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C'mon guys..I know your busy BUT...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Give us some help here.

Please do a mini patch or something and add a much longer timer on all pots. The assorted pot chugging/ bandie applying/ petal chomping/ apple eating/ trap box popper/ etc. scripts make some folks close to God mode. It has gotten completely insane and out of hand in the PvP world. Worse is that you well know this and stand by doing nothing.

We really and truly need something sooner rather than later. SA is all well and good but we need help NOW.

Look...just a mini patch doubling the existing pot timer and putting the same timers on pots like total refresh and cures. This would balance out more in the PvP world than anything else you could do, at this time.

It does not call for a huge coding need as well, use the existing code, add a couple of the same little sub routines for the cures and total refreshes and change the values for times to a much higher level..like 30 seconds for any pot re-use, at a minimum.

If you simply can't beat the script automation, just increase the timers as a stop gap measure until you work something out for a permanent fix.

While you're at it..we could use a change the recharge timer on Ward removal talismans from 1200 to...oh..10 secs??? They are completely useless when someone can just cast the buff again.

Please...give us some help!! We are all desperate here.

Thank you for your time.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i have to say i dont agree with the timer on refresh pots i would be pissed if i got pain spike spammed after chugging one, or stuck in a pack of monsters just to sit there and get dumped on


hmm I think the new changes coming soon will aply that right? I think its something along the lines of potions will work less and less or something like that. I mean they are going to make it so that AI hurts less and less each time you use it. I wonder if they will make it so that each time you get Flame Strike casted it hurts less and less.

Not matter what we will always find a way to circumvent the system.



UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought this was shelved for the time being .....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At the OP - Stop crying

How hard is it to push a cure button? Sure a lot of these little dexers run around with scripts but their scripts don't do anything you can't do by hand anyways.

And adding a timer would be balanced? R U SRS? If you add a timer to cure pots do you even realize how OP poison dexers will be?

Pots are fine as they are, and no diminishing returns ever needs to take place.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You probably underestimate the effort of finding, changing, testing and troubleshooting the appropriate lines of code, not to mention looking into the whole balancing issues that inevitable will arise.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think a timer is the correct solution. The diminishing returns which I thought was going to be implemented is the best solution to this problem. It was on test center and I think it still is. Basically, the more a player uses a certain pot, the less effective it becomes over time.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Timers aren't the issue, and from what i've seen, the only worth while script that they run is the pop box script to run through para fields, everything else i can do by hand better then there scripts do. I think pots are working fine as they are


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think a timer is the correct solution. The diminishing returns which I thought was going to be implemented is the best solution to this problem. It was on test center and I think it still is. Basically, the more a player uses a certain pot, the less effective it becomes over time.
I never really looked into it, but i don't like diminishing returns at all, what if you are on a dexer, there are only so many worth while specials you can do before they are completely diminished, then what? and do they apply to mage spells, because if mage spells diminish i swear to god i quit lol


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never really looked into it, but i don't like diminishing returns at all, what if you are on a dexer, there are only so many worth while specials you can do before they are completely diminished, then what? and do they apply to mage spells, because if mage spells diminish i swear to god i quit lol

Stanton Of Pac

Give us some help here.

Please do a mini patch or something and add a much longer timer on all pots. The assorted pot chugging/ bandie applying/ petal chomping/ apple eating/ trap box popper/ etc. scripts make some folks close to God mode. It has gotten completely insane and out of hand in the PvP world. Worse is that you well know this and stand by doing nothing.

We really and truly need something sooner rather than later. SA is all well and good but we need help NOW.

Look...just a mini patch doubling the existing pot timer and putting the same timers on pots like total refresh and cures. This would balance out more in the PvP world than anything else you could do, at this time.

It does not call for a huge coding need as well, use the existing code, add a couple of the same little sub routines for the cures and total refreshes and change the values for times to a much higher level..like 30 seconds for any pot re-use, at a minimum.

If you simply can't beat the script automation, just increase the timers as a stop gap measure until you work something out for a permanent fix.

While you're at it..we could use a change the recharge timer on Ward removal talismans from 1200 to...oh..10 secs??? They are completely useless when someone can just cast the buff again.

Please...give us some help!! We are all desperate here.

Thank you for your time.
It does get ridiculous when you can heal yourself up 100% during combat while swinging a weapon or running for your life, yes. However take this ability away completely and most serious PvP's would be over in 1-2 seconds because the damage system is seriously out of whack, TOO.

Howabout this...

Give everyone a number of "Vitality Points" based on their stamina, say 2-3 points per point of stamina. Every time you're healed you draw points from this pool: when it runs out you can no longer heal and no form of magical healing *including* regeneration will work. Vitality cannot be increased by any magical means, is only refreshed once per RL day, and will not refresh unless you log out in an inn, tavern, or house you own or are friended to.

This makes the scripters less obnoxious because God Mode goes bye-bye after a few turns of combat. It still allows you a "cushion" against kill shots yet doesn't make combat drag out forever.


