than everyone's ability to have similar access to it. This is why I don't feel that uber gear will fix Siege.

Since we agree Siege is supposed to be more difficult, doesn't it make more sense to achieve balance through restriction rather than rules that make it easier to get the sort of suits used on the very shards Siege is supposed to be more difficult than?
The quality of our gear is less important than everyone's ability to access it? WTF?

Let me tell you something. Right now, things are EXACTLY how you wished they were (minus faction artifacts.) Everyone has had access to these items for YEARS now...

So why is it that everyone runs crappy gear and MY GUILD has stock piles that look like this.

Because just like with faction arties, we kill and take the loot or buy it up from the shard quicker than people can replace it.

Your ridiculous idea of 'remove the cursed arties and faction arties and problem fixed' is just that... ridiculous. My and my guilds gear will STILL out-match the rest of the shards. The shard will still be in the same position it is in currently and NOTHING will have gotten fixed.

People simply cannot compete with us with things they way they currently are. You just cannot. It's not fair. It's ruined this shard and we're sick of everyone being toooooo scared to even fight us because we outmatch them every time in terms of items. They can't replace their items so they remain OUTMATCHED item-wise. It's a viscous cycle that continually feeds itself and you want to promote it!?!?!!?!?

Well you talk about a UO that is more SKILL based... then give everyone equal access to the items so the only difference between us is skill.




Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That isn't elmers castle...

although elmer has a some-what comparable collection of good stuffs... that isn't his.

You have to realize that... my guild runs good gear, has good stocks of good gear and out-gears pretty much 99% of the entire shard... pretty much all the time and in every fight.

I even used to FORCE myself to wear only GM armor because fighting most of this shard was a JOKE in good gear.

The item spigot needs to be turned on for everyone else... not for me and my peeps. Those arguing with me act like I'm pushing this stuff for my own benefit? Please...

Well, I suppose I'm hoping that by equipping my opponents in better gear... that they will be harder to kill and will be willing to fight me/my guild more often. Damn, what the hell was I even thinking...?



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unless those items are duped, the item spigot is on for everyone on the shard. It's up to other players to farm the equipment themselves. It's not like you got them any different than anyone else can. Sure, playing in a guild that does a lot of farming, and a lot of spawns doesn't mean you are the only ones who can do that...la


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just to be clear, IMO this is what Siege needs to make things more challenging and fun for all.

Monster Loot:

- Level 5 creatures: (ancient wyrm levels) drop 1 to 3 items with 5 properties all around max intensity every time they are killed.

- Peerless Bosses: Drop 8-12 of 3 to 4 of the basic ML ingredients as well as 5 of their special types (diseased bark, eye of travesty, so on.) Guaranteed drop of special item for killing the boss (mark of travesty, crystalline ring, crimson cincture, etc. etc.) An 1-2 ML artys should be guaranteed. Things like hair dye or the swamp dragon/grizzle mare should still drop as they do now...

As well they should drop multiple items with 5 properties around max intensity (as all bosses should.)

- ML named creatures: should drop 1 to 3 of a random ingredient type. (special ingredients still need to be got from bosses) as well the spawn rate for ML arties including armor sets, totem of the voids, etc. etc. should be boosted to the point where you are getting 1 for every 5 to 10 that you kill.

- Doom Gauntlet: each of the mini bosses as well as the DF should drop a random cursed artifact (on their corpse) As well, the chance for a REAL artifact should remain the same as it is.

- Treasures of Tokuno: need to be turned on permanently. I'd prefer they remove the pigments of tokuno from the list... but if the shard wants it, I don't really care *that* much about it.

- Treasure Hunting/Fishing: Lvl 6 chests should spawn a dark father when the chest is destroyed. That means in order to collect the cursed arty, you need to empty the entire chest and destroy it. No flying through 100 maps grabbing the bags for the lewts. Leviathan should have Peerless boss style loot.



10x's the charges to all runic kits

special resources (gems, etc. etc.) should come 10x's what they currently do. So instead of mining 1 ecru citrine... 10 pop in your pack.

Increase the spawn rate of runics from heartwood quests. Increase the number of runics crafters get for completing a bod.