Give us some help here.

Please do a mini patch or something and add a much longer timer on all pots. The assorted pot chugging/ bandie applying/ petal chomping/ apple eating/ trap box popper/ etc. scripts make some folks close to God mode. It has gotten completely insane and out of hand in the PvP world. Worse is that you well know this and stand by doing nothing.

We really and truly need something sooner rather than later. SA is all well and good but we need help NOW.

Look...just a mini patch doubling the existing pot timer and putting the same timers on pots like total refresh and cures. This would balance out more in the PvP world than anything else you could do, at this time.

It does not call for a huge coding need as well, use the existing code, add a couple of the same little sub routines for the cures and total refreshes and change the values for times to a much higher level..like 30 seconds for any pot re-use, at a minimum.

If you simply can't beat the script automation, just increase the timers as a stop gap measure until you work something out for a permanent fix.

While you're at it..we could use a change the recharge timer on Ward removal talismans from 1200 to...oh..10 secs??? They are completely useless when someone can just cast the buff again.

Please...give us some help!! We are all desperate here.

Thank you for your time.
Diminishing returns is a horrible idea for UO. It is a pain 100x times for everything. Timers increase will make it worth less for pvp and pvm.Definetly don't blame a script for it. It takes a script too much time to react to change of health compare to a simple hot key or better yet use the wheel button to scroll 1 up or 1 down super fast can't beat that.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It does get ridiculous when you can heal yourself up 100% during combat while swinging a weapon or running for your life, yes. However take this ability away completely and most serious PvP's would be over in 1-2 seconds because the damage system is seriously out of whack, TOO.

Howabout this...

Give everyone a number of "Vitality Points" based on their stamina, say 2-3 points per point of stamina. Every time you're healed you draw points from this pool: when it runs out you can no longer heal and no form of magical healing *including* regeneration will work. Vitality cannot be increased by any magical means, is only refreshed once per RL day, and will not refresh unless you log out in an inn, tavern, or house you own or are friended to.

This makes the scripters less obnoxious because God Mode goes bye-bye after a few turns of combat. It still allows you a "cushion" against kill shots yet doesn't make combat drag out forever.
sry but that is the most obnoxious thing i've ever heard. once per rl day? stamina? so mages are out of luck, and then the person that plays for a long time in a certain day can't pvp for very long lol.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
It has been like 2 years since I retired from PvP so things might be very different now. But, I have no idea why anyone would use scripts to use potions? I never used scripts and had the timing nailed down perfectly.

I seriously question the legitimacy of all these people who complain about people using scripts. Perhaps, you are just crying wolf? I know it is a common practice amongst the PvP community to throw in the towel and bring out the cheating elephant every time one dies but trust me there are people who kill you fair and square without any scripts or hacks.

If you blame things outside of your control, then you will never improve.

Zero Day

Diminishing returns is a good idea for some things. Hard caps work better for others, and yet other solutions or combinations are mor suitable for different stuff.

I believe the diminishing returns was to few repeatable things as proposed.
Specifically heal potions and whatever version of talon strike they had stuck up there on test.

I think they also said that other stuff couldnt be worked with individually like cure potions because any reduction of cure would immediately make poisoning too powerful.

They said nothing about diminishing AI or Flame strike. And I seriously doubt anyone who takes 2 seconds to think or read or not fly off the handle to blow things out of proportion would believe they were going to apply it universally.

Although I'm pretty sure that quite a few interesting and possibly viable ideas for improvement got dropped because one too many people bitched too loudly without reading, testing or trying and they scrapped it.

They devs may never "seem" to listen but when they do they give you what you asked for whether you like it or not.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow..I don't know what game you are all playing here but in the UO I play, you can hardly find a single PvPer out there that is not using client mods, speeder and a medic program, or any combination thereof. There are some who do not use these crutches but they are becoming extremely rare. I am talking percentages here, don't get your undies in a bind.

The use of the usual various medic programs means that the character can easily be actively doing something else while the program takes care of their medical issues..whatever they may be. I see some folks that unless you have 5+ very experienced PvPers dumping on them, they simply can not die. Poison them on the run, instant cure, even while they are trying to cast a spell or they are on a dead run. Curse, eat apple..the same. Forget trying to stam block them, refreshes are drank so fast it simply does not impede them unless they run out of pots.

Try to spin it any way you like, you know the honest answer is that something has to be done about pots, and quickly. It is beyond insane out there and we need help right away.

Put a flat 20 second timer on all pots. If you are worried about poisoners, ok..less timer on cures, maybe 8-10 seconds, but it still absolutely should not be one right after the other. This will also resolve the side issue of poisoning being absolutely useless, as it is right now.

Anyone who actively PvPs, and I do on multiple shards, knows this is a serious issue and can't be honestly denied. Only those interested in keeping the current status quo would even try to deny it.

I am not an advocate of diminishing returns. I prefer a hard cap / timer. Those have proven to be the best approach and no-one can do a software work around them, to date.

We need this help now.

Dev's. Please..tell us you are listening and can do something about it in a very timely manner.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds to me like the issue isn't pots, its third party programs :thumbsup:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds to me like the issue isn't pots, its third party programs :thumbsup:
Wow, we are so glad you pointed that out. I am sure no-one could have figured that out.


The issue with 3rd party programs is simply never going to be fixed. Ok..accept that..NOT going to happen. Therefore, we need to look at other avenues to address the issues. The one that has been listed is a workable solution without massive resources needing to be allocated. The end result is what is needed and it is actually do-able.

The problem is real, it is present and needs to be addressed. Got other suggestions? Glad to hear them. Just don't spout off the Mr. Obvious comments and insult our intelligence. Suggest something workable.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure a lot of these little dexers run around with scripts but their scripts don't do anything you can't do by hand anyways.
A lot?


There's a few who use the scripts and the scripts handicap what they can do...

if a lot of people are using 'scripts' then killing them should be even easier.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been actively PvPing in this game for 12 years, let's not make noob assumptions. There are very few of the top PvP groups across the life of UO that I have not been part of or am currently a part of. I am fully qualified to put forth an intelligent observation when it comes to this field, and I have.

History has shown us that trying to take a thread off track shows you are simply trying to maintain status quo or have no clue and thusly can not argue a point intelligently.

The issue is real and the arguments I have seen so far are without merit.

We need a flat timer placed on all pots. I will concede a lesser timer on cures but even they need a timer. I propose 20 seconds on all but cures, which can be 10 seconds. Anyone who can not survive a fight without the sole use of pots is no pvper, Software should NOT be considered a pvp skill.

Come on Draconi..someone..let us know if we can expect your help. We need a solution and it needs to not take years.


I have been actively PvPing in this game for 12 years, let's not make noob assumptions. There are very few of the top PvP groups across the life of UO that I have not been part of or am currently a part of. I am fully qualified to put forth an intelligent observation when it comes to this field, and I have.

History has shown us that trying to take a thread off track shows you are simply trying to maintain status quo or have no clue and thusly can not argue a point intelligently.

The issue is real and the arguments I have seen so far are without merit.

We need a flat timer placed on all pots. I will concede a lesser timer on cures but even they need a timer. I propose 20 seconds on all but cures, which can be 10 seconds. Anyone who can not survive a fight without the sole use of pots is no pvper, Software should NOT be considered a pvp skill.

Come on Draconi..someone..let us know if we can expect your help. We need a solution and it needs to not take years.
Hmm then my assumptions might be correct. You are a pvp not a pvm matter fact you barely deal with much pvm. Have 1 character that you use to pvp in siege that being a mage hybrid or you are in the production shards and have only mostly red and mage characters. Maybe have 1 dexter that you never use if any. And underneath it all it sounds like this is a mage vs dexter rant. Ok then if I am to agree with youre proposal seemingly is because pots somehow get chug too quickly automaticaly which of course cannot beat macros and hot keys on gaming mouses and actually hinder everything but either way if I am to agree with you because of this reason then the reason extends to automatic mage heals so a 20 second proposal to all type of heals including magery,chiv,bushido,ss should be added to balance it with the new timer on heals.
I must add also poison should not be able to be used on a enemy for 20 sec as well after the first one is used:) there that should cover it. Now if you agree to these modification then i will agree to yours. Of course this will make most heal hot keys useless and scripts more useful as they can time the second when you can heal again but oh well. Also as I have at least one of each character it will effect me in everyway but oh well.
If this is not agrreable then how can you achieve balance if you nerf one type of healing and don't nerf the others?
As again this is really a mage vs dexter subject using a outside cause to derail the truth.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been actively PvPing in this game for 12 years, let's not make noob assumptions. There are very few of the top PvP groups across the life of UO that I have not been part of or am currently a part of. I am fully qualified to put forth an intelligent observation when it comes to this field, and I have.
I, myself have been PvPing for 12 years at the very top level. Your 3rd party program assumptions (with pots, apples and the like) make me question your claims here. If you really are a PvPer and one who's been around for 12 years... then you'd know scripting yields no advantage in PvP. In fact... it hinders players more than anything. Only total newbs who aren't good at PvP to begin with would think that scripting in PvP is at all useful.

Just because you say you are qualified, doesn't make it so. Especially when you turn around post something contradictive to that claim.

We need a flat timer placed on all pots. I will concede a lesser timer on cures but even they need a timer. I propose 20 seconds on all but cures, which can be 10 seconds. Anyone who can not survive a fight without the sole use of pots is no pvper, Software should NOT be considered a pvp skill.
We do not need a flat timer placed on all pots. The way pots work now is fine. Software has nothing to do with it. I'll concede that the sheer number of pots players can carry is more of a problem than the way they are used. Stacks of 60+ GCs and so forth are a bit much... almost nullifies the idea of a 'finite' resource (kinda like 100% LRC.)

But, again. Software has nothing to do with the issue you are complaining about. 12 years of PvP experience eh? Sure sounds like newb-talk to me.