It's not like BoDs are easy... they've been out for how many years now? And we've had what... one Valorite Hammer? Maybe? I think that needs to change... it shouldn't feel like the night before christmas morning every day of the year for years and years...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, you've posted that suggestion a number of times. All that does is make it fun...or at least what you think is fun. The items are available to everyone else on the shard, the same way you got them. If people don't want to group up so they can defend the spawns or dungeons...that's their call...la


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unless those items are duped, the item spigot is on for everyone on the shard. It's up to other players to farm the equipment themselves. It's not like you got them any different than anyone else can. Sure, playing in a guild that does a lot of farming, and a lot of spawns doesn't mean you are the only ones who can do that...la
The item spigot is not on and it is not the same.

Cursed arties no longer spawn. Treasures of Tokuno no longer spawn. You either have these items or you don't. Since we have them, we have a huge advantage over those we fight because Siege is item based combat.

The majority of the stuff we've got, is from either buying the supply up or by killing people and taking the stuff. Very small portions of what we have was farmed the old fashion way.

Don't even come back and say we risk more for the rewards, because that's hog wash. The risks of death go down when you are out-gearing your opponents to the degrees we are. We don't even risk using these 99% of the time because we're at the point where we are out-gearing people WITHOUT cursed OR faction arties.

The problem became highlighted when the faction arties came out. People started equipping in good gear... seeing how much it helped them in PvP and then began throwing fits, quitting factions or even quitting the game entirely because they simply could NOT keep up.

GoodGuy CRIED so loud that he got Draconi to make faction arties on Siege cost 5x's as much as they do on other shards. Then he QUIT because he died so damn much that he couldn't replace his suits (GG, GG!)

People need to be able to go out and get these items (and risk being PK'd.) People need to be able to farm not only silver for faction arties... but also monsters for regular arties.

People need the item spigots TURNED ON so they can compete with PvPers like me and my guild, because as it currently is... we own the shard and owning the shard is only easier now than it ever was because the people we fight are equipped in CRAPPY gear.

The end.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, you've posted that suggestion a number of times. All that does is make it fun...or at least what you think is fun. The items are available to everyone else on the shard, the same way you got them. If people don't want to group up so they can defend the spawns or dungeons...that's their call...la
What's the point? What GROUP wants to split CRUMBS amongst eachother.


You can do 25 lady mels and not get a single crimson cincture.

You can do 5 rounds of the doom gauntlet and MAYBE get 1 artifact. (We're also on Siege, where you can have people raid/pk you and we don't have the uber suits so people can stay in doom FOREVER.

You can't go to tokuno and get ToTs... so people who have ToTs, horde them.

You can't get enough ingredients to replace items like pendants of the magi... you need to do like 5-10 peerless for ONE item.

You can kill oodles of shimmering effusion and not get a single crystalline ring.

You can farm Ancient Wyrms and Paragon Balrons ALL day EVERY day for a month straight and walk away with nothing but CRAP.

You can farm miasma, swoops, any of the named creatures for HOURS and HOURS and not get a single ML artifact... or maybe one.

The item spigot is on drip.............. drip................. drip............ and it has been getting worse and worse.

Siege needs something and it needs something now.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See though, you defeated your own arguement with that pic you provided earlier. How have you gotten all of those items? Normal gameplay or cheating? I'll assume normal gameplay. If you have been able to gain those items with help from your guild, guess what? So can everyone else on the shard...if you are willing to spend the time and group up to complete the PvM farming that is required to build up that type of collection.

I have no problem with anyone having that many of those items...why? Because you and your guild have taken the time to earn them. I just wish you guys would keep more in your pack so I can steal them, lol...la


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's the point? What GROUP wants to split CRUMBS amongst eachother.


You can do 25 lady mels and not get a single crimson cincture.

You can do 5 rounds of the doom gauntlet and MAYBE get 1 artifact. (We're also on Siege, where you can have people raid/pk you and we don't have the uber suits so people can stay in doom FOREVER.

You can't go to tokuno and get ToTs... so people who have ToTs, horde them.

You can't get enough ingredients to replace items like pendants of the magi... you need to do like 5-10 peerless for ONE item.