Not that I agree with anyone here, but I will make a few "obvious" observations.

First observation, to everyone saying what a third party program can and can not do, this would have to entail that you both use the said program and have a vast programming knowledge to assume its best abilities.

After making that observation it is then safe to say "why do you use it if it can not do things the same as by hand?" (getting obvious huh?)

Now lets assume neither of those two statements are true, in which case you can not judge what a 3rd party program can or can not do, this leading to all your statements being false (both the ones saying it can and the ones saying it can not)

With that as our base I would like to add one more thing, while with poor coding a 3rd party program can "hinder" things, it really can only "hinder" outside influences (i.e. YOU) so if you let it run all on its own (I'm not really FULLY familiar with the pot timers....so i wont say this is a 100pct thing, but we are being speculatory anyway) if there was one person attacking it, it could in fact keep a person alive through a full assault until "you" tried to do something that actually is "hindering" it. so....in reality using such a program would take a "slight" bit of skill (knowing when not to mess with things) or no skill at all. in fact with good coding it would not be a hindrance at all as it would "end" if anything got in the way and tell you and you can hot-key to start it again once YOU the hindrance are finished hindering it.

None of the above has anything to do with UO mind you, and I can not lay any claims to my first two statements thus really making me as ignorant as everyone else here. but again...if you KNOW how it works...then you have to have intricate knowledge of it...and thus raise the question of "why use it" (by the way cure pots do basically make poisoning a useless skill to have) but seeing as how I don't use any one solid template, I have gone on to far with this as is...only wanted to make an observation and ended up explaining *sighs* oh well, flame away I suppose.


I, myself have been PvPing for 12 years at the very top level. Your 3rd party program assumptions (with pots, apples and the like) make me question your claims here. If you really are a PvPer and one who's been around for 12 years... then you'd know scripting yields no advantage in PvP. In fact... it hinders players more than anything. Only total newbs who aren't good at PvP to begin with would think that scripting in PvP is at all useful.

Just because you say you are qualified, doesn't make it so. Especially when you turn around post something contradictive to that claim.

We do not need a flat timer placed on all pots. The way pots work now is fine. Software has nothing to do with it. I'll concede that the sheer number of pots players can carry is more of a problem than the way they are used. Stacks of 60+ GCs and so forth are a bit much... almost nullifies the idea of a 'finite' resource (kinda like 100% LRC.)

But, again. Software has nothing to do with the issue you are complaining about. 12 years of PvP experience eh? Sure sounds like newb-talk to me.

I agree with that last part. I have always said that potions should be on a 'slot' type design and not a 'carry kegs full around to fight' type design. Its not perfect but it makes little sense to see someone running around with 4 or more kegs strapped to their backs while riding their horse and fighting (yes, I know that's not what they do). heh

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Changing cure and refresh is a horrible idea. 10 seconds before you could cure? Yea Okay get a dexer spamming infection strike with a fireball on their wep, and you're telling me that's fair to a mage lol?

The refresh is just as bad, mace fighting pain spike, pets that hit hard, a lot of things can instantly stam you out, and players should what? Just take that because you think they are some how over powered?

It would be better if pvp efforts were focused on things that would make a difference. Firebreath being balanced, trapped boxes doing a minimum of 20 damage, hitting someone in stealth actually revealing them[instead of hitting them with 3 ms and they don't reveal]. There's other things that would be more beneifical in pvp than making poisoning/mace fighting/and pain spike absurdly over powered.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with that last part. I have always said that potions should be on a 'slot' type design and not a 'carry kegs full around to fight' type design. Its not perfect but it makes little sense to see someone running around with 4 or more kegs strapped to their backs while riding their horse and fighting (yes, I know that's not what they do). heh
If they doubled the weight (stones) of individual potions... that would probably be best.

Right now, using kegs is pointless. 1 keg = 100stones. 100 potions = 100stones.

I wonder why it's easier to carry 100 individual items rather 1 keg... especially if you take into consideration that 1keg + 100empty bottles ways waaaaaaaaaaay more than 100 straight potions.


Cloak‡1257565 said:
Not that I agree with anyone here, but I will make a few "obvious" observations.

First observation, to everyone saying what a third party program can and can not do, this would have to entail that you both use the said program and have a vast programming knowledge to assume its best abilities.

After making that observation it is then safe to say "why do you use it if it can not do things the same as by hand?" (getting obvious huh?)

Now lets assume neither of those two statements are true, in which case you can not judge what a 3rd party program can or can not do, this leading to all your statements being false (both the ones saying it can and the ones saying it can not)

With that as our base I would like to add one more thing, while with poor coding a 3rd party program can "hinder" things, it really can only "hinder" outside influences (i.e. YOU) so if you let it run all on its own (I'm not really FULLY familiar with the pot timers....so i wont say this is a 100pct thing, but we are being speculatory anyway) if there was one person attacking it, it could in fact keep a person alive through a full assault until "you" tried to do something that actually is "hindering" it. so....in reality using such a program would take a "slight" bit of skill (knowing when not to mess with things) or no skill at all. in fact with good coding it would not be a hindrance at all as it would "end" if anything got in the way and tell you and you can hot-key to start it again once YOU the hindrance are finished hindering it.

None of the above has anything to do with UO mind you, and I can not lay any claims to my first two statements thus really making me as ignorant as everyone else here. but again...if you KNOW how it works...then you have to have intricate knowledge of it...and thus raise the question of "why use it" (by the way cure pots do basically make poisoning a useless skill to have) but seeing as how I don't use any one solid template, I have gone on to far with this as is...only wanted to make an observation and ended up explaining *sighs* oh well, flame away I suppose.
That's just stupid, there are A LOT of people here that know programming and don't script and know how scripting works. For some reason, UO has always attracked the geek type. Now how a program works is simple all you have to do is learn the syntax of a particular language and off you go.

if(posioned) {
drink cure potion
if(hitpoint < maxpoints && (timer >= lasthealing + timetoheal)) {
apply bandage
if (hitpoint < potionhitpoints && (timer >= lastpot + timetopotl)) {
drink heal potion
if (stamina < targetstamina) {
drink refresh

That's very simplified and wouldn't really work in any language as is, but is just for an example how ANY programming basicly works.

You act like 3rd party scripting is some very mysterious thing that can't be understood unless you do it. That's either just really nieve, or some really lame defence of 3rd party scripting.


Give us some help here.

Please do a mini patch or something and add a much longer timer on all pots. The assorted pot chugging/ bandie applying/ petal chomping/ apple eating/ trap box popper/ etc. scripts make some folks close to God mode. It has gotten completely insane and out of hand in the PvP world. Worse is that you well know this and stand by doing nothing.

We really and truly need something sooner rather than later. SA is all well and good but we need help NOW.

Look...just a mini patch doubling the existing pot timer and putting the same timers on pots like total refresh and cures. This would balance out more in the PvP world than anything else you could do, at this time.

It does not call for a huge coding need as well, use the existing code, add a couple of the same little sub routines for the cures and total refreshes and change the values for times to a much higher level..like 30 seconds for any pot re-use, at a minimum.

If you simply can't beat the script automation, just increase the timers as a stop gap measure until you work something out for a permanent fix.

While you're at it..we could use a change the recharge timer on Ward removal talismans from 1200 to...oh..10 secs??? They are completely useless when someone can just cast the buff again.

Please...give us some help!! We are all desperate here.

Thank you for your time.
rofl it isn't a script people are running..it's omg noo uoassist.some people should just stick with pvm=[


rofl it isn't a script people are running..it's omg noo uoassist.some people should just stick with pvm=[
It's rarely UOassist in PVP, because UOassist will lock out one cycle if you misstime the use of a macro, and no one is that good at timing. Even UO macros are much better for spells and healing, although they don't let you use potions.

UO assist is better for small repeative tasks like in crafting, like use shovel and mine there. Although the ability to use it to mount is nice.


It's rarely UOassist in PVP, because UOassist will lock out one cycle if you misstime the use of a macro, and no one is that good at timing. Even UO macros are much better for spells and healing, although they don't let you use potions.

UO assist is better for small repeative tasks like in crafting, like use shovel and mine there. Although the ability to use it to mount is nice.
Not macros there hotkeys. assigning a specific tast to each button on and wheel on a gaming mouse. You just can't beat that.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
rofl it isn't a script people are running..it's omg noo uoassist.some people should just stick with pvm=[
Good heavens, you just plain don't pvp at all do you. It is quite obvious from your response. If you do any pvp, I am sure most folks on your shard denigrate you daily because you die way to often.

Ok, here is the kicker.

I run the same multi task scripts that 95% of all PvPers run. I play dexers of all kinds, tamers, mages, necros, spellweavers, thieves, crafters etc.. I can honestly say that on my spellweaving templates..with buffs and the script running. I can only be killed by a huge gank. If someone uses a ward removal tali on me..I just disappear until I can cast my buffs again. It takes their tali twice as long to recharge as it does for me to recast. By the time their tali is recharged, I have easily killed them and moved on to something or someone else.

There is not a single player that can take me down, end of story, when I am running full bore. I ping 30 to my chosen shard. I cant be poisoned, I cant be paralyzed (except by nerve strike which is a joke), I can be mortal struck once but after my software chews down my apple, you are NOT going to get a 2nd mortal on me. I would just Spirit Speak through it anyways. I am full healed 95% of the time before the next attack can even be launched. I have pretty much stopped playing those templates unless I need to go in and wipe out several people by myself, in which case I do not hesitate.

It is just plain boring. It IS pure God mode in UO and unbeatable. It is God mode because of the excellent multi task scripts that are available to absolutely everyone, and most all in the PvP world use them. If you even remotely think they don't, you are deluding yourself. To those who spout off "Oh, it's a hot key / it's uoa...you are a freaking joke or just plain out lying for whatever reason. I have used those too, for years..and it does not even come CLOSE to what good, tweaked for your connection, auto script does. Just try using those archaic means against me in a fight and I will be collecting your gold easily. The only folks who give me any trouble are those running the same templates and software I do. If you aren't, you are going to die to me, and that is a plain up straight fact.