You can kill oodles of shimmering effusion and not get a single crystalline ring.

You can farm Ancient Wyrms and Paragon Balrons ALL day EVERY day for a month straight and walk away with nothing but CRAP.

You can farm miasma, swoops, any of the named creatures for HOURS and HOURS and not get a single ML artifact... or maybe one.

The item spigot is on drip.............. drip................. drip............ and it has been getting worse and worse.

Siege needs something and it needs something now.
I have to agree with this, Gilfane does all of these spawns and peerless all the time and in the past year, I can count 1 crystalline ring, and maybe 2 crimson cinctures on hunts I have been on, and I go every day. The only ToT's we get are from doing IDOCS and I have spent hours farming named creatures and received one ML artifact in the past 10 months.

Doom is a waste of time. We can spend hours and hours down there, and only get the worst artifacts in the game, very rarely do we get anything good down there, and because it's so freaking boring, we just don't even bother anymore. If we could do six runs and get at least one decent artifact then we would probably keep doing it, but when you keep getting the "Holy Knights Breastplate" it's frustrating.

There needs to be several adjustments made to Siege, please DEVS, I hope you're listening to something in this thread.


What's the point? What GROUP wants to split CRUMBS amongst eachother.


You can do 25 lady mels and not get a single crimson cincture.

You can do 5 rounds of the doom gauntlet and MAYBE get 1 artifact. (We're also on Siege, where you can have people raid/pk you and we don't have the uber suits so people can stay in doom FOREVER.

You can't go to tokuno and get ToTs... so people who have ToTs, horde them.

You can't get enough ingredients to replace items like pendants of the magi... you need to do like 5-10 peerless for ONE item.

You can kill oodles of shimmering effusion and not get a single crystalline ring.

You can farm Ancient Wyrms and Paragon Balrons ALL day EVERY day for a month straight and walk away with nothing but CRAP.

You can farm miasma, swoops, any of the named creatures for HOURS and HOURS and not get a single ML artifact... or maybe one.

The item spigot is on drip.............. drip................. drip............ and it has been getting worse and worse.

Siege needs something and it needs something now.
I wouldn't mind seeing a boost to loot. From the Dev Team perspective though, you have to be careful not to boost loot to the point where it supercedes crafting. If you do, you lose a lot of accounts who do nothing but BOD's and that is bad for the bottom line.

You could boost crafting, and they are doing that in the new expansion. That will help get people the items they need but it won't address your complaint that farming has no purpose, which I agree with.

However, the idea that boosting loot allows people to compete against faction arties, I don't agree with that.

The problem with faction arties is that they make it too easy too reach 70 dci. At 70 dci, even with hit lower defense, you simply can't hit people enough to kill them. This takes dexxers out of the equation and the reduction you have seen in fights is primarily because all the dexxers you had the opportunity to fight before got tired of swinging and missing and took their ball and went home. Or more accurately to the guild war where they can still use those templates.

If you want to boost item drop and/or increase a crafters ability to make better gear, I'm fine with that as long as it doesn't go overboard.

To fix the faction item inequity it is necessary to reduce the dci on the faction items or hard cap (and I mean really hard cap it) dci at 45 so that you can't stack it to 70 to eliminate hld as a property.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See though, you defeated your own arguement with that pic you provided earlier. How have you gotten all of those items? Normal gameplay or cheating? I'll assume normal gameplay. If you have been able to gain those items with help from your guild, guess what? So can everyone else on the shard...if you are willing to spend the time and group up to complete the PvM farming that is required to build up that type of collection.

I have no problem with anyone having that many of those items...why? Because you and your guild have taken the time to earn them. I just wish you guys would keep more in your pack so I can steal them, lol...la


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The problem with faction arties is that they make it too easy too reach 70 dci. At 70 dci, even with hit lower defense, you simply can't hit people enough to kill them. This takes dexxers out of the equation and the reduction you have seen in fights is primarily because all the dexxers you had the opportunity to fight before got tired of swinging and missing and took their ball and went home. Or more accurately to the guild war where they can still use those templates.

I am currently in the RP war and my character runs 65-70% DCI without a SINGLE faction artifact.

On top of that, I don't even have a single cursed artifact.

Faction items are NOT the problem. The problem is that monster loot sucks soooo much, that the majority of the shard can't properly equip to compete with those of us who equip in good gear.

Crafters also need a little love too...


I am currently in the RP war and my character runs 65-70% DCI without a SINGLE faction artifact.

On top of that, I don't even have a single cursed artifact.

Faction items are NOT the problem. The problem is that monster loot sucks soooo much, that the majority of the shard can't properly equip to compete with those of us who equip in good gear.

Crafters also need a little love too...
The majority of the shard doesn't need uber gear to compete. The majority of the shard are dexxers and they just need to be able to reliably hit someone. To do that consistently, you used to need high HCI and HLD. Now, even with high HCI and HLD you can't ever hit someone at 70 DCI more than 50 percent of the time. That is why all those dexxers dropped out of factions.

Yes, it is possible to run 70 DCI without faction arties, I've done it myself. It was a problem before. What factions arties did was make it easy so the problem quickly escalated to the point where only mages played factions.

Giving everyone on the shard a keep full of arties won't address that. They still won't be able to reliably hit people with 70 DCI so you still won't have dexxers participating.

Edit: I'm sure that in no small part the great faction exodus was also due to the items being tied to their owner. That might be worth addressing as well.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, it is possible to run 70 DCI without faction arties, I've done it myself. It was a problem before. What factions arties did was make it easy so the problem quickly escalated to the point where only mages played factions.
What I was saying to you is that even without faction arties or cursed arties... it is VERY EASY for me (and those in my guild) to have an uber suit.

My suits look like this
max SDI
2/6 casting
30%+ LMC
65-70% DCI
prot/corpse proof (70 in all resists)
a few pts of MR too

Factions did not do what you claim they did. What factions did was highlight the problems Siege had with how crappy PvM loot truly is.

People were out-matched before, but we had bigger fish to fry such as the PBD fiasco and [blessed] sammy helm/ember legs...


It's time to finally fix this shard so it's fun and fair for everyone.

Giving everyone on the shard a keep full of arties won't address that. They still won't be able to reliably hit people with 70 DCI so you still won't have dexxers participating.
Mages have to deal with 4/6 chiv dexers, evasion, orange petals, dexers healing on the run, disrupts to their casting, weapons with hit spells that do an additional disrupt, running shots, poison spams messing with a mages healing on TOP of being frozen to cast a spell.

Your argument is some-what pointless. Every other shard in this game deals with mages running 70ish DCI and they don't complain about it.

Lastly, this isn't the thread to bring this up. I'm not going to continue arguing with you over this... as it's a moot point.


What I was saying to you is that even without faction arties or cursed arties... it is VERY EASY for me (and those in my guild) to have an uber suit.

My suits look like this
max SDI
2/6 casting
30%+ LMC
65-70% DCI
prot/corpse proof (70 in all resists)
a few pts of MR too

Factions did not do what you claim they did. What factions did was highlight the problems Siege had with how crappy PvM loot truly is.

People were out-matched before, but we had bigger fish to fry such as the PBD fiasco and [blessed] sammy helm/ember legs...


It's time to finally fix this shard so it's fun and fair for everyone.

Mages have to deal with 4/6 chiv dexers, evasion, orange petals, dexers healing on the run, disrupts to their casting, weapons with hit spells that do an additional disrupt, running shots, poison spams messing with a mages healing on TOP of being frozen to cast a spell.

Your argument is some-what pointless. Every other shard in this game deals with mages running 70ish DCI and they don't complain about it.

Lastly, this isn't the thread to bring this up. I'm not going to continue arguing with you over this... as it's a moot point.
I don't really think we are arguing. We simply have different ideas about reaching the same goal. I'd like more fights, you'd like more fights. We simply have different opinions about how to get there.

Unfortunately, the moot point is thinking that any of this will change at all. Development is aimed solely at Stygian Abyss, has been for months and will be for months after it is released. About this time next year, they may be ready for some balance passes if UO is still in operation and there is anyone left working on it.