As discussed before, Mythic can not beat the scripts without a completely different client with protections built in. A new client will simply be overrun in a matter of days..hours likely. Mythic is not going to do what they need, as far as a client goes. they just don't have either the money to spend or the intellectual pool to draw from, whatever.

So, you have to look at other avenues. Flat timers are the cheap way to go, but they are also very stable. Software can not get around a flat timer. If you also need to put a timer on infectious strike specials..so be it, but it starts with adjusting pots in a very serious way...ALL of them.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At the OP - Stop crying

How hard is it to push a cure button? Sure a lot of these little dexers run around with scripts but their scripts don't do anything you can't do by hand anyways.

And adding a timer would be balanced? R U SRS? If you add a timer to cure pots do you even realize how OP poison dexers will be?

Pots are fine as they are, and no diminishing returns ever needs to take place.
Since when are people faster than a script? When your a mage scripts will not help a whole lot, when your a dexer scripts can help a great deal, Mages have to stop to cast witch can hurt you if it decides its time to heal, dexers can heal,chug,pop box,eat apple exc exc all while on the run. if you set the script to do these things at a certain % or instance and written by a good programmer it could easily put a dexer in "god mode" .


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
You probably underestimate the effort of finding, changing, testing and troubleshooting the appropriate lines of code, not to mention looking into the whole balancing issues that inevitable will arise.
This is why a new client is necessary.

Right now, the code of the 2D client is a patchwork of ten years of code lines. The way one programmed 15 years ago is not the same as today; this makes it difficult sometimes for the devs to just find where the change must be applied and if this change doesn't have unexpected results.

The original client wasn't supposed to last so long, so the original programmers probably didn't code it having its maintenance as main concern. this was the dev's burden during the last decade.

Beleg Megil

I have been actively PvPing in this game for 12 years, let's not make noob assumptions. There are very few of the top PvP groups across the life of UO that I have not been part of or am currently a part of. I am fully qualified to put forth an intelligent observation when it comes to this field, and I have.

History has shown us that trying to take a thread off track shows you are simply trying to maintain status quo or have no clue and thusly can not argue a point intelligently.

The issue is real and the arguments I have seen so far are without merit.

We need a flat timer placed on all pots. I will concede a lesser timer on cures but even they need a timer. I propose 20 seconds on all but cures, which can be 10 seconds. Anyone who can not survive a fight without the sole use of pots is no pvper, Software should NOT be considered a pvp skill.

Come on Draconi..someone..let us know if we can expect your help. We need a solution and it needs to not take years.
So you are effectively insulting everyone that doesn't agree with you? I'm pretty sure, and yes I am supposing, that your opinion is that anyone that can beat you must be using a cheat. I know the type because I have been here 12 years too. Not on and off. The whole time. You will get beat. Deal with it and quit trying to legislate play styles.

Cheats are the problem, not timers. Period.

Beleg Megil

There is not a single player that can take me down, end of story, when I am running full bore..

Ah. So you got beat, so you think it must be a cheat and if its not, the game must be changed so you can win. Got it.

Moving on.


Good heavens, you just plain don't pvp at all do you. It is quite obvious from your response. If you do any pvp, I am sure most folks on your shard denigrate you daily because you die way to often.

Ok, here is the kicker.

I run the same multi task scripts that 95% of all PvPers run. I play dexers of all kinds, tamers, mages, necros, spellweavers, thieves, crafters etc.. I can honestly say that on my spellweaving templates..with buffs and the script running. I can only be killed by a huge gank. If someone uses a ward removal tali on me..I just disappear until I can cast my buffs again. It takes their tali twice as long to recharge as it does for me to recast. By the time their tali is recharged, I have easily killed them and moved on to something or someone else.

There is not a single player that can take me down, end of story, when I am running full bore. I ping 30 to my chosen shard. I cant be poisoned, I cant be paralyzed (except by nerve strike which is a joke), I can be mortal struck once but after my software chews down my apple, you are NOT going to get a 2nd mortal on me. I would just Spirit Speak through it anyways. I am full healed 95% of the time before the next attack can even be launched. I have pretty much stopped playing those templates unless I need to go in and wipe out several people by myself, in which case I do not hesitate.

It is just plain boring. It IS pure God mode in UO and unbeatable. It is God mode because of the excellent multi task scripts that are available to absolutely everyone, and most all in the PvP world use them. If you even remotely think they don't, you are deluding yourself. To those who spout off "Oh, it's a hot key / it's uoa...you are a freaking joke or just plain out lying for whatever reason. I have used those too, for years..and it does not even come CLOSE to what good, tweaked for your connection, auto script does. Just try using those archaic means against me in a fight and I will be collecting your gold easily. The only folks who give me any trouble are those running the same templates and software I do. If you aren't, you are going to die to me, and that is a plain up straight fact.

As discussed before, Mythic can not beat the scripts without a completely different client with protections built in. A new client will simply be overrun in a matter of days..hours likely. Mythic is not going to do what they need, as far as a client goes. they just don't have either the money to spend or the intellectual pool to draw from, whatever.

So, you have to look at other avenues. Flat timers are the cheap way to go, but they are also very stable. Software can not get around a flat timer. If you also need to put a timer on infectious strike specials..so be it, but it starts with adjusting pots in a very serious way...ALL of them.
na i don't ever pvp all my chars but my crafters are red..any real pvper wouldn't use a script for heal etc.i can use apples and pots better then a script its called timing.if you really pvped you would know scripts hinder you more then helping.if you can kill anybody then you must play a dead shard with ****ty pvpers.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good heavens, you just plain don't pvp at all do you. It is quite obvious from your response. If you do any pvp, I am sure most folks on your shard denigrate you daily because you die way to often.

Ok, here is the kicker.

I run the same multi task scripts that 95% of all PvPers run. I play dexers of all kinds, tamers, mages, necros, spellweavers, thieves, crafters etc.. I can honestly say that on my spellweaving templates..with buffs and the script running. I can only be killed by a huge gank. If someone uses a ward removal tali on me..I just disappear until I can cast my buffs again. It takes their tali twice as long to recharge as it does for me to recast. By the time their tali is recharged, I have easily killed them and moved on to something or someone else.

There is not a single player that can take me down, end of story, when I am running full bore. I ping 30 to my chosen shard. I cant be poisoned, I cant be paralyzed (except by nerve strike which is a joke), I can be mortal struck once but after my software chews down my apple, you are NOT going to get a 2nd mortal on me. I would just Spirit Speak through it anyways. I am full healed 95% of the time before the next attack can even be launched. I have pretty much stopped playing those templates unless I need to go in and wipe out several people by myself, in which case I do not hesitate.

It is just plain boring. It IS pure God mode in UO and unbeatable. It is God mode because of the excellent multi task scripts that are available to absolutely everyone, and most all in the PvP world use them. If you even remotely think they don't, you are deluding yourself. To those who spout off "Oh, it's a hot key / it's uoa...you are a freaking joke or just plain out lying for whatever reason. I have used those too, for years..and it does not even come CLOSE to what good, tweaked for your connection, auto script does. Just try using those archaic means against me in a fight and I will be collecting your gold easily. The only folks who give me any trouble are those running the same templates and software I do. If you aren't, you are going to die to me, and that is a plain up straight fact.

As discussed before, Mythic can not beat the scripts without a completely different client with protections built in. A new client will simply be overrun in a matter of days..hours likely. Mythic is not going to do what they need, as far as a client goes. they just don't have either the money to spend or the intellectual pool to draw from, whatever.

So, you have to look at other avenues. Flat timers are the cheap way to go, but they are also very stable. Software can not get around a flat timer. If you also need to put a timer on infectious strike specials..so be it, but it starts with adjusting pots in a very serious way...ALL of them.
Hi there! Please transfer to Europa and lets see just how unbeatable your scripts are 1vs1 :)

EDIT: Just because YOU are double whopper with cheese in PvP without your scripts doesn't mean everyone is.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is not a single player that can take me down, end of story, when I am running full bore. I ping 30 to my chosen shard. I cant be poisoned, I cant be paralyzed (except by nerve strike which is a joke), I can be mortal struck once but after my software chews down my apple, you are NOT going to get a 2nd mortal on me. I would just Spirit Speak through it anyways. I am full healed 95% of the time before the next attack can even be launched. I have pretty much stopped playing those templates unless I need to go in and wipe out several people by myself, in which case I do not hesitate.

you actually SCRIPT in PvP!?!?!?!

you're a freaking NEWB!


PvP at the top level? Man I just don't believe ANYTHING you say at this point.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At the OP - Stop crying

How hard is it to push a cure button? Sure a lot of these little dexers run around with scripts but their scripts don't do anything you can't do by hand anyways.

And adding a timer would be balanced? R U SRS? If you add a timer to cure pots do you even realize how OP poison dexers will be?

Pots are fine as they are, and no diminishing returns ever needs to take place.
Since when are people faster than a script? When your a mage scripts will not help a whole lot, when your a dexer scripts can help a great deal, Mages have to stop to cast witch can hurt you if it decides its time to heal, dexers can heal,chug,pop box,eat apple exc exc all while on the run. if you set the script to do these things at a certain % or instance and written by a good programmer it could easily put a dexer in "god mode" .
Timing. Saving chugging that apple because if someone curses me, a strangle may follow right after... or a mortal. Also holding my cures (because there is a 10+ year old trick that I and others still use... cast greater heal and then hit the cure pot macro before the cursor comes up... viola.

Even on a dexer... timing, timing... timing. When to chug the pots, when to hit my eat apple UOA macro, when to apply aids and when to hold off on doing any one or all of those things.

Each situation needs to be read, understood and a unique application of your resources applied.

A script is also a pre-programmed response. It is the same reason that fighting a monster will NEVER compare to fighting a person.

Please don't buy into this newb-talk that people are scripting... sure, maybe some are... but no one half-way decent at pvp scripts. Anyone that tells you otherwise, is lying and no where near half decent.



Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my opinion, every single day people accuse others of cheating only because they died to them and cannot handle that very fact.

Instead of analyzing what they could have done different in the fight, they are more than happy to blame their loss on hacks/scripts/templates. I never had any difficulty with killing people who admitted to cheating without cheating myself. Yet, I was definitely accused often of cheating simply because I killed the other person in a fight or did something different that confused the crap out of them.

I think it is just the people who are too lazy to play the game without cheating thinking that everyone else must be like them as well. I don't think that rules should be changed at the whims of such.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my opinion, every single day people accuse others of cheating only because they died to them and cannot handle that very fact.

Instead of analyzing what they could have done different in the fight, they are more than happy to blame their loss on hacks/scripts/templates. I never had any difficulty with killing people who admitted to cheating without cheating myself. Yet, I was definitely accused often of cheating simply because I killed the other person in a fight or did something different that confused the crap out of them.

I think it is just the people who are too lazy to play the game without cheating thinking that everyone else must be like them as well. I don't think that rules should be changed at the whims of such.
QFT :thumbsup:


That's just stupid, there are A LOT of people here that know programming and don't script and know how scripting works. For some reason, UO has always attracked the geek type. Now how a program works is simple all you have to do is learn the syntax of a particular language and off you go.

if(posioned) {
drink cure potion
if(hitpoint < maxpoints && (timer >= lasthealing + timetoheal)) {
apply bandage
if (hitpoint < potionhitpoints && (timer >= lastpot + timetopotl)) {
drink heal potion
if (stamina < targetstamina) {
drink refresh

That's very simplified and wouldn't really work in any language as is, but is just for an example how ANY programming basicly works.

You act like 3rd party scripting is some very mysterious thing that can't be understood unless you do it. That's either just really nieve, or some really lame defence of 3rd party scripting.
If you understand programming then you would have understood what i said. You can not know how something will react in an environment with out testing it out (do you think QA testing in programming is for fun?) honestly, its not naive nor defensive since i don't agree with anyone saying what it can or can not do, since i have not tried to do it personally i don't know if it would react the way i *THINK* it would, at the same time I'm also very sure a good programmer can in fact make a script that would have nearly no hindrance to them (as i stated, thus giving everyone who scripts the benefit of the doubt that they all know how to program and well) My status had nothing to do with anything being mysterious it was a fact. you have to in fact test something in programming to know what it will do. so if you HAVE done it, and it did or didn't work, does it really matter? my point was "why do it in the first place". I don't even know how you concluded that i assumed people didn't know things when in fact my entire post would imply they did (as i didn't explain the part where in programming you have to test it to know it "wont" work). Heh, i think i mentioned this in my last post as well but "flame on"

and I must agree, people who cheat lose to people who don't cheat, people who don't cheat also lose to people who do cheat, fact is you lost because you lacked the skill to kill that person in 'THEIR' element, change tactics go back try again. enjoy the good fight and have a good time everyone


It was fun to be in the Vent server of some of the posters here that claim they dont cheat and listen to the tech details about running speeders and twiking the scripts to max performance...

WidowMaker... on Drachs there was a guild that would cast flamestrike and hit us when we came in range... 6-7 flamestrikes on the same target. After we got 7 jamies on the battlefield... that same guild would consistently lose connection and would die in a matter of seconds... ultimately they left Drachs, beaten by a name... jamie.

What was going on?
They were using a targetting script... the multiple names made them lose connection or freeze... or most of the times attack the wrong target.

The cheats are real...

" PvP, Fighting and Survival (69) "

Many times I wonder if the veterans here claim they dont use anything... or are just keeping a mask. No offense to the majority but I have been in vent with some of you... and here you post like angelic seraphims while on your guild boards the script folder is packed...



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my opinion, every single day people accuse others of cheating only because they died to them and cannot handle that very fact.

Instead of analyzing what they could have done different in the fight, they are more than happy to blame their loss on hacks/scripts/templates. I never had any difficulty with killing people who admitted to cheating without cheating myself. Yet, I was definitely accused often of cheating simply because I killed the other person in a fight or did something different that confused the crap out of them.

I think it is just the people who are too lazy to play the game without cheating thinking that everyone else must be like them as well. I don't think that rules should be changed at the whims of such.
I just got accused for having a cheat which caused my Poison spell to go through most of the time (no, I'm not kidding).


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Many times I wonder if the veterans here claim they dont use anything... or are just keeping a mask. No offense to the majority but I have been in vent with some of you... and here you post like angelic seraphims while on your guild boards the script folder is packed...

Your experiences do not reflect on the player base but just the people you choose to hang out with.